AUGUST 2017 - FRC Oak · Jan...

Post on 08-Jul-2020

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A U G U S T 2 0 1 7 S U N M O N T U E W E D T H U F R I S A T

1 2


4 5

6 Celebration of the Lord’s Supper Worship 10am Potluck following



Missions Team Meeting 10am





Men’s Breakfast 8:30 am Wezeman Hall

13 Congregational Meeting 6pm

Single Senior Ladies Lunch Noon Margene’s

14 Women’s Min Team Meeting 9am Wezeman Hall

15 16

17 Coffee Break Prayer Time 10 am Conf Room

Consistory Board Meeting 6pm Conf Room


Parent’s Night Out / Film & Theology 5:30—8:00pm



21 22 23 24

25 Theology On Tap 7 pm Alfy’s Pizza


Picnic N Praise Windjammer Park

27 Single Senior Ladies Lunch Noon Margene’s

28 29 30


SUNDAYS Worship—8:45 & 10:30am

TUESDAYS Men Finishing Strong Bible Study—9-10am

Nourishing Our Neighbors—5pm


Midweek Prayer—5pm

THURSDAYS Men Working Bible Study—6:30am

Worship Team Practice—6:30pm

F i r s t R e f o r m e d C h u r c h | 2 5 0 S W 3 r d A v e , O a k H a r b o r | 3 6 0 . 6 7 5 . 4 8 3 7 | o f f i c e @ f r c o h . o r g | w w w . f r c o h . o r g

Summer Office Hours Mon - Thu | 9am - 1pm

Thanks for helping out!

August Greeters Coffee Prep Coffee Clean Up Sonshine Visitors

6 Bill & Richie

Meche Bill & Richie

Meche Bill & Richie

Meche Peg Peterson

Jan Buehn

13 Mike & Jan Van Dam

Ken & Diane Eelkema

Bob & Harriet Berg

Margene Van Dam Lesley Robbins

20 Dan & Dona

Rientjes Gary & Carolyn

Swanson Kent & Julie

Dale De & Cherry


27 De & Cherry

Dennis Luke & Cara Wezeman

Bill & Richie Meche

Laurie Griggs

8 Duane & Marilyn VanDerWerff 8 Phil & Kathy Nienhuis 10 Bill & Billie Redmon 12 Jeff & Leslie Wallin 14 Bob & Harriet Berg 17 Larry & Kathy Vander Leest 17 Ken & Diane Eelkema 17 Kent & Julie Dale 19 John & Nita Rouw 22 Barney & Joyce Beeksma 22 Tim & Nancy Wezeman 23 Rodney & Robi Marshall 27 Charles & Rae Terpenning 29 Jim & Anne Keresey

Happy Anniversary!





ay! 2 Bill Meche

2 Patrick Reichmann

7 Jim Keresey

10 Billie Redmon

11 John Rouw

12 Don Scriven

13 Keith Lightner

15 Ed Hammond

15 Gunnar Melnick

16 Kathy (Eldy) Nienhuis

16 Terie Ongna

19 Rose Rip

21 Kris Hulst

22 Renee Faber

22 Faith Vander Stoep

28 Phyllis Hofkamp

28 John Rodeheffer