Assignment 31

Post on 22-Jun-2015

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Assignment 31: Locations

Gelsomina De LuciaKelly Morales

Chelsea HopkinsTayla Humphris

Scouting photos: In Order of Character movement (Final)

Walks through house door.

Walks further through house.

Walks further through house. Then places phone and keys on this table.

Hears noise and walks through this door.

This is the sliding door she walks through. Walking through sliding door.

Footprints of the Zombie

Scouting photos: In Order of Character movement (Final)

Other zombie is going to be standing here.

Walking out of sliding door and turn right.

Establishing shot of field.

Locations List Scene 1 Scene 2 Scene 3 Scene 4 Scene 5 Scene 6 Scene 7

Description of Scene

Walking in long field

Walks into kitchen and

hears a bandBack to field

Follows character outside to investigate


Back in fieldHears the

sound again and gets


In field and falls to ground


Country Park

Gelsomina’s Grandparent

House Fryent

Country ParkGelsomina’s Grandparent


Fryent Country


Gelsomina’s Grandparent


Fryent Country Park

Important Details Outside Inside Outside Inside/

Outside Outside Outside Outside

Locations Photos

As we are only using 2 locations the location of Fryent Country park will be used for scene 1,3,5 and 7. The house location will be used for scenes 2,4 and 6.

Travel Details

Gelsomina Tayla Chelsea Kelly

Location 1:Fryent Country

Park Bus Bus Bus Bus

Location 2:House Bus Bus Bus Bus

Health and SafetyHealth & Safety Risks Precautions

Travel Risks Make sure location is not too far for everyone to film

Location Risks Make sure it is not restricted areas and you are allowed to filmQuiet and free of public

Equipment Risks If raining make sure equipment is protected

Personal Health & Safety Risks

If cold make sure you wrap you and if you are filming on soft ground make sure you were wellies