Attention to detail print

Post on 02-Dec-2014

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Refining our design

Attention to detail and refinement

Magazine Adverts Tour poster Film poster

DVD Cover


Types of film posters

Types of film posters The Teaser poster -This poster contains basic information to whet your appetite. It often does not indicate much about the plot, but may have a picture of the protagonist/a key icon and the title of the text.  

Types of film posters The main theatrical poster- This contains information about the production personnel, the stars, and the distributors.  

Types of film posters DVD release poster - This one comes out when the film is released on DVD and often has all of the above plus short, one line reviews from relevant publications.  

Types of film posters Character Poster – this one features the main character. Remember that the posters could be a combination of two types.  

Fonts Are you really thinking about your choice?

Fonts Are you really thinking about your choice?

Use of images.  

Too much studio? Not enough montage and on location shots?  


Magazine The finer details. Price. How much? Placement? Fonts 4-5 types A range of different sizes Articles. Make sure they link to the genre of the magazine but also to your research investigation findings.


What is your angle? How are you selling your product? What qualities will your product give to the consumer in return for money?

Youth/Beauty/Fun Sex, attraction Glamour, Beauty

How do you plan to place the product in the piece? Have you thought about colour/lighting connotations? Does the body language, pose, clothing help project your strategy?