Augustus of Primaporta Marble 1 st C.E.. Face of Augustus Prior to him becoming Emperor. Close –...

Post on 04-Jan-2016

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Augustus of PrimaportaMarble 1st C.E.

Face of Augustus Prior to him becoming Emperor.

Close – up of Augustus of Primaporta

Roman Man with Ancestor portraits1st c.e. 6ft 4 in marble

Portrait bust originated as part of funeral observance. The male members of the family would form a procession to the family mausoleum; they would carry the images of their deceased male ancestors.

Originally the Romans would make A terracotta death mask of the deceased, then it would be basis for bust

Caracalla These portrait busts are of the emperor Caracalla. He was emperor from 211 till 217 c.e. Each is made of marble.When younger men became emperor, artists started to delve into the personality of the Person. To often it revealed the flaws that made the person unsuitable for emperor

Portrait bust of the Emperor Caligula 37 c.e twenty inches in height.New York City, Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Caligula 39 c.e.Louvre Museum Paris, FranceTwo years into reign Caligula becomes disturbed. The tile=t of the head and the way the chin is drawn in gives an odd feeling to portrait.

Caligula as BacchusRuled 37 – 41 c.e.He becomes extravagant and theatrical

The Emperor NeroRuled 54 – 68 c.e.Known for his over indulgence.Nero often behaved like a spoiled child. He was also known for his cruelty.

Philip Arabus244 -249 c.e. A later emperor enthroned by the military. He was fearful of assaination. His portrait shows His morose and fearful nature.

Busts of Roman Emperors

Other failed emperorsThere flaws shows in their faces. A sneak, A delusional madman,A weakling and a coward.

Equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius, Musei Capitolini.