Audience feedback

Post on 07-Aug-2015

150 views 0 download




Courtney Taylor-Preville

WHAT THE TARGET AUDIENCE LIKEDFirstly, we found out that they liked the setting. They liked how it related directly, to the genre. I believe they made it easier to see them to know exactly what genre it is and it is also reliable to them as it looks like areas they are familiar to.

WHAT THE TARGET AUDIENCE LIKEDSecondly, we discovered that they liked the lyrics. It was an original song and the lyrics where all made by the artist. They could see that was conveyed in the performance.

WHAT THE TARGET AUDIENCE LIKEDThey also liked the dancing in the video. The dancing was urban and that fitted with the theme of the video. They liked also that it wasn’t a massive crew just one person.

WHAT THE TARGET AUDIENCE LIKEDFinally, they liked the clothes I was wearing in the video and they liked it matched the theme of the video.

WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN IMPROVED They said the video could have been improved in areas such as framing. They felt that sometimes that the area around the central image was too big. They felt also as well the camera work could have been improve.

WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN IMPROVED They felt that some of the lyrics was not matching what was happening in the video. This lead to some confusion.

WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN IMPROVED Another thing that lead to confusion was how the video and song changed at the end. They didn’t understand at first. However, this was a small section of the audience

OVERALLThe video was a success as they enjoyed the video and gave it on average 8/10 however, with more time and a higher resolution camera they could have improved the quality.