
Post on 14-May-2015

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The country’s strength is identified by its feedback from the citizens of that country. Citizen’s satisfaction should be the first and foremost entity that should be provided by a country

We have full right to feel secure in the country we are living in

An expeditious and timely justice can make India a better place to live in with a crime free world. Then citizens could take a secured breath in the country where they are not getting exploited by their own country’s members

The countries that pay attention towards judiciary system and citizen’s satisfaction are now the top developed countries in the world hence until and unless Indian government will not learn to satisfy citizen's at least judicial problems, it will always remain as developing and not developed


LACK OF IMPLEMENTATION OF RULES AND LAWS:- India is country where the pizza delivery is guaranteed to be in half an hour but the police and ambulance never reach on time. The police stations are the basic cells where we get our first step to reach court , but the police are so uncooperative in nature they hardly care to register our reports or FIR . They threaten us badly by their abusive language. And if at all the case is very severe simply ”when it belongs to a rich party” they are all available for it. Its the middle and poor citizens that always suffer. A common man thinks 1000 times before going to a police station as if going in front of a don. Are these people kept to service the citizens? A big big question mark is there mind it.

EXTENDED DATES OF CASES:-The victims have always got an extended date from the court and not justice this is clear from this data that 3.5 crores cases are still pending in India Is our government so cold blooded that such a horrifying figure is also not sufficient for them to get a change in the system. The criminals and the lawyers supporting criminals use these extended dates as a weapon to remove clues and witness of their cases. They all do a business of this extended dates. These extended dates (tarikh pe tarikh) are

not supporting in getting the case solved but they are supporting the criminal side by providing them time to kill the victims and remove the clues. In between these extended dates all these things happen and become a road accident or suicide cases of the victims or the lawyers supporting the innocents. Is our judicial system so foolish that it cant recognize such mischief held Between the extended dates is done intentionally by the criminal side to get rescued. The victims sell their properties and fight the cases in hope that they will get justice but in return what they get an extended date until which their all clues and victims are all dead and nothing more than that . Are these courts settled to provide us justice? Again a big question mark .

CORRUPTION:- The victims of the crime access the police and report about their sufferings and if the criminal is a rich party then it offers a heavy price to the authorities and get the police close that case and if at all case has reached the court they tend to pillar up false witnesses in their favour to get rescued or they may tend to buy the lawyer of the opposite party. If a high rich party is kept behind the bars they are given royal treatment as if they have come to their mother in laws house. If India treats everyone equally then why such privileges are given to these rich people. They are kept in jail and due to source and power the next day they are set free .The INDIAN POLICE is the pet dog of the rich or high class people. Is this the way by which India will become a crime free country? Again a big question mark.

RAPE CASES:- A big change of judicial system and thought process of people is needed in these cases. Every 30 minutes one woman is rapped in India. Even drastic rape cases have been noticed recently especially in Delhi yes obviously the Goosebumps arousing case of Delhi moving bus gang rape we are now so ashamed to be the citizen of such a country whose government didn't took any reasonable step even after such a threatening case what more you all want to permit a hang till death punishments to such devils. And then what famous comments we get from our respected politicians that the fault was of the girl. Are u all nuts , imagine the same thing would have happened to your daughter then also you would be able to utter out such filth from your mouth.What are the bloody causes for which you blame a girl. Reason 1 short clothes . Oh!!! Let us tell you one thing the problem is not of clothes that girls wear the problem is of the way by which the boys look towards girls . You all say short clothes causes attraction ok so in movies when sharukh khan get attracted towards a girl he sings a song and get in a romantic mood or does he rape that girl.When the boy with a good soul get attracted towards a girl he doest get aroused he get dowsed. Attraction leads to romance desperation leads to rape and if the boys are getting attracted its their problem. And if you are so photosensitive that a small glimpse of a girl’s slim belly turns you on then why don't you turn this energy in some more useful and creative purposes like build khajaru temple part 2 or go into a room and indulge in self entertainment. Why are always girls blamed for such reasons . Length of a fabric on a girl’s body is not a

measure of her character. Its not the lack of clothes its the lack of consequences let me prove it to you imagine a politician women in as short clothes as you can you will surely not do anything to her because further you know what the consequences will be. sexual attraction does not cause sexual violence. Reason 2= the girl was drunk hence she wanted that the things should happen. How to explain these fools that if a girl want to things happen still boys are forcing her .

What rubbish logic do you people make. Please you sick people change your mentality , broaden it up . One more case of Delhi in which a 5 year old girl was rapped now in this case also you can blame a girl , can you blame a five year old girl who doest even know the meaning of sex. Until and unless you all will not start respecting a women nothing could be changed HENCESTOP BLAMING GIRLS FOR YOUR SUCH FOOLISH REASONS.


STRITCT IMPLEMENTATION OF LAWS AND RULES:- the implementation of rules in India is so weak . Lack of consequences give strength to people to do crime . The day the law will announce the punishment of hang till death for rapist and 10 lakh penalty, 50% of the rape rate will we decreased. This law should be properly implemented without the partiality of rich and poor.A strict rule of penalty of Rs 1 crore /- should be set for those who will be found involved in corruption. And all the politicians and police force bodies taking bribes.A new basic sets of rules should be announced The boys passing comments on girls , threatening them on roads and doing other mischief activities should be given the punishment of 2 days in jail and a penalty of 10 lakhs/-And all these rules should be equally implemented over all no matter whether the crime is done by a son of an I.A.S or a prime minister he shouldn't be out before 2 days at any cost.And a discipline maintenance officer should be appointed that should have a station at every area and their duty will be to deal with such cases of indisciplineAnd they should be monitoring the roads of their respective areas at least 50 times a dayAnd they should be given power to directly implement the punishment over the defaulters and put them behind the bars.Until and unless you will not show the consequences nothing would change .it will be the fear of these laws that will make criminals think 100 times before doing a crime. Today people commit crime because they know that nothing would happen to them as our system is so

weak that on seeing a bundle of notes it will set us free but if the criminals will be punished properly according to changed laws the crime rate would surely be reduced and corruption could also be reduced

SURVILLENCE CAMERAS:- now the question is that how will the higher authorities will get to know about which of their officer is corrupted and how to keep an eye over the citizens doing mischief. Here is the solution the government should keep an eye over the ongoing activities under their nose they should be concerned about what happenings are going on.CCTV cameras are the best solutions for this.The roads are the common home for crime to take place the cameras should be projected all over the roadways of India. And kindly don't give the excuse that its not practically possible because the foreign country has already done that so its possibleAnd the money that you implement for the improvement projects once from the government that money has come to brokers. a the government ever after that take concern that where that money is going. Have pain to see that the whole amount is getting used up for the improvement process. Half of the amount is eaten up by the brokers. The cameras could help you to see whether the good quality products are used in improvement process and you will be in touch of current details.And make those CCTV cameras monitored by a person who is not corrupted.Cameras should also be projected in each and every police station to keep an eye over the police activities. In this way the proper functioning of the bodies could take place and

STRICT TIME PERIODS FOR DIFFERENT TYPES OF CASES:- here the judiciary system needs a lot of changements. The proper declaration of time should be declared for different types of cases.The time duration for a rape case to be get solved should be of one month and not more than that. In rape case it is clear that who the victim is and who is the culprit and the victim’s suffering and condition should be more than enough to take a decisionFor murder cases it should be of 4 months .as a very detailed investigation is needed in such cases as the murderer is sometimes not known.For marital cases 3 weeks are more than enough. If its regarding divorce then it is already clear who wants to be get divorced and for what reason so not much of the investigation is needed.For cases dealing with property the time period should be of two months . These may need a bit of investigation hence this much time period is more than enough.

All the solutions are practically possible so kindly implement them and make India a better place to live in