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Fall 2015

Featuring Original Stories, Poems and Illustrations

Written by UNCW Watson College of Education

Ed Lab students and their tutors

Author Showcase Featuring Original Stories, Poems and Illustrations

Written by UNCW Education Lab

students and their tutors

Table of Contents

Maneater .............................................................................. Luis Gonzalez .................. 1

The Bad Dog ......................................................................... Elijah Armour ................. 2

Zombie Friends .................................................................... Erin Carney ..................... 3

Camille’s Dress ..................................................................... Camille Earney ............... 4

Fashion ................................................................................. Ella Kober ....................... 5

The Day of the Dreg Robot ................................................... Wyatt Royall .................... 6

Bats and Birds and Spiders ................................................ Riley Hill ......................... 7

How to Make Chocolate Chip Muffins ................................. Giovanni Diaz ................. 8

Mars ..................................................................................... Aiden Bejar ..................... 9

5 Facts I Learned about Butterflies ..................................... Corinne Pollack ............. 10

All About My Dog Joisey ...................................................... Savannah Edwards ...... 11

Halloween ............................................................................. Bryana Leibowitz .......... 12

The Sideways Elevator with Free Popcorn! ........................ Karen Hernandez .......... 13

Feeling Free to the Beat ....................................................... Bella Edwards .............. 14

Braiding Hair ...................................................................... Jenirae Roberts ............. 15

Skateboard ........................................................................... Mason Kober ................. 16

Dear Papa ............................................................................. Hannah Moreno ............ 17

Diary of a Mine-Draft Ocelot ............................................... Mackenzie Royall .......... 18

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Remake ................................ Evelyn Roblero Peres..... 20

The Adventure and the Lost Crown ..................................... Skylar Ruskin ............... 21

Zandy.................................................................................... Joandy Villegas ............. 22

Sadler ................................................................................... Sadler Selby .................. 23

Once there Was a Scientist… ............................................... Madison Davis .............. 24

Bloben ................................................................................... Brian Bennett ................ 25

The Venture of Billy Jones Part 2: The Trick..................... Julio Lima-Romano ...... 26

A Day of Tutoring ................................................................ Rosario Lima-Romano .. 28

Super-Heroes ........................................................................ Jeykeem Roberts ............ 29

Project Spark Facts and Information .................................. Trey Dunn ..................... 30

Soccer .................................................................................... Madison Hubbard ......... 31

A Day at the Fair ................................................................. DeWarren Hand ............ 32

Chameleon Man ................................................................... Rory Gallagher .............. 33

My Kitty ................................................................................ Ruth Hodge ................... 35

All About Guitars ................................................................. Phoenix Alexander ........ 36

A Summary of The True Story of the Three Little Pigs ..... Riley Godwin ................. 37

Monserrat and Kelly’s Book ................................................. Monserrat Ruiz ............. 38

The Ed Lab ........................................................................... Jadah Armour............... 39

Scrabble Word Story ............................................................ Dorothy Degler .............. 40

The Great White vs. The Hammerhead ............................... Brayden Moreno ............ 41

Arrested, Hired and Fired ................................................... Benjamin Pollack .......... 42

Letter to the Airlines ............................................................ Gilberto Sanchez ........... 43

Steven vs. Witches ................................................................ Justin Muse .................. 44

Maxie and Cooper ................................................................ Anna Coleman............... 45

George Washington .............................................................. Ethan McCoy ................. 46

Sharp fangs is a Pokemon ................................................... Justin Cokes .................. 47

Crazo .................................................................................... Grey Andresen ............... 48

The Lion Who Liked To Stare At Trees ............................... Jy’lik Johnson ............... 49

Blobby the Glowing Ball ...................................................... Callie Porzio .................. 50

The Two Best Teams in NFL ............................................... Preston Wilson .............. 51

My Trip to Michigan ............................................................ Rocio Sanchez ............... 52

The Diamond Thief .............................................................. Charlotte Farr ............... 53

New Delicious Wonka Bar! .................................................. Elmer Sanchez .............. 54

Jekiyah’s Morning ................................................................ Jekiyah Griffin .............. 55

Where I’m From .................................................................... Jazmin Diaz-Leon ......... 56

Steve and the Cow ................................................................ Jack Rutherford ............ 57

Be Happy. Be Sad. Be Mad.................................................. Xander Wilson ............... 58

Yankees vs. Red Sox ............................................................. Kendall Marcucilli ........ 59

When I Grow Up................................................................... Maria Barriga-Mateos .. 60

My Prank .............................................................................. Ava Porzio ..................... 61

A Boy Named Christian ....................................................... Christian Chavis ........... 62

Super .................................................................................... Sean Carney .................. 63

Adventure to the Wild West .................................................. Esther Hodge ................. 65

Hailey’s Pumpkin ................................................................. Hailey Leon-Carbajal ... 66

Peek-A-Boo, Let Me Scare You ............................................. Wendy Sanchez ............. 67

The Quest to Defeat Bun-Bun and Duck ............................. Matthew Foster ............. 68

Betty Holden Stike Education Laboratory Page 1


By Luis Gonzalez

Tutor: Aspen Allen

There once was a shark named MANEATER. He liked to eat things such as:

delicious seals, bloody fish, surfers catching waves, and left over trash. One

day MANEATER was swimming through the Atlantic Ocean when he choked

on a piece of rubber tire. After five minutes of choking, a sea turtle rescued

him by giving him CPR. MANEATER and the sea turtle became best friends.

MANEATER thanked the sea turtle by catching his dinner for him every


Game Day Saturday is here and it is game day, I must listen to what my coach has to say. I get ready to play some ball, And I listen for the referee’s call. Will sends me a long pass, And I run faster than I do in gym class. I shoot, I score, My teammates and the crowd begin to roar. We have done it once more, 1 to 0 was the final score.

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The Bad Dog

By: Elijah Armour

Tutor: Lindsay Auton

This story will blow your mind. When you see this, trust me

it is unbelievable. My family and I got a new dog. He is about

three or four months old, and he is adorable, if I say so myself.

My family went an MLK parade. We were gone for a few hours or

so. But this is the good part, when we were about to leave we put

my dog in his cage. My cage has two doors, so my mom closed the

first door but forgot to close the second door. My dog got out of

the cage and tore up my mom’s new heels.

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“Zombie Friends”

By Erin Carney

Tutor: Vanessa Barajas

One early morning Dummie, the zombie, walks to his grandma’s grave. Suddenly

it starts to rain. Dummie runs to a boy at the bus stop with an umbrella. The little boy’s

name is Walker, he is very happy to see a zombie.

“Oh! A zombie” says Walker.

“I’m the first person to see a zombie!” he says again.

“Come stand under this umbrella with me.”

“Oooooooooooooghkay” says Dummie.

“Want to come inside with me?” asks Walker.

“Ooghkay, I guess” replies Dummie.

Dummie follows Walker up to his room secretly.

“I have to go to school now Dummie. Please don’t make any noise. We can’t get


Walker leaves for school, and Dummie hides under his bed. He brings with him a book

and tries to learn how to read. Some of the day goes by and he got bored, so he began to

look around. Suddenly, he breaks Walker’s lamp. Mom hears the lamp break and rushes

upstairs. She sees the zombie and starts to scream.


Dummie jumps out the window taking the book with him. He heads to the graveyard. He

is very sad and lonely. That night Dummie walks back to Walker’s house to return his


“Hi Dummie. Why did you come back?” asks Walker.

“I tried to read this but I just cooooooouldn’t” says Dummie.

“Here, I’ll help you” replies Walker.

From then on Dummie and Walker are best friends forever.

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Camille’s Dress By Camille Earney

Tutor: Sierra Blizzard

Camille was walking down the hallway in her black dress singing her song:

I love my black dress I love my black dress I love my black dress

When suddenly she fell in a pink puddle but she kept walking and singing her song:

I love my pink dress I love my pink dress I love my pink dress

Next she fell in a yellow puddle. Her dress was very colorful but she kept singing her song:

I love my colorful dress I love my colorful dress I love my colorful dress

The moral of Camille’s story is no matter what you fall in Keep on walking and singing your song

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Fashion By Ella Kober

Tutor: Joi Body

Free to express yourself with clothes.

All about how the clothes look.

Simple but classy.

Handy materials are fun to use.

I love fashion.

Okay to this outfit if you like it. No, that is not my style!

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The Day of the Dreg Robot By Wyatt Royall

Tutor: Alyssa Bossi

Chapter 1 The Titan

It was very weird to wake up to an all new world where everything just doesn’t make

sense. This is a story about my life as a Titan.

Chapter 2 The Ghost

For some reason I was asleep and got woken up by this weird robot just floating up in the

air. He looked like he had been there for a while. He said something about me being dead

for a long time, I didn’t really listen. He also said he was a ghost.

Chapter 3 The Ship Part 1

The ghost told me to run inside so I ran in. He said something about the Fallen hunting

us. Inside, it was very dark. The ghost turned on the lights. The light flickered for a

second but stayed on, and I found a crossbow. The ghost told me to pick it up so I did. I

started to run again. I saw this thing that kind of looked like a box. The ghost told me to

open it, and I did. There was another weapon. It was a different crossbow. When we

went in the next room, there were trip wires.

Chapter 4 The Ship Part 2

Somehow I got past the trip wires. Earlier when the ghost said the Fallen were hunting us,

he wasn’t kidding. On the other side of the trip wires, there were Dregs and Vrens. That's

when I leveled up. I got a rust bomb and chucked it at the Fallen. There was only one

Vren standing. I got him with my crossbow. We went on to the next room. There were

even more Vrens and Dregs. My rust bomb was still loading up. Without thinking I

rushed in and sliced all of them with my flaming sword. I barely survived, but the ghost

healed me. We ran outside and the ghost said it was an old Cosmudron and that there was

a ship nearby. We need to get to it. We saw a lot of the Fallen.


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Bats and Birds and Spiders

Written and Illustrated by Riley Hill

Tutor: Emily Briley

A bird flies over a building and a bat hits the bird. The

bird falls in a spider web, and the spider wraps the bird up.

Then, a bee comes and stings the spider. Then, a person

steps on the spider. Then, the bird flies away.

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How to Make Chocolate Chip Muffins

By Giovanni Diaz

Tutor: Taylor Cahill

Step ONE: PREHEAT oven to 375° F. Grease a regular sized muffin tin.


2¼ cups all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon salt

in small bowl

Step THREE: Beat in large mixer bowl

1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened

3/4 cup granulated sugar

3/4 cup packed brown sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

large eggs

Step FOUR:

Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each


Gradually beat in flour mixture

Stir in morsels. 2 cups (12-oz. pkg.) Semi-Sweet

Chocolate Morsels

Step FIVE:

Spread into muffin tin; fill half way in each cup.

BAKE for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown.

Cool in pan on wire rack.

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MARS Inspired by the book You Are the First Kid on Mars

By Aiden Bejar

Tutor: Eleni Carros

Mountains and canyons can be found on it

Aliens could be living there

Red is its color

Space is where it is located

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5 Facts I Learned about Butterflies By Corinne Pollack

Tutor: Kellie Chapman

1. Caterpillars bite through their shells.

2. Caterpillars shed their skin.

3. Caterpillars eat leaves.

4. Caterpillars make a chrysalis.

5. Caterpillars turn into butterflies in their chrysalis.

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All about My Dog Joisey

By Savannah Edwards

Tutor: Emily Clark

My dog’s name is Joisey. Joisey is a lab beagle. She

has one white spot on her neck and is black all over. She

has brown eyes. She barks when she sees goats. Also,

Joisey wags her tail furiously and happily when she sees

my family when we walk

through the door at home.

She has several friends,

even my Aunt Angie’s baby

cat. My favorite experience

with my dog is playing with

her. She is very playful and

loves to dash through the

rooms in my house. Joisey is

the best dog ever!

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By Bryana Leibowitz Tutor Dominique Colucci

For my Halloween costume, I am going to be a Greek goddess. And

I’m so excited because my best friend is going to be trick or treating with

me. But we are also going to be decorating her house. We are going to

decorate it with wallpaper that has skeletons on it and toilet paper, but

we are going to try and paint the toilet paper. We are going to paint the

toilet paper orange and black, like the colors of Halloween. So basically

we are going to be really busy. But it will be really fun. Also we are going

to be carving pumpkins and my pumpkin is

going to be a vampire. Also, I’m going to go

to a haunted house. My dog Zoey is going

to be a bumblebee and my friend, Haylee,

is going to be a cat. So I think all of this is

awesome. For my candy, I want Reese’s

Pieces, Kit Kats, Herhseys, M&Ms, sour

Skittles, and a lot more.

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The Sideways Elevator with Free Popcorn! By: Karen Hernandez Tutor: Cara Comer

Guess what! I have an idea for you elevators so it would be easier to

get to places. I think we should have a sideways elevator.

It would be easier to get to places. You wouldn’t have to get up, you

could get there directly.

Also, it wouldn’t waste time if you’re in a rush like it does when you

have to walk to different places. Having a sideways elevator would make it

easy to carry stuff if you have a lot in your hands.

Having a sideways elevator would be helpful because it would be

easier to get to places. Also it wouldn’t waste time if you’re in a rush like it

would when you have to walk places. Oh! And one more thing the elevator

should have free popcorn.

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Feeling Free to the Beat

By: Bella Edwards

Tutor: Lindsay Consiglio

I started playing the drums a year and a half ago. I got my first drum

set for Christmas last year, and before that, I played on the floor with

drumsticks. My dad used to be in a band and decided to teach me how to

play when I got my drum set. When I play the drums I feel free and I can do

anything. I am super focused and in the zone when playing. I have learned a

lot about the drums. I know how to listen to the different dynamics in the

song change how to do a roll.

When I grow up I want to be a famous drummer. I would love to play

at a concert. Everyone would be watching me, I would be a little scared but I

know I can do it. When I play in front of my large family I get a little

nervous, but I just pretend that I am in my room practicing. When I’m

playing, my hands never get tired and I can play for hours and hours. I am

super focused and always in the zone when playing.

These are my drums. This guy is doing a roll and you

can’t see his drum sticks because

they’re moving so fast.

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Braiding Hair by Jenirae Roberts

Tutor: Brittany Cox

Tinae’sha did not know how to braid. Next she came to the salon. Jenirae and her

mom, Raven and Mulinda helped Tinae’sha braid her hair. Then another girl came in. Tinae’sha

said, “I know how to braid now”. The other girl said, “I am so happy for you. That is great,

Tinae’sha”. “I knew you could do it Tinae’sha. Hooray for Tinae’sha!” said Jenirae. So

Tinae’sha finally learned how to braid. Tina’esha said “Do you like it?” Like it? I don’t know

how many times I can thank you Tinae’sha”, said Jenirae. Well done Tinae’sha, you have

passed your test. Here is your award. That was the story about Tinae’sha not knowing how to


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By Mason Kober

Tutor: Elizabeth Cozzens

I like to skateboard.

I like to skateboard with my friend.

My friend is a good skateboarder.

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Dear Papa

by Hannah Moreno

Tutor: Rachel Crotts

Dear Papa,

We got to Uncle Henrick’s house. The

journey was long, fun, and scary. I found a kitten,

and it’s beautiful here. I am having fun. It’s fun

here because there is a lot of land and there is

butter. It was long because of the train ride and

walking through the forest. It was scary because

the Nazi soldiers were on the train, and we didn’t

know any of the animals in the forest. Can’t wait to

see you, we all miss you.



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Diary of a Mine-Craft Ocelot

By: Mackenzie Royall

Tutor: Erica Curry


The mine-craft ocelot is born. Her name is Spots. This story takes place in a

mine-craft land called Meadow. The main characters of the story are Spots,

Butterscotch, Popytester, Lizzie, and Hero-Bryan. Spots is a female mine-craft

ocelot. Butterscotch is a female mine-craft dog. Popytester is me (the owner).

Lizzie is a female mine-craft rabbit, and Hero-Bryan is the real creator of mine-

craft. There are also people who cause trouble called mobs. They include mine-

craft zombies, spiders, witches, skeletons, and creepers. The people that live in

Meadow are called villagers. Five different types of villagers are farmers,

librarians, blacksmiths, butchers, and horsemen.

Spots is a very smart baby ocelot. She can do many amazing things. After

she was born, she goes to the river and catches a small fish. The fish splashes

back in the water and Spots says “AWW MAN!” Spots then feels around for

another fish and catches an even larger one. She gobbles it up and licks her lips.

She says “YUMMY!”

All of a sudden, POOF, Lizzie is spawned into the land where they live,

Meadow. Lizzie gobbles up a small carrot from the garden. Out of nowhere,

POOF, Butterscotch is born. Butterscotch gobbles up a small bone.

The little animals go on their first hunt with Popytester. They look for a

small chicken. They find a chicken and the chicken says, “Please don’t devour

me!” They do not listen to the chicken, so they gobble him up. They then find a

baby pig. They attack the pig and take him home for Popytester to eat for dinner.

When they get home, Popytester grabs her sword and axe to get wood and leather

with her little animals. While getting wood, they find a group of mobs. They

consist of one zombie, five witches, two spiders, and fifteen skeletons. Popytester

hits every mob and the animals follow her attack lines to clear the path. At this

time, POOF, all the animals grow to their middle age.

The animals and Popytester escape the mobs and the mobs return to their

master. Hero-Bryan roars, “Why didn’t you bring back the girl? I sent two witches

with you this time!” Hero-Bryan then sends ten witches, fifteen skeletons, and ten


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The animals return home. Popytester says, “I can’t believe you guys grew

up so fast on me!” It is dinner time by now and Popytester starts cooking up the

pork. Just as Popytester gets the pork started, POOF, the gang of mobs appear.

All of a sudden, Popytester breaks out her sword and starts to fight off the mobs.

Out of nowhere, Spots jumps onto a zombies head. The zombie runs back to the

portal and teleports back to Hero-Bryan. While the zombie was being teleported,

Spots was still on his head! When they arrive, the zombie yells “HELP, HELP, get

this ocelot off my head!!”

Spots gets captured.

When no one is looking, Spots builds a portal for Popytester, Butterscotch

and Lizzie to come. A sign pops out of the portal inside Popytester’s house that

reads “HELP!” that’s when they figured out that Spots was in trouble. They jump

into the portal and free Spots from his cage.

All of a sudden, POOF, all the animals grow up into their adult bodies. All

the animals and Popytester escape the dungeon and Popytester looks out of the

glass to see that the dungeon comes right up underneath the lava fountain. They

dig a side tunnel to get out from underneath. They made a peak hole to see where

they were. It turns out they were right beside a tower. When they finished digging

they pop out right inside of the tower. They all get out to see how far away they

are from the castle.

They need to get to the castle to defeat Hero-Bryan. They figure out that

they actually have dug into one of the castle’s towers. They look around and find a

map of the castle. Popytester thinks to herself “Maybe these are for the mobs that

work in the castle.” They take a map and look for the throne room where Hero-

Bryan stays. Popytester finds the throne room on the map. She then finds the

throne room portal and all the animals and Popytester step into it.

They appear inside the throne room. They find Hero-Bryan sitting in his

throne. Quickly, Popytester takes out her enchanted diamond sword and hits

Hero-Bryan ten times! The animals attack as well and altogether they defeat

Hero-Bryan. Afterwards, they quickly rush to the spawning room which is right

behind the throne chair. They destroy the spawner and quickly create a portal to

escape before the underworld collapses. The whole mine-craft world turns to


To be continued…

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The Very Hungry Caterpillar Remake

By: Evelyn Roblero Peres

Tutor: Jenna DeHart

One morning the sun was shining. I walked out

of my house and saw a caterpillar on a tree branch.

The little caterpillar was hungry. The little caterpillar

ate chocolate cake and peanut butter. He liked it. He

grew so big. He could not fit the branch anymore. I

saw that the little caterpillar turned into a beautiful

and colorful butterfly.

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The Adventure and the Lost Crown

By Skylar Ruskin

Tutor: Danica Dixon

Once upon a time there were three friends, Kitty, Fluf, and Floppy.

One day they heard that the Queen had been kidnapped and the rainbow

fairy called and said that the magic crown was missing. So the friends

decided they would help. The rainbow fairy had magically appeared and said

“I have the magic fairy car ready let’s go!” Then they headed to Oklahoma.

An hour later they arrived. Kitty remembered that the crown had a tracking

device so she pulled out her phone and found the Queen’s and the crown’s

location. Then they went to go get the Queen and the crown. They had no

trouble getting to the Queen. Then they brought the Queen to the castle.

Then the Queen hugged them all and thanked them for helping.

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By Joandy Villegas

Tutor: Courtney Dutmers

One time I had a pet dinosaur.

It was a pterodactyl dinosaur.

When I took care of him, he grew.

I rode my dinosaur and we saw new dinosaurs in the jungle.

I went down my dinosaur and made some new dinosaur


We played together.

We were all family.

It was all good and that was it.

The End

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Sadler By Sadler Selby

Tutor: Brittany Fidler

I went to defy gravity.

I had so much fun.

I loved it.

It was the best day ever.

I saw all my friends.

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Once There Was A Scientist…

By Madison Davis

Tutor: Savannah Fortenberry

Once there was a scientist named Madison. She discovered a horse

creature that looked like a bird, lion, and snake all combined. Madison decided to

name this creature Alicornus. Around the same time, another scientist found

Pegasus, the winged horse.

People were afraid of Pegasus, so Madison rescued her. Madison,

Alicornus, and Pegasus enjoyed life together. Madison started to hang out with

her new friends all the time and she never worked. Madison grew up and got

married. She had three daughters named Lumina, Estelle, and Royal Rose.

When Madison got older, her daughters took care of Alicornus and

Pegasus. The daughters would take them on rides. As Madison and her

daughters grew older, their dear friends did not. Alicornus and Pegasus were so

magical and special that they never aged and they never died.

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By Brian Bennett

Tutor: Destyne Frazier

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“The Venture of Billy Jones Part 2: The Trick”

By Julio Lima-Romano

Tutor: Jo Frith

If you are reading this story, then you must have read the first Billy Jones tale. If not,

please go read it right now! It is important!

Last time, Billy Jones was trying to solve the mystery of who murdered Dormian

Hernandez. This time, Billy Jones will have an even more dangerous adventure!

Billy Jones was walking to the house of Susan Billows and Kim Russ. It took him fifteen

minutes to get there. Little did he know that Robert Ed had already placed explosives at

the front door. These explosives were a sonic beam technology that was very powerful.

Billy Jones went to open the door…


Billy Jones was blasted back from the front door and launched ten feet away!

Robert Ed poked his head outside. “Sorry, buddy.” He said. “I forgot to turn that thing


Billy Jones stood up, brushing himself off. “It’s okay.” He said.

Then he spotted Susan Billows and Kim Russ. They had been at the back of the house

when they heard the explosion and were now running toward the road.

“Put your hands in the air!” Billy Jones shouted.

They both immediately stopped in their tracks, holding up their hands. “Okay, okay!”

They cried. “We surrender!” Billy Jones ran to them.

But back on the house’s front porch, Robert Ed was watching the whole thing. He smiled

evilly and rubbed his hands together.

“The first phase of my plan is complete. Now to begin phase two…”

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Robert Ed pressed a button on a small remote. Immediately, Susan Billows and Kim Russ

disappeared! Billy Jones gasped! They had been holograms this whole time!

Robert Ed started to laugh. “You have fallen into my trap!” He shouted. “Now watch as I

change history!”

Billy Jones looked down at the ground. A previously invisible chain had wrapped itself

around his leg. He really was trapped!

He glared angrily at Robert Ed. “Why did you trap me?!” He yelled. “And what do you

mean “change history”?”

“Because,” Robert Ed said. “My great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-

great grandfather, Joe Ed, used to be a detective just like you. He was good at his job. But

then you showed up!” Robert Ed hissed at Billy Jones. “You took away his job, his whole

life! And now you are going to pay!”

Robert Ed pulled out a huge plasma gun. “If I kill you now,” He said. “Then you will

disappear from history and my ancestor’s detective business will have succeeded!”

ZZZZZZZZCHHHHHEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! Robert Ed fired his plasma


Billy Jones ducked, the plasma ray missing him by barely an inch. He grabbed some dirt

from the ground and threw it where he felt the chain on his leg. Yes! The dirt made the

chain visible! He took his own gun and shot the chain, freeing himself. He ran as a fast as

he could, not wanting to get into a fire fight with Robert Ed.

To be continued in “The Ventures of Billy Jones Part 3: Is this the End?”…

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A Day of Tutoring

By Rosario Alexandra Lima-Romano

Tutor: Kirsten Gaje

One day, Rosario and Kirsten were tutoring in the Ed Lab. They went outside to

do cartwheels and after their fifth one, they noticed a big monster right behind them.

They tried to run away from the monster, but the monster was too big! Mr. Brinkley

noticed while looking out of the glass doors and ran to the rescue. Mr. Brinkley

destroyed the big monster by kicking and flipping it. He was so strong that he pulled the

monster’s tail right off! After that, the monster ran away and never came back because

he was so scared of Mr. Brinkley. Rosario and Kirsten were safe and MR. BRINKLEY

SAVED THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!

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By: Jeykeem Roberts

Tutor: Korall Gilbert

The Ninja Turtle is fighting the bad guy.

The Ninja Turtles went to get a slice of pizza.

Spiderman went to fly… He’s going to the pizza

shop to meet up with the ninja turtles. They went

to the park to practice their fighting. They

practiced fighting in the park for two minutes.

Then they went to Spiderman’s house. They are

watching a movie about turtles and spiders in the

green room.

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Project Spark Facts and Information By: Trey Dunn

Tutor: Amberli Gough

Project Spark is a building game and you can create your own world to play in.

You can make things like trolls, people, warriors and archers. You can make buildings,

farms and troll camps. You can control their behavior. They can fly. They can be

aggressive or nice. This game Project Spark is on Xbox One. If I could go home right now

I would find the disk and play the game because it is really fun. I want whoever is

reading this to get the game Project Spark.

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Soccer By: Madison Hubbard

Tutor: Johnna Griffith

Once upon a time there was a girl named Johnna and

her best friend Madison and they wanted to be on the team

to win the World Cup. So, they signed up and they lived in

Paris. The soccer team’s name was Paris Saint Germain and

they were famous and when they saw us they could not

believe how small we were but they loved how we played.

So, we got on the team and the world cup was that day and

we played. And we won the World Cup. Our passing was

great and the goalie was also great!

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A Day at the Fair

By DeWarren Hand

Tutor: Jordan Hall

Monday I went to the fair with my dad, mom, and cousin.

When we first got there we went to get something to eat. Then a man tried to guess my age. He guessed I was 7, but I told him I was 10, but I’m really


After that I went on a ride that spins you around, and then my dad and I went on the clowns ride.

We then bought some beef jerky, and went on the spin ride again! Then I

won my sister a stuffed panda bear.

My favorite part of the day was going on the clown ride.

I missed my football game that day but going to the fair was worth it.

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Chameleon Man

By Rory Gallagher

Tutor: Rebecca Ipock

"I fight one hundred bad guys a

day! It only takes one second to handle a bad guy!

Chameleon Man always cares for people.

Spider Man doesn't like bad guys two

hundred percent but he fights them anyways.

Chameleon Man turns into a real chameleon

so he can look both ways with his crazy eyes.

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Spider Man sadly can't defeat Chameleon Man. Spider Man gets out of his web!

Spider Man got caught in his own web! Spider Man is close to defeating

the Mighty Chameleon Man!

Oh no! Chameleon Man jumps on his suit Chameleon Man has bitten Spider Man!

and turns that pattern! Chameleon Man finally turns back into a


They turn into friends!


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My Kitty

By: Ruth Hodge

Tutor: Kayla Wynne

I have 5 kitties. Their names are Princess

Leia, Luna, Star, Rainbow, and

Butterscotch. They eat, play with Esther

and me and sleep all day.

The End.

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All About Guitars

By Phoenix Alexander

Tutor: Thomas Kimmel

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A Summary of The True Story of the Three Little Pigs

By Riley Godwin Tutor: Freddi Konefsky

There were three little pigs and a wolf. He was making a cake and he

ran out of sugar. Then he blew the pigs’ home down and he had to go

to jail. Then he asked for a cup of sugar.

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Monserrat and Kelly’s Book by Monserrat Ruiz

Tutor: Kelly Kreuz

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The Ed Lab By: Jadah Armour

Tutor: Maggie Lambertson

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Scrabble Word Story

Written by Dorothy Degler

Tutor: Meg Lane

Once there was a boy and his name was Larry. One day he was taking a walk

under pine trees. Then he came across a group of brown bear cubs. Larry started to

take a video of the cubs playing in the leaves. The cubs made a mess so he raked up

some leaves. Then Larry went home to eat some pie. When he was about to take a bite

his friends came in the house and they were hungry too. So he divided the pie into

fifths. Then his mom started to do some gabbing. So Larry took a dose of some

sleeping medicine so he wouldn’t have to hear his mom gab. After Larry woke up his

family went outside to make s’mores around the fire ring. While they made s’mores

they told witty stories. After they put the fire out they cleaned up the chards with care.

After they were done cleaning their fire zone, they went rafting in the water. His mom

loved him but she said no to rafting. When they were done rafting they all went to bed.


Scrabble Words

Larry, Video, Witty, Love, Divider, Pie

Care, Chards, Fire, Ring, Gab

Cubs, Rafts, Pine, Fifth, To do, Dose

No, Name, Zone, Rake

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The Great White vs. The Hammerhead

By: Brayden Moreno Tutor: Alisha Little

A hammerhead shark and a great white shark were fighting in the

Atlantic Ocean. The hammerhead shark had a funny shaped head and

the great white shark was huge. The great white shark bumped into the

hammerhead shark and then it started to bite the hammerhead shark’s

tail. The hammerhead bit the great white shark’s tail and the great white

bit the hammerhead’s fin. Then the hammerhead started to bleed. The

great white shark won because he’s the biggest and the strongest. The


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Arrested, Hired, and Fired

By Benjamin Pollack

Tutor: Liz Matherly

One day a policeman was relaxing. Suddenly, he saw a

robber going over the speed limit. So he got up, put his

police clothes on, he ran to his police car, and go go go!!

The policeman pushed his red button and the trap popped

the robber’s tires. When the policeman caught the

robber he arrested him, and he went to jail! He stayed in

jail for 30 years! He was 64 years old when he got out of

jail. When he got out of jail he got a job as a police

officer. After 5 days he got fired because he did not do

the paper work he was supposed to do. Now he’s sad

because he has no job.

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Letter to the Airlines By Gilberto Sanchez

Tutor: Mary McCachren

Dear Airline Director,

I am Brain’s dad. I am writing this because my son Brian is lost. I am worried and

angry, and I want you to find my son Brian.

I am worried because I haven’t seen my son Brian in a long time. I do not know if

Brain is alive. I do not know if he is alive because he was not at the airport and his plane

is missing.

I am angry that my son is missing. I am angry that the airline didn’t find him. You

put my son in danger. I wanted to see him but I couldn’t because his plane never


I want the airline to find Brian. I want you to put a missing person search out for

Brian. Use a GPS and find the plane. Use a search crew to help find Brian.

I am very worried, angry, and sad because it was my chance to see my son.



Brian’s dad

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Steve VS. Witches

By Justin Muse Tutor: Heather McKay

Steve the blockhead lives in the Plains of Minecraft. One day he found himself

starving with no food or water in his chests. He knew that there were a lot of cows in

the Swamps of Minecraft. Steve had a goal to kill a couple of cows so he could cook their

beef and fill his belly. As he walked into the Swamp Steve found 1,000 witch houses in

the shape of a “W.” At that time, though, Steve did not know what a witch was or about

their houses so he decided to go on an adventure and look at what was inside.

Since Steve didn’t know about witches he didn’t notice one in the window as he

walked up and when he went inside he found 1,000 witches looking at him before they

started attacking him. Steve didn’t have anything but a wooden sword so he ran away

just as it started turning to night. To help himself, Steve drank a vision potion to help

him see at night. Suddenly, the witches were throwing potions at him like blindness,

where he couldn’t see anything in front of him. Since Steve couldn’t see anything

around him he ran in a big circle back into the witches. As he ran back into the witches

they threw a slowness potion so Steve couldn’t run

away. The slowness potion quickly wore off so the

witches threw another potion called the Wither Effect

where Steve couldn’t see his health, food, or anything

else around him. Since Steve hadn’t gotten any beef like

he had originally planned he died from starvation.

Luckily, he slept in his bed the night before and

respawned back at home in the Plains but still needed

to find some food for when he did get hungry again.

Steve went downstairs and looked out his windows and

found the 1,000 witches surrounding his house.

Needing tools to fight the witches Steve went mining.

Once he found all of his materials he returned back up

to his house. When he looked outside he didn’t see any

witches around his house. Steve thought they must

have despawned and he was safe again, until he saw

what was near his village.

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Maxie and Cooper By: Anna Coleman

Tutor: Courtney Mulvihill

Maxie likes to play and Cooper likes to sleep. They

like to eat cherry pie. Cooper likes to chase goats by

the farm. They both like to do math. They like to dig in

dirt. After they play in dirt they take a bath and watch


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George Washington By: Ethan McCoy

Tutor: Kaitlyn O’brien

One day there was a man named George

Washington. He was at a volcano when it started

blowing up. Then he got on a ship. He looked in the

water and saw a scuba diver swimming with a turtle.

George found a strawberry on the boat and ate it.

When he was leaving he saw a monkey who was lost on

the land. The End

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Sharp fangs is a Pokemon Created by Justin Cokes and L.E. Perez

He has blood on his claws and Jaw

He is purplish red

He has very sharp fangs and canine teeth

He’s half Jaguar

He’s king of the Jaguars

He’s half lion

And all killing machine

He has a very loud roar

He's super fast

And not afraid of White Kyurem

He lives in a dark cave

He has red eyes

He fights White Kyurem and Mega Charizard because

he’s super strong

He destroys little villages because he's mad about not

having a trainer

He is all types of Pokemon, but he mostly shows fire


He likes other fire type Pokemon

He wears water pants that keep him cool

He only can show his secret move in human mode

which is “King Mode”

In his normal mode he looks like a normal Jaguar.

Epic battle stories coming soon!

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by Grey Andresen

Tutor: Nicole Pildner

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The Lion Who Liked To Stare At Trees

By, Jy’lik Johnson Tutor: Sarah Poe

Once upon a time, there was a lion named Martin that liked to sit down and

stare at the trees. And then an ostrich came over and started to eat some leaves off the

tree the lion liked to stare at. The lion thought it was lunch time and he was angry so he

decided to try to eat the ostrich. The ostrich ran away and the lion followed him. Once

the ostrich had run for two miles he was trapped. As soon as the lion was ready to

pounce, the ostrich said, “No wait!” “I’m sorry, I was just super hungry and it was the

only tree with leaves!” The lion said “Oh I’m sorry I just thought you were trying to steal

my favorite tree.” And then they became friends! Then they didn’t want to stare at trees

anymore so they started a club for looking at bushes. Then a porcupine came over and

started eating leaves off of their favorite bush, and so the ostrich started stomping and

stomping. The porcupine said “I was hungry and I can’t travel very far, I’m sorry.” Then

the ostrich, lion, and porcupine all became friends.

The End

Moral: Always listen before you get angry at someone. If someone apologizes then you

should forgive them.

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Blobby the Glowing Ball By Callie Porzio

Tutor: Lauren Pullen

A purple ball rolled to a stop at my feet. It felt very warm and it glowed. It

looked like something from outer space. I picked it up and it accidentally rolled

away into the water. I had to go back to the beach and get a net, I was going to

fish for the warm, glowing ball.

Suddenly, the ball burst out of the water and made a massive splash.

Then, the purple ball rolled onto land. It had become like a soccer ball with black

spots. I threw it and legs, arms, and feet came out. I freaked out and I hid behind

a rock. Then the ball grew a head with spikes and really long ears. He waddled

around the rock and found me and started to dance. He told me his name was

‘Blobby’ and then he started running away at full speed towards the mountain. I

chased him as far as I could, but he was already hiding at the top of it. I was

watching for him all day, but I did not

know he was actually watching me.

I went back to my bedroom, and

there was a box with my name on it. It

looked like it glowed from the inside.

When I opened it up, there was a letter

and a really small, glowing purple ball.

The letter was from Blobby! He

explained that he was from another

planet, and he crashed on Earth. He

says that he knows I will keep his secret,

because he saw that I was good. When I

touched the ball, I could see Blobby

flying through space.

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The Two Best Teams in NFL

By: Preston Wilson

Tutor: Caitlin Pyatt

The Seattle Seahawks quarterback is Russell Wilson. Their rival is

the Denver Broncos. In the Superbowl the Seahawks WON to the

Broncos!!! My Favorite player is Russell Wilson. My last name is Wilson

and his last name is Wilson. FUNNY huh? I hope he wins the MVP award.

MVP stands for Most Valuable Player. Wilson’s rival quarterback is

Tom Brady and Peyton Manning. Tom Brady is on the New England

Patriots. They may be cheaters; well that is what I think. In the Superbowl

the Patriots flattened the balls and they won. HAW MAN!

The Denver Broncos quarterback is Peyton Manning. He is good,

and has a brother named Eli Manning. The Broncos are my second

favorite team. I hope his team makes it to the Superbowl!!!! I like these

teams because of Peyton Manning and Russell Wilson.

My tutor’s friend plays for the Seattle Seahawks. He is an offensive

guard and protects Russell Wilson from other teams. If you see #64, J.R.

Sweezy, don’t comment on his zombie face. THE END

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My Trip To Michigan

Author: Rocio Sanchez

Tutor: Allison Raynor

We went to Michigan for a few weeks. We did lots of fun stuff. I went with my

family; my mom, dad, brother, two sisters, and me. I was eight and it took us about one

day to get there. I went to Michigan Adventure, cherry picking, and visited family. I felt

excited about my trip.

Michigan Adventure is a water park with lots of rides. My favorite ride was the

paddle boats. My sisters and I were going through the water and we got stuck and could

not get out. We were soaking wet. Another ride was going on the whales. It was super

fast and I was dizzy. Michigan Adventure is fun but make sure you bring a second pair of


When I was in Michigan, we went cherry picking. We were all wearing white

shirts which was a mistake because when we picked the cherries, cherry juice went all

over our shirts. It wasn’t fun. We saw an ice cream shop and we went to buy ice cream

and we put a cherry on top. When we ate the ice cream, it tasted good.

After we went cherry picking, we went to my cousin’s house and we stayed up all

night. We lighted fireworks and made yummy s’mores. When we lighted the fireworks, it

looked like a million stars in the sky. I was tired but still ate a lot of s’mores.

Michigan Adventure was fun. I hope I go again soon. Cherry picking was my

favorite thing I did it because we put it on our ice cream. I hope everybody gets to go to


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The Diamond Thief By Charlotte Farr

Tutor: Sara Richey

One day, a very sunny day in Paris, France, a girl named Cassandra was watching the news. After a while of watching the news, Cassandra discovered that the 100-carat diamond was stolen from the Paris Emporium! Cassandra immediately ran to her laboratory. When she got there, she started researching more about the case. She found out that there was a 1-carat piece of diamond on the corner of 13th Street left by the thief. Cassandra ran to 13th Street. Once she arrived at the street, she saw a trail of diamonds leading to a house. Cassandra walked up to the door, but suddenly the door opened and a man and his cat walked out. She quickly scooted off into the bushes to hide. The man did not see her. He strangely had a mask over his face. When he went back inside, she ran to catch the door with her foot. She then walked inside quietly and saw dirty, old, rundown furniture. She saw pieces of waffles everywhere! Cassandra thought to herself, “A waffle exploded!” She heard the John Brown Waffle House theme song, which they constantly played at John Brown’s Waffle House. The mysterious man suddenly turned off the music and started to walk towards the kitchen. Cassandra darted to the closet to hide while he was not looking. He had a big mustache from what she could see. He started to make waffles… She finally figured out the mystery! Cassandra realized that the thief was John Brown, the owner of John Brown’s Waffle House!

She jumped out of the closet. John Brown turned around! She pulled out a penknife from her jacket pocket just in case he tried to attack. John Brown pleaded, “Please don’t hurt me! I can explain!” Cassandra put her penknife back into her jacket pocket.

John Brown began to explain that he did not make enough money selling waffles at his waffle house. So, he stole the diamond from the Paris Emporium to pay for the costs of owning a restaurant. He wanted to return it, but he did not want to get in trouble. He was not thinking smartly because now he is just going to get in more trouble. Cassandra did not feel bad for him and called 911 to turn him in. Justice was served and Cassandra James solved the case!! The end.

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By: Elmer Sanchez

Tutor: Alyson Rose

You should try our Wonka Bar; it’s made from every

kind of chocolate in the world! It tastes like mint and

sherbet. The chocolate is mixed by Wonka’s very own

chocolate waterfall! Not only does it taste great, the

wrapper is its own work of art! Each one is different and

you can sell them for a lot of money. What are you

waiting for? Buy our Wonka Bar now!

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Jekiyah’s Morning

By Jekiyah Griffin

Tutor: Elisabeth Sprague

The first thing I do in the

morning is watch TV. Then I

eat a bowl of cereal. I also get

dressed for school. I always

brush my teeth. I read books in

the morning. My mom drives

me to school in the morning.

When I get to school I like to


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Where I’m From

Written by Jazmin Diaz-Leon

Tutor: Emily Tate

I am from a happy place, from lots of love, and from a warm home.

I am from a house in Wilmington with a yard to run in.

I am from roses in the garden, from where the maple trees grow.

I am from swimming at the beach, from painting nails, and playing with friends.

From donuts and sour candy.

I’m from going to church and speaking Spanish.

From my mom and dad and Gio.

I’m from hard workers and beautiful hearts.

From always help others and do your homework.

I’m from God and telling the truth.

I’m from the Mexican culture.

I come from my family.

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Steve and the Cow

Written by Jack Rutherford

Tutor: Bailey Umbaugh

Steve went behind a tree. He saw a cow. He

snuck up and started hitting the cow. Steve

killed the cow. Then he ate it. The cow

tasted good!

The End

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Be Happy. Be Sad. Be Mad

By Xander Wilson Tutor: Mary Blake Ungetheim

There are three breakfast foods who have the ability to come to life. Each

day Sausage, Pancake, and Bacon come to life after the house owners leave for

work. They each have different emotions. Bacon is happy, Sausage is sad, and

Pancake is mad. On July 18, Pancake has a plan to make a mess in the kitchen

to get his friends in trouble. Pancake wants to distract Sausage and Bacon so he

can make a mess in the kitchen. He distracts them by running outside. Pancake

jumps on the roof to hide, and then sneaks back into the kitchen when the other

two are not looking. In the kitchen, he makes fifty pancakes to make a mess. He

makes so many that it floods the house. Pancakes are flying everywhere.

Sausage and Bacon find Pancake making the huge mess. Sausage is sad and

worried about the family coming home and seeing the big mess. Bacon reminds

Sausage and Pancake that they can clean the mess up just in time if they all

work together. All three work together to clean up the whole kitchen. They all

decide it’s best to be happy after all.


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Yankees vs. Red Sox

By Kendall Marcucilli

Tutor: Haley Wadsworth

My dad sleeps until about 11 o’clock in the morning and he gets up at

2 o’clock. The Yankees game is a serious battle against the Red Sox. My

mom orders me to go get her a drink. The Yankees were down by 3 and the

Red Sox were cheering and having a great time. They thought they already

won. Derek Jeter gets up to bat and the pitcher pitches straight down the

middle. The bases are loaded. Pop fly ball. Jeter hits it up up up and it is out

of there. Jeter comes into home plate. His teammates are cheering him on.

The Yankees move on to the World Series.

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“When I Grow Up”

By Maria Barriga-Mateo

Tutor: Ingrid Michelle Wright

When I grow up I want to be a fashion designer. I

will go to College and then to Parson School of

Design. My study concentration at fashion school

will be exotic occasions. When I graduate, I will

move to New York and open my own design

studio. My signature color will be neon purple and

people will know I designed their clothing by my

logo, a person with pretty clothes. When people

walk in my neon purple door, they will expect to

see statues with clothing, stands with rings,

bracelets, and glittering accessories, wallets and

watches. Hats will cover the back wall. Red carpet

down the middle of my black marble floor will

showcase my designs. Mirrored rooms and a

catwalk will finish off the bottom floor of my

salon. My salon will be named “Maria’s Home of

Fashion”. My clientele will include famous people

and just regular customers needing spectacular

designs for weddings, birthdays, and other special

occasions. My specialties will be sweet sixteen

gowns and prom gowns. Maybe I will open

College of Fashion on my own. If I open Maria’s

House of Fashion College, students will learn

techniques of mine with design, making clothes and

serving customers. My Fashion Salon will be the

most popular and inspiring on the east coast.

Inspiring future Fashionistas will make me proud

and I will continue as long as I can make clothing

and people happy.

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My Prank

by Ava Porzio

Tutor: Karlie Wright

One day I put a fake cockroach under my

sister’s bed when she was about to go to bed.

When she pulled the covers up she saw the

cockroach and she screamed. She called my dad

and my dad said it was fake. Then when she

found out it was fake she said “who did this?” I

said it was me and she got really mad at me.

The next morning she made me make her bed.

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A Boy Named Christian By Christian Chavis

Tutor: Caitlyn Young

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Super By Sean Carney

Tutor: Matthew Canady

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Adventure to the Wild West

By Esther Hodge

Tutor: Taylor Bodenheimer

Long ago Taylor and Esther were in the Wild Wild West.

There was a bad guy named Yogurt. Yogurt was very mean

and did not share. Ellie the Elephant made Yogurt play

nicely. Ruth and Kayla went with Esther and Taylor on a

vacation to Paris. And they all lived happily ever after. The


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Hailey’s Pumpkin

By Hailey Leon-Carbajal

Tutor: Chelsea Anderson

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Peek-a-boo, Let Me Scare You!

By Wendy Sanchez

Tutor: Chasity Taylor

Once upon a time in a far, far away land, there lived a little girl named Lou.

She once was in her house alone until she heard footsteps. She knew it

wasn’t her parents ‘cause they had just left. So she called 911.

Because the 31st of October was always a night full of trickery, the

emergency line was busy, and Lou needed to come up with a plan.

So then Lou finally came up with her plan and thought that she could see

who was there, but no one was there.

She called out from the top of the stairs, “hello?” No one answered.

After 1 hour passed, her parents came back from the candy store and they

saw Lou crying ‘cause she was scared.

When they asked her, “What’s wrong?” She replied, “I think our house is


Lou’s parents laughed at the idea of a ghost in their home, until they heard a

quiet voice say “Peek-a-boo let me scare you!”

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"The Quest to Defeat Bun-Bun and Duck"

By Matthew Foster

Tutor: Carson Thompson

Once upon a time, in Matthew’s room, Jake and his crew were watching over the

peaceful kingdom.

Suddenly, the evil Bun-bun and Duck decided to destroy Matthew's world, starting

with Jake's Kingdom. Jake was angry! A huge fight broke out and Jake took down the evil

Bun-bun making Duck run away scared as fast as he could.

Jake and his crew created a plan to find Duck and destroy her with a super secret


The plan was to get reinforcements from upstairs and weapons from downstairs. To

do this, Jake and his crew fought their way through the bathroom, stopping only at the

tub to see B.B. and B.A.B., the battlefield doctor and nurse.

After visiting the doctor and nurse, Jake and the crew headed to Bun-bun's castle

where Duck was hiding. Meanwhile, Duck had taken over the castle and changed all the

flags to her face, and she sent her best crew to stop Jake.

Her crew found Jake and they have a big battle. Jake's crew was outnumbered when

suddenly more of Jake's soldiers came into the battle, including Big Mama the biggest

crew member of them all.

Jake and his crew defeated Duck easily and took back Matthew’s, too. Once and for

all, all was peaceful in the kingdom again.