Attendance Recordkeeping Requirements

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Attendance Recordkeeping Requirements. Presenter: Dr. Ruth Jones Florida Department of Education June 2012. Agenda. Local Recordkeeping Requirements Attendance Codes, Elements & Edits Attendance Reports Student Locator and Dropout/Match Importance and Uses of the Data Resources. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Attendance Recordkeeping Requirements

Presenter: Dr. Ruth JonesFlorida Department of Education

June 2012

AgendaLocal Recordkeeping RequirementsAttendance Codes, Elements & EditsAttendance ReportsStudent Locator and Dropout/MatchImportance and Uses of the DataResources

Local Recordkeeping RequirementsSBER 6A-1.044 Pupil Attendance RecordsDaily attendanceRequired studentsDistrict chooses time of dayNo temporary recordsInclude dates of enrollment, withdrawal,


Local Recordkeeping RequirementsSign-on indicator requiredMaintain a daily logPrincipal is responsible - must inspect

and determine the completeness and accuracy of the records

Accessible for state auditing

Attendance Codes

ABSENCE: nonattendance, not physically present at school or at a school activity.

ATTENDANCE: presence at the school or at an educational activity which constitutes part of the approved school program for that student.

Absence ClassificationEXCUSED: Allowable absence in

accordance with school district policy. UNEXCUSED: Absence which is not in

accordance with school district policy.Tardy is the absence of a student at the

time attendance is taken provided the student meets the definition for being present before the close of the day/period.

Attendance Codes

Code MeaningBlank Present

E Excused absence as defined by district policy

U Unexcused absence as defined by district policy

T Tardy (optional for period attendance)

Attendance Codes

Code MeaningD Unexcused absence related to discipline

as defined by district policy

N Unexcused absence not related to discipline as defined by district policy

H H/H student temporarily scheduled to be in a hospital in another district

Attendance Codes

Coding a DNE StudentStudent did not enter as expected at

beginning of year. Mark absent for up to ten school

days. On day 11, remove the student from

the roll as of day 1 of school year. Withdrawal date = first day of

school year.

Coding a DNE Student - Continued

Delete attendance records and course schedule.

If student enrolls late, record the Entry Date as the day the student enrolls.

Delete attendance data prior to enrollment.

Attendance ElementsLocal

Attendance, Daily Attendance, Period – for students in grades 9-12.

State Reporting Days Absent, Annual Days Absent, Annual Unexcused Not Related to Discipline Days Absent, Summer Terms Days Present, Annual Days Present, Summer Terms

Send to DOE on Prior School Status/Student Attendance format.

Survey 3 and Survey 5Aggregated for each student. Send separate records for each school the

student attended. Send home & private school students who

attended a course in the district. Send separate records for regular school

year (Term = 3) and summer (Term = S).

Attendance Elements

Attendance EditsAt least one record must exist for each

active school on the MSID file. The percent of days present must be less

than 100 for a school. The percent of days present must be

greater than or equal to 90 for a school.The percent of days present in the

summer term must be greater than or equal to 95.

Attendance ReportsCICS Reports for Request Menu at

NWRDC. By school. End of year report.F70488: Student Average Daily

Attendance (ADA) and Average Daily Membership (ADM)

F70889: Student Annual Average End of Year Truancy by School

Attendance ReportsAverage Daily Attendance (ADA)

Average number of students present each day school was in session.

Days Present/180. Average Daily Membership (ADM)

Average number of students on the current roll of the school each day school was in session.

(Days Present + Days Absent)/180.

Attendance Report – F70488 ADA/ADM

Attendance Reports - Truancy

Uniform Management Information and Reporting System (UMIRS) – USDOE/NCLB.

180 day school year only.Do not include those due to

disciplinary actions (suspension/expulsion).

Use Days Absent, Annual - Unexcused Not Related to Discipline.

Attendance Report – F70889 Truancy

School # SchoolTotal Days


Total Days

AbsentTotal Days


Total Days Unexcused, Not Related to Discipline

% Days


% Days Unexcused, Not Related to Discipline

0021 SCHOOL A 80,378 6,246 86,624 5,239 7.21 6.05

0031 SCHOOL B 74,468 4,304 78,772 2,592 5.46 3.29

0041 SCHOOL C 75,185 3,812 78,997 2,517 4.83 3.19

0051 SCHOOL D 13,331 2,202 15,533 2,005 14.18 12.91


243,362 16,564 259,926 12,353 6.37 4.75

Student LocatorUses

Find students who have dropout codesFind student numbers for new students

CICS system at NWRDC – limited access. Option 25 on Student Component menu.

Enter last name, birth date and gender.Lists possible matches for the last two

years student ID, name, year, survey, school,

district & grade level.

Dropout/MatchThe DOE automatically generates reports from

data submitted on Prior School Status/Student Attendance format after surveys 2 (October), 3 (February), 5 (end of year) and 6 (beginning of school year).

These files show the location of some students who have dropout codes.

One report shows the location of students with code W26 – exited to adult education.

School districts must update local files and submit changes to DOE.

Improves accuracy of student data and improves graduation and dropout rates.

Importance of the DataNational Public Education Financial

Survey (NPEFS) Average Daily AttendanceAverage Daily Membership

State Per Pupil Expenditure (SPPE) calculationTitle IImpact AidIndian Education

Importance of the Data Other programs making indirect use of

data:Education for Homeless Children and

YouthRural Education InitiativeTeacher Quality State GrantsSafe and Drug-Free Schools and


Attendance Data Uses - State Agencies

Driver’s License – DHSMVSchool districts must report to the

Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) information about students ages 14 and above who accumulate 15 unexcused absences in a period of 90 calendar days.

Students who fail to satisfy attendance requirements are ineligible to maintain or obtain driving privileges.

Learnfare – DCFSection 414.1251(1), F.S. requires the

Department of Children and Families (DCF) to reduce the temporary cash assistance for an eligible parent’s dependent child who is a habitual truant or dropout.

Section 1003.01(8), F.S. defines habitual truant as a student who has accumulated 15 unexcused absences within 90 calendar days.

Section 1003.01(9) defines a dropout.

Attendance Data Uses - State Agencies

Rilya Wilson Act – DCFSection 39.604, F.S. requires school

districts to report each unexcused absence or seven consecutive excused absences of children covered by the statute and enrolled in a district-operated early education or child care program to local Department of Children and Families (DCF) staff.

Attendance Data Uses - State Agencies

Attendance Uses - Accountability

Teacher and school administrator evaluation process.

Required by the Student Success Act (Senate Bill 736, 2011 Legislative Session).

Include student attendance as a factor in the value-added formula measuring student learning growth.

Survey 3 data. Prior School Status/Student Attendance format.

ResourcesData Base Manuals:

Attendance Recordkeeping Handbook:

Technical Assistance Paper – Identifying and Reporting Dropouts for Grades PK-12:

The End