August 2021 Campus Sojourner

Post on 11-Dec-2021

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Living and Sharing the Transforming Love of Christ

Weekly Calendar Sunday

7:45 am Choir Rehearsal (starting Aug. 15) 8:30 am First Service

9:45 am Education Hour 11:00 am Second Service


Tuesday 8:30 am Staff Meeting

Wednesday 4:00 pm Small Group Communion (2nd &

4th Wednesdays) 5:30 pm Praise Team Rehearsal

8:30 om The Gathering (starting Aug. 25)

Thursday Craig Busseau’s Day Off

7:00 am Early Thursday Morning Bible Study:2nd & 4th Thursdays (In-person & Zoom Meeting)

10:00 am “Son”shine Ladies Bible Study (Zoom Meeting)

Friday Pastor Kent’s Day Off

10:00 am American English for Internationals (Zoom Meeting)

Campus Sojourner

August 2021

Our Student Ministry Team Invites Everyone to the



Back to school days are here, and what better way to celebrate the return on our students, scholars and international friends than with our own fun-packed ice cream party! Stop by for ice cream, and lots of friendly fellowship.

MU Student Move-In

We will once again be volunteering to help with Student Move-In at Mizzou. Our date is Wednesday, August 18th from 2-6 PM. If you would like to help, please contact Thomas Senter,


Meet and greet Missionary Erin Mackenzie, August 15, 2021 at 5:30 pm.

Erin will be giving a presentation in the Student Center Classroom about her work in Latin America.

Light refreshments will be served.


Onward in Faith Coming this Fall!

Earlier this year our Campus Lutheran Council began a dialogue with Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) about embarking on a formal process of stewardship education and spiritual renewal for our congregation. After an exploratory meeting with LCEF consultants, Mr. Casey Carlson and Rev. Mark Frith, the Council decided to go forward with a process that we will be calling: Onward in Faith.

At the heart of the Onward in Faith process is the biblical concept that we are called to be faithful stewards—caretakers and managers—of all that we are given. Once a person is baptized, they inherit all the blessings and resources of the Kingdom of God, and from

that moment on are to use everything to the glory of the Lord.

As individuals we celebrate that God has blessed us with unique gifts, passions, and experiences. All that we have, including our time, is not to be stored up or venerated, but is entrusted to us so that we can be our Lord’s hands and feet in the world. By living as faithful stewards, we are fulfilling our purpose in the world.

As a congregation, we have been gathered around Word and Sacrament to accomplish the Lord’s work together. While there is a cultural perception of worship being the main purpose of a congregation, the Scriptures teach us that we have been entrusted with the purpose of carrying out Christ’s mission on earth. Onward in Faith will help us recognize more clearly our mission, vision and purpose as faithful stewards gathered in fellowship to serve our community in the name of Christ.

Our Onward in Faith journey will officially begin on Sunday, September 12 as we kick off a 9-week worship series and small group study. I am excited about going forward on this path with you and encourage you to participate in an Onward in Faith small group. More detailed information will be coming soon, but please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or one of our Onward in Faith leaders if you have questions!

+Serving Christ with you+

Your Onward in Faith Leadership Team Onward in Faith Co-Directors John Sponaugle & Mark Kruse

Prayer Director Sarah Pellis

Communications Director Scott Dart

Bible Study/Small Group Director Sharon Kinden

Seminar Director Deanna Leimbach

Commitment Event Director Rachel Skrabal

Youth/Children Director Craig Busseau

College Director Carolyn Faber

Weekly Worship/Small Group Themes

Sept. 12 Created to Care

Sept. 19 No Holding Back

Sept. 26 Knowing My True Identity

Oct. 3 Keeping Ourselves Accountable

Oct. 10 Putting God First

Oct. 17 Recognizing I Am God’s Workmanship

Oct. 24 Loving Others as a Way of Life

Oct. 31 God’s Ongoing Work of Creation

Nov. 7 Treasures in Heaven


Discipleship and Family Life Ministry “Treasured” was the theme of this year’s Vacation Bible School. Throughout the week, we had a daily visit from Dr. Digginstone, a treasure hunter. Each day he failed to find the treasure he sought even though he was assured that the treasure we were learning about was not silver or gold. The theme song was “Priceless Treasure,” which tells us that we are all God’s treasure. Kids participated in Bible Adventures, KidVid – examples of kids involved in missions, games, and crafts. They learned about David being anointed by Samuel, David escaping from Saul and writing Psalms to God, King Hezekiah being reassured by God when attacked by an invading army, Peter being forgiven and reinstated by Jesus and Queen Esther being chosen by God to save her people.

During one of the closing sessions, the subject of prayer came up. One of the second graders blurted out “I don’t know how to pray.” Immediately, two others described to him how easy it is to talk to God. On Friday, during the storm, one of the older students said she was concerned, and the leader stopped everything to ask if there were any other concerns and led the group in prayer. We had over 40 kids enrolled, including16 Campus Lutheran Church members, so our VBS was certainly an outreach to the community. Thank you to the over 30 adult and youth helpers made our VBS a great mission opportunity, and to all who prayed for our success.

DCE Craig

Campus Sojourner August 2021


What My Faith Means to Me

Liam Coon's Statement of Faith My statement of faith will look at my confirmation verse, which is 1 Corinthians 10:13, that reads: The

temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure'. This verse reminds me that everyone has temptations, it is not just me, and that God will help me resist any temptations I face.

At school, temptations are everywhere, and I know that they will not go away as I get older. One example of a temptation I face quite often is hearing others use swearing words and being tempted to use them. When I hear my friends use negative words, I will try to make a funny comment or remind them that those words hurt my ears. I do not want to use swear words because using those words are not respectful and they do not make sense or represent who I am as a person. I like being known as the person who does not use or like hearing bad words. I know that my friends are tempted like me, but I hope that I can be a good example to them in not using words that are hurtful and negative. As I get older and hear more negative talk, I pray that God is with me in making decisions that honor him and set a positive example. I also know that God has given me different ways to recognize that I have been tempted or have made a bad choice. I remember when I was playing a soccer game against older kids a couple of years back. A player on the other team kicked my ankle and tripped me on purpose because our team was ahead in the game - he did not like being beat by kids who were younger. There was no foul called when he kicked me, and I was really mad about the whole play. So, a little later in the game, I made the decision to retaliate for what had happened. When he had the ball, I lowered my shoulder and slammed into him to make him go flying and down on the ground. I received a yellow card from the referee and my coach pulled me out of the game so that I could calm down. While sitting on the bench, I felt like my mom was going to get mad at me and that I had made a bad decision. I knew that God was speaking to me through my thoughts and feelings about the situation. My coach did not put me back in the game, so I had a lot of time to think. Since that time, I have not retaliated in that same way during a soccer game. There have been times when I was tempted to get back at someone, but I knew it would hurt my team and go against what God would have me to do. I am a little worried about playing soccer in high school because I know that the games will be tougher for me, but I also know that God will provide me the strength to remain in control.


Campus Sojourner August 2021

I know that temptations will never stop in my life, even as I become an adult. I want to always keep in mind that God is with me and will help me make decisions that are honorable to him and my family. In my life, I want to be a person who gives to others and helps bring others joy. So, I know that staying away from temptations will bring me closer to this goal and help me be a person who others want to be around and want to come to for help.

What My Faith Means to Me

By Logan Huggins Over the past three years of confirmation class I have learned about the Bible and Luther’s Small Catechism. I have memorized the Lords Prayer, the Ten Commandments, The Nicene Creed, The Apostles Creed, and all the books of the Bible. From reading the Bible, I know that no matter how badly I sin, I can remember that God still loves me no matter what. I know that I am never alone and that whatever trouble I am in I shouldn’t be afraid because God is with me wherever I go. I know and believe that Jesus is the begotten Son of God and died to save every single person on the globe. God cares so much about us that he had His own Son killed for us. God’s love is so strong it can break down any wall or barrier blocking us from him. I have grown in my faith by going to a Christian school and will keep going there to expand my faith. The school has helped me grow in my faith by allowing me to be with people my age that are fellow Christians. I have also grown by doing things like reading the Red Letter Challenge and The Circle Maker at church. I have also done some faith building activities in my household with my family like reading the Bible and discussing apologetics. These books have helped me learn what I should do in certain circumstances that challenge my faith in the Lord. I will continue to grow in my faith in God by continuing to go to church and I will read my Bible daily for help. I also will continue going to Sunday School and praying to God. I will always use the Bible as my cornerstone and will continue building onto my faith. I will do my best to bring people to Christianity and grow our congregation in Jesus Christ.

My Statement of Faith

by Noah Sill "For the Lord your God is a merciful God; he will not abandon or destroy you or forget the covenant with your ancestors, which he confirmed to them by oath." - Deuteronomy 4:31

As stated in my confirmation verse, "our God is a merciful God." This means that God will always be forgiving, no matter how badly you or I screw up. It also means that if we make a mistake, God will be there to help us learn what we did wrong and how we can make things right.

To me, my faith is like a piece of me. It is always there in my heart, even when it is not the top thing on my mind. It also means that I have a good relationship with God. One way I know this is true is I prayed to God to be able to see my friends during the pandemic. Now those prayers have been answered; now I get to see my friends every day, which I had not been able to do in over a year. Another reason I know God exists is the fact that I have my mom right there by my side to support me in every way she can. No matter how hard it was or will be. Also, when I see strangers helping each other, I know that's a sign God is present in the world.

I plan to keep going to church whenever I can. I also plan to attend youth group gatherings and church events. Another way I will continue to grow my faith is spreading God's word, whether that is at school, at a club meeting or at a job once I get older. I can help people with what they need, like helping older people get to their cars safely or helping at a food bank. I will also keep praying every day.

In conclusion, I hope to keep up a strong faith with God. No matter the struggles I am going through, I know He will be right there beside me, and I also know He will always have my back whenever I need Him.


Third Grade Bible Presentation

June 27, 2021 Third Grade Bible Presentation

At Campus Lutheran Church we think of it as a privilege to award Bibles to our third graders. We have

chosen this time to give monogramed ‘adult Bibles’ to these young people. Our third graders this year are

Lillyann Lentz and Miles Forney. We had previously asked their parents to write a message of

encouragement to them in their Bibles before the worship service. Lilly and her parents are pictured. Miles

and his family were not able to be with us when this picture was taken.

Tim & Mandi Giboney and family celebrate as Harper Christine Giboney is Baptized into the family of Christ on Saturday, June 5, 2021.


Campus Sojourner August 2021

Calling All Campus Lutheran Members! On October 23, Campus Lutheran Church will host a Fall Festival and Bazaar, with a spaghetti dinner, as an outreach and fund-raising event. Our goals are to increase our visibility in the community, provide a congregational wide fellowship event, and raise funds to help retire our building debt.

The preliminary plan looks like this:

- A spaghetti meal, available in person or drive up, with advance ticket sales to the community - Children’s Corner - Crafts, Song, Face painting? - Craft Shops - hand crafted items to sell, i.e., Christmas ornaments and bows, crocheted stocking caps, small

woodworking items, handmade note cards, candles, jewelry - Garden Shop - Mini pumpkins and gourds, plants for fall, wreaths - Sweet Shop - Homemade goodies - breads, cookies, bars, coffee cakes, rolls, candies

There will be places for our college students and youth to participate, tasks to be done in advance, on the day of the event, and the always needed cleanup crew! There will be “sit-down” jobs, as well as “run all over the building” jobs! Perhaps you own a business that can contribute a specific skill or item, or maybe you want to treat all of your employees to a spaghetti dinner! If you are a gardener, we would love to be able to sell pumpkins that you grow! The possibilities are endless.

Please prayerfully consider how you may be able to contribute to this festival and realize that the planned activities are just that - a “plan”- at this point. We will need all hands-on deck to ensure this is a successful event! Bring your time and/or talents and come and join the fun!

Contact Joy Lilienkamp at or 573-808-5564, or Kristy Kruse at or 573-819-4649.

Luke & Kayla Kruse and family celebrate as Riley Kay Kruse is Baptized into the family of Christ on Sunday July 25, 2021 by the Rev. Mike Gallagher.


Vacation Bible School



Campus Sojourner August 2021

Vacation Bible School

MOSQUITO NET UPDATE Throughout the month of June we collected money for mosquito nets as our Treasured VBS mission project. Our goal was to reduce the number of malaria-related deaths by providing insecticide-treated mosquito nets to people in the world's poorest places. The $315 donated allowed us to purchase 21 mosquito nets through Lutheran World Relief. Thank you for making a difference!


Vacation Bible School Continued


Campus Sojourner August 2021


Alaska Mission VBS 2021

Hello fellow missionaries!

The week has flown by, and we are now in Anchorage preparing for our final night in Alaska. Thank you so much for all of your support through the week. Your prayers have been so helpful this week. Our mission was a success with a total of 41 children through the week and 15 of them were completely new faces!

For the past 5 days we have been teaching about God's amazing love, and that we are all priceless treasures to God. The theme song for the week tells us that we are priceless treasures, and that God knows us, hears us and that He is our comfort.

It was evident this week that God knew each member of our team, you included, and had given all of us a role in this mission. While it may not be evident to us all of the time, we learned that God can see things in us that even we cannot see. In the same way that God knew David's heart when he chose him to be the next king, God knows our hearts as well, and He chooses us to work in His kingdom based on our hearts, and not just our outward appearance.

It was also very evident this week that God does in fact hear us. He has heard all of the wonderful prayers that were offered up this week, as well as the wonderful praises that were sung in His name during our VBS. Just as God answered the prayers of David, Hezekiah, and Esther in our Bible lessons this week, he has answered all of our prayers this week! We have had safe travel thus far, no injuries, and our VBS was a success! Thank you all again for your prayers this week.

As we prepare to return home from our mission, we can rest assured that God is our comfort in all things. He has been there to comfort us through this mission, and he will continue to comfort us as we travel back home. We can be assured that he will be there to comfort all of the friends that we must leave behind for another year, and give us comfort in the knowledge that the seeds we are sowing will be cared for and will bloom into beautiful examples of faith and God's love, through the power of the Holy Spirit.

And with that I will leave you to continue the work that God has set before you, until we meet on the mission field once more!


Campus Sojourner August 2021


Alaska Mission VBS 2021 Continued

Welcome home!

The Alaska Mission Team returned to Missouri this afternoon, landing in St. Louis a little after 2:00 in the afternoon. While the mission trip was a great success, and everyone already misses our brothers and sisters in Christ in Alaska, it is always good to return back home.

The team would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their prayers and support. Without your assis-tance, spreading God's word to, and supporting the community of Anchor Point would not be possible. The effort required to field a mission team is only made possible by the support of others.

Please plan on hearing from the team at 9:45 am on Sunday, August 22 during the Adult Bible Class to learn firsthand how Campus Lutheran Church has continued serving our Lord in Anchor Point!

In Christ, Luke Lilienkamp Pastor Kent Pierce Norah Pierce Bryan Ross Kate Ross MaryAnne Wolfmeyer Amy Zimmerschied Emily Zimmerschied


Campus Sojourner August 2021





Grant Hoehne Christian Nelson Norah Pierce

Jude Schwedtmann Ren Steevens Shannon Yockey

Grant Hoehne

Ren Steevens Jude Schwedtmann

Norah Pierce


Campus Sojourner August 2021

Congratulations 2021-2022 LSF Officers

President: Riley Vogler Vice President: Ashtyn Howard Treasurer: Noah Novak Secretary: Sam Koenig Communications Chair: Ellie DeBeer Faculty/Staff Advisor: Laura Roth

First Wedding Reception held in the Community Life Center Gretchen and Trenton Burns

The Gathering The Gathering is a weekly Bible study for college aged students which focuses on equipping students with biblical truths, and providing an environment for authentic Christian relationships with peers. Date: Every Wednesday

Time: 8:30-10:00pm (Starting August 25, 2021) Audience: College Student Ministry

Location: Student Center


Happy Birthday!

June: 2 - Bob Herting, Jr.

3 - Becky Ross, John Hoehne 4 - Paula Morgret

5 - Mike Alexander, Gail Horrell, Kersten Brown

8 - Alison Unterreiner, Logan Huggins 10 - Karen Huggins

11 - Zachary McAdams 14 - Logan Arnett 17 - Ruth Kincanon

18 - Gail Sponaugle 20 - Linda Duffen, Brian Davison, Audrey

Harned 21 - Kate Lohman

22 - Gloria Hoehne 23 - Kathy Gallagher, Emmalyn Marlett

24 - Jane Terhune, David Bruner 26 - Scott Dart, John Stecker, Carolyn


27 - Jay Pellis 29 - Cory Pennington, Dayna Linneman,

Jonah Unterreiner

July: 1 - Paul Forney

3 - Bethany Moseley 4 - Kerry Hoffman

5 - Noah Sill, Jordan Constance 6 - Curtis Nelson

8 - Darlene Bachmann 10 - Sandra Brumm, Eric Kincanon 11 - Tim Giboney, Yvonne Warner

12 - April Sarff, Christian Nelson, John Brumm

13 - Jim George 14 - Ryann Bartels 16 - Paul Young

20 - Mary Lou Hughes 22 - Amanda Bell 25 - Craig Busseau

28 - McKenna Forney, Everett Terhune, Levi Vaughn, Thomas Senter

30 - Linda Heermann 31 - Morgan Yanez, Mark Kruse


2 - Cindy Barchet 8 - Kent Pierce, Maxwell Bartels

10 - Bob Bachmann 11 - Laurie Wallace, Chris Vaughn

12 - Jeanine Davison 17 - Carrie Peiter

18 - Brandon Duque 20 - Erik Slatinsky, Madison Constance

22 - William Senter 23 - Carl Barchet, Kristina Forney

24 - Heidi Duque 25 - Kellen Reynolds 26 - Scott Wallace

29 - Gretchen Burns, Joseph Lee, Helen Pelousky

30 - Tyler Kroenke, Tom Moe, Morgan Jennings

31 - Liam Coon

Elders’ Prayers:

JUNE 19 - Eric & Ruth KINCANON; Sharon KINDEN; John KLOCKE; Meredith & Gary KRAUS; Connor KRIETE; Tyler KROENKE; Ella KRUSE; Mark & Kristy KRUSE; John & Darlene KRUSE; Luke & Kayla KRUSE; Morgan KRUSE; Joseph LEE; Roberta & Robert LEE; Deanna LEIMBACH; Jeff, Laura, Lilly & Rose LENTZ; Pat LIEURANCE; Luke & Miranda LILIENKAMP; Paul & Joy LILIENKAMP; Lynn LIMBACK; Dale & Deb LINNEMAN; Dayna LINNEMAN; Shirley LITTELL

JULY 17 - Sam & Kate LOHMAN; Chris, Mary Ellen, Annaleigh & Lydia LOHMANN; Tammy MANDLE; David MANZ; Brian MARCUM; Ashlea, Keith, Ethan, Blake & Emmalyn MARLETT; Bev MATHEWS; Pam MATHEWS; Blake, Kristen, Anna, Grace MAXEY; Troy & April MCADAMS; Zachary MCADAMS; Zane MCADAMS; Josh MCDOWELL; Abby MIRLY; Margie MITCHELL; Tom MOE; Corey MOENTMANN: David MOENTMANN; Eva MOENTMANN; Caelan MORGRET; Curt & Paula MORGRET; Kelsey MORGRET

August 21 - Hannah & Matt NACARATO; Carol & Frank NACARATO; Curtis & Theresa NELSON; Christian NELSON; Noah NOVAK; Rusty & Vicky OLSON; Mary OLSON; Adam, Shannon, Clay & Chloe PATTERSON; Sharon PEIRCE; Carrie PEITER; Jay & Sarah PELLIS; Helen PELOUSKY; Cory, Kara, Gavin & Molly Claire PENNINGTON; Caleb PHILIPPS; Emma PIERCE; Kent, Jen & Brennen PIERCE; Norah PIERCE; Wayne & Linda PORATH

Campus Lutheran Website… Church Updates – News, Prayers, Serving & Facebook… Twitter...


Wedding Anniversaries

Campus Sojourner August 2021

August: Bob Bachmann, Eric Kincanon, Sandra Brumm, John Stecker,

Mark Kruse, Paul Forney, Chris Vaughn, Karen Huggins, Vicki Smith, Jordan Constance,

Kimmie Walker, Caleb Philipps, Bethany Moseley, Lena Coon,

Emily Zimmerschied,

Amy Zimmerschied, Logan Huggins, Levi Vaughn, Xavier Brown,

Vivian Brown

Jenna Bohler, Noah Novak, Matthew Vaughn, Rylan Huggins,

Skyler Fulmer,

Molly Claire Pennington, Lydia Lohmann, Elliott George

July: Everett Terhune, Jane Terhune,

Darlene Bachmann, Ruth Kincanon,

John Hoehne, Gloria Hoehne, Audrey Harned, Linda Duffen, Kerry Hoffman, David Bruner,

Scott Dart, Iris Zachary, Cory Pennington, Kate Lohman,

Dayna Linneman, Noah Sill,

Abraham Zachary, William Reynolds


Thomas & Sarah Senter celebrate 6 years on June 27 Meridith & Jeremy Haley celebrate 7 years on June 21

Adam & Shannon Patterson celebrate 15 years on June 3 Bryan & Becky Ross celebrate 22 years on June 19

Troy & April McAdams celebrate 25 years on June 22

Carl & Cindy Barchet celebrate 25 years on June 5 Craig & Beth Busseau celebrate 41 years on June 7 Jim & Joyce George celebrate 42 years on June 9

Lee & Joyce Chorley celebrate 49 years on June 10 Dan & Kathy Schoenherr celebrate 56 years on June 26

Eric & Ruth Kincanon celebrate 62 years on June 6


Scott & Danielle Dart celebrate 4 years on July 29

Chris & Mary Ellen Lohmann celebrate 9 years on July 14

Caleb & Katie Brown celebrate 15 years on July 1

Mark & Kristy Kruse celebrate 19 years on July 21

Mike & Julie Jones celebrate 21 years on July 29

Rob & Chris Vaughn celebrate 26 years on July 29

Ron & Lugine Hein celebrate 43 years on July 8

Neal & Linda Heermann celebrate 55 years on July 9

Ev & Joy Adam celebrate 59 years on July 14


Luke & Miranda Lilienkamp celebrate 5 years on August 20

Jay & Sarah Pellis celebrate 8 years on August 31

Kent & Jen Pierce celebrate 27 years on August 6

John & Darlene Kruse celebrate 31 years on August 25

Tim & Linda Duffen celebrate 33 years on August 20

John & Julie Zimmerschied celebrate 34 years on August 8

Scott & Laurie Wallace celebrate 35 years on August 19

Dale & Deb Linneman celebrate 36 years on August 3

John & Gail Sponaugle celebrate 45 years on August 21

Mike & Kathy Gallagher celebrate 46 years on August 23

Art & Deb Simmons celebrate 50 years on August 14

Kerry & Linda Hoffman celebrate 51 years on August 15

Barry & Kay Steevens celebrate 54 years on August 12

Mike & Judy Alexander celebrate 55 years on August 20

Wayne & Linda Porath celebrate 57 years on August 29

Bob & Darlene Bachmann celebrate 64 years on August 10

June: Wayne Porath, Linda Porath,

Barry Steevens, Mike Alexander,

Paul Lilienkamp, Julie Zimmerschied, Donna Bogle,

Bryan Ross, Laura Roth,

Caelan Morgret,


The Campus Sojourner is a bi-monthly

publication of Campus Lutheran

Church. We welcome submissions from

readers. Articles chosen for publication

may be edited to fit available space.

Submissions may be e-mailed to: or faxed to

442-6930. Articles by email are


Submission deadline is the 20th of

each month.

Living and Sharing the Transforming Love of Christ


Campus Lutheran Church 304 S College Avenue Columbia MO 65201

Return Service Requested

Rev. Dr. Kent Pierce, Pastor

(573) 442-5942


Rev. Art Simmons, Director of International

Ministry, (573) 442-5942


Vicki Smith, Office Assistant

(573) 442-5942

Fax: (573) 442-6930


Craig Busseau, Director of Discipleship & Family

Life, (573) 442-5942


Tyler Kroenke

Student Worker


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For more accurate and up to date activity schedule information, please check the calendar on our website