Assigment 11 part 2.5

Post on 13-May-2015

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KLaura leaves Her home and starts her journey to the forest

Starts with a full body shot then a graphic match to full body shot ending in a close up shot

LauraWillesden • Side bag• Short brown wig

Blue jacket, ripped tights, black skirt, white top, dirty shoes

Flashback of Laura first trying LSD

Laura is still walking the journey to the forest

Flashback of Laura at a party while onLSD

Laura is still on her journey to the forest

Flashback of Laura and her friend having a fight

Laura is entering the park

CCTV point of view of Laura walking into the park gates

Over the shoulder shot of her friend. Full body shot which zooms into a extreme close up shot, after fast zoom out back into the full body shot

The camera will track her walking around the curb in a full body shot

Close up shot of Laura’s face to capture the facial expressionEstablishing shot of her walking down the road with graphic match showing her in different places on the road

Over the shoulder shot of Laura getting pushed over be a friend then a mid shot of her on the ground

Establishing shot of Laura walking into the park gates

Overhead shot of Laura walking into the forest with time in white at the bottom of the screen




Golders Green


Golders Green

Golders Green








• Sugar cube • Food colouring• Short brown wig

• Side bag• Short brown wig

• Beer bottle• Short brown wig

Black jacket, ripped tights, black skirt, grey top, dirty bootsBlack jacket, ripped tights, black skirt, white top, dirty boots

Greyish jacket, white top, black skirt

• Side bag• Short brown wig

Blue jacket, ripped tights, black skirt, white top, dirty shoes

• Side bag• Short brown wig

Black jacket, ripped tights, black skirt, grey top, dirty boots

• Side bag• Short brown wig

Blue jacket, ripped tights, black skirt, white top, dirty shoes

• Side bag• Short brown wig

Blue jacket, ripped tights, black skirt, white top, dirty shoes

Credits will be shown during this scene

Non-Diegetic sad slow music is played. Slow motion. Blur. Then fast motion

Non-Diegetic sad slow music is played. Slow motion. Blur.

Non-Diegetic sad slow music is played. Slow motion. Blur.


Black and white visual effect

KLaura walks through the park looking confused

Full body shot LauraGolders Green • Side bag• Short brown wig

Blue jacket, ripped tights, black skirt, white top, dirty shoes

Flashback of Laura cutting herself in her bath

Laura looks from right to left frightened

P.O.V of the clown and the doll scaring LauraLaura stands there confused then starts to run into the forest

P.O.V of the clown and the doll trying to confuse Laura

Laura stops and holds her chest then falling to the ground

P.O.V of the clown and doll dancing above Laura

Full body shot

Mid shot while doing a reverse dolly zoom

Long shot which then becomes a close up shot of both characters faces

Full body shot of her funning from different locations of the forest

Full body shot then later a long shot of the characters in the distance

Mid shot then a close up shot of her face on the ground

Full body shot from a low angle, with the characters then jumping down to a close up shot


Golders Green

Golders Green

Golders Green

Golders Green

Golders Green

Golders Green



ClownDoll Dolly



• Side bag• Short brown wig

• Orange afro wig• Pink short wig

ripped tights, black skirt, grey top,

Clown – jumpsuit .big shoes.Doll – dress, ripped tights

• Side bag• Short brown wig

• Side bag• Short brown wig

Non-Diegetic sad slow music is played. Slow motion. Blur.

Weird hypnotic music playing. Fast motion. Multi-coloured visual effect


• Razor

Weird hypnotic music playing. Fast motion. Multi-coloured visual effect

Weird hypnotic music playing. Fast motion. Multi-coloured visual effect

Clown – jumpsuit .big shoes.Doll – dress, ripped tights

Clown – jumpsuit .big shoes.Doll – dress, ripped tights

• Orange afro wig• Pink short wig

• Orange afro wig• Pink short wig

ClownDoll Dolly

ClownDoll Dolly

Blue jacket, ripped tights, black skirt, white top, dirty shoes

Blue jacket, ripped tights, black skirt, white top, dirty shoes

Blue jacket, ripped tights, black skirt, white top, dirty shoes

Enigma – How did they do it?Kaya & Sanel

‘Stand by me’ - 1986 Opening Sequence

Focus on newspaper article about deathThe audience will want to know why this has been pointed out and why he is looking at this particular article for so long.

Focus on two boys on bike, then starts to reminisceWe see the man focus on these two boys on the bike then start to think which makes the audience wonder what connection he has with them He starts telling his story which connects to the what

the newspaper article and boys on the bikesLastly his voice over starts talking about his life as a young boy and seeing a dead human, which shows the audience it connects to the article and the two boys on the bike. This make the audience want to watch more and find out what happened when he saw the body and the connection to what he’s thinking about


Enigma - How did they do it?Kaya & Sanel

‘Bend it like Beckham’ - 2002 Opening Sequence

Shows contrast with her fantasy and real lifeThe audience realise she doesn't follow the conventions of a Indian girl and want to watch more about the differences of what her mother wants and what she wants.

Mum disapproves of her playingThe audience will wonder why she's such a good football player, but then when you see her mum shouting and saying ‘she needs to go back home’ the audience will realise it’s a day dream and see that there is conflict in her family about her dream

Woman play for Man UtdThe audience will get sucked into the game they played in the beginning of the opening sequence and then when they see the girl playing with them they wonder why she's playing for Man Utd and watch more.


EnigmaKaya & Sanel

How are we creating enigma in our opening sequence?

• By not letting the audience know why she is walking to the forest as she falls to the ground hopelessly without letting the audience know what she wanted to do there in the first place and further what she would have seen in her hallucinations.

• By showing her dramatically fall to the group as a climax to the end of the opening sequence without giving away why, what it was and if she was okay afterwards.

• The audience will want to know why she is this way, how she’s tired, dirty, bloody and what happened wrong in her life which the flashbacks will give short clues of this.

• Showing just seconds of the flashbacks they will want to see more of what she did and why she did them and its done in slow motion which is a side effect of LSD so the audience can know she on drugs doing these things (in the flashbacks) which because of the hallucinations in the opening sequence will want to see more of it in her other ‘trips’.


EnigmaKaya & Sanel

How we have improved from draft 1?

• We draw the audience into our opening sequence more this time so the audience can feel sorry for this venerable character rather than just being told a story

• Rather than just showing someone kidnapped like in draft one, we showed the girls journey drawing the audiences attention in slowly building tension

• In draft 1 there was no climax, the opening sequence was just basically informing and telling a story however now, we build up tension up to a climax creating enigma and dropping making the audience feel uncomfortable and wanting to watch more


Target AudienceKaya & Sanel

Age – 18 – 21

Gender – Male and Female

Ethnicity – British

Location – United Kingdom

Interests/Hobbies – Partying, sex, drugs

Lifestyle – Free spirit, people who live for the day not the future

Why would our target audience be interested in our idea/plot?• Its based on real life, so it could relate to some of our target audience• Our target audience will be interested to learn about the drug throughout the film and

interested in her hallucinations• The film is based in modern time and youth culture, use of slang in a closed narrative so

they can connect and relate to what they see in the film and leave thinking about the consequences


Why would our target audience be interested in our film because of its form?• The use of editing in the hallucinations will interest the target audience, they may find it

funny or remarkable• The use of modern music through out the film will interest our target audience as the film

will seem more real which helps them connect to it• The hidden message behind the film will interest them into seeing why the message is

there and therefore will realise there is not way out when you try drugs and not to let their friends pressure them into using it.

Why would your target audience be interested in your film because of genre/conventions?• Our target audience can relate to drama’s as a lot happen in growing up in the society we

live in.• Many of the conventions in the film are very realistic which helps build climax and tension

with our target audience because they would have or will be in the same situation in their lives

• The convention of emotion shares experience with the target audience making them feel understood and not out casted.

Target AudienceKaya & Sanel M

Target AudienceKaya & Sanel

What feedback we received from our target audienceThe majority answers

We asked 18 – 2 19 – 2 20 – 1 21 – 1

• Showing the illusions is very captivating and makes the opening sequence and film different from others of its kind

• Sends our a good and education message

• The title is unique, sounds interesting, and they like it

• Would watch the rest of the film because of the hallucinations and to see what happens to Laura

• They likes the location because it was familiar and makes it more relatable

• We could improve by making flashbacks longer, use a more dramatic scene


Kaya & Sanel

Characters How have you developed your characters since draft 1?

• We haven't developed the characters at all, we’ve changed them completely.

• We changed our character to people that the target audience can relate to and feel sympathy and emotions or making it seem real.

• We unlike draft have no older characters, the characters in our opening sequence now are all young adults


Characters Kaya & Sanel

Actor 1:Sanel Homer


Actor 1:Laura Hibbitt


(The costume will be changed as we didn’t have the right props also the make up we want, we haven't got yet)

Inspiration photos

The eye make up

The cut on the lips and the tears

The dark and dull colours and baggy clothes


CharactersCostume and props

Kaya & Sanel

Dark wig, to give a more dark look for her character

Bloody nose to show she's not well and doesn't bother about hygiene

Dark blue baggy jacket

Black baggy knee length skirt and black tattered tights

Black runny eye make up

Dirt on face to show she's not hygienic

Black and white dirty top

Pale skin


Side bag

Black scarf

CharactersMise –en-scene

Kaya & Sanel

Name – Laura Hibbit

Gender – Female

Age – 18

Costume – Dark brown wig, black jacket, baggy skirt, dirty top, dirty knee high boots

Props – Beer bottle (Becks)

Make-up – Pale skin, Black smudged eye make up, bloody nose, sweaty head, tears, cuts on the lip, dirty cheeks

Stereotype – Typical youth that doesn't care about the future and ruins her life Facial expression – Dizzy, dead, lights are on and no ones home

Body language – Effortless, exhausted


Characters Kaya & Sanel

Laura Hibbit –What does she represent?

Laura represents a typical youth in Britain who gets pressured by her friends to try drugs which ends up ruining her life and her future, sending a message to the audience that there's no easy way out of using drugs and that it will end up killing you one day. We want the target audience to relate to her and feel sympathy for her so she is to represent someone they can visualise in real life.