Aurobindos views on Indian spirituality, religion and Art

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Aurobindo’s views on,

Indian Spirituality



About of Sri Aurobindo

An Indian nationalist, freedom fighter, major Indian English poet, philosopher and yogi

Versatile spiritual genius

Great scholar and thinker – write on various topics – like, politics, yoga

His writing shine with a penetrating spiritual insight which brings out the deeper, psychological and spiritual dimension of the human life.

Robert Johnson,“ Sri Aurobindo is one of the

most important and influential spiritual figures of our time, whose work deserves to be better known.”Sri Aurobindo’s Work,

1. The Gita2. Savitri3. Life Divine4. The Renaissance in India5. India’s Rebirth6. Love and Death and 7. The Human Cycle

Aurobindo’s views on spirituality, religion, art

Spirituality refers to broad set of principle that transcend all religions.

Spirituality is about the relationship between us and something larger.

i.e. : something can be the good of the community or the people who are served by your agency or school or with energies greater than us with all that is.

It is a stance of harmlessness toward all living being and an understanding of their mutual interdependence.

“Spirituality is the master key of the Indian mind”.

The spiritual view holds the mind, life, body are man’s mean and not his aims and that is not his last and highest means.

But, Indian mind is not only spiritual and ethical but intellectual and artistic.

“ A spiritual aspiration was the governing force of this culture”.

Indian spirituality saw the power of human being’s capacity much before the western mind could think of.

The spiritual power of India was not grown out of void but her psychic tendency, her creativeness, her vitality, her yoga, her religion.

But, there is infinite strength of India builds up the powerful spirituality.

A religion is a collection of beliefs, cultural system, and world views that relate humanity to an order to existence.

Religion believes formed within the context of practices and rituals shared by a group to provide a framework for connectedness to God.

India is the meeting place of the religion.

There are three motives of the Indian religious mind

1. Jnana

2. Bhakti

3. Karma

And also contemplative and philosophical , emotional and devotional and, actively and practically dynamic spiritual mentality.

It is not so much, a religion as great diversified and unified mass of spiritual thought, realization and aspiration.

Art is the evolution og the race and its value in the education of and actual life of the nation.

According to Aurobindo, “ Art sometimes uses the same means as poetry but cannot do it to the same because it has not the movement of poetry, it is fixed, only given a moment, point in space”.

But, it is precisely this stillness, this calm, this fixity which gives its separate value to art.

Art is the service to the growth of spirituality in the race.

Art can express eternal truth, it is not limited to the expression of form and appearance.

So, at the end “Indian Renaissance means the revival not only of spirituality but also of that past of curiosity, art, religion etc.”

In short, Renaissance has been the new creation that will come from a unique fusion of ancient Indian spirituality, modernity, art and about religion.