Assignment #1 Coursework Analysis

Post on 20-Aug-2015

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By Joanne Aroda

Coursework Analysis

The two blogs coursework's I will be analysing are

Alexa Ranussi A2 Media Blog Karolina Fryckowska Media Blog

WWW – ‘The Right To Be Colourful’

The use of natural light was good a everything is clear and visible

Also her position and the camera angle makes the more exciting

WWW - ‘The Right To Be Colourful’

Loved the animation and how it zoomed into different time periods

WWW – ‘Evolution of Technology’

I Liked the angles used and like ‘ The Right To Be Colourful’ the use of natural lighting was used well

WWW - ‘Evolution of Technology’

The framing of the shot allows us to see enough of the room and still not pull focus from the person speaking

EBI - ‘The Right To Be Colourful’

The quality of the shot is quite poor along with the lighting

The style of font could have been better looks like a fairy tale movie

EBI - ‘Evolution of Technology’

The quality of this shot was also poor and you can hardly make out what it is

There is to much light exposure