Austin L, Jaedyn, Meghan, Jennelle

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Stop Horse Slaughter!!! 



The untold truth!!!!!!!!

Horses need A chance to live 


But the government is killing them off


Even Colts are being killed

Does this seem right ?

Why kill them when almost Every kid wants one

We are Failing on keeping these majestic animals from extinction


 Shouldn't we be  Greatful to have these  wonderful animals so close to

our lives


these Horses should not be punished for doing nothing wrong

horses wIld ,or domesticated still have feelings just like humans

Just let them be free

Killing them is wrong

our government can be really Low, they still disagree

Mustangs are the most popular for killing

Nobody wants to see a horse die


we Only have30 bands of wild horses left

more People need to stick up for horses

Quit killing these animals

people R still not caring for these horses lives

don't let the Spirit of the west die

were telling the Truth!

were helping why dont U

eVery day more than 30 horses die

the West is the biggest place of killing them

eXcept others think they are hurting us by stealing mares and eating crops , but that's the only way they survive

Yet people think that there are to many

Z is the end of the alphebet and hopfully the end of horse slaughter


Jennelle          Austin       Worick           Leal         

Jaedyn Michaels                              meghan manary   


in conclusion stop the madness and the inhumane slaughter of horsies
