Au Psy492 E Portfolio

Post on 24-May-2015

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Undergraduate Studies ePortfolio

Kathleen JonesB.A. Psychology, 2012

Personal Statement

Since I was a child, I've been interested in people's emotions and actions. I always wanted to be the person in school that people could talk to about anything without worrying about being judged. I've also dealt with many situations that took patience and understanding growing up, such as dealing with one of my family member's depression and my brother, who would often get mad at others and then yell at me or call me names because I was just the closest person to him. I understood this and didn't hold it against him. I also grew up with a cousin who is bipolar, so I had to have patience and understanding whenever I was around her. All of these experiences have shaped me as a person, providing me with values that revolve around honesty and providing security for others because I often feel that the most important thing a person can have, is someone they feel secure around and can trust. I also feel that these experiences have given me skills in listening and communicating with others because it was necessary to help my family members. As a kid, I wasn't aware that I was actually gaining training in the psychology field, but I feel that I actually was. 

The first class that put me on the path to a career in psychology was a forensics class during which I had to do research on serial killers. Even though it's morbid in nature, the intrigue I had about why these people would do these types of things was immense. After that class, I signed up for my first psychology class, and after that, I knew I wanted to continue on in psychology. When I started my psychology degree at the University of Hartford, my interest was only amplified. I took classes on stress, abnormal psychology, and general psychology, all of which drove me to learn more. As a student previously, I often lacked the interest to really push myself, but with psychology, I wasn't like that at all and was able to earn high grades in my psychology classes in Hartford and continue that trend at Argosy University.

Personal Statement cont.

My ambitions range from a career in criminal profiling for the FBI to being involved in the clinical field dealing with those who have personality disorders. I also have interest in the VA and substance abuse counseling because of my husband, a corpsman for the Navy, has had to cope with post-traumatic stress disorder as well as alcoholism. My life continues to push me in the direction of psychology, and I am happy to go along with it so that I can provide even the slightest bit of help for those who need it. 

In order to achieve these ambitions, my current goal is to continue onto graduate school where I will gain my Master's degree in Psychology, and then on to get my Doctorate. So long as I have the support of my family and my own drive to succeed in the psychology field, I am confident that I will be able to achieve these goals to the best of my ability. 



Kathleen Jones  Pensacola, 32506, Florida, US E-mail:

OBJECTIVEMy current objective is to begin a career in the psychology field while earning a

Master's degree in Psychology.

WORK EXPERIENCEEquipment ManagerDecember 2005 - March 2010 County Line Ski Rental | Blakeslee, PA Rental ServicesEquipping customers with fitting equipment, setting the equipment up correctly

based on multiple characteristics, cashiering, bringing equipment back in, and cleaning equipment.

 Verbal Communication, Technical knowledge, Cash Handling, Patience, Effective

Listening, Responsibility,.

Resume cont.

CashierJune 2009 - September 2009 Big Bang Fireworkds | Blakeslee, PA RetailOpened and closed store, directed customers to products they were looking for,

cashiered, and stocked shelves.Register/ Cashier, Verbal Communication, Knowledge of types of fireworks, Knowledge of

basic state laws regarding fireworks, Responsibility.

River GuideMay 2006 - July 2007 Pocono White Water | Jim Thorpe, PA Sports and Physical RecreationProviding rafting groups with equipment, hosting them on a bus to the river location

while providing historical information of the area, teaching them basic information they need to know while on the river, and leading them down the river safely.

 Required decision making and quick thinking when potential threats arose such as

getting stuck on rocks or someone falling out of the raft. Required knowledge of how the river worked such as chutes, channels, and eddies. Required strength to move equipment to and from the river.

 River Knowledge, Safety Knowledge, Verbal Communication, Effective Listening,

Historical Research, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Responsibility.

Resume cont.

EDUCATIONBachelor's Degree, Psychology, October 2009 - I have not graduated Argosy University | Nashville, TN Some College Coursework Completed, Psychology, Art History, August 2007 - May 2009 University Of Hartford | Hartford, CT Dean's list three out of four semesters.High School or equivalent, September 2003 - June 2007 Pocono Mountain West High School | Swiftwater, PA Honor Roll multiple times throughout my four years in high school.

Verbal and Written Communication IntermediateTime Management IntermediateCreative Thinker IntermediateEffective Listening IntermediateDecision Making and Problem Solving IntermediateResponsible ExpertEthics IntermediatePatience Expert

German Beginner




I have been at Argosy University for almost three years now. During this time, I have encountered many positive and negative experiences. Leaving the on-campus lifestyle at the University of Hartford and starting an online learning experience, I lost many relationships with friends and professors alike. I lost the one-on-one time with the professors I looked up to, something that I held as very important because hearing someone speak about a subject in person is more valuable than simply reading the information. However, online learning has given me the ability to continue my education while moving locations with my husband who is in the military. Additionally, online learning has allowed me to be a stay at home mother to my 1 year old daughter.

Throughout these past three years, I have learned much about psychology and much about my weaknesses and strengths in regards to psychology. My greatest weakness has been in statistics. My knowledge of statistical equations and analysis is not as advanced as I would like it to be; however, I still feel that my ability to understand the final results of research is pretty fair. I would say that my strengths are in applying my knowledge of psychology to individual situations, written and oral communications, and my ability to uphold ethics when regarding individual circumstances, though I realize my ability for growth in all of these areas as well. Because of this, I feel that I have the ability to grow and succeed within the psychology field.

Table of Contents

Cognitive Abilities: The Effects of Parental Alcoholism on Children

Research Skills: Stress During Pregnancy

Communication Skills: Residential and 12 Step Interventions

Ethics and Diversity Awareness: Sally and Ethics

Foundations of Psychology: Behaviorism

Applied Psychology: Models of Substance Abuse

Interpersonal Effectiveness: Culture

My Future in Learning

I have often told my husband that if I could afford to go to school the rest of my life, I probably would. The field of psychology has been the one area of learning that has always reached out for my attention and held onto it. There is already so much known about the psychology field to learn about, it truly is a life long endeavor trying to discover it all. Not only is there past and current knowledge to learn from, there’s new advances being made every day. At this point in my career, it seems almost infinite. The only way I can envision myself as a productive member of the psychology field would be to continue trying to learn about as much as I can, so it is my goal to do so.

Contact Me

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mail address below.