Associates of Pakistan Army : 1971 - A.S.M Shamsul Arefin

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  • 8/11/2019 Associates of Pakistan Army : 1971 - A.S.M Shamsul Arefin




  • 8/11/2019 Associates of Pakistan Army : 1971 - A.S.M Shamsul Arefin




    A S M Shamsul Arefin

  • 8/11/2019 Associates of Pakistan Army : 1971 - A.S.M Shamsul Arefin


    Associates of Pakistan Army

    Compiled and edited by A S M Shamsul Arefin

    Published by

    Bangladesh Research and Publications



    Cover DesignEmrul Hossain Emon

    Printed by

    Rabiul Hussain Kochi

    Creative Communications1046 Begum Rokeya Sarani, Shewrapara

    Mirpur, Dhaka-1215

    Computer Compose

  • 8/11/2019 Associates of Pakistan Army : 1971 - A.S.M Shamsul Arefin


  • 8/11/2019 Associates of Pakistan Army : 1971 - A.S.M Shamsul Arefin



    Sl No. Description Page No.


    Preface ... ... ...

    2. Golam Azam ... ... ... 01

    3. Mr. Motiur Rahman Nizami ... ... ... 12


    Mr. Ali Ahsan Mujahid ... ... ... 18

    5. Md. Qamaruzzaman ... ... ... 21

    6. Mr. Abbas Ali Khan ... ... ... 24

    7. Moulana Abdur Rahim ... ... ... 27

    8. Moulana Abdus Sobhan ... ... ... 30

    9. Moulana AKM Yusuf ... ... ... 32

    10. Abdul Kader Mollah ... ... ... 35


    Delwar Hossain Saidi ... ... ... 3612. Mr. Hamidul Haque Chowdhury ... ... ... 38

    13. Mr. Khwaja Khairuddin ... ... ... 40

    14. Mr. Mahmud Ali ... ... ... 42

    15. Mr. Abdul Alim ... ... ... 44


    Mr. ASM Solaman ... ... ... 46

    17. Mr. Salauddin Qader Choudhury ... ... ... 49

    18. Fazlul Kader Choudhury ... ... ... 51

    19. Mr. Julmat Ali Khan ... ... ... 52

    20. Mr. Kazi Kader ... ... ... 53

    21. Mr. Khan Abdus Sabur Khan ... ... ... 54

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    Sl No. Description Page No.

    33. Golam Sarwar ... ... ... 79

    34. Mr. Akhteruddin Ahmed ... ... ... 80

    35. Capt (Retd) Abdul Baset ... ... ... 81

    36. Abdul Matin Bhuiyan ... ... ... 82

    37. Abul Kashem ... ... ... 83


    Mir Kashem Ali ... ... ... 84

    39. Engneer Abdul Jabber ... ... ... 85

    40. Moulana Abul Kalam Azad (Bachu) ... ... ... 87

    41. Barister Korban Ali ... ... ... 88

    42. Ashraf Hossain ... ... ... 90

    43. Advocate Ansar Ali ... ... ... 92


    Syed Mohammad Kaiser ... ... ... 93


    Abdul Majid Talukder ... ... ... 94

  • 8/11/2019 Associates of Pakistan Army : 1971 - A.S.M Shamsul Arefin



    By their words & works, they stood outright against the nation. Tostrengthen the shackles of subjugation, they left no stone unturned.

    However, people's power overwhelmed oppression & they broke free.

    The world witnessed the birth of a bold nation, a beautiful country-


    This book talks about some personalities creature who stood against

    their own race. In 1971, they committed heinous crimes to suppress theliberation movement. Murder, arsons, repe- A to Z of evil acts termed

    popularly as "crimes against humanity"- these colaborators of Pakistani

    Army did them all. Not only during the liberation war, even after the

    indepence, they roamed & rallied around the world to garnar supportfor Pakistan. The nation has already passed 38 years of its indepence.

    Still, these war criminals remain unpunished. How many more years

    will we remain passive & permissive about them.

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-1

    Golam AzamAmeer, East Pakistan Jamat-i-Islami

    Father-Late, Moulana Golam KabirVill- Birgao, PS-Nabinagar, Dist- Comilla

    119, Elephant Road, PS-Ramna, Dhaka

    He was asked to surrender;

    Gazette ref Date Court to Surrender Date and Time Remarks

    113 Raj (4) 09-02-72 SDO Brahaman Baria OrSDO Dhaka Sadar South,

    22-02-72, at 3PM

    Activities 1971

    Date Place Events Remarks

    04-04-71 Meeting with MLAZone-B Office,Dacca

    Meeting with Lt Gen Tikka Khan at governors house, andrequested him to form Nagorik Committee. He was with other 12members.

    Daily Purbadesh,05-04/71

    06-04-71 Meeting with MLAZone-B Office,Dacca

    Meeting with Lt Gen Tikka Khan at governors house, and assuredhim to provide all out support to Pakistan Army. He was withother 3 members.

    Daily Pakistan,07-04-71

    07-04-71 Press statement,Dhaka

    In a press statement he mentioned, "In the internal affairs of EastPakistan, wherever patriotic Pakistanis see Indian agents or anti-Pakistan elements and infiltrators they will destroy them".

    Daily Sangram11-04-71

    09-04-71 Radio broadcast


    In a radio broadcast he mentioned, "India government is sending

    their army in the name of Mukti Bahini and killing innocentMuslims of East Pakistan". He mentioned, "we want to help

    Daily Sangram


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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-2

    Date Place Events Remarks

    Pakistani army in every possible way.

    09-04-71 Peace Committee,Dacca

    He joined as, one of the active members of East Pakistan centralpeace committee.

    Daily Purbadesh11-04-71

    11-04-71 Radio broadcastDacca

    In the radio broadcast he welcome the government for taking rightaction against the rebels. He also mentioned, "forming peacecommittee was a correct decision. All districts should organize

    peace committee as soon as possible".

    Daily Sangram12-04-71

    13-04-71 Peace committeerally, Dacca

    He led a procession of the peace committee in Dacca supportingPakistan Army action on 25th March 71. The procession raisedslogan- Long live Pakistan, Down with Indian Imperialism,

    Agency of India will not be tolerated and Long live PakistanArmy".

    FortnightlySecret Report,Government of

    East Pakistan.First half ofApril, 1971

    16-04-71 Meeting with MLAZone-B Office,Dacca

    Meeting with Lt Gen Tikka Khan at governors house, and assuredhim to provide all out support to Pakistan Army by his partyagainst the heinous design of India. "He said, Jamat-i Islami wouldstand behind Pakistan Army to protect the integrity and unity ofPakistan. He was with other 4 members.

    Daily Sangram17-04-71

    21-04-71 Peace committee,Dacca

    He became one of the key person in the 6member supervisionteam of the central peace committee.

    Daily Pakistan22-04-71

    22-04-71 Press statement,Dacca

    In a press statement he mentioned, "The people of East Pakistanwill fight against the anti-state elements. They will stand behind

    the Pakistan Army to safeguard Islamic holy land".

    Daily Sangram23-04-71

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-3

    Date Place Events Remarks

    18-06-71 Party workermeeting Lahore

    He said, "The miscreants are still engaged in destructive activities.Their main aim is to create terror and turbulence. These miscreantsare being directed by the left wing forces".

    Daily Sangram29-06-71

    19-06-71 President OfficeRawalpindi

    Meeting with Present Gen Yahya Khan, and discussed about thepolitical situation. He also assured to organize support for PakistanArmy

    Daily Pakistan20-06- 1971

    19-06-71 Press ConferenceRawalpindi

    He said, "Army has saved Pakistan. Pakistan has come to stay andit will stay".

    Daily Pakistan21-06-1971

    20-06-71 Press ConferenceLahore

    He mentioned, "For separatist movement, only Sk MujiburRahman has been arrested. But Moulana Bhasani, Mozaffar

    Ahmed, Ataur Rahman Khan with others not been arrested. Theyare organizing the movement. He asked government to arrest themimmediately and provide modern arms to the people to fight theenemies of Islam.

    Daily Pakistan21-06- 1971

    21-06-71 Party workermeeting Lahore

    He congratulated the Pakistan Army for saving nation fromseparatists. He mentioned, "The recent tumult in East Pakistan was10 times greater than the 1857 Bengal revolution".

    Daily Pakistan22-06- 1971

    22-06-71 Press conferenceKarachi

    He mentioned India can not be the friend of East Pakistan. For thesafety of East Pakistan we have to leave together with our brotherof West Pakistan. Only Islam can be the integration of Pakistan.

    Daily Pakistan23-06- 1971

    23-06-71 Party workersmeeting, Dacca

    In a speech he said, 6point of Awami League was a secessionmovement against Pakistan. He requested the government, those

    parties who formed the so-called Shadhin Bangla they should be

    Daily Sangram24-06-71

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-4

    Date Place Events Remarks

    banned immediately.

    16-07-71 Party meetingRajshahi

    Peace committee has been formed to save Pakistan. The so-calledfreedom fighter creating problem with the help of India. Theyhave no strength of their own.

    Daily Sangram17-07-71

    29-07-71 Press conferenceDacca

    He congratulated Lt Gen Tikka Khan for deducting the antiIslamic portion from the school textbook. He mentioned, the newsyllabus would be able to better Muslim with nationalist attitude.

    Daily Sangram30-07-71

    03-08-71 Madrasa convention,Dacca

    As a chief guest he said, this war is not a war of arms only, this isa war of Islamic ideology. We have to win the war any cost.

    Daily Sangram04-08-71

    04-08-71 Party meeting,


    In a speech to the party workers he said, " Awami league leader

    Sk. Mujibur Rahman and his followers are misguiding the peopleof East Pakistan by launching secessionist movement in the garbof 6point". He also asked the audience to unite under the banner ofJamat-i-Islami and crush the rebel and secessionist and establishIslamic rule in the country on the basis of the Holy Quran andSunnah".


    Secret Report,Government ofEast Pakistan.First half ofAugust, 1971

    07-08-71 Workersconference,Kustia

    As a main speaker in the conference he said, "We need to form thePeace Committee at every village to neutralize the evil design ofthe rebels. If the Muslim failed to safeguard the integrity andsolidarity of Pakistan, the existence of the state and Islam would

    be at stake". He also mentioned, "The Hindus are the enemies ofPakistan. The dream of some misguided Muslim for establishment

    of Independent and sovereign Bangladesh will be over soon.

    FortnightlySecret Report,Government ofEast Pakistan.Second half ofAugust, 1971

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-5

    Date Place Events Remarks

    When the Razakars, Mujahids and Police would be able to checkthe disruptive activities of the rebels in the rural areas, the Armywould be withdrawn and sent to the borders to check the Indianinfiltrators into East Pakistan".

    08-08-71 Press release,Dacca

    He mentioned, Sk Mujib has betrayed the people of this regionmaking friendship with India.

    Daily Sangram09-08-71

    11-08-71 Press conferenceDacca

    He said, the so-called Freedom Fighters are the enemy of Islam."Those miscreants who are taking help of India for so-calledliberation, they should leave Pakistan and go to India".

    Daily Sangram12-08-71

    14-08-71 Discussion meeting

    Central Peacecommittee,Dacca

    On Pakistan Day discussion meeting he mentioned, "If the attempt

    to save Pakistan fails, we will all have to live a mutilated, crippledexistence". He also mentioned, "God forbid that the day shouldcome when Pakistan no longer exists. If that ever happens,Bengali Muslim has to die shameful death". He appeals to the

    people, "To assist the peace committee to root out the enemies ofPakistan from every nook and corner of the country, and destroytheir very existence".

    Daily Pakistan,


    14-08-71 Addressingseminar,Dacca

    In a seminar at the Talebaye Arabia Islamic Academy Hall, hesaid, "Sheik Mujib and Sree Tajuddin believe that Bangladeshshould be governed by Bengalis. That is why the Bengali soldiershave gone over to West Bengal and established Bangladesh there.Muslim believes that true freedom means the freedom to observe

    Gods commandments. Therefore, it does not really matter whether

    Daily Pakistan,16-08-71

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-6

    Date Place Events Remarks

    the ruler is our own countryman or foreigner".

    17-08-71 Party workermeeting Lahore

    He said, "India is helping the so-called Freedom Fighter to dividePakistan. Pakistan should attack India without loosing any moretime".

    Daily Sangram18-08-71

    24-08-71 Party workermeeting, Lahore

    He mentioned, "Those who label the Jamat-i-Islami as anunpatriotic body do not know, or do not have the courage to admit,the truth. Members of Jamat, in their zealous attempts to neutralizethe poisonous evil of the miscreants, have paid with the sacrificeof their lives".

    Daily Sangram25-08-71

    26-08-71 Press meeting


    Speaking at a press conference he said, "Pakistan Army has saved

    the nation from the treachery of our enemies and the evil designsof India. The people of East Pakistan are lending full support tothe armed forces in destroying miscreants and infiltrators.

    Daily Sangram


    27-08-71 Interview withpress,Lahore

    In a interview with weekly Zindagi, Lahore, he said, Thesecessionist consider the Jamat their number one enemy, and arekilling them one by one. Despite all this, members of the flockingto join the Razakars in order to save Pakistan. They know that inBangladesh there can be no place for Islam or for Muslim".

    Daily Sangram09-09-71

    28-08-71 Organizationalmeeting, Dacca

    He said, we shouldn't face the separatists (freedom fighter) byslogan only. The youth must join Razakar Bahini to save Pakistan.

    Daily Sangram29-08-71

    01-09-71 Public meeting,Baitul Mokarram,


    In an address he said, Pakistan Army has saved the nation.Pakistan means Holy nation. This nation has come to stay.

    Razakars are doing good job. He asked Pakistan government

    Daily Sangram02-09-71

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-7

    Date Place Events Remarks

    should cancel the parliament membership of Awami League andhold fresh election immediately.

    03-09-71 Party workersmeeting,Dacca

    Addressing the workers he said, "We need to restore the normalcyin the country by eliminating the rebels and anti social elements.

    Fortnightly SecretReport, Govt ofEast Pakistan.Firsthalf of Sept, 1971

    09-09-71 Press releaseDacca

    In a press release he requested the Pakistan government to includeMr. Hamidul Haque Choudhury, Justice Hamdur Rahman,Moulovi Farid Ahmed, Dr. Syed Sajjad Hossain, AQM SafiqulIslam, Barister Akhter Uddin, Abdus Sabur Kan and Fazlul Kader

    Choudhury in the UN delegation for better presentation.

    Daily Sangram10-09-71

    11-09-71 Death anniversary,Mohd Ali Jinnah,Dacca

    As a chief guest in a discussion meeting of Islami Chatra Sanghahe said, to save Pakistan we need a new Islamic force and IslamiChatra Sangha is the right one. Only Islami Chatra Sangha cansave the Pakistan of Quide Azam Mohammad Ali jinnah.

    Daily Sangram12-09-71

    17-09-71 Al Badar HeadQuarter, Dacca

    In a address to Al-Badar- Razakar trainee at MohammadpurPhysical training school ground he said, to save Pakistan the youthshould join Razakar-Al-Badar forces. Those who will sacrificetheir liver, they will be treated as Mujahid in front of Allah.

    Daily Sangram18-09-71

    18-09-71 Press interview Congratulated the new Cabinet Ministers of East Pakistan. Hementioned, they have taken the responsibility in a crucial time.They should help Pakistan Army to eliminate the so-called

    Freedom Fighters.

    Daily Sangram19-09-71

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-8

    Date Place Events Remarks

    25-09-71 Reception meeting,Hotel Empire,Dacca

    As a chief guest he mentioned, Jamat-i-Islami has joined the peacecommittee and the Razakars with a sole object of protecting theintegrity of Pakistan. By embracing martyrdom, Jamat activisthave proved to the enemies of Pakistan that, the Jamat activistwould rather die than allow Pakistan to split. He also mentioned,you cannot separate Pakistan from Islam.

    Daily Pakistan,26/09/71

    03-10-71 Conference Jamat-iIslami, EastPakistan, Dacca

    A 3days conference of the Majlish-i-Sura held at party office,Nakhalpara, Dacca. In the inaugural meeting he said, "Partymember should come forward to defend Pakistan and herideology". He also mentioned, "Few politicians were responsible

    for the present critical conditions of the country. Now the Pakistangovernment should prepare the federal constitution based on theHoly Quran and Sunnah".

    FortnightlySecret Report,Government ofEast Pakistan.

    First half 0fOctober, 1971

    16-10-71 Meeting, BaitulMukarram,Dacca

    In a public meeting he said, to fight the anti state elements Jamat-i-Islami working tirelessly with peace committee. We must fightthe evil design of the enemy of Islam

    Daily Sangram17-10-71

    23-11-71 Party workersmeeting, Lahore

    He mentioned, The Razakars are fighting for the Islam. Herequested Pakistan government to give modern automatic arms toRazakars, Al-Badar, Al-Shams and peace committee members.

    Dail1y Pakistan24-11- 1971

    25-11-71 Public meetingLahore

    He said, The best way to defend ourselves is by striking ourenemies. Pakistan Army must go for attack to save Pakistan. Thesafety of East Pakistan in danger now.

    Daily Pakistan26-11- 1971

    26-11-71 Press release He requested the Pakistan government to provide modern arms to Daily Pakistan

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-9

    Date Place Events Remarks

    Lahore Razakars. He also mentioned, if the Razakars gets better arms theywill be able to kill the enemy (freedom fighter).

    27-11- 1971

    27-11-71 Press conferenceRawalpindi

    He said, attack is the best defense. Pakistan Army must go forattack. If East Pakistan does not remain the part of Pakistan, wewill loose our identity.

    Daily Pakistan28-11- 1971

    30-11-71 Press interviewRawalpindi

    The members if Jamat-i-Islam and Razakars are giving life to savePakistan. At the same time we are giving all-out support toPakistan Army to fight against so-called freedom Fighter. Toencourage the forces fighting inside President Yahya Khan shouldvisit East Pakistan at an early date.

    Daily Pakistan01- 12- 1971

    01-12-71 Meeting withPresident,Rawalpindi

    He meets President Yahya Khan in his Office at Rawalpindi anddiscussed political issues for about 70 minutes. He mentioned,Razakars are capable of fighting the so-called freedom fightersand requested the president to increase the strength of Razakars inEast Pakistan with modern weapons.

    Daily Ittefaq02-12- 1971

    03-12-71 Press meeting,Karachi

    For external communication he said, " An East Pakistani should bein charge of the foreign office, because it is only an East Pakistaniwho can cope with the Bangladesh tamasha, the Bangladeshfarce".

    Daily Pakistan04- 12- 1971

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-10

    Note- A.

    1. Golam Azam was the Ameer of Jamat-i-Islami East Pakistan during 1971. He left Bangladesh on 22 Nov


    2. In 1972 he applied for a Pakistani passport mentioning himself a Pakistani citizen and given travel permit.

    3. Golam Azam lost his citizenship on 18th April 1973 for taking active roll against Bangladesh War of

    Liberation and extending direct support to Pakistan Army vide President Order No- 149 of 1972.

    4. On 18 January 1976 when Home Ministry asked for application for citizenship reviewing the law he

    applied, but rejected by the government.

    5. In 1977 Golam Azam procured Pakistani passport from London Embassy as a citizen of Pakistan.

    6. On 11th July 1978, he came to Bangladesh during military rule of Gen. Zia. He came to Bangladesh with

    Pakistani Passport procuring 3month visa. But he decline to go back after the expiry of visa. Gradually hebecame the controlling power of the Jamat-i-Islam political party.

    7. On 06th February 1977 he re-organized Islami Chatra Sangha and re-named as Islami Chatra Sibir.

    8. On 25-27 May 1979 convention Jamat made its public appearance, and Golam Azam made Ameer secretly.

    (Officially Abbas Ali Khan was the Ameer).

    9. On 10th February 1980 Jamat held its first public meeting in Baitul Mukarram Dacca where he spoke.

    10. In 1991 he formally became Ameer of the party. He was given back his citizenship during the period of

    Begum Khaleda Zia in 1991

    Note- B (Activities against Bangladesh)

    1. Golam Azam was given a Pakistani Passport by Pakistan Government to visit abroad as Pakistani nationals in


    2. In January 1972 Golam Azam organized a political forum named East Pakistan Punarudhar Committee in

    Lahore and started campaign against Bangladesh.

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-11

    3. In November 1972 Golam Azam left for Middle East countries with Pakistani Passport and started

    international campaigning against Bangladesh for not to recognize Bangladesh. His arguments were:-

    The Hindus has taken over Bangladesh.


    The Muslims are killed in thousands.


    The Mosques are being converted into Mandir.

    4. In December 1972 Golam Azam attended a meeting of Muslim Youth Organization at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

    On his speech he requested the Muslim nation to help them to re-establish East Pakistan

    5. In March 1973 Golam Azam attended the Islamic Foreign Ministers Conference at Bengazi, Libya. Althoughhe was not invited, but allowed to participate. He appealed to all Muslim nations not to recognize Bangladesh

    and also asked the help of Islamic Ummah to regain East Pakistan .

    6. In April 1973 Golam Azam left for London and established his Head Quarter in a house in East London. He

    started anti Bangladesh campaign with the help of some Pakistani nationals. He visited Middle East countriesfor collection of funds. In 1987 Golam Azam collected approximate 45 Lac Real (Saudi currency) on the plea

    of reconstruction of damaged mosque and Madrassa in Bangladesh.

    7. From 1972 to 1975 Golam Azam visited Saudi Arabia and met the King. Every time he requested not to

    recognize Bangladesh and not to give financial or any other help to Bangladesh.

    8. In 1974 Golam Azam establishes his Head Quarter in East London, from where he was operating against

    Bangladesh with other associates.

    9. In 1977 Golam Azam collected more fund for Islamic revolution in Bangladesh. With this program his

    advisor was Mr. Altaf Guhor, former Information Minister of Pakistan and Mr. Moazzem Ali of PPI.

    10. In 1977 they established a Documentation Center and stared publications on Islamic Revolution in


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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-12

    Mr. Motiur Rahman NizamiPresident, Islami Chatra Sangha, Pakistan

    Father- Khandakar Lutfur RahmanVill-Manmothopur, PS- Sathia, Dist-Pabna

    Date Place Events Remarks

    11-04-71 Press statement,Dacca

    In a press statement he condemned the Indian interference in EastPakistan. He also mentioned, "India sending armed intruders tocreate law and order situation inside East Pakistan. This is mainlya plan to make East Pakistan a servent state ".

    Daily Sangram11-04-71

    12-04-71 Procession peace

    committee, Dacca

    He led a procession of peace committee in Dacca supporting

    Pakistan Army action on 25th March 71.

    Daily Sangram,

    13-04-7114-06-71 Islami Chatra

    Sangha meeting,Jamalpur

    As a chief guest in the meeting he condemned Awami League andsaid, "Pakistan Army has taken timely action and has saved thecountry. All members of Islami Chatra Sangha should follow the

    principles of Islam and Cooperate with Army authority".

    Fortnightly SecretReport,Government ofEast Pakistan.First half June,'71

    25-07-71 Party meetingTown hall,Barisal

    In a reception of Islami Chatra Sangha at Barisal he said,"Pakistan Army has saved the nation. We are proud of them. Nowwe have to help them to find out the anti state elements".

    Daily Sangram26-07-71

    02-08-71 Student address,Chittagong

    As a chief guest in meeting organized by Islami Chatra Sanghacity branch, Chittagong Muslim Institute he said, if people wouldresisted the anti state elements from 1st March the situation should

    have other way. Now Army has saved the nation. He also

    Daily Sangram05-08-71

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-13

    Date Place Events Remarks

    mentioned, Allah gave the responsibility to save Pakistan to thereligious Muslim community, But they failed. Now we have tohelp the Army.

    10-08-71 Islami ChatraSangha Meeting,Mymensingh

    As a chief guest in a meeting of Islami Chatra Sangha he said,"We must help the administration to find out the anti stateelements of the country. Their name should be recorded and handover to the administration for action".

    Daily Sangram11-08-71

    14-08-71 National daycelebration.Dacca university

    Islami Chatra Sangha celebrated the day with a seminar followedby procession. As a chief guest in the seminar in Dacca universityhe said, "Pakistan in not the name of a place, it is the name of an

    ideology. This ideology has created Pakistan and that sprit willkeep Pakistan survive". He also mentioned, "The Islamic studentfront is capable to uphold that sprit".

    Daily Sangram16-08-71

    22-08-71 Party workersmeeting,Dacca

    In a workers meeting of Islami Chatra Sangha he said, "Allmembers of Islami Chatra Sangha is ready to sacrifice their livesto the save country. Those anti state elements are trying to dividePakistan, they want to destroy Islam. If need be the members ofthe Islami Chatra Sangha will go and attack main land of India to

    protect Pakistan".

    Daily Sangram23-08-71

    27-08-71 Press release,Dacca

    He mentioned, "The Islamic force must uphold the sprit of 1965war. In that war Pakistan Army gave lesson to Indian Army, thistime Army will give lesson to their followers (freedom fighters)".

    Daily Sangram28-08-71

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-14

    Date Place Events Remarks

    04-09-71 TelegraphicMassage,Dhaka

    Mr. Motiur Rahman Nizami sent a telegraphic message to thefather of Ft Lt Minhaj, who died in a clash with Ft Lt MotiurRahman,Bir Sreshto. As a president of Islami Chatra Sangha in acondolence massage he mentioned, "Minhaj has given his life toface the Indian aggressive Army and their agents. The sacrifice ofMinhaj will remain a source of inspiration".

    Daily Sangram04-09-71

    07-09-71 Defense Day,Curjon Hall,Dacca University

    As a chief guest in the seminar he said, "The workers of the IslamiChatra Sangha is ready to protect the every inch of holy land ofPakistan. If need they are determined to attack the main land ofIndia to save Pakistan".

    Daily Sangram08-09-71

    10-09-71 AddressingRazakars,Jessore

    He addressed the Razakars rally at the district head quarterJessore. He said to the Razakars that, "Each of us should be anIslamic soldier of Pakistan. Those who all are fighting againstPakistan and Islam should be killed. Government should equippedus with modern Arms".

    Daily Sangram15-09-71

    14-09-71 Party meeting,Faridpur

    In a party meeting he said, the Indian Brahmin supporters of EastPakistan started their activities against the country. We need tofight the Indian aggression. Those who identified Pakistan asAzimpur graveyard, they do not have any place in the holy land ofPakistan. Their place has been identified in Agartala andCrematorium of Calcutta.

    Daily Sangram15-09-71

    15-09-71 Party workers


    He said, "One group of supporter of the Brahman empire in the

    name of Liberation war, started working for inclusion of East

    Daily Sangram


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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-15

    Date Place Events Remarks

    Dacca Pakistan in the Hindustan territory. We should look for them andface them No power of the world can destroy Pakistan. Those whowant to disingrate Pakistan will not be tolarated here."

    16-09-71 Public Meeting,Sylhet

    Islami Chatra Sangha held a public meeting where Motiur RahmanNizami was the Chief guest. In the speech he said, "India isinterfering the internal affairs of Pakistan. The Awami Leagueleaders have defamed the Pakistani Muslims by revolting againstPakistan and joining hands with India. Pakistan needs Islamiceducation and Islamic constitution for the integrity of Pakistan".

    FortnightlySecret Report,Government ofEast Pakistan.Second half ofSeptember, 1971

    22-09-71 Mohshin Hall,

    Dacca University

    During his visit he said, some people tried to destroy Pakistan, but

    Allah has saved the nation. He also mentioned, for the set back ofthe country, group of students were also responsible.

    Daily Sangram


    23-09-71 Al-Badar campAliya Madrasa,Dacca,

    On visiting Al- Badar camp at Aliya Madrasa at Dacca he said,armed Indian infiltrators and some East Pakistani collaborators arecreating problems in the country. Only the patriotic Islamic youthscan fight them successfully. The Madrasa student has come up tosave the country. Other side those are educated in college anduniversity they become enemy of Pakistan". He also said. Sometime our so-called intellectual forgets this national sprit".

    Daily Sangram24-09-71

    12-10-71 Press statement In a press statement he mentioned, "So called Mukti Bahinifighting against Holy Pakistan. But 90% of the Mukti BahiniMembers are from Hindu community".

    Daily Sangaram13-10-71

    14-11-71 Sub editorial, Daily Mr. Nizami wrote a sub editorial. Where he mentioned, "It is our Daily Sangaram

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-16

    Date Place Events Remarks


    good luck that we got the opportunity to form Al-Badar Bahiniwith the help of Pakistan Army to fight side by side. In holy Badarwar the Muslim force were only 313 against 1000. But the Muslimforces won the war. Signifying that war the Al-Badar Bahini has

    been formed. The days are not that far, when the AL Badar Bahinialong with Pakistan Army will defeat Indian forces and hoist theflag of Islam". Calling upon the youth to help the Pakistani Army,he said "The nation's youth should prevent the Indian infiltratorsand their agents active under the banner of freedom fight."


    04-12-71 Sub editorial, Daily


    In a sub editorial Nizami wrote, "The Indian supported so called

    freedom fighter wanted to hand over 54,000 sq kilometer land toIndia. Failing which now Indian Army sending armed miscreantsto destabilize and capture East Pakistan".

    Daily Sangaram



    Date Name of the witness Incident Relation Execution Remarks

    Aminul Islam DabluBrisalika, Bera, Pabna

    Mr. Sohrab Ali- Of Brisalika,Pabna was arrested and killed bythe instruction of Nizami

    Father Killed

    Aminul Islam DabluBrisalika, Bera, Pabna

    Prafullah Paramanik, S/o-NainaParamanik- was arrested and killed

    by the instruction of Nizami

    Witness Killed

    Aminul Islam Dablu Sasti Paramanik, S/o- Prafullah Witness Killed

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-17

    Date Name of the witness Incident Relation Execution Remarks

    Brisalika, Bera, Pabna Paramanik- was arrested killed bythe instruction of Nizami

    Abdul Kuddus, S/o-SyedAliMadhabpur, Solabaria,Pabna

    He was arrested and kept in theprison camp. Observed killing ofinnocent people on the order of


    Victim Killed

    26-11-71 Abdul KuddusS/o-Syed AliMadhabpur, Solabaria,Pabna

    He observed Pakistan Army afterarrested and killed 30 persons in oneoperation in Dhubri village with thehelp of Satter Razakar. Nizami was

    the mastermind of the arrest andkilling

    Victim Killed

    Abdul KuddusS/o-Syed Ali, Madhabpur,Solabaria, Pabna

    He observed Bateswar Saha, S/oJhuti Saha -was arrested and killed

    Victim Killed

    Sahjahan AliS/o- Jamaluddin, Miapur,Sathia, Pabna

    Razakars arrested him as instructedby Nizami. He was ordered forkilling by dagger. But likely gotsave with major injury.

    Victim by dagger

    Sahjahan AliS/o- Jamaluddin, Miapur,Sathia, Pabna

    Another 10/12 freedom fighterswere killed in the same camp onthe instruction of Nizami.

    Victim by dagger

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-18

    Mr. Ali Ahsan MujahidPresident, Islami Chatra Sangha, East Pakistan

    Father-........................................................Vill---------, PS--------------Dist------------.

    Shaik Villa, 3/5, Naya Paltan, Dhaka.

    Date Place Events Remarks

    15-09-71 Workers meeting,


    He said, time has come to capture Assam first, then India, Youshould prepare yourself to fight the enemy,

    Daily Sangram


    15-10-71 Press release


    He mentioned, the youths of East Pakistan fighting the enemy with

    Islamic sprit. The Razakar and Al-Badar forces serving the nationwell. Every body should extend their hand to uphold their moral to

    fight side by side with Army without criticizing.

    Daily Sangram


    17-10-71 Conference ChatraSangha,


    Addressing the conference he said, "Islami Chatra Sangha workersto mobilize the youths of Islamic sprit and launce a strongMovement against anti Islamic activities. He also asked them, "To

    form Al-Badar Bahini at different levels for defending the

    country from internal and external attack".

    Fortnightly secretreport,Government of East Pakistan,second half

    October, 1971

    25-10-71 Academy Hall,


    Addressing in a convention of the members of the East PakistanIslami Chatra Sangha he said, "All Islamic students and people

    should come forward to eliminate the anti state elements".

    Daily Sangram


    07-11-71 Al-Badar Day, On the observing the Al-Badar day he said, "People should come Fortnightly

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-19

    Date Place Events Remarks

    Dacca forward against the aggressive attitude of Hindustan towardsPakistan and enrolled themselves in the Al-Badar forces and tofight against the enemies and Indian infiltrators to safeguard theintegrity and solidarity of Pakistan". He also said, "our studentsare fighting side by side Pakistani forces to resist Indian agents,the so called freedom fighters. "

    secret report,Government ofEast Pakistan,First half

    November, 1971

    04-12-71 Press statement,


    In a press statement congratulating Pakistan Army said, "PakistanArmy has given lesson to Indian Army. We are assuring thegovernment that, the student will fight side by side with Armyagainst the anti state elements".

    Daily Sangram



    Date Name of the witness Incident Relation Execution Remarks

    Abdus Salam, LeaderJatiyo Party, Dacca

    Mr Firoj Mia was a killer of Daccacity and Ali Ahsan Mujahid used to

    guide him on all operational matterWitness



    GM Gaus, Journalist,Fakirapul Dacca

    Fakirapul Razakar Bahini wasrecruited and trained under direct

    supervision on Ali Ahsan MijahidWitness



    Mahboob Kamal,Journalist, Fakirapul,

    Ali Ahsan Mujahid was the mainplanner of Razakar operation inDacca City. In Aug-Sept '71 Mr.

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-20

    Date Name of the witness Incident Relation Execution Remarks

    Dacca. Nazu was was picked up from hishouse and remained untraced till


    June '71

    Mahboob Kamal,Journalist, Fakirapul,


    His brother Mr. Mohshin was askedto join Razakar Bahini by Ali AhsanMujahid. If he does not join hethreatened to be killed. Then he hadto run away from Dacca.

    Note- 1. On 11th December '71 a caption was in the daily Azad was, "Ali Ahsan Mujahid was speaking on a meeting

    organized by Al-Badar of Dacca City.

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-21

    Md. Qamaruzzaman (Jamat)Leader Islami Chatra Sangha (Jamalpur)

    Father---------------------------------------Vill---------, PS-----------, Dist----------

    Date Place Events Remarks

    15-08-71 Seminar onnational dayMymensingh

    On the occasion of the national day Al-Badar Bahini of Mymensinghunit organized rally and seminar in the Muslim institute. Mr.Qamaruzzaman of Islami Chatra Sangha presided the meeting.

    Daily Sangram16-08-71

    Note- A

    1. Qamaruzzaman was the executive editor of the Jamat-i-Islami party paper Daily Sangram,2. In 1971, Qamaruzzaman was the leader of the Islami Chatra Sangha in Mymensingh.3. He was also the principal organizer of the Al-Badar force in Mymensingh.


    Date Name of the witness Incident Relation Execution Remarks

    April '71 Emdadul Haque Hira,Sherpur.

    The associates of Qamaruzzamanburned his house, They also made acamp in his house and constructed

    bunker around the house.


    June 1971 Mr. Fazlul HaqueSherpur

    Badiuzzaman of Sherpur wasarrested by Qamaruzzaman and his

    party with other 11. He was killed in

    Son Killed Case-Nalitabari PS,

    2(5)72G GR-

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-22

    Date Name of the witness Incident Relation Execution Remarks

    the camp 250(2)72

    May 71 Syed Abdul Hannan,teacher SherpurCollege.

    Qamaruzzaman group arrested him.Tortured in the camp, then movedaround the city almost without cloth

    putting shoe chain in the neck.

    Victim Tortured Janakhantha22-12-2000

    22-08-71 Ziaul Haque, LeaderAwami League,Sherpur

    He was arrested by Qamaruzzamangroup and taken to the camp.Tortured for 2days, then left.

    Victim Tortured Janakhantha22-12-2000

    24-08-71 Mahmuda Khatun,Sherpur

    Golam Mustafa was arrested byQamaruzzaman group and short dead

    in the area of Seri Bridge around 8o'clock.

    Mother Killed Case filed inSherpur PS

    24-08-71 Shahajan Talukder,Sherpur

    Qamaruzzaman occupied the houseof Surendra Mohan Saha and madehis camp. So many people weretaken, this camp, then tortured andkilled.


    24-08-71 Abul Kashem, vill-Simul Rani, Sherpur

    He was arrested as informer of theMukti Bahini, and taken to the bridgearea for killing by theQamaruzzaman group. Before theycould fire to him he jumped to the

    river and survived.

    Victim Attemptedto kill


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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-23

    Note- A1. Qamaruzzaman was the executive editor of the Jamat-i-Islami party paper Daily Sangram,2. In 1971, Qamaruzzaman was the leader of the Islami Chatra Sangha in Mymensingh.3. He was also the principal organizer of the Al-Badar force in Mymensingh.4. He was a close associates of Major Riaz of Pakistan Army posted in Sherpur in 1971.

    Note- B1. He hided himself after liberation.2. Came into open politics after 1975.3. He contested election in 1991, 1996 and 2001, but failed.

    4. Presently he is the assistant general secretary of Jamat-i-Islami, Bangladesh.

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-24

    Mr. Abbas Ali KhanSenior Naib-e-Amir Jamat-i-Islami

    Minister for Education, Government of East Pakistan '71.Father----------------------------------------Vill---------, PS----------, Dist-------------

    Date Place Events Remarks

    24-06-71 Press news,Joypurhat

    "A 15member sub-divisional committee was formed in theJoypurhat sub-division of Bogra district, under the leadership ofAbbas Ali Khan".

    Daily Purbadesh25-06-71

    14-08-71 Pakistan day


    Speaking as chief guest at the joint parade of Razakars and Police

    forces he said, "The Razakars are willing to sacrifice their lives inorder to eliminate the secessionist".

    Daily Sangram


    17-09-71 Oath taking asMinister

    He took oath as minister of government of East Pakistan. He wasgiven the charge of Ministry of Education.

    Daily Sangram18-09-71

    22-09-71 Reception AliyaMadrassa,Dacca

    In a reception given to the Jamat Minister he said, "Our educationsystem should be such that, it will produce true Muslims. We illnot accept any other system".

    Daily Sangram23-09-71

    22-09-71 Mohshin Hall,Dacca University

    During his visit he said, some people tried to destroy Pakistan, butAllah has saved the nation. He also mentioned, for the setback ofthe country group of students were also responsible.

    Daily Sangram23-09-71

    24-09-71 Reception atTejgaon,


    In a reception meeting he said, under the cover of Mukti BahiniIndian Army attacking on Bangladesh. He requested everybody

    should take part to find out the criminals and help Pakistan Army

    Daily Sangram25-09-71

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-25

    Date Place Events Remarks

    and peace committee members.

    10-10-71 Peace committeemeeting,Bogra.

    In a reception meeting he said, we should try to eliminate theIndian agents from the soil of Pakistan. Razakars should come upand through them out of the country.

    Daily Sangram11-10-71

    11-10-71 Radio broadcast,Dacca

    In a radio broadcast he gave stress on Islamic education. Hementioned the patriotism will develop through Islamic education.

    Daily Sangram12-10-71

    08-11-71 Party reception,Lahore

    In a party reception he said, if India thrush war on us, we willobserve our Eid prayer in Calcutta and Delhi.

    Daily Sangram09-11-71

    16-11-71 Peace committeemeeting,


    In a public meeting he said, "Razakars are showing betterperformance. Pakistan has come to stay and will stay. People

    should help Razakars to identify the Indian intruders. he said tothe Razakars, it is your duty to destroy the enemies of Pakistanforever".

    Daily Sangram17-11-71

    25-11-71 Press statement,Dacca

    In a press statement he mentioned, " There is no doubt that,disguised as freedom fighters, Indian forces have shamelesslyattacked East Pakistani front with the base motive of seizing EastPakistan. Our Armed forces, by themselves, cannot fight the war.In order to preserve our beloved Pakistan, each of us must extendour support to our soldiers". He also mentioned, " We must be onguard against anti-state elements and against the person whoinvolved in destructive activities. All should help the peacecommittees to find them out and destroy them".

    Daily Sangram26-11-71

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-26

    Date Place Events Remarks

    06-12-71 Radio broadcast,Dacca

    In a radio broadcast he said, India propagating for a so-calledBangladesh. People of East Pakistan should not believe any Indian

    broadcast. Referring the Badar war he mentioned, "Thirteen crorepeople are ready all the times to safe this holy land.Rumormongers, disruptive elements, those who claim thatBangladesh exists --either because, they are highly imaginative or

    because they are deliberate liars. both are our enemies. Be on thewatch of them. Neutralize then at the first opportunity. People ofEast Pakistan should work shoulder to shoulder with Razakars, Al-Badar and Al-Shams".

    Daily Sangram07-12-71

    00-12-71 Left Dacca forKarachi He left for Karachi in 2nd week December.

    Note- A 1. He was appointed Minister in charge Education in 1971 Malek cabinetNote- B 1. Abbas Ali Khan was made Ameer of Jamat-i-Islami in 1979 convention (May-25-27)

    2. On 10th February 1980 Jamat held its first public meeting in Baitul Mukarram, Dacca where he spoke.3. On December 1980 in a press conference Abbas Ali Khan spoke on behalf of the party, where he said,

    "Whatever we did in 1971 was for the welfare of the country and our nation. It was the right thing to do inorder to save our country from Indian aggression".

    4. On 29th March 1981 in a press conference he mentioned, "Whatever we did in 1971, was the right thing todo. In 1971 the Bangladesh concept was not correct".

    5. On 18th January 1986, in a press interview at Karachi with Dawn, (the English daily of Karachi Pakistan)he mentioned, "The people of Bangladesh now regret their separation from Pakistan".

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-27

    Moulana Abdur RahimDeputy Ameer Jamat-i-Islami, Pakistan

    Late- Kabir UddinVill- Shialkati, PS- Kotwali, Dist-Barisal

    Government asked to surrender;

    Gazette ref Date Court to Surrender Date and Time Remarks

    123 Raj (4) 14-02-72 SDO Pirojpur 29-02-72, at 3PM

    Date Place Events Remarks

    09-08-71 Central committeemeeting,Lahore

    In an opening address he mentioned, "Not a single member ofJamat-i-Islami of East Pakistan was involved in Bangladeshmovement. It proofs the ideological strength of the party member.He also said, India is helping the armed intruders. Without loosingany more time Pakistan should attack India and capture Assam".

    Daily Sangram10-08-71

    19-08-71 Central committeemeeting,Lahore

    Jamat-i-Islami Majlish-e-Sura condemned the activities of Indiafor supporting the Bengali intruders for looting and disruptingcommunications in the country. In another resolution it is said,Muslims has sacrificed their life time and again.

    Daily Sangram19-08-71

    20-08-71 Central committeemeeting,Lahore

    Today the Majlish-e-Sura took another resolution on; "To protectthe motherland from the aggression of India and their allies,whatever action government has taken Jamat-i-Islami has full

    support on that". He spoke and supported the resolution.

    Daily Sangram21-08-71

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-28

    Date Place Events Remarks

    21-08-71 Central committeemeeting,Lahore

    Today the Majlish-e-Sura took another resolution on Martial lawregulations number 60 and 78, that sanctioned genocide. Hewelcomed the imposition of stringent military measures and said,"It is true that the Government has imposed section 60 and 78 inorder to bring the situation under control, the administrative bodyhave been unable to impose them. The result is that, they have

    become ineffective. If the Government does not take strongmeasures to improve the situation, people will be disheartened andsituation will grow worst".

    Daily Sangram22-08-71

    01-09-71 Press Briefing


    In a press briefing he said, "Wiping out the miscreants should be

    given to those Mujahids who are familiar to the local people.Disregarding the Razakars, and relying on police reports nothingbut committing suicide. Some government officials and some ofthe employees were still engaged in Bangladesh propaganda. Aslong as this situation permitted to exist, it will be impossible onthe part of the government to save Pakistan".

    Daily Sangram


    02-09-71 Sub editorial indaily Jamayet,Karachi

    In a sub editorial written by him where he suggested some pointlike:-a. Regular Army cannot fight the civil armed intruders group. For

    that more attention should be given to organize Razakars andMujahids. He also mention Prof Golam Azam requested thePakistan government to give modern arms to them during hislast visit to Islamabad.

    Daily Sangram02-09-71

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-29

    Date Place Events Remarks

    b. In the article he also requested not to depend on old police ofEast Pakistan. In place of that Razakars and Mujahids should

    be given more preference, as they are more trust-worthy.c. Lastly he suggested if the patriotic people are not equipped

    with modern arms country might land in major trouble.

    26-09-71 Party workersmeeting,Dacca

    In a party meeting at Siddiq Bazar he said, "Jihad is a part ofMuslims against the enemies of Islam. Jamat leaders and workersshould join peace committees, Razakar Bahini and Council ofMinisters. Pakistan being the citadel of Islam, it is the duty ofPakistanis to protect it at all cost. All workers should cooperate

    with the Pakistan Army authorities and keep close contact with thepeople, thereby revitalizing the organization".

    Fortnightlysecret report,Government ofEast Pakistan,second half

    September, 1971


    1. He ran away from country before 16th December 71 with Prof Golam Azam.2. He remained in Pakistan till his retun to Bangladesh.3. In 1973 he returned to Bangladesh after general amnesty.4. In 1974 he started to organize his party secretly as religious party and politics was banned.5. In 1976 the word "secular" was eliminated from the constitutional name of Bangladesh. The ban on

    religion-based political parties was thus lifted.6. In 1976 he organized Islamic Democratic League (IDL) with 6 pro-Islamic political party, where he was

    made First Vice Chairman.

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-30

    Moulana Abdus SobhanActing Ameer, Jamat-i- Islami, District Pabna

    Father- Late, NaimuddinVill- Hazi Moshin Road, PS- Kotwali, Dist-Pabna

    Gazette ref Date Court to Surrender Date and Time Remarks

    136 Raj (4) 14-02-72 SDO Pabna Sadar 29-02-72, at- 3PM

    Date Place Events Remarks

    Peace committee,Pabna

    He was appointed vice president district peace committee,Pabna


    Date Name of the witness Incident Relation Execution Remarks

    27-03-71 Advocate GolamHasnayen, Kachari para,Pabna Town, Pabna.

    Abdus Sobhan took Pakistan Armyto the House of Dr. AmalenduDakhi. He was arrested then andkilled.

    Witness KilledPage-290Sahriar

    Anwarul Haque, Salgoria,Pabna and Adv ShafiqulIslam Sibli, Pabna.

    He instigated Pakistan Army to killthe Head Teacher Mr.Kashimuddin of Pabna ZillaSchool.

    Locals KilledPage-290Sahriar

    Sufia Begum, mother of Mr Shadhon was picked up and Page-290

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-31

    Date Name of the witness Incident Relation Execution Remarks

    Mr. Shadhon, w/o AbdulHamid Khan

    killed by Pakistan Army on theinstigation of Moulana Sobhan.

    Mother Killed Sahriar

    17-04-71 Principal Abdul Gani,Kalachandpara, Pabna

    Moulana Sobhan accompaniedPakistan Army in a operation inKuchipara and Shakhari Para.They killed Shudhir Chandra Saha,Ashoke Kumar, Gopal ChandraChoudhury with 5 others in PabnaCity.

    Witness KilledPage-290Sahriar

    May '71 Zahirul Islam Bishu,


    Early May 71 about 400 people

    killed in Nazirgonj-Satbaria unionof Sujanagar PS, Pabna. After thekilling Mukitibahini arrested one

    peace committee member namedMoulovi Modhu. On interrogationhe disclosed that, Moulana Sobhanin his house made the killing plan.

    Muktibahini groupleader




    Note-1. He organized Razakars and Al-Badar forces in Pabna district.2. He guided the Pakistan Army to identify the house of Doctor Amalendu Dhakhi who was killed by Pakistan

    Army.3. He ran away from country before 16th December 71 with Prof Golam Azam.

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-32

    Moulana AKM YusufLeader Jamat-i-Islami, District Khulna

    Minister for Revenue, Government East Pakistan '71.Father-------------------------------------------Vill-Rajoir, PS- Sarankhola, Dist- Khulna

    Date Place Events Remarks

    09-05-71 Peace Committee,


    Khulna District Peace Committee formed at city hall under theleadership of Moulana AKM Yusuf. He was made President District

    Peace Committe.

    Daily Sangram


    May 71 Razakar formation,

    Khulna city

    He organized Razakar Bahini in Khulna Ansars Camp with 96 Islami

    Chatra Sangha and Jamat members. He gave the name Razakars.

    21-05-71 Press conference,


    In a press conference he mentioned, Pakistan Army could foil theanti state evil design of Awami League. We are requesting people ofEast Pakistan to come forward to help Pakistan Army. In the pressconference Ex Minister Amjad Hossain and Ex Minister Khan

    Abdus Sabur Khan was present.

    Daily Sangram


    17-09-71 Oath taking asMinister, Dacca

    He took oath as Minister of government East Pakistan. He was given

    the charge of Ministry of Education.

    Daily Sangram


    10-10-71 Public meeting,Khulna city

    In the public meeting he said, members of the Peace Committee andRazakars are very active to save the nation. Peoples of East Pakistan

    will stand beside Pakistan Army and Razakars.

    Daily Sangram


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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-33

    Date Place Events Remarks

    26-10-71 Public meeting

    Sylhet city

    In a public meeting he said, "Razakars are giving good service evenat the cost of their life. He mentioned, some misguided youthscrossed the border and taking shelter in India creating disturbanceand sabotage under the name so called Mukti Bahini. People shouldorganize and eliminates them from society. He also said if Indiathrush war on Pakistan the Army and Razakars will give exemplary


    Daily Sangram


    09-11-71 Addressing Al-

    Badar Bahini,


    He praised the Al-Badar members for better performance. He alsomentioned, " The enemies are within. every body should be careful

    against the evil design against Islam".

    Daily Sangram


    12-11-71 Razakar camp,


    During his visit to Razakar Camp at Satkhira he said, "The Razakarsare the proud soldiers of Islam. They are fighting the enemy best oftheir ability. They have played a valuable role in destroying Indian

    agents and infiltrators".

    Daily Sangram


    28-12-71 Press conference,


    To the newsman he mentioned, Army and Razakars are fightingagainst the Indian evil forces. He asked the government to providemodern arms to the Razakars. He said, by now the total strength Al-Badar and Al-Shams is about 100,000. Beside that Mujahids arethere. The Razakars are very successful in operating allover the


    Daily Sangram


    04-12-71 Press meeting, He said, "It is absolutely essential that people lend active support to Daily Sangram

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-34

    Date Place Events Remarks

    Dhaka the armed forces. It is with our blood that, we will have to fight the

    enemy to the very end".05-12-71

    09-12-71 Peace committeemeeting,


    In an address he said, "No body should listen to the rumors andrumorsmongers. We must try to save our motherland form enemy".

    Daily Sangram



    Date Name of the


    Incident Relation Execution Remarks

    11Srabon Gulzan Bibi,mother of SkAbdur Razzak, ofKhulna

    Her son, Abdur Razzak was taken toRazakar camp for enrollment. He refused to

    join, and then he was untraced. When hermother approached Moulana AKM Yusuf,he refused to release him.

    Mother Untraced

    Note- A1. He was number 1 member of Razakar bahini of Khulna district.2. He was Minister in charge Revenue of East Pakistan Government during 1971.3. He hided himself leaving his area for a long time.4. He came to politics after 1975.5. Presently he is Naib-e- Amir Jamat-i-Islami Bangladesh.

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-35

    Abdul Kader MollahJamat-i- Islami

    Father---------------------------------------------Vill-----------, PS-------------, Dist--------------

    Date Place Events Remarks

    1. He organized own-armed cadre in the Mirpur area, Dacca mainly with the non-Bengali people.2. He was known as kasha in Mirpur area.3. As per locals Kader mollah was the main killer in the area Sialbari, Rupnagar and Mirpur area.


    Date Name of the witness Incident Relation Execution Remarks29-03-71 Mr. Fazar Ali

    S/o-Manik Sarder,Block-B, Taltola,Mirpur-11

    Pallab, student of Mirpur Bangla college, waspicked up by the people of Kader Mollah, fromNawabpur, Dacca. He was brought to KaderMollah then he was dragged through road up toIdgah Field in section-12, Mirpur. He washanged for 2 more days then killed on 05-04-71with 5bullets. His body was again hanged withthe tree to create terror in the area.

    Brother Killed

    Oct-71 Shahidur RahmanChoudhurys/o-Abdur Rahman of


    Poet Meherunnessa was killed in Mirpur by thegroup of Kader Molla. Seeing the killing of the

    poet one Sirajuddin became abnorman. Till

    today he is in the same condition.

    Witness Killed

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-36

    Delwar Hossain Saidi (Jamat)Father-Yusuf Ali Sikder

    Vill- Southkhali, PS- Pirojpur, Dist-Barisal

    Date Place Events Remarks

    00-06-71 Pirojpur, Barisal He took away the household and house of Madan Mohan of thearea.


    00-08-81 Pirojpur, Barisal He arrested Gopal Banik and handed over to the Pakistan Army.Gopal Banik was killed by Pakistan Army in the Baleswar Ghat.


    00-09-71 Pirojpur, Barisal He looted the shops of Narayan Shaha and Makhan shaha.

    EyewitnessDate Name of the witness Incident Relation Execution Remarks

    Adv Ali Haider Khan,Ganatantri Party,Pirojpur

    With the consent of Delwar HussainSaidi the brother of Himanshu Babuwas killed. His associates killed thesame way student Ganopati Hawlader.

    Witness KilledJanakhantha05-03-01

    Adv Abdur Razzak,Pirojpur.

    Saidi set fire to parerhat Bazar andburned into ashes. He took position ofthe house of Bipad Saha of Parerhat.

    Witness LootedJanakhantha05-03-01

    Md. Alauddin Khan,Chairman, Parerhat UC.Pirojpur.

    With the planning of Delwar HossainSaidi the local intellectuals named,Anwar Hossain, Nurul Islam Khan,

    Witness KilledJanakhantha05-03-01

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-37

    Date Name of the witness Incident Relation Execution Remarks

    Abu Mia and others.

    Anwar Uddin Ahmed,Parerhat, PS-Indurkani,Pirojpur.j

    Delwar Hossain Saidi took away thehouse of Nikhil Paul and put it to hisfather-in-laws house. He used to say"The property of the Hindus is thelegal property for the Muslims asGanimater Mal"

    Witness LootedJanakhantha05-03-01

    Beni Madhap Saha,Parerhat, Pirojpur

    With the consent of Delwar HossainSaidi EPR Subedar Abdul Aziz, BaniKanto Sikder and Krisnakanto Sahawas killed after arrest.

    Witness KilledJanakhantha05-03-01

    Note- A1 He was a close associate of Capt Aziz of Pakistan Army posted in Pirojpur..2. He used to supply girls to the Army camp Pirojpur regularly.3. He looted the house of Anwar Hussain, Beni Madhap Saha and Modan Mohan Saha of Parerhat, Pirojpur.4. As per the statement of Sufia Haider, daughter of SDPO Faizur Rahman, "Delwar Hossain Saidi was directly helped

    Pakistan Amy killing of his father at Pirojpur. After the killing, people of Saidi group looted their house.

    Note-B1. He left Bangladesh after liberation and went to Saudi Arabia.2. He came back in 1985 and started Islami jalsha.3. He contested election in 1996 and 2001 from Pirojpur and got elected from Jamat-i-Islami4. He is a member of Majlish-e-Sura of Jamat-i-Islami.

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-38

    Mr. Hamidul Haque ChowdhuryFather- Akkas Ali Choudhury

    Vill- Ramnagar,PS- Feni, Dist- NoakhaliNirala Garden, Green Road, Dhaka,

    Member, Central Peace Committee, East Pakistan

    Gazette ref Date Court to Surrender Date and Time Remarks

    104 Raj (4) 09-02-72 SDO- Feni Or- Dhaka South 22-02-72, at-3PM

    Date Place Events Remarks

    06-04-71 Meeting with MLA

    Zone-B Office,Dacca

    Meeting with Lt Gen Tikka Khan at governors house, and assured

    him to provide all out support to Pakistan Army. He was withother 3 members.

    Daily Sangram


    16-06-71 Press meeting,Rawalpindi

    He said, The situation of East Pakistan is normal. Army authorityin full control.

    Daily Pakistan17-06- 1971

    19-06-71 Meeting withPresident,Rawalpindi

    A six-member team from East Pakistan mate President YahyaKhan in Presidents office at Rawalpindi. Mr. Hamidul HaqueChoudhury was one of the members. They discussed about thedelegation to go abroad to represent Pakistani position againstBangladesh issue.

    Daily Pakistan20-06- 1971

    20-06-71 Press conference,Rawalpindi

    He said, Pakistan going through big crisis. The present situationproofs that, Agartala case was justified. He also mentioned leadinga delegation to explain the situation to the world leaders.

    Daily Pakistan21-06- 1971

    14-07-71 Meeting with He meets World Bank President Robert Macnamara in his office Daily Pakistan

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-39

    Date Place Events Remarks

    world BankPresident,Washington

    and requested him to review the East Pakistan Report. 16-07- 1971

    15-07-71 Meeting with UNSecretary General,

    New York

    He meets UN secretary General Mr. U Thant in his office andexplains the situation of Pakistan.

    Daily Pakistan16-07- 1971

    18-07-71 Press conference,New York

    He mentioned, World Bank report on Pakistan particularly onBangladesh issue was not correct. The forces attacking EastPakistan they are all Indian origin. He criticized the Indiangovernment for giving shelter to Bengali extremist. He also said, ifthis continues there going to be a war between Pakistan and India.

    Daily Pakistan19-07- 1971

    08-08-71 Press conference,London

    He organized a press conference in London. He explained thesituation of East Pakistan. Through press he also requested SovietForeign Minister to put pressure on Indian government not torecognize Bangladesh government.

    Daily Pakistan09-08- 1971

    12-08-71 Meeting withBritish Ministers,London

    He meets few Ministers of British government and explained that,the situation which has been reported in the British press are nottrue. It is the propaganda of Indian authority. The trouble faced byEast Pakistani people created by arms intruders coming fromIndia. Not by Pakistani Army. He also mentioned, those who arethinking about Liberated Bangladesh, they are doing the samemistake like Mir Zafar.

    Daily Pakistan13-08- 1971

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-40

    Mr. Khwaja KhairuddinPresident, East Pakistan Muslim League (Council)

    Father- Late, Khawaja Alauddin15, Ahsan Manjil, PS-Kotwali, Dist- Dhaka

    Member, Central Peace Committee, East Pakistan

    Gazette ref Date Court to Surrender Date and Time Remarks

    108 Raj (4) 09-02-72 SDO Dhaka South 22-02-72 at-3PM

    Date Place Events Remarks04-04-71 Meeting with MLA

    Zone-B Office,


    Meeting with Lt Gen Tikka Khan at governors house, andrequested him to form Nagorik Committee. He was with other 12


    Daily Purbadesh,


    09-04-71 Peace committee


    East Pakistan central nagorik peace committee formed withKhwaja Khair Uddin as convener. There are 27 other members.

    Daily Purbadesh


    13-04-71 Peace committee

    rally, Dacca

    He led a procession of the peace committee in Dacca supportingPakistan Army action on 25th March 71. The procession raisedslogan- Long live Pakistan, Down with Indian Imperialism,Agency of India will not be tolerated and Long live PakistanArmy". Addressing a rally he said, " the reality is, East Pakistani

    FortnightlySecret Report,Government ofEast Pakistan,First half April,

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-41

    Date Place Events Remarks

    people are suffering losses because of the activities of some


    12-04-71 Peace committee,


    He led a procession of peace committee in Dacca supportingPakistan Army action on 25th March 71.

    Daily Sangram,


    16-04-71 Meeting with MLAZone-B Office,


    Meeting with Lt Gen Tikka Khan, at Governor house, with thedelegation of newly constituted Central Peace Committee


    Daily Pakistan

    17-04- 1971

    21-04-71 Peace committee,


    He became one of the key person in the 6member supervision

    team of the central peace committee.

    Daily Pakistan


    11-06-71 Meeting withPresident,


    He meets President yahya Khan ant Governors house at Dacca. Hesuggested for strong organization for peace committee. Mr

    Shafiqul Islam Was with him.

    Daily Pakistan


    27-06-71 Meeting with AirVice Martial (retd)

    Asgar Khan,Dacca

    He met Air Vice Martial (retd) Asgar Khan, President Tehrik-e-Istiqlal, and discussed the situation of East Pakistan.

    FortnightlySecret Report,Government ofEast Pakistan.Second Half

    June, '71

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-42

    Mr. Mahmud AliVice President, Pakistan Peoples Party (PDP)

    Father- Late-Mujahed AliVill- Sunamgonj, PS- Sunamgonj, Dist-Sylhet

    510, Dhanmondi, Road-19, Dhaka

    Member, Central Peace Committee, East Pakistan

    He was asked to surrender;

    Gazette ref Date Court to Surrender Date and Time Remarks

    106 Raj (4) 09-02-72 SDO Sunamgonj Or Dacca South 2-02-72, at-3PM

    Date Place Events Remarks09-04-71 Peace Committee,

    DaccaHe became one of the active member of East Pakistan central

    peace committee.Daily Purbadesh11-04-71

    13-04-71 Peace committeerally, Dacca

    He led a procession of the peace committee in Dacca supportingPakistan Army action on 25th March 71. The procession raisedslogan- Long live Pakistan, Down with Indian Imperialism,Agency of India will not be tolerated and Long live PakistanArmy".

    Fortnightly SecretReport,Government ofEast Pakistan, Firsthalf April, 1971

    14-06-71 Peace committeemeeting, Sylhet

    As a chief guest in the meeting he mentioned, "Timely action ofPakistan Army has saved the nation from destruction. Peopleshould not believe the false Indian propaganda about thesituation of East Pakistan. The demand of Independent Bengal

    by Awami League is an Indian design only".

    Fortnightly SecretReport, Govt ofEast Pakistan,Second half June,


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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-43

    Date Place Events Remarks

    16-04-71 Meeting with MLAZone-B Office,Dacca

    Meeting with Lt Gen Tikka Khan, at Governor house, with thedelegation of newly constituted Central Peace Committeemember.

    Daily Pakistan 17-04-1971

    19-06-71 Meeting withPresident,Rawalpindi

    A six-member team from East Pakistan met President YahyaKhan in Presidents office at Rawalpindi. Mr. Mahmood Ali wasone of the members. They discussed about the delegation to goabroad to represent Pakistani position against Bangladesh issue.

    Daily Pakistan 20-06-1971

    23-06-71 Visiting abroad asGovt. emissary

    He started visiting world leaders as an emissary of the Pakistangovernment explaining the situation of East Pakistan.

    Daily Pakistan 24-06-1971

    14-07-71 Meeting with worldBank President,Washington

    He meets World Bank President Robert Macnamara in his officeand requested him to review the East Pakistan Report.

    Daily Pakistan 15-07- 1971

    15-07-71 Meeting with UNSecretary General,

    New York

    He meets UN secretary General Mr. U Thant in his office andexplains the situation of Pakistan.

    Daily Pakistan18-07-71

    08-08-71 Press conference,London

    He organized a press conference in London. He explained thesituation of East Pakistan. Through press he also requestedSoviet Foreign Minister to put pressure on Indian governmentnot to recognize Bangladesh government.

    Daily Pakistan09-08-71

    12-09-71 Return from worldvisit as emissary

    After visiting USA and European countries as the emissary ofthe government of Pakistan he returned to Dacca.

    Daily Pakistan13-09-71

    19-09-71 Member UNdelegation

    He left for New York as head of the delegation to attain GeneralAssembly Session in favor of Pakistan.

    Daily Pakistan20-09-71

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-44

    Mr. Abdul AlimFather- Abdul Wahed

    Vill- Joypurhat PaurasavaPS- Joypurhat, Dist- Bogra

    Chairman, Joypurhat Union Council.

    President, Joypurhat Peace Committe, Bogra.

    Gazette ref Date Court to Surrender Date and Time Remarks

    181 Raj (4) 14-02-72 SDO Joypurhat 29-02-72, at 3 PM

    EyewitnessDate Name of the


    Incident Relation Execution Remarks

    24-07-71 Dr. Nazrul Islam Pakistan Army picked up Dr. AbulKashem from his house with theinstigation of Abdul Alim. On 25th Julymorning he was taken to Abdul Alim and26th July Dr. Kashem was killed.

    Mollah ShamsulAlam, Chairman,Bamboo UnionCouncil, Bogra

    The Pakistan Army arrested FreedomFighter Fazlu in Paharpur battle. He wastaken to Abdul Alim. In a publicannouncement Abdul Alim Said, " Fazlu's

    father is friend of mine, I tried to restrain

    Witness Killed

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-45

    Date Name of thewitness

    Incident Relation Execution Remarks

    him from joining Mukti Bahini. But hedid not listen to me. Now he has beenarrested, and he has to get his death

    punishment". Fazlu was killed that day.

    Prof ShamsulAlam, JoypurhatCollage, Bogra

    During war 26 persons were arrested asFreedom Fighter in Joypurhat. AbdulAlim putting them in a truck took them inthe college compound. In a address to thestudent he said, "Students you understandthe condition of this boys. They will die

    after few hours. If any of you becomeFreedom Fighter you will have samefate". Those 26 boys were killed that day.

    Witness Killed

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-46

    Mr. ASM SolamanPresident, Krisak Sramik Party (KSP)

    Father-Md Jonab Ali.Vill- Baidder Bazar, Ps- Baidder Bazar, Dacca

    Member, Central Peace Committee, East Pakistan

    Minister, Government of East Pakistan

    Date Place Events Remarks

    08-04-71 Press release,Dacca

    In a press release he said, "Army action was timely. Withoutloosing any more time government should find out the anti state

    and anti social elements to improve law and order situation andrestore normalcy".

    Daily Pakistan09-04-71

    13-04-71 Peace committeerally, Dacca

    He led a procession of the peace committee in Dacca supportingPakistan Army action on 25th March 71. The procession raisedslogan- Long live Pakistan, Down with Indian Imperialism,Agency of India will not be tolerated and Long live PakistanArmy".

    Fortnightly SecretReport,Government of EastPakistan, First halfApril, '71

    15-04-71 Radio broadcast,Dacca

    In a radio broadcast he said, Pakistan has come to stay and willstay. The anti state elements trying to break the economic systemalong the border area by damaging communication.

    Daily Sangram,16-04-71

    16-04-71 Meeting with MLAZone-B Office,


    Meeting with Lt Gen Tikka Khan, at Governor house, with thedelegation of newly constituted Central Peace Committee


    Daily Sangram,17-04-71

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-47

    Date Place Events Remarks

    21-04-71 Peace committee,Dacca

    He became one of the key person in the 6 member supervisionteam of the central peace committee.

    Daily Pakistan22-04-71

    23-04-71 Press release,Dacca

    In the press release he mentioned, India is interfering in theinternal affairs of East Pakistan. Pakistan Army has resisted itsuccessfully. We are proud of our Army. Now people should comeout to help Pakistan Army to eliminate the anti state elements.

    Daily Sangram,24-04-71

    09-05-71 Meeting with peacecommittee,Baider Bazar

    Having discussion with the peace committee member he said,"Everybody should carefully examine the anti social and anti stateelements".

    Daily Sangram,10-05-71

    30-05-71 Memberdelegation,Geneva

    He joined the Pakistan government delegation to Geneva to pleadfor Pakistan Government.

    Daily Pakistan01-05-71

    17-09-71 Oath taking asMinister

    He took oath as minister of government East Pakistan. He wasgiven the charge of Ministry of.

    Daily Sangram,18-09-71

    19-09-71 Press statement,Dacca

    After joining the ministry he said to the press, "Those who wishedto destroy Pakistan have themselves been completely destroyed".

    Daily Sangram,20-09-71

    20-09-71 Workers meeting,Dacca

    In the speech he said, Pakistan Army has foiled the evil design ofanti state elements on so-called Mukti Bahini. They wanted todivide our motherland. We say no power can break Pakistan.

    Daily Sangram,21-09-71

    15-11-71 Press briefing,Karachi

    In a press briefing he said, the Razakars are doing good job. Theyshould be called national hero.

    Daily Pakistan16-11-71

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-48

    EyewitnessDate Name of the witness Incident Relation Execution Remarks

    Mr. Taibur Rahman,Member AminpurUnion, Narayangonj

    Mr. Solaiman formed the PeaceCommittee in 11 Union of BaidderBazar PS, and appointed their office



    May '71 Mr. Taibur Rahman,Member AminpurUnion, PS- BaidderBazar, Narayangonj

    Sreemati Bhiva Rani, sister ofShambhu Gosh of Sahpur village was

    picked up from the house by oneZamir Ali, the right hand man of Mr.Solaiman, She was handed over toArmy camp.


    24-05-71 Mr. Taibur Rahman,Member AminpurUnion, PS- BaidderBazar, Narayangonj

    Mr. Taibur Rahman with otherfreedom fighters was in a operationalmeeting. Suddenly the Razakarsattacked that hideout where Mr.Solaiman accompanied the Razakars.He was arrested.

    VictimReleasedon requestof a nonBengali


    14-12-71 Mrs. Azimunnahar,Vill-Haria Gopindi, PS-Baidder Bazar,


    Mr. Siddique Mia was killed inAdamjee area by Razakars on theinstruction of Mr. Solaiman

    Wife Killed

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    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-49

    Mr. Salauddin Qader ChoudhuryFather- Fazlul Kader Choudhury

    Vill- Gohira, PS- Raujan, Dist- ChittagongGoodshill, Chittagang

    Gazette ref Date Court to Surrender Date and Time Remarks

    Raujan PS case no- 41(1)72 and 43(1)72 Charge sheeted

    13-04-72 Hathazari PS case no-17

    Note- On 20-09-71 evening, rebels fired at the car of Salauddin Qader Choudhury, son of Fazlul Qader Choudhury,President Pakistan Muslim League, at Chandanpura, Chittagang. The also threw a hand grenade in front of the car. Salauddin

    got injured. Auth- Fortnightly Secret Report, Government of East Pakistan second half of Septemberl, 1971


    Date Name of the witness Incident Relation Execution Remarks

    13-04-71 Satta Ranjan Shing Babu Nutan Chandra Sing ofKundeswary was shot dead by Armyin instigation by Salauddin KaderChowdhury.

    Son Short deadFIR No-U/S/302/120(13)/298 BPCand Rawzan PScase no- 41(1)71and 43(1) 72.

    05-07-71 Nizamuddin, Student He was arrested on 5th July andtaken to goods hill camp and

    inhumanly tortured. He was then sent

    VictimReleasefrom jail

    on 15th

  • 8/11/2019 Associates of Pakistan Army : 1971 - A.S.M Shamsul Arefin


    C:\Users\hp\Desktop\WEBSITE TEMP\brpbd\brp docs\4-Book-Associaate of Pakistan Army\War criminal data-71-2-Final (12-12-08).doc

    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-50

    Date Name of the witness Incident Relation Execution Remarksto Army camp on 6th and to jail on13th July.

    Nov 71.

    17-04-71 Sk Mohd Jahangir His father Sk Muzaffar Ahmed andHis brother Sk Alamgir was pickedup by the persons of Salauddin KaderChowdhury and taken to the camp.

    Son KilledCase filed in thePS

    Note- A1. Mr Salauddin Kader Chowdhury left the country before 16th December 71.2. Case was filed against him in Hathazari PS on 13/4/72.3. He came back to Bangladesh after 75.

    4. He started politics and elected as parliament member-------5. He was Cabinet Minister during Ershad government.6. He became Advisor to Begum Khaleda Zia, Chairperson BNP, during 2001-2006.

  • 8/11/2019 Associates of Pakistan Army : 1971 - A.S.M Shamsul Arefin


    C:\Users\hp\Desktop\WEBSITE TEMP\brpbd\brp docs\4-Book-Associaate of Pakistan Army\War criminal data-71-2-Final (12-12-08).doc

    Associates of Pakistan Army 1971 P-51

    Fazlul Kader Choudhury (ML)President Muslim League (Convention)

    Vill- Gohira, PS- Raujan, Dist- ChittagongGoodshill, Chittagong

    Member, Central Peace Committee, East Pakistan

    Date Place Events Remarks

    09-04-71 Meeting with MLauthority,Chittagong

    He meets local ML authority at Chittagang and assured them ofhis support. Moulovi Farid Ahmed and Sultan Uddin Ahmed waswith him.

    Daily Pakistan10-04-71

    19-04-71 Meeting with MLauthority,


    He meets Lt Gen Tikka Khan at governors house. He offered allpossible help from him and his party to the government of

    Pakistan. Mr Malik Mohd Kashem was with him.

    Daily Pakistan20-04-71

    12-07-71 Press conference,Lahore

    In a press conference he said, present situation in East Pakistan isnormal. Only the Indian agents are active. To face the activities ofthe Indian agents all citizens are