Assessor Report JanMitram Kalyan Samiti

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  • 7/29/2019 Assessor Report JanMitram Kalyan Samiti


    Form i : Assessor checklist

    Name of the NGO:__________________________________________________

    Applied for Minimum Norms / Desirable Norms

    Complying for Minimum Norms / Desirable Norms(To be filled by Assessor COMPULSORILY)

    Please mark Yes if VO is complying with the norm, NO if it does not comply and N. A ifsomething is not applicable the with organisation.

    S.No. Norm Yes No N.AMINIMUM NORMS

    IDENTITY1 The organisation is registered as a Trust/Society/Section

    25 of Company Act.

    2 Registration documents of the organisation are availableon request of anyone (general public).

    3 The physical address given by the organization isverifiable.


    4 A vision is articulated beyond the registrationdocuments, which drives the organisation.

    5 The organisation has a defined set of aims andobjectives.

    6 The organisation is able to show performance through

    defined indicators, that it uses to measure itsperformance against its stated objectives.

    GOVERNANCE8 The organisation has a Governing Board, by whatever

    name called.

    9 The organisation discloses name, address, gender,occupation and position of its Board members.

    10 Number of board members drawing remuneration(salary/honorarium/sitting fees/professional fees) is lessthan 50% None of them received Honorarium asBoard member But as Staff

    11 Do the VO follow their own rules & regulations/ by-laws in respect of following:

    a) Number of board meeting b) Quorum of board meeting c) Quorum of AGM d) VO hold AGM within 6 months of their day of

  • 7/29/2019 Assessor Report JanMitram Kalyan Samiti


    closing financial year. AGM Held on 31.10.2012e) Notice period of conducting/of board meeting. f) Notice period of conducting/of AGM.

    12 Minutes of the Board meetings are documented andcirculated amongst the board members.

    13 The Board approves:a) Programmes b) Budgets c) Annual activity reports d) Audited financial statements

    OPERATIONS14 Activities are in line with the vision and aims/objectives

    of the organization.

    15 The organisation periodically reviews progress ofprogrammes.

    16 The accounts of the organisation are regularly

    maintained and those with an annual income above Rs.50,000/- are audited by a chartered account.

    17 Roles and responsibilities are reasonably defined forPersonnel (Staff and Volunteer).

    18 All paid personnel are issued letters of contract /appointment.

    19 All non paid personnel / volunteers are issues lettersdescribing their roles and responsibilities.

    20 Appropriate Personnel Policy is in place. ACCOUNTABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY

    21 Signed audited statements are available:

    a) Balance sheet b) Income and expenditure statement c) Receipts and payments account d) Schedules to these (above stated) e) Notes on accounts f) The statutory auditors report.

    22 There are no adverse notes in the audit report. 23 As per the auditors report, there are no material

    transactions involving conflict of interest between aBoard or staff member and the organisation.

    24 The organisations Annual Report is disseminated /communicated to the community and others and is madeavailable on request every year, within 8 months of theend of the organizations financial year.

    25 The Annual Report must contain information on theBoard members names, position in the Board,remuneration or reimbursement, objectives anddescription of main activities, a review of the progress

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    and results achieved in the year and brief financialdetails (Please mention yes or no specifically againsteach of the following items:-

    A Abridged balance sheet B Abridged income and expenditure statement

    C Abridged statement of receipts during the year DESIRABLE NORMS(Please fill this portion If organization has applied for DESIRABLENORMS)

    GOVERNANCE1 At least 2/3 of Board members are unrelated by blood or


    2 A Board Rotation Policy exists and is practiced. ACCOUNTABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY

    3 Distribution of staff, according to salary levels andgender break-up should be disclosed in the Annual


    4 Annual Report discloses the total cost of internationaltravel by all personnel (including volunteers) segregating those borne by the organisation and thosethat were sponsored, along with the names anddesignations of the persons who travelled and thepurpose(s) of travel.

    5 Organisation has included details of air travelundertaken within the country.

    Name of Assessor Tridib Reeves

    Signature of Assessor Date: 06.02,2013

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    Form ii: Assessor Feedback Form


    1. Assessors are advised to familiarize themselves with the questions of feedback report

    before they commence a visit.2. Please answer all questions.3. Please do not use ANY abbreviations in the report.4. Please do not delete any question from this format, the format has been prepared after

    due consideration of the accreditation process and every piece of information asked for isrelevant/ important.

    5. Please do not fill up the report in capital or block letters.6. Section A and Section C is to be filled up, if the VO has applied for accreditation under

    minimum norms.7. Section A, Section B & Section C are to be filled up if the VO has applied for

    accreditation under desirable norms.

    8. Always use updated form which has been sending to along with assessor letter(assignment).

    9. Please collect all the photocopy of the relevant whichever is verified by you from theoriginal documents.

    10. Please stick to the plan which has been developed by VO & approved by CredibilityAlliance.

    11. While visiting the programs/ activities, please ensure that you meet 2-3 beneficiaries alsoactivity/ programs and take their opinion, record it details of beneficiaries in the report.

    12. Please ask about the funding agency which has sponsored/ supported theproject/programs/activities which have visited. Kindly see utilization certificate of thesame project. Whether financial agency is satisfaction with project& any appreciation

    letter is issued, kindly verified that also.13. Please submit your report in 5 working days as mentioned in your contract. So thataccreditation process can take place.

    14. Please submit your all bill (in originals) after submitting report in soft copy. Please fillcomplete form of claim, do not leave any column.

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    Section A

    Name of the VO: Janmitram Kalyan Samiti______

    Applied for_____Desierable_____________________________________

    (Please mention which type of norms minimum or desirable the VO has applied for)Complying for __Desirable______________________________________

    (Based on your assessment, please mention which type of norms minimum or desirablethe VO is complying with)

    Visit Dates: 3rd & 4th February, 2013Name of Assessor: Tridib ReevesAssessors contact details-Email: tridib reevesWebsite:

    Ph.No: 9477243209Acronym / abbreviations (if any): Jan MitramRegistered Address of the VO: JanMitram House, Indian School Road, Kelo Vihar,Raigarh, Pin : 469001, ChhattisgarhCommunication/Head office Address: Same as above

    Visited Project office (place/Name): 1. Baihamuda/RISA(Regional Integrated ShelacAssociation, 2. Bada Gumrah / Self Help Group, 3. Chota Gumrah / Women engaged inproducing materials out of lac. 4. Baruna Kunda/ Farmers Group 5. Baruna Kunda / Farmland

    Persons interviewed:No Name Designation Date of

    interviewPlace of interview

    1 Ramakant Padhi Governing BodyMember and Staff

    3rd & 4th Field andRegistered Office

    2 Bharthari Jaiswal Same as above Same asabove

    Same as above

    3 Chandrasekhar Thakur Assistant Manager,RISA

    3rd Feb Field

    4 Ms. Mahima Gupta Beneficiary(Handicraft)

    3rd Feb Field

    5 Ms. Amilo Gupta Do Do Do6. Ms. Rajkumar Do (SHG) Do Do7. Ms. Sumati Sidar Do Do Do8 Mahesharam Rathia Do (Farmer) Do Do9 Himalaya Rathia Do Do Do10 Manish Singh Secretary & Staff 3rd Hotel Shringar

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    11 Ms. Kusum Sahoo Member & Staff Regd.Office


    12. Ravi Kant Meena Treasurer & Staff Do Do13. Kripal Singh Sidar Member & Staff Do Do14. Dr. Mukesh Goswami President & Staff Do Do

    15. Ramji Dansena Driver Do Do

    The organisation is located in: ( Please Tick Mark)UrbanSemi-urbanMetropolitanRural

    Place of Operations : Raigarh District

    Communities with whom the organisation works with: Tribal, Scheduled Caste, Women,Farmers

    Geographic focus of Activities: (Please )

    Local(within theState)

    Regional(more than 1 state ina region)

    National(more than 5states)

    International(implies based inIndia but havingwork outside Indiaalso)

    Year of Organisation Creation: 2002Year of Organisation Registration: 2002Place (State) of registration: ChhattisgarhType of registration (please tick whichever is applicable)

    a. Society b. Trustc. Section 25 company

    Total income, receipts (receipts is the total money received by a VO in a year) &expenditure of the VO in last three years (as per audited accounts). If 2010-11 audit hasbeen completed, please mention total income and expenditure for 2010-11, 2009-10 &2008-09

    2011-12 2010-11 2009-2010Total Income 9720236.00 16753614.24 16020221.00

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    Total Receipts 11604178.79 18767018.29 16020221.00Total Expenditure 6975586.00 14177789.5 15400068.00

    Please state below the major donors of the VO (at most 3 donors in each categoryinternational & national)

    a. International : No Foreign Fund Received in 2010-12. And in 2009-10 no otherforeign fund received except FVTRS-Caritas

    FUNDS RECEIVED 2011-12 2010-11 2009-2010

    FVTRS Caritas India 133750.00

    International donor 2

    International donor 3International donor 4International donor 5

    b. National :

    FUNDS RECEIVED 2011-12 2010-11 2009-2010

    DRDA 40,47,200.0069,40,850.00 98,92,810.00

    NABARD 21,41,337.0090,93,000.001,07,82,957.00

    State Medicinal Plan Board (SMPB) 85,000.00 10,55,458.00National donor 4

    National donor 5

    Paid staffa. Full-time (Please mention how many full time staff are engaged by the VO, as on

    date of assessment) 58b. Part-time (Please mention how many part time staff are engaged by the VO, as on

    date of assessment) 14Number of Volunteers (Please mention how many non paid personnel are engaged by theVO, as on date of assessment)Did the NGO present all documents to substantiate the information filled in theassessment form?

    YES NO

    Documents verified by the assessor

    Document Name Yes / No/Notapplicable

    Trust Deed N ASociety Certificate Yes

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    Bye laws of the society/ Articles of Association/ Memorandum ofAssociation


    Section 25 Certificate of Incorporation from The Regional Director(E/S/N/W) Region)


    Permanent Account No. (PAN) Yes

    Tax Deduction Account No. (TAN) NoSection 12A YesFCRA (if VO receives foreign funds) Yes80G Yes35AC Not

    ApplicableIncome-tax returns filed with the Income-Tax department (for last threeyears)


    FC-3 returns for last three years (if VO receives foreign funds) YesStatutory Auditors Report (for last three years) YesBalance Sheet and Schedules (for last three years) Yes

    Income and Expenditure Statement and Schedules (for last three years) YesReceipts and Payments Account and Schedules/ Fund Flow Statementwith Schedules (for last three years)


    Notes on Accounts (for last three years) YesAnnual Report (for last three years) YesPersonnel Policy (appropriate as per the Board of the VO) Servicerules


    Any other (please specify) Organisational Manual Yes

    II. History of the organisationA group of young people who used to do some charitable work/social work in the community. Itwas not in a organized way and permanent in nature. They used to do it when it was needed.One of them was Mr. Manish Singh, Secretary at present. He was working with the departmentof Forest of Chhatisgarh. In one point of time he left the job to do more in favour of the peoplewhich was not possible within the given frame work then. Dr. Mukesh Goswami also a scholoron Forest and Agriculture with similar kind of mind set join hands with Mr. Manish and formedJanMitram Kalyan Samiti. At the beginning they though to have the name Ban(Forest) MitramSamiti. But to give a bigger dimension they changed it to JanMitram Kalyan Samiti in 2002.

    III. Observations about organisation:

    A. Identitya. VOs name as given in the accreditation form similar to the one as displayed on their

    Sign Board/Name Plates? (Please Answer Yes or No) Yes

    Ask people around (e.g. Building watchman) if they know where the organization islocated.

    b. The VO name as seen in their letterheads in office as well as in the files also similarto the one given in the accreditation form? (Please Answer Yes or No) Yes

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    c. Does the VO have any other name/acronym? (Please Answer Yes or No) Jan Mitramd. Do the other name/acronyms of the VO appear in the (Please Answer Yes or No for

    each of the items mentioned below)i. Original registration documents No

    ii. Correspondence done by the VO No

    iii. Signboards? Noe. Does the VO have any independently registered sister organizations? (Please AnswerYes or No) Yes

    i. If yes, please mention their name(s)Rural and Agriculture Venture Investment Autonomous Credit Cooperative LimitedJanMitram Marketing and Consultancy LimitedRaigarh Integrated Shelac Association

    _______________________________ii. If yes, are the names of such sister organisations, excluded from the applicant

    name in Accreditation form as well as other documents of the VO? (PleaseAnswer Yes or No) No

    f. Jurisdiction of organization mentioned in accreditation form matches with thosementioned by people met during the visit (Please Answer Yes or No) Yesg. Did you notice any discrepancy with respect to Identity as far as Credibility Alliance

    norms are concerned? NoOther sister organizations have registered separately under Cooperative Act 1999, CompaniesAct, and Companies Act under Section 25 of 1956.

    h. Please put comments (if any) in the box belowMembers of JanMitram Kalyan Samity are not the members of the other Sister Organisationsexcept the Secretary as simple member. JanMitram Kalyan Samiti relate with thoseorganizations more as facilator.

    B. Vision, Mission, Aims, Objectives and Achievementsa. The documents, Reports and displays of the vision, mission statements as seen in the

    VOs premises are similar to the ones as informed in the Accreditation form? (PleaseAnswer Yes or No) Yes

    b. Do the displays, personal discussions and field visits confirm the working area(issue) as informed by the VO? (Please Answer Yes or No) Yes

    c. Has the VO devised some measurable indicators to assess and monitor the progressand outputs of the programme? (Please Answer Yes or No) Yes

    d. Please fill the table below based on the programmes observed by you during yourvisit

    Name of theprogramme

    Progress inlast 6 months(Descriptive)

    QuantitativeIndicator ofprogress

    Progress in termsof indicator

    Frequencyofmonitoring theprogramme

    When wastheprogramme lastreviewed


    Promotionalactivity with

    1- 700members (70

    Awwareness createdand all the farmers

    Day 9th Dec2012

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    mobilizationcampaignwith thesupport of Janmitram

    and other Govt agencyTraining tothe SHGmember andfarmers onLac and alliedactivity.

    Groups )trainedwithin 6months

    2- 82SHGmembersengaged inLachandicraftwork afterselfmotivatedtraining

    3- Generate income ofRs 6.5 lacs intheirbusiness oflac products

    are engaged in laccultivationAll the trainedfarmers areinvolved to other

    farmer as Mastertrainer

    basedmonitoring by ProgOfficer

    Weeklymonitoring byProjectDirector

    MonthlyMonitoring ByBoard








    Gradingof SHG



    7 camps

    organized inthe villagelevel

    32 Groupsand 8 JLGformed inparticularVillage

    23 arelinked withbank

    30 groupsare engagedin income




    basedmonitoring by ProgOfficer

    Weeklymonitoring byProjectDirector

    MonthlyMonitoringBy Boardmember



  • 7/29/2019 Assessor Report JanMitram Kalyan Samiti


    generationactivity .

    TDF WADIProgramme

    Survivalof Hortiplants


    Intercropand hortidevelopment


    Kisan club


    ent of Village

    95% Survivalrate .

    200 familiesare benefitedthroughWell, Pumpand other Water

    sources .130 acre of

    land used forintercrop and2 crop

    LivelihoodSupport throughAgri and HortiDevelopment

    Daybasedmonitoring by ProgOfficer

    Weeklymonitoring by


    MonthlyMonitoringBy Boardmember

    9th Dec2012

    e. Do the programmes observed during the visit correlate with the ones mentioned bythe VO in its (Please Answer Yes or No for each of the items mentioned below)

    i. Registration documents? Yesii. Annual report? Yes

    iii. Accreditation form? Yesf. Did you notice any discrepancy with respect to Vision, Mission, Aims, Objectives

    and Achievements as far as Credibility Alliance norms are concerned?


    g. Please comment in the box below, the total observation, if any.As far as the Vision Mission, Objectives etc. are concerned, it seems the organization is verymuch focused on what they have said in their documents and what they are doing in actualsense. They have restricted themselves within the frame work.

    C. Governance

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    a. The information about Governing Body provided by VO in accreditation form whencross verified with the files and documents (minutes of board meetings, annualreport, change report filed to concerned authority (in case of change), MOA) at theVO found to be authentic? (Please Answer Yes or No) Yes

    b. If there is any inconsistency, please describe the same

    Two new Board Members i.e. Kripal Singh Sidar and Kusum Sahoo instead of Jeevan Bhagatand Sevati Gupta. It was done in the AGM held on 31.10.2012

    c. As per the documents of incorporation/registration, what is thei. Minimum number of members of the governing body 7

    ii. Maximum number of members of the governing body 7d. What is the current strength of the governing body of the VO (Please mention total

    number of members on the board)? 7e. What is the term used for governing body of the VO (it could be trust/governing

    council, etc.) Prabandh (Managing) Committeef. Are the board details displayed on (Please Answer Yes or No against each item

    mentioned below)i. Annual Report Yesii. Website Yes

    iii. Any other (Please specify)g. The Board details displayed at placed mentioned above include (Please Answer Yes

    or No against each item mentioned below)i. Name of the Board members Yes

    ii. Position in the Board Yesiii. Their age Yesiv. Gender Yesv. OccupationYes

    h. By interaction with the board members, account staff and going through the incometax report, it can be concluded that (please tick whatever applicable)

    i. None of the Board Members receive any remuneration(salary/honorarium/sitting fees/ professional fees/consultancy fees) from theVO in any capacity (None of them received any thing as Board Membersbut as staff they received honorarium)

    ii. If some members receive remuneration, how many members receiveremuneration? All

    iii. Details of Board members who received remuneration are properly disclosedin the

    1. Income Tax report Yes2. Annual Report No Yes3. Details of Board members who received remuneration include

    a. Name Yesb. Designation Yesc. Total amount paid to the Board member in the last financial

    year 12,13,000

    Clarification by VO

    At the time of filling up accreditaform, New Governing board was

    approved by registrar. It was recejust before assessors visit, which

    shown to him.Secr

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    d. Form of payment (Salary/sittingfee/honorarium/consultancy/any other)

    i. The board has at least two meetings a year suitably spaced (Please Answer Yes or Noagainst each item mentioned below)

    i. This has been verified by viewing the minutes of the meetings Yes

    ii. This has been verified by interaction with board members Yesj. Did a physical examination of minutes of board meeting show that the last threeBoard meetings fulfilled the quorum requirements as laid down in the bylaws of theVO? (Please Answer Yes or No) Yes

    k. Did a physical examination of minutes of General meeting show that the last threeGeneral meetings fulfilled the quorum requirements as laid down in the bye-laws ofthe VO? (Please Answer Yes or No) Yes

    l. Does board approves/recommends to the AGM- programmes, budget, Annualactivity Reports and audited financial statements?

    i. Please Answer Yes or No Yesii. Please explain how did you verify this?

    I have checked the Minutes Book, Notice, Signature of the members present, also interactionwith the individual, study the resolution.

    m. Do the minutes and other correspondence and documents convey that the chiefexecutive also ensures that he/she reports to the Board regarding the activitiesundertaken and to be done, finances and also contributes in discussing/decidingpolicy matters?

    i. Please Answer Yes or No Yesii. Please explain how did you verify this?

    Interacting with the Members. Members are fully conversed with what is happening in theorganization.

    n. Are all resolutions of the board meetings and general meetings of the VO properlydocumented and filed? (Please Answer Yes or No) Yes

    o. During the last two years , were the minutes/proceedings of the Governing Boardmeetings

    i. Maintained and kept in files or registers/minute books? Please Answer Yes orNo YesIf your answer is no, please explain the discrepancy

    ii. Duly approved by at least the office bearers-Chairperson, vice chairperson,

    secretary and treasurer? Please Answer Yes or No YesIf your answer is no, please explain the discrepancy

    p. During the last two years, were the minutes/proceedings of the general bodymeetings

    i. Maintained and kept in files or registers/minute books? Please Answer Yes orNo Yes

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    If your answer is no, please explain the discrepancy

    ii. Duly approved (by at least the office bearers (Chairperson, vice chairperson,

    secretary, treasurer)? Please Answer Yes or No YesIf your answer is no, please explain the discrepancy

    q. Are resolutions regarding the following important aspects of VOs functioning passedby Board? (Please Answer Yes or No against each item mentioned below)

    i. Operation of bank account Yesii. Investments Yes

    iii. Appointment of auditors Yesiv. Approval of annual accounts Yesv. Approval of annual report Yes

    r. If the VO is registered as a society, Does it maintain a membership register? (Pleasemention yes or no as relevant if it is a society, if it is not a society, then pleasemention not applicable) Yes

    s. Does the VO conduct AGMs with required quorum? (Please Answer Yes or No)i. When was the last AGM held (mention dd/mm/yy)? 31.10.2012

    ii. Are proper AGM records maintained?(Please Answer Yes or No) Yes

    t. Did you notice any discrepancy with respect to good governance as far as CredibilityAlliance norms are concerned?


    u. Please comment in the box below, the total observation, if any.Organization is trying their best to maintain proper records and documents. Things are very clearand open to all the members. There are some mistakes but ready to rectify e.g. in the case ofManaging Committee meeting they informed the members over phone or by person since mostof them meeting each other regularly. They also signed in the Minutes Book. But do not keeprecord of the Notice of the Managing Committee Meeting in writing. For Annual GeneralMeeting is done properly.

    D. Operationsa. Are activities of VO in line of Vision and Aims /Objectives of the VO?

    i. Please Answer Yes or No Yesii. Please explain how did you verify this?

    Gone through Annual Report, Memorandum of Association, Project Aims and Objectives,Interaction with Staff, Members, Beneficiaries, Minutes and Field Visit.

    Clarification by VOThe very purpose of informing all members before meeting is actually follo

    But In future written notice shall be served and documented.Secr

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    b. Does VO make long term and short term (one year or less) activity plans and budgetsfor the Organization as well as for projects? (Please question the VO staff and do asample check)

    i. Please Answer Yes or No Yes

    ii. Please explain how did you verify this?Interaction with the Board Members

    c. Are these activity plans and budgets (if so shared by the VO) derived from the aimsand objectives of the VO? (Please Answer Yes or No) Yes

    d. Do the past evaluation/appraisal reports of the VO, if and as shared, reconfirm theachievements levels and convey nothing negative relating to the work and systems ofthe VO?

    i. Please answer Yes or No Yesii. Please Comment

    I have seen the completion certificate of Panchayat and Rural Development of Chhattisgarh no:

    1163/B-3/SGSY-SP/254/2011, Dated: 04,03.2011 On Lac Production for the amount of 4.89lacs for 3 years. It was very satisfactory. There was no adverse report.

    e. Does the VO have a system of documenting the actual activities undertaken and havea system of also comparing these with the plans for identifying successes andfailures?

    i. Please Answer Yes or No Yesii. Please explain how did you verify this?

    Interacting at different levels, computerized documentation, resolution, proceedings of meetingsat different level, monthly appraisal report etc.

    f. Are programmes / projects planning and design in the VO done through consultativedecision making? (Evaluator may engage the staff of the VO, especially theprogramme staff, in discussion and ascertain whether programme /project planning isconsultative or not).

    i. Please answer Yes or No Yesii. Please Comment

    They have three Committees i.e. AGM, Managing Committee. Apart from these two statutorycommittee they have another call Working Committee consisting of the programme/Projecthead. In this committee primarily they discussed about the project planning based on the fieldlevel feedback and need. It is done by the field level manager, staff and beneficiaries at the grassroot level. Through the Working Committee it goes to Managing Committee and then to AGM.

    This Working Committee is a unique Committee. Another positive side is that the BoardMembers also the Staff, therefore, they know the reality. They have the Grass Root level staffmember even at the Managing Committee.

    g. Does the VO periodically review the progress of programmes? Yesi. Please answer Yes or No

    ii. What is the frequency of review? (Please Answer Yes or No against eachitem mentioned below)

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    1. Monthly Yes2. Quarterly Yes3. Half-yearly Yes

    h. There are clear roles responsibilities defined for (Verified though letter ofappointments and interaction with staff) (Please Answer Yes or No against each item

    mentioned below)i. Staff Yesii. Volunteers Yes

    i. Does VO issue letters of appointment to all (Please Answer Yes or No against eachitem mentioned below)

    i. Full time staff? 58ii. Part time staff? 14

    iii. Contract staff? 5 Consultantj. Does VO issue letters of contract to all consultant engaged, if any?(Please Answer

    Yes or No) Yesk. Does VO clearly define roles and responsibilities of the volunteers by issuing them

    letters? (Please Answer Yes or No Yesl. Does VO has any kind of written or oral agreement with the daily wage staff? (pleasemark whatever applicable) There is no daily wage Staff As Such

    i. Written agreementii. Oral agreement

    iii. No agreementm. Does the VO have a personnel policy?(To be ascertained through physical

    examination of the copy & interaction with the staff) (Please answer Yes or No) Yesn. Is the personnel policy known to all staff members? ?(To be ascertained through

    physical examination of the copy & interaction with the staff) (Please answer Yes orNo) Yes

    o. Did you notice any discrepancy with respect to operations as far as CredibilityAlliance norms are concerned?

    No. Policies are clearly articulated, other records are documented properly.

    p. Please comment in the box below, the total observation, if any.

    a) Programme Programmes are based on the basis of the need of the area. More stresshave been given on the Livelihood, Income Generation and Environment. All effortshave been made to make these programmes sustainable in nature. To make it a successthey have formed those three sisters organizations which I have mentioned earlier. Infuture JanMitram will play a role as facilitator, a trainer and a guide to the


    b) Management Till now they are managing things as per norms. However, they need togive more effort for documentation, record keeping etc. Different policies are there andwell articulated such as staff policy, Gender policy etc. in their Organizational Manual.

    c) Human Resources This is one of the unique organization I have ever been seen. Fromthe staff to the Board Members are very young (not even forty). Naturally they are

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    very enthusiastic in nature. There are scope for up grade oneself. Rewards are there.They have qualified and experience people as well as less qualified and experiencepeople. It is a combination of visionary and missionary. Most of them are son of thesoil. Even those who are from outside of Chhattisgarh they also permanently settled atRaigarh.

    E. Accountability and Transparencya. Latest Audited accounts available are for the year (please mention the financial year)

    2011-2012b. Does the audit report mention any material transaction involving conflict of interest

    between a Board andstaff Member and the VO?i. Please answer Yes or No No

    ii. If the answer is YES, Please explain the transaction

    c. Does the audit report contain any adverse remarks?

    i. Please answer Yes or No Noii. If the answer is YES, Please explain the remark

    d. What steps the VO has taken to mitigate/rectify any adverse audit notes (if any) inthe auditors report (The assessor is required to read the audit report, note anyobservations made by the auditor and get clarification from the VO

    Not applicable

    e. Does the VO circulate its Annual Audit Report amongst Members of its governingbody within three months of closure of financial year? (The assessor can check theminutes of the board meeting to know when the report was approved by the board.The assessor may also ask questions to staff of VO in this behalf) (Please answer Yesor No) Yes

    f. The organisations Annual Report is distributed and communicated to the communityand others and is made available on request every year, within eight months of theend of the organisations financial year. (The assessor should interact with the staff,beneficiaries and also check the outward register, if any, to ascertain that the annualreport was disseminated within 8 months of the end of organisations financial year)(Please answer Yes or No) Yes

    g. What is VOs method of recording expenditures & incomes?Double Entry. They have Tally. They also kept hard copies.

    h. The assessor should randomly check 3-5 vouchers to understand the accountingprocess

    i. Are the accounts of the VO upto date (which means that transactions are recorded inthe books of accounts as and when the same occur)? (Please answer Yes or No) Yes

    j. The Annual Report contains information on the (Please answer Yes or No for eachitem below specifically)

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    i. Board members' names, Yesii. Board members position in the Board Yes

    iii. Remuneration or reimbursement of board members, if any Noiv. Objectives and description of main activities of the organization Yesv. Review of the progress and results achieved in the year Yes

    vi. Auditors report of last financial year Yesvii. Summarized / abridged Income and Expenditure statement of last financialyearYes

    viii. Summarized / abridged Balance Sheet of last financial year Yesix. Summarized / abridged Receipts and Payments statement of last financial

    year Yesk. Did you notice any discrepancy with respect to accountability & transparency as far

    as Credibility Alliance norms are concerned?No

    l. Please comment in the box below, the total observation, if any.

    a) Accountability As I observed during my visit and the papers, documents andinteraction with the people, there is no question on the issue of accountability.

    b) Transparency Things are Transparent to the Board members and many of the Staff.Certain things are in public domain such as Website and Annual Report.

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    Section B(This section is to be filled up if the VO has applied for accreditation under desirablenorms)A. Governance

    a. Are there any members of the governing body who are related to one another by

    blood or marriage? (Please Answer Yes or No) Nob. If there are related members on the governing bodyi. How many are related?

    ii. Is the fact of related board members disclosed in the annual report? (PleaseAnswer Yes or No)

    iii. At least two third of the board members are unrelated by blood or marriage(Please Answer Yes or No)

    b. Whether Board Member rotation policy is in existence? (Please Answer Yes or No)Yes

    i. If yes, then has it been put into practice? (Please Answer Yes or No) Yesii. When was the last time there was a change in the board? (Please mention

    Month and year) 31.10.2012iii. Did you verify the minutes of the board meeting/general body meeting wheresuch a change in the board took place? (Please Answer Yes or No. If youranswer is No, please mention the reasons for the same) Yes

    c. Did you notice any discrepancy with respect to good governance as far as CredibilityAlliance norms are concerned?


    d. Please comment in the box below, the total observation, if any.Members of the Governing Body are well acquainted with the organizational activities, policiesand the focused area. They have the ownership. None of them any salary/fees etc. as Board

    Members. However, they received Honorarium as staff/consultant. And they literaryworked in the organization as full time staff.

    B. Accountability & transparencya. Does the annual report contain information on staff

    a. According to salary levels (Please Answer Yes or No) Yesb. Gender break-up (Please Answer Yes or No) Yes

    b. Does the annual report discloses the total cost of international travel by all personnel(including volunteers) segregating those incurred on organisations expense andthose that were sponsored, along with the names and designations of the persons whotravelled and the purpose(s) of travel. In addition, organisations may also include

    details of air travel undertaken within the country. (Please Answer Yes or No) Yes

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    Section CA. Recommendation

    a. Does the VO qualify the Minimum Norms verification test? (Please answer Yes orNo) Yes

    b. If No, please state the reasons

    c. Does the VO qualify the Desirable Norms verification test? (Please answer Yes orNo or Not applicable) Yesd. If No, please state the reasons

    B. Other observations that cannot be classified under any of the questions in Section A &Section C. (You can attach more pages, if required) Working Committee that has been consisting of the person responsible for the

    project/programme. They meet almost twice in a month. Staff to Board Members all are young and energetic (I guess, all of them are below 40

    years) They have very cordial relationship with each other TAN was not shown to me as it was with the Auditor ( as I am told) FCRA certificate has been taken back by the authority without informing the

    organization. It was on the basis of Non-Receiving of the Report by the authority.However, they challenged the same. Enquiry has been made. Things have been cleared.Related papers and documents is going to be produced before the authority in a shorttime. And expected to get back the FCRA certificate. (As I am told)

    C. Practices worth mentioning. (You can attach more pages, if required) Working Committee that has been consisting of the person responsible for the

    project/programme. They meet almost twice in a month. Grass Root level staff representation in the Managing (Prabandhan) Committee.

    Signature of Assessor Name of Assessor Tridib Reeves

    Date: 06.02.2013

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    Annexure 9(c) iii: Assessor Log Book

    Date Activities undertaken Place visited

    Review(Day 1)

    04.02.2013 Brefing about VO (mission, vision,programs, activities, etc), meetingwith governing body, executivedirector & staff, analysis ofaccounts& administrative, and Studyand analysis of Human ResourcePolicy.


    Field visit(Day 2)

    03.02.2013 Project Visit, atleast 3 projects (asmentioned in accreditation form):Project 1

    Time:10:30Name of the project: RISA (Lacprocurement centre)Project 2Time:11:45Name of the project: SHG (2-3 groupleaders from 10 groups gatheredtogether)Project 3Time: 13:15Name of the project: Lac production

    (Women group preparing Bangles)Project 4Time : 14: 30Name of the Project : WADI (Meetingwith the farmers and visit the farm)


    Bada Gumrah

    Chota Gumrah

    Baruna Kunda

    03.02.2013 Interview with beneficiaries In the FieldData

    Analysis03 &

    04.02.2013Talking to President and organizing

    all data and reports.In the Hotel & In

    the Officerespectively