Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or commonly known as ADHD By Stephanie Griffey.

Post on 17-Jan-2018

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Three Types of ADHD: Predominantly Inattentive Type: * difficult to organize * difficult to finish task * hard to pay attention to details * difficult to follow directions


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or commonly known as ADHD

By Stephanie Griffey

What is ADHD?A neurobehavioral

developmental disorder Most common behavioral

disorder that starts during childhood

(does not only affect children)

Children with ADHD are much more impulsive and restless

Three Types of ADHD:Predominantly Inattentive Type:

* difficult to organize* difficult to finish task* hard to pay attention to details* difficult to follow directions

Three Types of ADHD:Predominantly Hyperactive-

Impulsive Type:* Fidget and talk a lot* Restless and impulsive* Impatient* Tendency to have more injures and/or accidents.

Three Types of ADHD:Combined Type:

A person whose symptoms include all those of 1 and 2, and whose symptoms are equally predominant.

What are the general signs of ADHD Children? * restless, overactive, fidgety. * constantly chattering * continuously interrupting people * Cannot concentrate very long * inattentive * impatient

What Causes ADHD?Cause is unknown, but studies


◦higher chance if a relative has it◦Twin studies shows it is highly

heritable◦More common in boys than girls◦Biological in nature

What Causes ADHD:Some studies indicated:Food Additives:

◦Some synthetic coloringMercury

◦Mercury exposure during pregnancy may be associated with a higher risk of ADHD-related behaviors in offspring.

How do I know if someone has ADHD?Specialist- usually a psychiatrist,

psychologist, or pediatrician. ◦By observing the child and recognize

behavior patterns◦Data regarding the child behavior at

home and at school will also be studied.

Physical exercise can improve ADHD symptoms:Twenty-minute exercise sessions can

significantly improve focus in children with ADHD.

This could be significant, because the greatest problem children with ADHD have to struggle with is “inhibitory control”.

After the work out, the kids had much better results in reading comprehension and math tests.

Further Information:CHADD (Children and Adults with

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

ADDISS (ADHD Information Services)ADHD Australia Incorporated CADDRA (Canadian ADHD Resource


Resources:MNT Medical News Today. (2013, 04 17). Retrieved from MNT Medical News Today: