Attrition Rate BPO SECTOR

Post on 23-Oct-2014

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What is Attrition?

Attrition has been a major concern for most of the companies in the current

competitive scenario.

The word Attrition means, a reduction in the number of employees through

resignation or separation at the employees will. Retirement, VRS and

employee leaving due to end of contract are not considered as attrition.

Attrition rate is the rate of shrinkage in size or number. It is the

mathematical representation of the attrition in a particular Organization nor

an institution.

Attrition leads to dual loss to an Organization:

• Firstly, company loses on a talent and thus costs incurred on them are a


• Secondly, it employees a new employee and thus needs to incur costs

on them thus the following costs:

A. Recruitment cost

The cost to the business when hiring new employees includes the following

six factors plus 10 percent for incidentals such as background screening:

• Time spent on sourcing replacement

• Time spent on recruitment and selection

• Travel expenses, if any

• Re-location costs, if any & Training/ramp-up time

• Background/reference screening

• Recruitment cost for the new recruit to replace the employee leaving

B. Training and development cost

To estimate the training and development costs, the expenses incurred on

training of the employee who is leaving should be taken as well as that to be

incurred to train the new employee is also to be considered. To estimate the

cost of training and developing new employees, cost of new hires must be

taken into consideration. This will mean direct and indirect costs, and can be

largely classified under the following heads:

Training materials


Trainers’ Time

C .Administration cost

They include:

Set up communication systems

Add employees to the HR system

Set up the new hire’s work space

Set up ID-cards, access cards, etc.

Thus it can be clearly evident from the above that loosing an employee

causes an organization large amount of expenses. An Organization thus tries

to retain its work force.

Reasons for Attrition

From the exit interview forms and the comments of the HR Manager the

overall reasons for attrition can be summarized as follows:

Better prospects outside the company in terms of salary and


Lack of Team spirit

No career growth

No role clarity

Attrition due to competition

Lack of support from Superiors

Retaining the Employees

Employees today are different. They are not the ones who don’t have good

opportunities in hand. As soon as they feel dissatisfied with the current

employer or the job, they switch over to the next job. In prominent Indian

metros, there is no dearth of opportunities for the best in the business, or

even for the second or the third best.

Importance of retaining employees remains the same irrespective of the size

of the Organization, its nature of business or the country of operation. The

only difference lies in realizing the fact that frequent employee attrition

means there is something, which needs immediate attention and cure.

Employee Retention involves taking measures to encourage employees to

remain in the Organization for the maximum period of time. It involves

being sensitive to people's needs and demonstrating the various strategies in

the five families detailed in Roger Herman's classic book on employee

retention, Keeping Good People.

Compensation: It is said that money isn't a motivator, but it is an effective

de-motivator. The employees always have high expectations regarding their

compensation packages. So an attractive compensation package plays a

critical role in retaining the employees.

Growth: No one joins an Organization to just do the same work till the end

of his career. If an employee does not see growth in his own Organization,

there are high chances that he might opt for leaving the Organization. So

such strategies must be framed where an employee can see his bright future

in the company.

Relationships: The management is sometimes not able to provide an

employee a supportive work culture and environment in terms of personal or

professional relationships. The Organization culture should be such that

encourages healthy relationship between all the employees.

• Support: Sometimes not getting the right kind of support and co-operation

also leads an employee to be frustrated and provokes him to leave the

Organization. This should be taken care of by providing healthy work


• Environment: An Organization needs to have an environment where

individuals learn and get support from colleagues and seniors along with the

healthy mixture of authority and responsibility.

Calculating the Attrition Rate:

“What cannot be measured cannot be improved’’ is an old management

aphorism. So if we want to improve attrition, we need to bring it tome

asureable terms.

Attrition in any particular Organization can be quantified by finding out the

attrition rate for that Organization. After this the analysis can be done as tow

here is the maximum attrition happening and then finding out reasons for the

same to form a retention strategy.

There is no standard formula to calculate the attrition rate of a company.

This is because of certain factors as:

• The employee base changes each month.

• Many firms may not include attrition of fresher’s who leave because of

higher studies or within three months of joining.

• In some cases, attrition of poor performers may also not be treated as


There is no standard formula to calculate the attrition rate of a company.

This is because of certain factors as:

• The employee base changes each month.

• Many firms may not include attrition of fresher’s who leave because

of higher studies or within three months of joining.

• In some cases, attrition of poor performers may also not be treated as


Yet, as a generalized formula the following can be used:

Attrition = (No. of employees who left in the year / Average employees in

the year) x 100


The movement of call centre jobs from higher-wage to lower-wage countries

such as India is the logical progression of what might be called

manufacturing and agricultural “outsourcing” over previous decades, as

capital continues its reorientation of the world economy in the search for

higher profit margins wherever they may exist.

Business Process Outsourcing is becoming a controversial model and is

being discussed both in counties of origin as well as those where the work is

being outsourced. People are working themselves into a frenzy in the

boardrooms of India and the west. The counteroffensive to these moves by

pressure groups of various hues and stripes continues under the derisive

“protectionist” label. Trade unions in the US and UK and many parts of

Europe are still deciding if BPO is one of the main reasons for job losses in

their countries, and it is true that this indeed is the perception among

workers there. Trade unions in India have very little presence in out sourced

services, but many see it as a sector that offers jobs, even if a mere drop in

the ocean in an employment starved country. And the Indian BPO

employees themselves appear somewhere in the story.

The more general term of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) refers to the

outsourcing of business functions such as airline and hotel reservations, data

entry and processing tasks, and mortgage processing, some under the rubric

of call centre. This outsourcing primarily takes the form of a local Indian

company or foreign subsidiary managing these business operations on behalf

of companies in the U.S, U.K. and other Anglophone countries. While the

BPO industry may provide employment to a small segment of India’s

population, as an export-oriented industry with competition from other

countries, it is unclear how long these relatively low-skilled jobs will stay in

India.1 The BPO industry in India, as an export-oriented sector contingent

on demand from primarily rich Western countries, is part of a wider

government encouragement of peripheral industries rather than core

manufacturing, such as the export garment industry. It follows that this type

of outsourcing industry, without accompanying investment in other long-

term domestic industries, has its limitations.


Business process outsourcing (BPO) is a subset of outsourcing that

involves the contracting of the operations and responsibilities of specific

business functions (or processes) to a third-party service provider.

Originally, this was associated with manufacturing firms, such as Coca

Cola that outsourced large segments of its supply chain.[1] In the

contemporary context, it is primarily used to refer to the outsourcing of

business processing services to an outside firm, replacing in-house services

with labor from an outside firm.

BPO is typically categorized into back office outsourcing - which

includes internal business functions such as human

resources or finance and accounting, and front office outsourcing -

which includes customer-related services  such as contact

centre services.

BPO that is contracted outside a company's country is called offshore

outsourcing. BPO that is contracted to a company's neighboring (or nearby)

country is called near shore outsourcing.

Often the business processes are information technology-based, and are

referred to as ITES-BPO, where ITES stands for Information Technology

Enabled Service. Knowledge process out sourcing (KPO) and legal process

outsourcing (LPO) are some of the sub-segments of business process

outsourcing industry.

Business process outsourcing (BPO) is the practice of using a third party,

contracted to perform specific, specialized processes on a company’s behalf.

Although “outsourcing” in its most basic form has been used for decades,

such as when a business uses an outside accountant to balance the books, it

has become a practice used by the majority of businesses and large

companies, on a much larger scale. By outsourcing certain aspects of “doing

business,” the company can focus on its primary purpose, whatever that may


There are two primary types of BPO: back office and front office out

sourcing. Typical back office processes that may be outsourced

include payroll, billing, logistics and human resources. Some companies

offer their services in collections, credit analysis and job recruitment. More

than ever, processes that one would never think would be outsourced, such

as claims processing at an insurance company, are being outsourced to

separate companies. Examples of front office outsourcing include technical

support, customer service, marketing and advertising.

The foreign call center has become one of the most reviled aspects of BPO,

with many located in different parts of the world. Where most companies

once touted their customer service as something they took pride in, many

customers find themselves having to explain their problems to someone has

little vested interest in the company. Outsourcing or “off shoring” customer

service to countries such as India saves the company a lot of money and

improves their bottom line. Some of the biggest complaints customers have

with foreign call centers are heavy accents and obvious scripting.

A company may utilize BPO due to cost considerations, or simply because

they do not have the expertise to deal with certain aspects of business. Many

companies have come under criticism for using BPO to cut costs, especially

in regards to call centers. Companies in western countries, particularly the

United States, are finding that countries like India offer the services they

need at an excellent price. This is due to the fact that many of these countries

have a well educated labor pool, high unemployment rates and a low cost of

living. In India, which had approximately 63% of the offshore BPO market

in 2006, labor is cheap, and employees are sometimes better educated than

higher-paid workers in the US.

Many opponents of BPO lament the fact that western workers are losing jobs

to foreigners faster than they are being replaced. While many companies are

improving their bottom line by outsourcing, they are facing harsh criticism

by consumers for the decline in quality of customer service. Employees may

find an outsourced human resources department less accessible than an in-

house one. Although BPO may be profitable now, consumer and employee

backlash coupled with government restrictions or taxation on the practice

may reduce its popularity.


India has revenues of US$10.9 billion from offshore BPO and US$30

billion from IT and total BPO (expected in FY 2008). India thus has

some 5-6% share of the total BPO Industry, but a commanding 63%

share of the offshore component. This 63% is a drop from the 70%

offshore share that India enjoyed last year: despite the industry

growing 38% in India last year, other locations like Philippines,

and South Africa have emerged to take a share of the market China is

also trying to grow from a very small base in this industry. However,

while the BPO industry is expected to continue to grow in India, its

market share of the offshore piece is expected to decline. Important

center in India are Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Kolkata, 

Mumbai, Pune, Patna and New Delhi.

The top five Indian BPO exporters for 2009-2010 according to NASSCOM

are Genpact, TCS BPO,WNS Global Services, Wipro BPO, and Aegis Ltd..


An advantage of BPO is the way in which it helps to increase a company’s

flexibility. However, several sources have different ways in which they

perceive organizational flexibility. Therefore business process outsourcing

enhances the flexibility of an organization in different ways.

Most services provided by BPO vendors are offered on a fee-for-service

basis. This can help a company becoming more flexible by transforming

fixed into variable costs.  A variable cost structure helps a company

responding to changes in required capacity and does not require a company

to invest in assets, thereby making the company more flexible. Outsourcing

may provide a firm with increased flexibility in its resource management and

may reduce response times to major environmental changes.

Another way in which BPO contributes to a company’s flexibility is that a

company is able to focus on its core competencies, without being burdened

by the demands of bureaucratic restraints. Key employees are herewith

released from performing non-core or administrative processes and can

invest more time and energy in building the firm’s core businesses. The key

lies in knowing which of the main value drivers to focus on – customer

intimacy, product leadership, or operational excellence. Focusing more on

one of these drivers may help a company create a competitive edge.

A third way in which BPO increases organizational flexibility is by

increasing the speed of business processes. Supply chain management with

the effective use of supply chain partners and business process outsourcing

increases the speed of several business processes, such as the throughput in

the case of a manufacturing company.

Finally, flexibility is seen as a stage in the organizational life cycle: A

company can maintain growth goals while avoiding standard business

bottlenecks. BPO therefore allows firms to retain their entrepreneurial speed

and agility, which they would otherwise sacrifice in order to become

efficient as they expanded. It avoids a premature internal transition from its

informal entrepreneurial phase to a more bureaucratic mode of operation.

A company may be able to grow at a faster pace as it will be less constrained

by large capital expenditures for people or equipment that may take years to

amortize, may become outdated or turn out to be a poor match for the

company over time.

Although the above-mentioned arguments favor the view that BPO increases

the flexibility of organizations, management needs to be careful with the

implementation of it as there are issues, which work against these

advantages. Among problems, which arise in practice are: A failure to meet

service levels, unclear contractual issues, changing requirements and

unforeseen charges, and a dependence on the BPO which reduces flexibility.

Consequently, these challenges need to be considered before a company

decides to engage in business process outsourcing.

A further issue is that in many cases there is little that differentiates the BPO

providers other than size. They often provide similar services, have similar

geographic footprints, leverage similar technology stacks, and have similar

Quality Improvement approaches.


Risk is the major drawback with Business Process Outsourcing. Outsourcing

of an Information System, for example, can cause security risks both from a

communication and from a privacy perspective. For example, security of

North American or European company data is more difficult to maintain

when accessed or controlled in the Sub-Continent. From a knowledge

perspective, a changing attitude in employees, underestimation of running

costs and the major risk of losing independence, outsourcing leads to a

different relationship between an organization and its contractor.

Risks and threats of outsourcing must therefore be managed, to achieve any

benefits. In order to manage outsourcing in a structured way, maximizing

positive outcome, minimizing risks and avoiding any threats, a Business

continuity management (BCM) model is set up. BCM consists of a set of

steps, to successfully identify, manage and control the business processes

that are, or can be outsourced.

Another framework, more focused on the identification process of potential

outsourcing able Information Systems, identified as AHP, is explained.

L. Willcocks, M. Lacity and G. Fitzgerald identify several contracting

problems companies face, ranging from unclear contract formatting, to a

lack of understanding of technical IT- processes.

What is the difference between a call centre and a BPO organization

A Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) organization is responsible for

performing a process or a part of a process of another business organization;

outsourcing is done to save on costs or gain in productivity.

A call centre performs that part of a client's business which involves

handling telephone calls. A call centre, for example, might handle customer

complaints coming in over a telephone.

Few of the motivation factors as to why BPO is gaining ground are:

# Factor Cost Advantage 

# Economy of Scale 

# Business Risk Mitigation 

# Superior Competency 

# Utilization Improvement 

Why Outsourcing from India?

The Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry in India has been

growing 70 percent a year and is now worth $1.6 billion, employing 100,000

people. And as McKinsey analysts put it, BPO has to grow only 27% till

2008 to deliver $17 billion in revenue and employment of a million people.

We offer customized business data processing services that match

international standards in terms of precision and timely execution. The

organization has experience in processing large volumes of data required by

major corporate and government organizations. Our various BPO / IT

enabled services includes the following:

¤ BPO Services

¤ IT Enabled Services

¤ Transcription Services 

¤ Content Development 

¤ Data Conversion 

¤ Data Entry 

¤ Data Processing

¤ Knowledge Management Services 

¤ Inventory and logistics information Services 

¤ Accounting and Reconciliation Services 

¤ Electronic Publishing 

¤ Quality Audits 

¤ Benefits Administration 

¤ Payroll Processing 

¤ Data Transcription Services 

¤ CRM services

Why is the BPO attrition rate so high?

That the Indian BPO companies suffer from the chronic problem of a high

attrition rate is a given. The question is why is the rate so high? And what

can we do about it. The Organization recently completed its 2008 "BPO

Sector Special Survey," which attempts to answer these questions.

The study focused on the compensation and benefits of almost 39,000 Indian

jobs in the BPO sector. The Key findings of the study were:

-- The salary structure is not competitive in BPO firms as compared to the

rest of the Indian market.

-- The short-term variable component was just 4% last year while the rest of

India's workers enjoyed 10%. Such a low figure does not give any scope in

creating incentive programs to encourage employees to work harder or stay

at the Organization.

-- The attrition rate at BPOs last year was 23.5% compared to 15% in the

general market. -- The benefits package mainly focused on retirement

benefits, which clearly does not mean much of an incentive for a 20 year

old. The employee gets the money at age 60. So retirement benefits like PF

do not encourage employees to stay at one company.

Organization stated that companies need to learn from the findings of the

study and create more realistic pay policies and more aligned to the

employee expectations. Companies need to focus on the take-home pay and

offer a higher rate if performance-based incentives if they hope to retain

talent. The study also suggested innovative options like stock options or

deferred and retention bonuses if money was tight.

The need for a more focused approach to career planning was also clearly

highlighted. Employees will stay longer when they see that they can move

up to a better job at the same company. The report suggested sponsoring

post-graduate education programs for employees and this in turn will “lock”

the employee into the Organization.

Other findings of the study were:

-- Many BPO workers use the money they earn to fund a post-graduate


-- The BPO work is attractive to younger workers giving them a new-found

freedom and a unique lifestyle. 

-- Many of the jobs are monotonous. The Organization suggests cross-

training employees in other processes to provide a respite.

Key To success

The key to success in ramping up talent in a BPO environment is a rapid

training module. The training component has to be seen as an important sub-

process, requiring constant re-engineering. Business Process Outsourcing:

The Top Rankers WNS has emerged as the top BPO in India, pushing Wipro

Spectra mind to the second position, according to a survey done by

NASSCOM. The basis of ranking is the revenues generated by the BPO

companies in 2003-04, as per US GAAP. A list of top fifteen BPO

companies in India is given below.

WNS Group Wipro Spectra mind Daksh e-Services Convergys HCL

Technologies Zenta ICICI Onesource MphasiS EXL Tracmail GTL Ltd.

Customer HTMT 24/7 Customer Sutherland Technologies

The parameters for the survey was:

Employee Size (Operation level executives)

Percentage of last salary hike

Cost to company

Overall Satisfaction Score

Composite Satisfaction

Company Culture

Job Content / Growth


Salary and Compensation

Appraisal System


Preferred Company: (Percentage of respondents of a company who named

their own company as the preferred one),

Dream Company: (Percentage of respondents in the total sample who

preferred a particular company).

Employee Benefits Provided By Majority Of the BPO Companies

Provident Fund: As per the statutory guidelines, the employee is required

to contribute a percentage of his basic salary and DA to a common fund. The

employer for this fund contributes as well. The employee can use the amount

deposited in this fund for various personal purposes such as purchase of a

new house, marriage etc.

Gratuity: Gratuity is one of the retrial benefits given to the employee in

which the employer every year contributes a particular amount. The fund

created can be used by the employee for the purpose of long-term

investment in various things such as a house etc.

Group Mediclaim Insurance Scheme: This insurance scheme is to provide

adequate insurance coverage of employees for expenses related to

hospitalization due to illness, disease or injury or pregnancy in case of

female employees or spouse of male employees. All employees and their

dependent family members are eligible. Dependent family members include

spouse, non-earning parents and children above three months.

Personal Accident Insurance Scheme: This scheme is to provide adequate

insurance coverage for Hospitalization expenses arising out of injuries

sustained in an accident.

Subsidized Food and Transportation: The organizations provide

transportation facility to all the employees from home till office at

subsidized rates. The lunch provided is also subsidized.

Company Leased Accommodation: Some of the companies provide shared

accommodation for all the out station employees, in fact some of the BPO

companies also undertakes to pay electricity/water bills as well as the

Society charges for the shared accommodation. The purpose is to provide to

the employees to lead a more comfortable work life balance.

Recreation, Cafeteria, ATM and Concierge facilities: The recreation

facilities include pool tables, chess tables and coffee bars. Companies also

have well equipped gyms, personal trainers and showers at facilities.

Corporate Credit Card: The main purpose of the corporate credit card is

enable the timely and efficient payment of official expenses which the

employees undertake for purposes such as travel related expenses like Hotel

bills, Air tickets etc

Cellular Phone / Laptop: Cellular phone and / or Laptop is provided to the

employees on the basis of business need. The employee is responsible for

the maintenance and safeguarding of the asset.

Personal Health Care (Regular medical check-ups): Some of the BPOS

provides the facility for extensive health check-up. For employees with

above 40 years of age, the medical check-up can be done once a year.

Loans: Many BPO companies provide loan facility on three different

occasions: Employees are provided with financial assistance in case of a

medical emergency. Employees are also provided with financial assistance

at the time of their wedding. And, the new recruits are provided with interest

free loans to assist them in their initial settlement at the work location.

Educational Benefits: Many BPO companies have this policy to develop

the personality and knowledge level of their employees and hence reimburse

the expenses incurred towards tuition fees, examination fees, and purchase

of books subject, for pursuing MBA, and/or other management qualification

at India’s top most Business Schools.

Performance based incentives: In many BPO companies they have plans

for, performance based incentive scheme. The parameters for calculation are

process performance i.e. speed, accuracy and productivity of each process.

The Pay for Performance can be as much as 22% of the salary.

Flexi-time: The main objective of the flextime policy is to provide

opportunity to employees to work with flexible work schedules and set out

conditions for availing this provision. Flexible work schedules are initiated

by employees and approved by management to meet business commitments

while supporting employee personal life needs .The factors on which Flexi

time is allowed to an employee include: Child or Parent care, Health

situation, Maternity, Formal education program

Flexible Salary Benefits: Its main objective is to provide flexibility to the

employees to plan a tax-effective compensation structure by balancing the

monthly net income, yearly benefits and income tax payable. It is applicable

of all the employees of the organization. The Salary consists of Basic, DA

and Conveyance Allowance. The Flexible Benefit Plan consists of: House

Rent Allowance, Leave Travel Assistance, Medical Reimbursement, special


Regular Get together and other cultural programs: The companies

organizes cultural program as and when possible but most of the times, once

in a quarter, in which all the employees are given an opportunity to display

their talents in dramatics, singing, acting, dancing etc. Apart from that the

organizations also conduct various sports programs such as Cricket, football,

etc and regularly play matches with the teams of other organizations and


Wedding Day Gift: Employee is given a gift voucher of Rs. 2000/- to Rs.

7000/- based on their level in the organization.

Employee Referral Scheme: In several companies employee referral

scheme is implemented to encourage employees to refer friends and relatives

for employment in the organization.

Paid Days of Maternity Leave Employee Stock Option Plan

In spite of all these benefits, the attrition rate in BPO industry is very high,

why? What is the reason for an employee to leave? These and many more

are the questions that need immediate attention from the industrial gurus.

Why people prefer to join BPOs?

In general a person with any graduation can join any of the BPO. Some

BPOs like to take people with MBA but then again the specialization are of

an individual hardly makes any difference. Again, this is the industry; where

there is no reference checks and very often people do not even specify there

exact age. Lets me share with you some of the reasons as why people prefer

to join a BPO:

Did not get a better job. Find nothing better to do. Education level does not

matter Good work environment Good Benefits Flexibility of time Attractive

life style Transport facility

Why people leave the BPOs?

When there are so many benefits associated with BPO industry.

when there is so many privileges for the BPO employees than what makes

them to change the company/industry??

Is it only MONEY that matters or anything else as well??

Here are some of the reasons for a BPO professional to change his/her job.

No growth opportunity/lack of promotion For higher Salary For Higher

education Misguidance by the company Policies and procedures are not

conducive No personal life Physical strains Uneasy relationship with peers

or managers What they have to say?

With so much of uncertainty in the market

People are trying their best to stop or to at least have a control on the

attrition rate

Let me share with you the opinion of the real gurus of the industry.

"Training is a very important aspect of the ITES-BPO industry"- Mr. Arjun

Vaznaik, COO, Tracmail

Career growth in the industry is robust and there is a long-term opportunity.

The great growth momentum that the industry is witnessing is creating both

vertical and lateral career opportunities. There also exists enough growth

opportunities in the middle-management and supervisory level within the

industry". - Aadesh Goyal, Executive Vice President & GM, Hughes BPO


"It will not be possible for the industry to arrive at a blanket agreement on

poaching but bilateral agreements between companies are being signed.

Basic norms are being put in place and code of ethics is being stressed upon

by industry players within the sector with respect to HR practices. We are

encouraging companies to adopt responsible behavior in order to ensure that

the industry does not become a victim of its own actions. Industry needs to

go aggressive but not cannibalistic." - Mr. Suren Singh Rasaily, Senior Vice

President, NIIT Ltd. and Head Plantworkz,




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`15,000 in 12 months

Privileges Silver Card Gold Card

Validity at all OrganizationStores Yes Yes

New product launch privileges Yes Yes

Birthday Discount Yes Yes

Exclusive shopping day for end of season sale Yes Yes

Regular Updates: Sale & In Store Promotion Yes Yes

Automatic membership renewal Yes Yes

Special tie-ups* Yes Yes

Free home delivery of altered merchandise Yes

Reserved car parking*   Yes

Special counters*   Yes

Complimentary soft drinks*   Yes

Free card in case of loss/damage   Yes


For more information kindly contact our dedicated Organization Privilege

Club desk for your assistance at each of the stores.

Valid at selected stores only/Offer may change from time to time with out

prior notice.


Validate your card by signing on the reverse as soon as it is received.

Usage of the card indicates acceptance of terms and conditions of the

Organization Privilege Club Membership.

Flash your Organization Privilege Club card for availing of benefits at

Organization our program partners.

Organization Privilege Club Cards are not Credit Cards and remain the

property of Organization all times and must be produced/ returned on


All rights to ownership and usage of the Card rest with Organization. Report

loss of card at our employee service desk. Duplicate Cards will be issued at a

nominal cost of 100

Inform of any change in your address/ telephone numbers/e-mail at the

Employee Service Desk.


Organization in a mission to revolutionize fashion and become an iconic

youth fashion brand in India. We aim at creating a deep connection with the

Indian youth with inspiring product designs, signature store experiences and

compelling marketing.

Organization will undoubtedly bring unique fashion products; spawn haute

trends and provide powerful inspiration to its young employees to

experiment further and make individual style statements. Energized by this

mission, a dynamic team of passionate employees and business partners is

constantly evolving and innovating with a view to delight the consumer.

Youth Fashion Brand

The spirit of the youth can be captured with three words - vibrant, maverick

and expressive. Organizations exactly that. Our vibrant and maverick

designs are not just creating fashion trends, but more importantly, helping

our employees express themselves. The entire fashion range comprises of

apparel for men, women, kids as well as accessories at amazing prices. The

range spans across occasions: work wear, campus wear, club and lounge

dressing; and genres: Western, Indian and mix-n-match. Well researched

sizing ensures a good fit for the Indian silhouettes.

Eye candy fashion

F21 is an accessible hi-fashion brand, offering high-quality apparel. F21 -

the edgy fashion brand - is designed to appeal to the more experimental and

adventurous consumers who seek cutting edge fashion. Styling and fabric

innovations help F21 offer high end fashion at prices which are affordable to

young consumers. From casual wear to club wear, F21 promises consumers

attention unlimited.


The heart of our business lies in the creative workplace of our Organization:

Organization Design Hub. It has been recently launched in July'07 in

Andheri, Mumbai and is in the nascent stages of becoming the leading

design talent floor. It is the most well-equipped design studio in India in

current times.






To get an insight knowledge about attrition rate.

To understand the attribute the process followed in


To evaluate employee feedback on recruitment procedure in the




LUCKNOW” is undertaken to understand the concept of recruitment in


This project sees how effective Attrition rate in BPO Sector at an

organization is.


Maximum effort was made to collect the data from each employee but

some of them were not able to give their responses because of their

busy schedule.

Sometimes the right person was not at the place so it was difficult to

get any information related with my project.

Sometimes some respondents were not in full mood to give the

responses so some of the answers may not be exact.



Research Theory

The marketing research has been defined by so many different authors in so

many different ways. The American Marketing Association defines

marketing research as follows:

“Marketing Research is the function which links the consumers, employees

and public to the market through the information – information used to

intensify and defines marketing opportunities and problems, generate, refine

and evaluate marketing actions, monitor marketing performance and

improved understanding of marketing as a process.”

Marketing research specifies the information required to address these

issues; designs made for collecting the information’s; manages and

implements the data collection process; analyses the results; and

communicates the findings and their implications. Several characteristics of

modern business encourage the use marketing research business.

Marketing research is used during different phases of administrative process:

1. Setting goals and establishing strategies.

2. Developing a marketing plan.

3. Putting the plan into action.

4. Evaluating the plan’s effectiveness.


When fields study are undertaken in practical life, consideration of time and

cost almost invariably lead to a selection of respondents, i.e., selection of

only few items. The respondents selected should be representative of the

total population as possible in order to produce a miniature cross section.

The selected respondents constitute a ‘Sample’ and the selection procedure

is called ‘Sampling Technique’. The survey so conducted is known as

‘Sample Survey’.

It should represent not only the total population characteristics but also the

various sub classes of the population. The validity of findings would also

depend upon how people willingly and correctly report of their opinion,

attitude, preferences, and favorableness.

Different Types of Sample Design

There are different types of sample designs based on two factors, i.e., the

representation basis and the element selection technique. On representation

basis, the sample may be probability sampling or it may be non-probability

sampling. On element selection basis, the sample may be either unrestricted

selection technique or restricted selection technique.

Thus, the sample designs are basically of two types, i.e., non-probability

sampling and probability sampling.

Error: Reference source not found

Steps in Sampling Design

While developing a sampling design, the researcher must pay attention to the

following points:

1. Type of Universe - The first step in developing any sample design

is to clearly define the set of objects, technically called the

‘universe’. The universe can be finite or infinite. In finite universe

the number of items is certain, but in case of infinite universe the

number of items is infinite, i.e., we cannot have any idea about the

total number of items.

2. Sampling Unit – A decision has to be taken concerning a sampling

unit before selecting sample, sampling unit may be geographical one

such as state, district, village etc., or a construction unit such as

house, flat, etc., or it may be a social unit such as family, club,

school etc., or it may be an individual.

3. Source list – It is also known as “sampling frame” from which

sample is to be drawn. It contains the names of all items of the

universe (in case of finite universe only). If source list is not

available researcher has to prepare it. It is extremely important for

source list to be representative of the population as possible.

4. Size of Sample – This refers to the number of items to be selected

from the universe to constitute a sample. The size of sample should

neither be extremely large, nor too small. It should be optimum. An

optimum sample is one, which fulfills the requirements of

efficiency, representativeness, reliability and flexibility.

5. Parameters of Interest – In determining the sample design, one

must consider the question of the specific population parameters,

which are of interest. There may also be important sub groups in the

population about whom we like to make estimates. All this has

strong impact upon the sample design we would accept.

6. Budgetary Constraint – Cost considerations, from practical point

of view, have a major impact upon decisions relating to not only the

size of the sample but also to the type of sample.

7. Sampling Procedure – Finally, the researcher must decide the type

of sample he will use i.e., he must decide about the technique to be

used in selecting the items for the sample. There are several sample

designs. Obviously, he must select that design which, for given

sample size and for a given cost, has smaller sampling errors.

Data Collection

Types of Data and Methods of Data Collection

The most important part of any research is collection of data. The task of

data collection begins after the research problem has been defined. While

deciding about the method of data collection to be used for the study, the

researcher should keep in mind that the data are of two types:

Primary Data: Primary may be described as those data that have been

observed and recorded by the researchers for the first time to their

knowledge, and thus happen to be original in character.

Secondary Data: Secondary data are statistics not gathered for the

immediate study at hand but for some other purposes.

Research Design

There are three types of research

Exploratory Research

Descriptive Research

Casual Research

I have used "Exploratory research design”

The basis of my research was primary data which I collected from 50

peoples i.e. sample size in the service centre through “Questionnaire”.

Main Aspects While Preparing Questionnaire

Questionnaire is often considered as the heart of survey operation. It is

the method of obtaining specific information about a defined problem so

that the data, after analysis and interpretation, results in better

appreciation of the problem. Hence great care has to be taken in

constructing it. This requires studying main aspects of the questionnaire:

1. Form of the Questionnaire: mainly the general form of the

questionnaire is concerned it can be either structured or unstructured.

The questionnaire preferred by me was structural in nature I preferred

this format because all the questions were definite, concrete, and pre-

determined, comments in the respondents own words was held to be


2. Determine the Type of Question to use: Before working on the

wording of each question, they must decide on type of question to

use. There are three main types of questions from least structured

to most structured are:

Open Questions

Multiple questions


3. Deciding on Wordings of Question: Wordings of each question

should be thoroughly examined. Following points should be kept in

mind while preparing questionnaire:

Define the issue

Should the question be subjective or objective

Positive or negative statement

Use simple words

Avoid ambiguous questions

Avoid leading questions

4. Decide on Question Sequence: Once the wording has been

determined. it is necessary to set them up in some order. The sequence can

influence the results obtained. A questionnaire has three major sections:

Basic information

Classical information

Identification Information

I paid proper attention to the wordings of question as well as on the

sequence of the questions since reliable and meaningful returns depend on it,

to the large extent. The important steps that I took in choosing the words are

as follows:

Simple words, which are familiar to all the respondents, were


Words with ambiguous meanings were avoided.

Danger words catch words or words with emotional

connotations were also avoided.

Caution was exercised in the use of phrases, which reflect upon

the prestige of respondent.

Data Analysis

1. The Organization helps the employees learn new skill and jobs.

S.No. Topic Percentage (%)

1 Strongly disagree 30

2 Disagree 20

3 Undecided 10

4 Agree 30

5 Strongly Agree 10

2. The relationship between the senior and junior employees is cordial.

S.No. Topic Percentage (%)

1 Strongly disagree 20

2 Disagree 30

3 Undecided 20

4 Agree 20

5 Strongly Agree 10

3. Is your company providing counseling facilities to employees for

career plan growth?

S.No. Topic Percentage (%)

1 Strongly disagree 15

2 Disagree 20

3 Undecided 15

4 Agree 30

5 Strongly Agree 20

4. The criteria for promotion and pay policy are not properly

communicated to the employees.

S.No. Topic Percentage (%)

1 Strongly disagree 30

2 Disagree 20

3 Undecided 10

4 Agree 20

5 Strongly Agree 20

5. If I am called on a holiday, I get a compensatory leave.

S.No. Topic Percentage (%)

1 Strongly disagree 10

2 Disagree 20

3 Undecided 10

4 Agree 20

5 Strongly Agree 40

6. You enjoy doing all those repetitive jobs required for administrative


S.No. Topic Percentage (%)

1 Strongly disagree 20

2 Disagree 20

3 Undecided 30

4 Agree 20

5 Strongly Agree 10

7. Your effectiveness is based more on your competency and credibility than formal

authority and positions.

S.No. Topic Percentage (%)

1 Strongly disagree 10

2 Disagree 20

3 Undecided 10

4 Agree 30

5 Strongly Agree 30

8. You make it a point to spend time with your friends and family.

S.No. Topic Percentage (%)

1 Strongly disagree 20

2 Disagree 10

3 Undecided 20

4 Agree 25

5 Strongly Agree 25

9. Are you enjoying while leading a team and giving direction.

S.No. Topic Percentage (%)

1 Strongly disagree 10

2 Disagree 20

3 Undecided 25

4 Agree 25

5 Strongly Agree 20

10.You will be professionally successful only if you remain a part of the

present Organization.

S.No. Topic Percentage (%)

1 Strongly disagree 20

2 Disagree 15

3 Undecided 15

4 Agree 25

5 Strongly Agree 25

11.My suggestion about various things at a work place are listened with attention and if

possible implemented.

S.No. Topic Percentage (%)

1 Strongly disagree 10

2 Disagree 20

3 Undecided 30

4 Agree 20

5 Strongly Agree 20

12.The working conditions for female staff member are satisfactory.

S.No. Topic Percentage (%)

1 Strongly disagree 10

2 Disagree 10

3 Undecided 15

4 Agree 35

5 Strongly Agree 30

13.Are you health conscious?

S.No. Topic Percentage (%)

1 Strongly disagree 10

2 Disagree 20

3 Undecided 20

4 Agree 25

5 Strongly Agree 25

14.Industry got more job opportunity for educated youths.

S.No. Topic Percentage (%)

1 Strongly disagree 15

2 Disagree 25

3 Undecided 25

4 Agree 15

5 Strongly Agree 20

15.Are you satisfied by the appraisal techniques in your organization?

S.No. Topic Percentage (%)

1 Strongly disagree 10

2 Disagree 15

3 Undecided 15

4 Agree 20

5 Strongly Agree 20



1. In my analysis the performance of Organization is varying from area to

are because of its employee attrition rate is so higher and many other


2. In my analysis around more then 70% people says that Organization

attrition rate service is good in BPO sector and rest are people says no


3. Organization provided its service to its employee when ever they need

and also where ever the need with the help of employee attrition rates.



This is a descriptive report on BPO industry. I have tried to cover

almost everything related to the industry. I like to have your

opinion about the same. Even at the end of this comprehensive

report, my concerns are related to development of employees in

BPO, controlling attrition rate in BPO, can we have some standard

industrial compensation package/ break-ups?



During the survey I come to know about some short coming of Organization.

This shortcoming can be removed with the help of following suggestion and

help Organization.

1. Promotional program conducted the company should be on large scale

for the employee with improved visual aids.

2. Company should increase the personal contact with the employee

because they have some problems that can be solved by the

Organization staff only.

3. For youngsters Organization should provide some free services.

4. Organization should appoint few more celebrities for advertisement.



1. Most of the employees were so furious that they refused to part

with any information.

2. Forms distributed to the respondents could not be completed by

them due to lack of time and interest.

3. Many responses were incomplete, if considered those could have

skewed the actual findings and results of the survey

4. Some respondent filled the form without showing any interest


5. Some respondent gave negative response





Business Process Outsourcing - Sage

Publications, 2009 Anandkumar, V.

Knowledge Process Outsourcing - By

Shanti N M, 2010- Kumar Naveen.

Research Methodology “Kothari C.R.”



1. Your name_____________________________________________________

2. Name of Organization__________________________________________

3. Your designation_________________________________________________

4. Age________________________

5. Sex________________________

6. Marital status________________________

7. Academic or professional qualifications__________________________________

Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of the following statement by

placing a check mark in the appropriate box.

15. Strongly disagree

16. Disagree

17. Undecided

18. Agree

19. Strongly agree


STATEMENTS 1 2 3 4 5

1. The Organization helps the employees learn new skill

and jobs.

2. The relationship between the senior and junior

employees is cordial.

3. Is your company providing counseling facilities to

employees for career plan growth?

4. The criteria for promotion and pay policy are not

properly communicated to the employees.

5. If I am called on a holiday, I get a compensatory leave.

6. You enjoy doing all those repetitive jobs required for

administrative purpose.

7. Your effectiveness is based more on your competency

and credibility than formal authority and positions.

8. You make it a point to spend time with your friends and


9. Are you enjoying while leading a team and giving


10. You will be professionally successful only if you remain

a part of the present Organization.

11. My suggestion about various things at a work place are

listened with attention and if possible implemented.

12. The working conditions for female staff member are


13. Are you health conscious?

14. Industry got more job opportunity for educated youths.

15. Are you satisfied by the appraisal techniques in your
