Audience Profiling

Post on 13-May-2015

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Audience profiling; a combination of found slides and activities made for students.


A Serious NoteYou only get out what you put in.

Homework is essential; you need to keep up with your work.

Do your work; you’ll be this guy...

Avoid your work; you’ll be this guy...

Choosing a Music Video

Lesson objective

To identify a target audience.

To create a questionnaire to a target audience to ascertain what genre of music you wish to do.


Your first task is to choose an ARTIST for your work and decide who you will be working with.

It is challenging to move forward without this information so you need to make a decision on an artist at least. Your target audience can help make the final decision about your song choice.

Lesson Outcome


C All will identify a music artist who can be related to a conventional music genre

B Most will be able to break down the target audience into psychographics and demographics.


Some will design an audience profile for their target audience, mimicking the NME reader profile.

DemographicsWhat are demographics? What is being measured? How are an

audience being sorted?

PsychographicsWhat are psychographics? What is being

measured? How are an audience being sorted?

Audience Profiling

A task all media institution need to perform when creating a new product to launch onto the market.

Defining an audience: Age, gender, race and sexuality



Annual income

Disposable income

Current lifestyle / aspirational or desired lifestyle


Media interests

Buying habits

Loyalty to brands

On whiteboards can you create an audience

profile regarding yourself (and others like you)?

White British, female, teacher, loyalty to Apple brands, use disposable income on clothes and

electronics etc...

NME Audience (Reader) Profile

Read the audience (reader) profile collated by NME.

Note the images used to exemplify the audience.

Firstly, complete the sheet regarding target audience; discuss with your group and note down their demographic and psychographic profile.

B Most will be able to break down the target audience into psychographics and demographics.

Task 2

Using the NME profile as a reference, create your own breakdown of the target audience, considering who would want to listen to your music artist.

The next task will be to create a questionnaire; your target audience should be a group of people you have access to. Think college students.


Some will design an audience profile for their target audience, mimicking the NME reader profile.