ATM 400: Synoptic Meteorology I Potential Final Exam ...€¦ · ATM 400: Synoptic Meteorology I...

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ATM 400: Synoptic Meteorology I Potential Final Exam Questions

1. Explain how ageostrophic winds act to maintain thermal wind balance within the exit region

of a jet streak, and describe the motion involved to maintain this balance. 2. What is (are) the advantage(s) of using the Sutcliffe–Trenberth version of the omega equation

instead of using the QG version to diagnose vertical motion? 3. Compare the structures and characteristics of cold core and warm core surface high pressure

systems. Explain any similarities or differences and be sure to draw and label diagrams to support your comparisons.

4. During Spring Break, Dr. Corbosiero is sending the senior class on a vacation on a flight

heading from Albany to anywhere they choose in North America on a plane piloted by Michael Muhlhausen. She gave him only a forecast map for the few coming hours of the 305-K isentropic surface, relative humidity, and wind. Since Michael missed the isentropic analysis lecture (to see his dogs), she assumes it will be a way to teach him a lesson about why not to skip her class. Michael being up for the challenge takes it on. How would Michael use the map below to identify turbulent risk regions according to vertical motion?

o Locate on the map where would you expect upward and downward motion based on the information given to help your pilot avoid these regions.

o Be sure to explain your reasoning for each region using isentropic analysis.


5. Explain the impact of diabatic heating on vertical motion from both a QG and isentropic framework. Given the sounding from Springfield, MO below, locate the diabatic-heating maximum. Based on your knowledge of diabatic heating in the QG height tendency equation, what might the pressure field around Springfield look like a few hours later?


6. What would you expect the vertical profile of the high-pressure system in the North Atlantic in the image below to look like? What type of system is this? What is the ζT of this system?

7. The strongest high pressure system in the United States occurred in Alaska on 31 January

1989. Using the thermal vorticity concepts discussed in class, evaluate the vertical profile of this system with the maps provided below from the NCEP–NCAR Reanalysis data.


8. The plot on the following page shows 500-hPa absolute vorticity and height, 700-hPa height

and temperature advection, 300-hPa height and temperature advection, and 300-hPa height, wind barbs, and isotachs in panels one through four, respectively. Briefly predict, and explain, whether the storm will strengthen, weaken, or maintain its intensity. Then, using QG theory, explain which direction the storm will move and whether or not you would expect it to impact Albany.


9. If you were to use the quasigeostrophic omega equation to diagnose ascent associated with this

cyclonic weather system, would you expect results similar to those found when using isentropic analysis?


10. Using the thermal vorticity equation, explain why we can expect a cold core surface high to weaken with height.

11. Assume an isentropic surface is warmed and descends 50 hPa in 10 h. Theta now is

increasing at a rate of 6K per 20 hPa. The winds are blowing 10 m s-1 perpendicular to the isobars from high to low pressure, changing 30 hPa over a distance of 100 km. The diabatic-heating rate over this time period is 3 K. Is the parcel ascending or descending? At what rate?

12. Your family is planning a vacation in Sydney, Australia for the first week of December and

they were planning on going to the beach. Using the 850-hPa and 500-hPa vorticity maps below, and assuming that warm air advection increases with height, determine whether the weather will be good or bad for your family to go swimming. Please use the QG Omega equation in your explanation.