August 27 Bulletin

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church update


Sabbath School

“Trust Not in

Deceptive Words”: The

Prophets and Worship Isaiah 44:7

The Church at Study 9:30 a.m. to 10:40 a.m. Superintendent: Gord Rayner Musician: Jonathan Bartoszc

Praise Leader: Gibsons

Next Week: Super: Jack Polihronov Music: Alex G. Praise: Max & Juliana

Worship Hour

Song and Praise ………………………………………….Gordon Baptiste

Opening Song……………….No.487……………………In the Garden

Intercessory Prayer………………………………………………Lo Richards

Praying for Healthy Families Next Week Praying for

Offering Appeal….Conference Advance……Virginia Pohlironov

Children Story………………………………………………………..Puppets

Special Music………………………………………………………Friendship

Scripture Reading……..Matthew 28: 18-20……..Sandra Dicker

Sermon “What Is The Church?” Pastor Rudy Alvir

Closing song.............No.457..................I Love to Tell the Story

Benediction.......................................................Aroldo Anniehs

Sunset this Sabbath 8:10 pm Next week 7:58 pm

Please send all the bulletin related information to:

Announcements 1. We invite every church member to the time of Prayer,

every Wednesday 7 pm. A Prayer Group is also meeting at North London Church every Wednesday morning 10am-12noon. You have an option of “shifts” to come and interceded for our church family, for our city, for leaders. We have seen miraculous answers to prayer, and experienced the goodness of God, connecting to His Mystery and presence in prayer.

2. LAST CALL!!! The Health Department presents Dr. Neil Nedley's “Depression the Way Out” seminar weekly. Last information session to sign up is Monday, August 29 at 7 pm. Cost - $150.00 single, plus $40.00 for a spouse sharing material. Mark your calendars, invite friends who needs this good news. Following is the session name and date: September 9 - Identifying Depression and It's Causes September 13 - Lifestyle Treatment for Depression September 20 - Nutrition and the Brain September 23 - How Thinking Can Defeat Depression September 27 - Positive Lifestyle Choices October 4 - Stress Without Distress October 11 - Living Above Loss October 18 - How to Improve Brain Function November 1 – Graduation

3. Personal Ministry leader Aroldo Anniehs is fundraising for purchasing “Steps to Christ” books to distribute in the neighbourhood around the church. Make a donation marked “Steps to Christ project” toward this initiative.

4. Pastor will be on full time schedule after his vacation, starting September 1, hosting ministerial meeting in London with the Conference departmental leaders for pastors of South Western churches.

5. 2011 is the Year of Mission. September 3rd at 6 pm pastor Alex will continue the teaching on Mission with presenting approaches to reaching people from Latin American background who had been exposed to Liberation theology, dealing with extreme needs and survival, and not interested in institutional religion. This seminar is geared to address practical ways of inviting people from different backgrounds to discover God’s Plan of Salvation in Christ. Remember, Mission is not optional for a healthy Adventist church.

6. Sermon series on Radical Christianity will continue in September. September 3 pastor Alex Golovenko will speak on Radical Humiliation as taught by Christ, and on September 17th pastor will invite the whole church for a Radical Experiment with your life, at the celebration of the Lord’s Supper.

7. Next Elders session will take place September 6 Tuesday evening at 6:30 pm. This time the meeting will take place at the church.

8. Men’s ministry breakfast tomorrow, Sunday, August 28 at 8:30 am. Read Chapter 8 “The battle we fight – the Enemy” from the “Wild at Heart” book by John Eldredge.

9. Adventurer Club Registration / Meet and Greet Day to be held on Sabbath, September 10th from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. Parents may register their children 4 to 9 years of age. Cost is $25 per family for new members and $10 per child for those returning members. Please note that no one will be turned away if cost is prohibitive. For more information please see Lucy Simoes.

10. To All Praise Team Leaders for the next Trimester. I would like to meet with you for no more than 5 minutes after the worship service today. We will meet just beside the organ. Please be on time.

11. The Ontario Conference is sponsoring a Seniors Wellness Retreat (September 16-18, 2011), to be held at the Best Western Hotel Oshawa. There will be FREE health screening and massage, seminars on exercise, heart and stroke, diet and more. The Seniors Walking Club will also be launched at this time. Please see your pastor, church clerk or seniors’ ministry leader for registration form to the wellness retreat & order form for walking club exercise suit. Submission deadline is September 2. For further details contact Judith Guarin, Office of the President, Ontario Conference. All people over 55 are invited to attend the information session this afternoon at 5:00 pm. At that time Aroldo will have more information about the retreat as well as the forms for registration

12. Forks Over Knives Movie Presentation Earlier this year the movie Forks Over Knives was released to theatres in North America. This movie has now been released in DVD format. We were able to purchase this movie from the Forks Over Knives web site. As a fund raiser for the Health Department programs we present including CHIP and Depression Recovery we are offering a viewing of this movie for a small ticket price. Dr. Oz said “I Loved it and I need all of you to see it”. The movie features Dr. T. Colin Campbell “The China Study” and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn “The Cleveland Clinic”. We are presenting this movie on Thursday September 15th 2011 at our church. Tickets for this will be $5.00 per person and children/youth are free. We are also offering a movie and dinner for anyone interested. Movie and dinner will be $10.00 per person and children/youth 15 and under will be $3.00 for the dinner. The dinner will start at 5:30 PM and we will try and start the movie by 7:15 PM. The movie is 90 minutes. Tickets will be available at the next CHIP Alumni meeting on September 6th.Please invite your friends to view this movie.

13. Baby shower for Jenny and Scott Mickle on Sunday, September 11 at 3 p.m. Please plan to join us as we celebrate new life. Men are welcome too!

14. Today’s general church potluck picnic (all the church family is invited) will be in Pastor Alex and Sandra Golovenko’s back yard at 1210 Hamilton Road. We had such a great picnic at Ferriera’s that more people are being inspired to host the church family...if you have a large home or yard and would like to host a picnic, contact Don Topper or anyone from the Social Life Committee.

15. Marilyn, Peter, Melinda and Michelle wish to express our

thanks to all our friends of the church family for the out-

pouring of support, expressions of sympathy, gifts,

flowers, cards and to the community service leader for a

very fresh and large basket of fruits from the church. We

are truly blessed for cherished friends and church



The Nicotera Family.

Happy Birthdays Aug 27 Deane Sollows Sept 2 Kusum Gaikwad

Sept 1 Mike Kasule Sept 3 Brittany Stajfer

Sept 1 Abby Morris Sept 4 JoAnna Walker

Sept 2 Jose L. Carreiro Sept 5 Casondra Skwarchuk

Pastor’s Blog Suddenly, inescapably, like a thief in the night

How’s your week? This week was full of surprises, ups and downs for me.

For all of us this week began with a tragic news of the F3 Tornado destroying picturesque Goderich in 2 minutes. Hearts of many moved people into action. I got a lot of calls and responses pleading to organize volunteering action. After a few phone-calls and emails I learned that during the first days only trained professionals are “welcomed” in the area. The volunteer force has to wait for the “green light.” Some of you may have heard about a Londoneer volunteer who got injured on the first day after, ending up in a hospital with broken pelvic bone, tail bone, and more, being propelled from a tree, while chainsawing it.

Monday many were upset with the news of Jack Layton passing, quoting his epistle to Canadians just a few days before – I saw it on your Facebook, twitter, and other social media “my friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we'll change the world." Wonderful words, relevant words. Are we putting it in practice?

Then the earthquake in Washington. Then another tornado near Ailsa Craig & Nairn levelling the trailer park on Thursday. Those three days I was battling my kitchen ceiling, that suddenly peeled off and fell to the floor, after we tried to apply a popcorn stucco texture to it. In the process we discovered that an old leak, before we reshingled the roof, did sufficient damage to the ceiling. My whole schedule was set back by three days, and that’s while expecting the church family for potluck this Sabbath!

Friday morning we (Stepan & myself) did the final Bible study with Stajfer family, who are preparing their teens for baptism in October. The study was on the Biblical view of the last day events. A trend that is often repeated by evangelists in evident – “suddenly and inescapably,” the “thief in the night” reference not to a quiet and unnoticeable, but rather surprising, unexpected turn of events. How ready are you to deal with surprises?

As I talked with our ADRA director pastor Sargeant, we pondered how we must respond with readiness as we understand that end times will only escalate the frequency of disasters and challenges. Even as we live our day-to-day routine, knowing that troubles will increase in frequency just like birth-pangs, how must we live?

I invite you, church family to examine your personal life – are you ready for unexpected? Are you ready to meet adversities, without being alarmed, and being prepared to help others? Will you be an asset or liability for the Disaster Relief Agencies? Would you need others to salvage your stuff? Or would you be able to go and help others?

Be ready. Get ready. Live prepared. In service of the Great Shepherd, pastor Alex Golovenko




A Place where Every Believer is a Minister. Discover Your Calling!

Sabbath, August 27, 2011

805 Shelborne Street, London, ON. N5Z 5C6

Pastor: Alex Golovenko (519) 281-9706