AUGUST 2018 The Purpose of Fishing is to Catch Fish · 2018-07-31 · ryone should be a fisherman...

Post on 22-Aug-2018

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The Purpose of Fishing

is to Catch Fish

I don’t know everything about fishing, but let me share with you sever-

al things I have learned or have come to understand about fishing.

1. Fish do not come to the fisherman. Fishermen have to go to the

fish. Occasionally we may hear about one that jumps into the boat, but that’s rare. We have to go where the fish are, offer them some-

thing to get their attention to take what we have to offer before reeling them in.

2. Fishing needs to be intentional. You don't hear of a fisherman when asked how he or she did, answer, “I didn't catch any but I influenced

several.” The challenge we face is many do not find fish because they are not looking for fish to catch, and if they do find them they aren’t ready. Fish don’t bite all of the time. The

ones that catch the most fish are those who have lines out when the fish decide to bite. And sometimes that takes time.

3. Shared fishing experiences bring blessings and shared success. It’s always more fun to share a common experience.

4. Boats don’t catch fish. Rods and reels and hooks and lines and sinkers by themselves don’t catch fish, only people catch fish and that is why the fish-

ing business is our business.

The church exists for the fish who have not yet been caught. It is our job to go out and find those fish and to catch those fish and to bring those fish into

the Kingdom of God.

If you are a follower of Christ, you are here today because somebody went

fishing. We were all fish once and the reason why we are here is because somebody fished for us. We were caught. We were cleaned and we were

changed by the power of Jesus Christ and we love it.

Now it came to pass that a group existed who called themselves

fishermen. And lo, there were many fish in the waters all

around. In fact, the whole area was surrounded by streams and

lakes filled with fish. And the fish were hungry.

Week after week, month after month, and year after year, these

who called themselves fishermen met in meetings and talked

about their call to fish, the abundance of fish, and how they

might go about fishing. Year after year they carefully defined

what fishing means, defended fishing as an occupation, and de-

clared that fishing is always to be a primary task of fishermen.

These fishermen built large, beautiful buildings called "Fishing Headquarters." The plea was that eve-

ryone should be a fisherman and every fisherman should fish. One thing they didn't do, however: They

didn't fish.

They engaged in all kinds of other occupations. They built power plants to pump water for fish and

tractors to plow new waterways. Some said that they wanted to be part of the fishing party, but they

felt called to furnish fishing equipment. Others felt their job was to relate to the fish in a good way so

the fish would know the difference between good and bad fishermen. Others felt that simply letting

the fish know they were nice, land-loving neighbors and how loving and kind they were was enough.

Imagine how hurt some were when one day a person suggested that those who don't catch fish were

really not fishermen, no matter how much they claimed to be. Yet it did sound correct. Is a person a

fisherman if, year after year, he or she never catches a fish?

The greatest difference we will ever make in this life is to lead others to be different in their life by knowing Christ. Hear this, God wants to take where you are and who you are and place you in the lives of other people where you can follow Him and fish for them and catch some of them and bring them into His family.

In a survey taken of people not currently attending church, 31% said that they would very likely go if invited. 51% said they would be somewhat likely to come.

Will everybody come if asked? No, but don’t let the fish that don’t bite keep you from continuing to fish for the ones that will!

Studies have shown that many churches have less than 5% of goers ever invite anyone to church.

The number one reason people start coming to church (or coming back to church) is because of the consistent encouragement of a trusted friend. Be that friend!

Make a friend. Be a friend.

Bring a friend to Christ!

What We Can Learn from Dogs

Hazel had barely moved or even opened her

eyes. It’d been days, and the situation was get-

ting desperate. A call went out for a member of

the hospital canine corps.

Moments later, Koyla, a 145-pound shaggy white Great Pyrenees, crawled up on Hazel's hospital bed and snuggled her warm and furry body in next to her patient, who hadn't twitched a muscle for days.

After a short period of time, they noticed Hazel’s

hand start inching toward the dog. She began to

stroke its fur. Within the hour Hazel was smiling

and talking, calling the huge dog her friend.

What is it about dogs that evoke such a positive

response? Whatever it is, if we were to have the

kind of ministry in our churches, homes, and

communities that pet partners have in hospitals,

what could that look like? What would faithful

obedience to the will of God, and a willingness

to "come" to the side of others as their advocate

mean in the lives of those around us?

Some believe God put dogs on earth to remind

us of some important truths.

Following are 10 dog-truths that might help and

bless us in our daily walk.

1. Greet loved ones with wagging tail. The wagging tail

affirms that this is our home, where we live, where

we're safe and where we're loved.

2. Eat with gusto and enthusiasm. Dogs know that eat-

ing is a celebration of life. Breaking bread together is

holy. Animosities are dissipated at meals, barriers bro-

ken down, friendships renewed and strengthened.

3. On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a

shady tree. Relax, slow down and enjoy. Give yourself

a time out. Opt out, unplug, and get lazy.

4. Run, romp and play daily. Physical exercise is as

important for the soul as it is for the body. When we

learn to play and stretch and get some exercise, we'll

feel better from the inside out.

5. Be loyal. If your dog is nothing else, he is loyal to a

fault. Loyalty’s a critical element of discipleship, for it

speaks to our relationship with others: our spouse, our

vocation, our community, and our friends.

6. When you're happy, dance around and wag your tail.

Thankfulness and celebration are powerful dynamics

for successful and healthy living.

7. If someone is having a bad day, sit close and nuzzle

gently. We all have bad days. That's why we need en-

couragement and affirmation. When depressed, we

know that words are not always needed. A gentle nuz-

zle will often bring us around.

8. No matter how harshly you're scolded, don't pout -

run back and make friends. Carrying grudges makes

life a drudgery.

9. Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.

10. Bark with your buddies. Barking says we belong in

this together. We are one.

May we all be dogly Godly!

Church Family,

This month in Merge, our

students are going

through ‘Merge 101’.

This is a series where we

will take a few weeks

and study and learn the

core DNA of our student ministry. We hope to cast a

vision for students that they will take into the school

year! We will be pulling truths from the Bible and

outline our calling to reach others with the Gospel, as

well as the tools for personal faith growth. Join me in

praying for our students as they go back to school.

That they would be a light for Christ on their cam-

puses. Also that this year would be a year of faith

revitalization within our community. We are believ-

ing that The Lord is wanting to do a mighty work,

and we will be seeking His will, and listening for His


Thank you!


We also had the

blessing to wel-

come our second

daughter into the

world this past

month. Selah

Grace Hawkins

came into this

world at 6:00 PM, July 17, 2018. She weighed in

at 8 pounds, 11 ounces. Thank you so much for

all of your prayers! They were truly a blessing

for our family.

A cheerful heart is

good medicine, but

a crushed spirit

dries up the bones.

(Proverbs 17:22 NIV)


amazing thing! It’s a

tension dissolver. It’s

an antidote to anxiety. It’s just like a tranquilizer,

but without any side effects. And it’s free! You

don’t even need a prescription.

Laughter is life’s shock absorber! If we want to

have less stress in our lives, we need to learn to

laugh at our circumstances! We have to find the

fun in the frustrating!

With all of the stress in our fast-paced world,

with all of the stress in our relationships, we

need to utilize this vital resource that God has

given us! Share a smile and a laugh—they are

contagious and can change a person’s day!

“For the despondent, every day brings trouble;

for the happy heart, life is a continual feast.”

(Proverbs 15:15 NLT.)


Laughter is conta-

gious! Scientists have

said that most babies

and small children

smile over 100 times a

day. Adults usually 15

or less — unless they

look at a baby or a child!

So, here’s a dose for you right now. I hope that at least one of them will bring a smile to your face, and I hope you will share that smile with others.

Notes of Thanks

Dear First United Methodist Church,

Thank you very much for the graduation card and

gift. It was very thoughtful and much appreciated. It is definitely something I will put into use.


Timothy Finlayson

Thank you all so very much for your love and kind-ness during the lost of our Mom. We ask that God

bless and keep each of you safe.

Bernice, Johnny, Clearance, Juanita, Debra and Don

The Jones Family

Let the musical journey begin! Join violinist Jared Starr and pianist Andy Lagrimas as

they present a recital of solo and duo works for violin and piano. The program is drawn from an electric and diverse collection of in-ternational composers, including: Baroque masterpieces by Handel and Scarlatti; Tango from Argentina’s Astor Piazzolla; Jazz-

inspired works by American’s own George Gershwin and music from Hollywood’s greatest composer, John Williams.

Jared and Andy are a violin/piano duo who met as doctoral students at Florida State Uni-versity. Among their recent local appearances as a duo include recitals at Valdosta State University, Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts as well as church recitals throughout Georgia and Florida. Andy has served as a guest pia-nist and conductor for the past year for us and Jared is active as a solo and orchestra vi-olinist throughout the local area.

Admission is free and the program is suitable for all ages. Make plans to spend a Sunday afternoon listening to beautiful music on Au-gust 5, at 2:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary.



School needs

your help!

Jefferson Somerset School would like

to ensure that all K-12 students come to

school this year with a backpack and

school supplies. Some families cannot

afford these items so your help would

be appreciated very much! Please see

the bulletin board in the Family Minis-

try Center for a listing of grades and

supplies needed for each grade. If you

can help, please return your item(s) to

Nancy Whitty, the Church Office or to

the Jefferson Somerset School before

Friday, August 10. For more infor-

mation, please contact Nancy Whitty at

342-0840 or by email: nwhit-


9-05----------#1 11-14- - - -#9 1-23-------#3 4-03- - - #1

9-12----------#2 11-21------NM* 1-30-----FFFR* 4-10------#2

9-19----------#3 11-28- - - #10 2-06-------#4 4-17------JH*

9-26----------#4 12-05- -MMFR* 2-13-------#5 4-24-----FFFR*

10-3--------- #5 12-12------DT* 2-20-------#6 5-01------#3

10-10-------UW* 12-19 -----JH* 2-27-------#7 5-08-----YFR*

10-17--------#6 12-26-----NM* 3-06---MMFR* 5-15------#4

10-24--------#7 1-02------ NM* 3-13-------#8 5-22------#5

10-31------YFR* 1-09 - - - #1 3-20- - - - #9 5-29- - - #10

11-07--------#8 1-16------- #2 3-27- - - #10

UW - United Way Fundraiser Meal

YFR - Youth Fundraiser Meal

NM - No Meal

MMFR - Methodist Men Fundraiser Meal

DT - Decorated Tables; Covered Dish Christmas Meal

JH - Pastor John & Kathy Hicks FREE Appreciation Meal

FFFR— Frances Fellowship Fundraiser Meal

The Wedesday Night Fellowship Meal Ministry, a ministry of Nurture Teams, is gearing up to start serving your Wednesday evening meal beginning September 5th , 6:00 PM. Show some love and appreciation to the following team leaders, team members, our coordinators - George (Coop) and Diane Cooper, purchasing –Joyce Hrynciw and Margaret Calhoun, and money counter-Jane Vollertsen.

A donation of $5 per meal/per person, or $15 per family, is requested by the Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal Ministry to help defray food costs and purchase of paper products. The Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal Ministry respectfully

requests no take-outs be served until all present are served.

Fund Raiser Meals: Please be cognizant some meals served on Wednesday evenings are not a ministry of the Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal Ministry. Occasionally, fund raiser meals may occur. These fund raiser meals may benefit youth ministries, Frances Fellowship ministries, United Way, or Methodist Men sponsored meals to benefit their benevolent work or in support of scouting. Reserved, pre-paid, takeout meals may occur during planned fund raisers.

You are invited to come break bread and be in fellowship!

-Diane Freeman, Chair Nurture Teams Ministries



TEAM #1 THE BILL BROWN TEAM________________________________________

Bill Brown - Team Leader Larry & Diane Freeman Jack & Barbara Wirick

Dottie Taylor Pat Inmon Tom & Bettie Hogle

TEAM #2 THE RED APRON TEAM_________________________________________

Pat Frey - Co-Team Leader Betty Messer - Co-Team Leader Jim Messer Dianne Knecht John & Martha White Mary Lou Giddens

Wayne Frey Claire Frey Linda Benedict

TEAM #3 THE METHODIST MEN TEAM____________________________________

Pastor John Hicks - Team Leader John Hrynciw Larry Freeman John White George Cooper Buck Bird

Walt Moehle Dean Jerger Jack Manucy Jack Wirick Mike Price Mike Ashworth

TEAM #4 THE JANE VOLLERTSEN TEAM ____________________________

Jane Vollertsen - Team Leader Ted Nixon Jim & Amanda Hammers

Jack Wirick Art & Ann Pacquette Woody & Gabby Vollertsen John Hrynciw

TEAM #5 THE SALLY JORDAN TEAM______________________________________

Sally Jordan - Team Leader Dean & Andie Jerger Jack & Glenda Manucy

Margaret Calhoun Linda Henry Julia Price-Scott

TEAM #6 THE JACK BULLOCH TEAM ____________________________

Jack Bulloch - Team Leader Tim & Helen Braswell Bill & Lissa Moon

John & Marjorie Finlayson Dan & Judy Allen (clean-up)

TEAM #7_______________THE 3 J’s & LARRY TEAM________________________________________

Pastor John Hicks - Team Leader John & Joyce Hrynciw Larry Freeman

John White Jack Manucy

TEAM #8_______________THE MIKE/COOP TEAM__________________________________________

Mike Price - Team Leader George Cooper Adie Price Diane Cooper Lynette Wimberly Dianne Knecht

Bill Brown Betty Messer/Pat Frey (back-up)

TEAM #9_______________THE YOUTH TEAM______________________________________________

Josh Hawkins - Team Leader Youth, Youth Parents & Friends of Youth

TEAM #10_______________THE PJ & CREW TEAM__________________________________________

Pastor John Hicks - Team Leader Crew Members

Monticello Music Academy Registration 2018-2019

Monticello Music Academy offers music enrichment to children of all age groups. We invite children from four years through 6th grade to our classes on Tuesday afternoon, starting September 4th at First United Methodist Church. This year we will serve a low sugar snack from 4:15-4:30. Classes meet from 4:30-5:30. We are asking parents to donate $5 to help with the expense of snacks, music and instruments if they are able. Please pay with a check to FUMC Music Academy and write your child’s name in the “FOR” line. Because so much planning goes into each les-son, we would like families to complete and return this registration with a firm commitment to ongoing participation.

Please register your children below and return this form to the FUMC church office by August 26th.

4, 5 and 6 Year Old Singing & Musical Rhythm and Movement

(Child must be 4 by September 1, 2018)

Child’s Name _____________________________ Age________

2nd-3rd Grade Singing Melody Bells Keyboard 1

Children in this age group will attend two 30-minute classes. Please do not sign for Keyboard unless you can provide a keyboard at home and your child is committed to regular home practice. Indicate 1st and 2nd choice for instrument class.

Child’s Name _____________________________ Grade______Singing,_____Melody Bells_or_Keyboard 1

Child’s Name _____________________________ Grade_____ Singing,_____Melody Bells_or_Keyboard 1

4th-6th Grade Singing and Instrument choice (Melody Bells, Keyboard 1 or 2, Guitar 1 or 2)

Children in this age group will attend two 30-minute classes. Please do not sign for keyboard or guitar unless you can provide the instrument at home and your child is committed to regular home practice. Indicate 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice for classes.

Child’s Name _____________________________ Grade______ Singing and (Melody Bells - Keyboard -Guitar)

Child’s Name _____________________________ Grade____ Singing and (Melody Bells - Keyboard -Guitar )

Parent’s name (printed)_____________________________ Phone #’s _____________________________

Address ________________________________________________________________________________


I can teach or help.___________________________________(name)__________________(phone #)

Please mail to Monticello Music Academy Call Church office at

C/o First United Methodist Church 997-5545 for more info.

325 West Walnut Street

Monticello, FL 32345

Child’s Name _____________________________ Age________


Please pray for our sister church, Iglesia Methodista de San Juan de los Yeras this month, and specifically for these church members in August: Vivian Neil Aparicio Cuellar, Caridad Aguila Avalo, Bienvenido Lopez Guerrero, Rita Gil Dominguez, Luis Ladron de Guevara, Illu-minado Ortega Benage, Angela Ruiz Perez, Ana Rosa Paez Reyes and Pablo Marino Rivero Lopez.

Do you know someone who is tak-ing care of a loved one with Alzhei-mer’s Disease or other related dementia? The Alzheimer’s Sup-port Group meets in the Family Ministry Center the fourth Mon-day morning of each month from 11:30 to 1:00. A light lunch is pro-

vided and your loved one is provided respite care during the group meeting. The meeting this month will take place on Monday, August 27 in the Family Ministry Center. If you desire ad-ditional information, please contact the Alzhei-mer’s Support Project at 386-2778, or call the Church office.

The Chancel Choir

rehearsals will

resume this month.

Rehearsals begin on

Wednesday, August

1, at 6:45 p.m. in the

Choir Room. Come and join us as we

lift our voices to God! You will be so

glad you did!!


CONTEST: Our winner from last month was Frank Smith! Congratulations Frank! Inside this newsletter you will find the word “conductor”.

The word can be anywhere, so LOOK carefully and be the first person to call the Church Office and speak to Debra. You must give her the loca-tion to claim your prize (the word above is NOT the winning answer). The prize will be a free meal ticket to our Wednesday night dinners. Remem-ber - you must be the first person to call and have the location. Don’t leave a message on the recorder - it won’t count! The contest is open to all. Good Luck!




Committee Chairs, Committee Co-Chairs,

Church Council Members and all interest-

ed folks: Please mark your calendar for Monday, October 15, 6:30 p.m. at St.

Paul’s in Tallahassee. This year the District will have many Churches meeting

at one central location and there will not be a sharing time. As more information

becomes available, we will forward to


For now - Mark Your Calendars!!

Monticello Music Academy will begin September 4th! This FUN chil-dren’s ministry is a joint project in-volving teachers and students from the entire community. It is for chil-dren from the age of 4 years old through 6th grade. We will meet Tues-day afternoons from 4:30-5:30 P.M. in FUMC’s Youth Center and Sunday

school rooms. The curriculum includes melody bells, keyboard, guitar and singing. You may pick up registra-tion forms in the back of the church for your children, grandchildren and neighbors and return them by August 26th.

We are always looking for more adult and teen helpers for everything from teaching to serving snacks. Each new person brings in wonderful new and exciting ideas to add to our program. If you like working with children, and can spare one hour per week, we have a place for you! Please call Julia Price-Scott at 559-4784.


1 Zane & Mischa Bishop 4 John & Marjorie Finlayson 10 Steve & Suzy Nagy 21 Larry & Diane Freeman 23 Bill & Lissa Moon 24 Mike & Charlotte Sims

Children’s Sermons

5 Kathy Hicks 12 Nancy Whitty 19 Nancy Whitty 26 Richard Finlayson


1 Jack Krebs Richard Watt Barbara Wirick 4 Patty Magana 5 Doris Brake Brad Mueller 6 Lenny Cremeans 7 Parker Sheehan 8 Tom Randle 10 Jamen Brock 11 Robin Richardson 12 Hannah Richardson Spencer Richardson 13 Dottie Taylor 14 Eleanor Revell 15 Harold Malloy Kelley Richardson Hope Randle

Riley Rowe

20 Lynette Wimberly

21 Jim Messer

Sheila Slik

Travis Richards

22 Julia McBee

23 Earlene Knight

Tricia Smith

24 Mary Pate Handley

Danny Jackson

26 Jeff Trammell

31 Julianna French


5 Chandra Snell 12 Mary Beth Finlayson 19 Mary Beth Finlayson 26 Mary Beth Finlayson


5 Rommel Ingram

12 Georgia Mills

19 Charles Ball

26 Rommel Ingram

August Communion Elements

5 - Ray & Juanice Hughes

Children’s Church

5 Kathy Hicks 12 Nancy Whitty 19 Marilyn Youtzy 26 Kathy Hicks


John Gebhard


Billie McClellan

Ann Schaubel


5 Steve & Suzy Nagy

12 Available/Need Volunteer*

19 Available/Need Volunteer*

26 Available/Need Volunteer*

*Please contact the office if you are interested in supplying flowers/plants for open weeks.

August 2018



4:30 - Bible Study - last class until September 5:00 - Prayer Group 6:00 - Wednesday night meal 6:45 - Chancel Choir

2 3 4


8:30–Praise & Worship

9:45–Sunday School

11:00-Traditional Worship

12:45 - Singles Group Covered

Dish Luncheon at Pat Inmon’s

2:00 - Piano and Violin Recital -

Sanctuary - Free Admission

5:00 - Merge Student Ministries


7:00 - SPRC

7 6:30 - Missions


6:00 - Chancel Choir

9 10

Jefferson Somerset

School supplies needed by today


12 Chuck Wagon Sunday

8:30–Praise & Worship

9:45–Sunday School

11:00-Traditional Worship

5:00 - Merge Student Ministries



15 5:00 - Prayer Group 6:00 - Wednesday night meal 6:45 - Chancel Choir

16 17

Singles - Social Hour at




8:00-Breakfast With Jesus

8:30–Praise & Worship

9:45–Sunday School

11:00-Traditional Worship

5:00 - Merge Student Ministries


4:45 - School Board Meeting


7:00 - Trustees


6:00 - Chancel Choir


24 25


8:30–Praise & Worship

9:45 - Sunday School

11:00-Traditional Worship

5:00 - Merge Student Ministries

Music Academy Registration

Forms are due today


11:30 -1:00 - Alzheimer’s Support Group



6:00 - Chancel Choir

30 31

First United Methodist Church Non-Profit Organization

325 West Walnut Street U.S. Postage Paid

Monticello, FL 32344 Permit No. 3

Founded ca. 1828

Pastor John Hicks



Pastor John Hicks CEC Director Connie Swiggard

Administrative Assistant Debra Roderick Preschool Teachers Sue Ellen Beat

Praise & Worship Leader Becky Stoutamire Theodosia Blue

Chancel Choir Director Kody Wallace Miranda Gillyard

Youth Director Joshua Hawkins Angela Johnson

Organist Eleanor Hawkins Juanita Jones

Pianist Laura Powell CEC Phone (850) 997-6400

Nursery Attendants Tata Ingram

Sally Pumphrey

Addie Bowen

Olivia Walton Church Phone (850) 997-5545

Sextons Tom Roderick Church Fax (850) 997-6768

Bobby Ingram