Attention Shoppers PowerPoint

Post on 26-Mar-2016

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Attention Shoppers lets you set up a schedule of commercials, promotions, daily or blue light specials or security announcements to be broadcast in-store.


Schedule Features

Page Zone Features

Ad or Commercials Features

Alert Features

Technical Requirements

Software for playing advertisements for customers to hear while in the store

Menu-driven options for setting up the schedule, zones and sounds

Easy to use Windows® interface for schedule changes, viewing and printing the daily schedule of advertisements

Each department, floor, or combination of groups can have a separate schedule, zone, and commercial – reduces staff requirements and training costs while increasing flexibility

Schedule up to 18 months in advance – provides for long range planning

Override current schedule for special events – easy to change the schedule for a snow storm to remind customer to pick up supplies

Default daily, weekly and weekend schedules – set up in advance but provides flexibility if a change is required

Print the schedule as needed – make sure staff is informed

Manual override – disable the commercials or audio ads in case of an emergency

Attention Shoppers GUI interface for basic


Weekly and Daily Schedules

Up to 100 zones – each can have its own schedule and advertisements for different departments or stores

A zone can be as small as one department or aisle – customize the ad for a small area

Each zone can have a different tone –reduces the confusion in common areas such as cafeterias and lobbies

Each tone can be played to a different zone – for malls that have many stores, each can have a unique sound or band

Rename the advertisements – makes it to easy to find or change if needed

Record your own tone – the stores can record their own ads and commercials

Preset alarms – examples: intruder alert, tornado alert, missing child…

Optional Ultimate! Call Accounting 911 alert – be informed real-time or after a call is placed to a 911 center

Texting staff through SPARK as an option

MS Windows® 2000, XP Pro, 2003, 2008, VISTA, Windows 7.0 operating systems

Optional interface with phone systems and paging system

Optional SIP Integration with approved telephone systems – provides up to 100 zones, and digital phone operation

Optional equipment provides up to sixteen additional zones on non-Toshiba systems – allows for multiple campus applications

• Attention Shoppers includes atomic clock software to keep the computer clock on time. We recommend using atomic clocks in the classrooms. Try a web search for “atomic clocks”.


For a live demonstration of Smoke Signal or any of the family of Ultimate

Communications Software applications contact us:

262-789-9649 DemoOnDemand Line or email