Atalanta Fugiens (1618) - Michael Maier

Post on 23-Nov-2015

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Michael Maier's alchemical emblem book Atalanta fugiens was first published in Latin in 1617. It was a most amazing book as it incorporated 50 emblems with epigrams and a discourse, but extended the concept of an emblem book by incorporating 50 pieces of music the 'fugues' or canons. In this sense it was an early example of multimedia.An English tanslation exists in the British Library MS. Sloane 3645. Clay Holden was kind enough to allow his transcription of emblems 1 to 10, and Hereward Tilton has transcribed 11 to 34, and Peter Branwin has completed the work by transcribing 35 to 50. Peter Branwin is currently working on a new translation of the discourses from the original Latin. [There is another English translation in Mellon MS. 48 at Yale in the USA.]


Atalanta Fvgiens, Hoc Est, Emblemata Nova de Secretis Naturae Chymica