Audience segmentation in advertising

Post on 06-Nov-2014

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Audience Segmentation in Advertisements


Rigid, strict, authoritarian and chauvinist values, oriented to the past and to Resigned roles. Brand choice stresses safety, familiarity and economy.

The demographic for this advert are women and men (possibly couples), aged around 25-35, as John Lewis tends to be a shop for people who want to improve her domestic environment, often after marriage. It’s also likely that they are in the A – C1 social grade because that’s the image that John Lewis has gained as a lot of the products in the shop are reasonably expensive.


Alienated, Struggling, disorganised - with few resources apart from physical/mechanical skills (e.g. car repair). Heavy consumers of alcohol, junk food and lotteries, also trainers. Brand choice involves impact and sensation.

The target audience for this advert are men between the ages of 25-40, and in the C2 or D social grade, as these kind of men tend to buy more junk food because it’s cheaper.

MainstreamDomestic, conformist, conventional,

sentimental, passive, habitual. Part of the mass, favoring big and well-known value for money 'family' brands.

This advert is aimed at a large audience including most adults, and children (making it mainstream), this is because firstly, coke is such a huge brand that everyone knows about it, and secondly the images in the advert appeal to a wide audience for example there are a few teddy bears which could appeal to children, and also a motor bike which would appeal to an older audience.


Materialistic, acquisitive, oriented to eccentrics ... image, appearance, charisma, persona and fashion. Attractive packaging more important than quality of contents. (Younger, clerical/sales type occupation).

This advertisement for Dr. Dre’s beats expresses this due to the fact that they are expensive headphones which people buy only to impress others and not for the actual reason for buying headphones. The object itself is of decent quality however materialistic people, usually the younger sorts of people, tend to buy them in order to impress others.

Succeeder Strong goal orientation, confidence,

work ethic, organisation ... support status quo, stability. Brand choice based on reward, prestige - the very best . Also attracted to 'caring' and protective brands ... stress relief.

The advert shown here for Lacoste relates to this psychographic as the brand Lacoste sells expensive yet high quality clothing which appeals to the rich and wealthy. They appeal to succeeders as they tend to be in higher management jobs and professions in a certain field/area. People who are in this psychographic group tend to care more about the brands of items therefore the brand in this advertisement appeals to them than say a blue inc brand or Asda's george brand.

ExplorerEnergy - autonomy, experience, challenge, new frontiers. Brand choice highlights difference, sensation, adventure, indulgence and instant effect - the first to try new brands. (Younger - student).

The demographic for this particular advert are Males aged between 20 – 30, as the model on the advert is male and therefore acts as a visual role model for others. They are also most likely to be in the B – C1 social grade, because they are more likely to fit the class of explorer, and have the urge look/feel like the model.


Freedom from restriction, personal growth, social awareness, value for time, independent judgment, tolerance of complexity, anti-materialistic but intolerant of bad taste. Curious and enquiring, support growth of new product categories. Select brands for intrinsic quality, favoring natural simplicity, small is beautiful.

This advertisement suits this psychographic group due to the fact that Audi is a good, well-known brand who's cars are always of good quality and live up to what they are meant to do/achieve. Although others would not buy these kinds of things, reformers would as they have attended high education therefore meaning that most of them have good, well paying jobs and are in the A-C1 social grade, and therefore they can afford cars like these.