Automated testing for real

Post on 23-Feb-2017

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Automated testingMarkko Paas

AngularJS test automation toolkit

Dependency InjectionModularity


Jasmine / MochangMock


We know it is good, but:

We need the features out now. It is business critical.

It takes high coverage to get any benefits.

Our codebase is a total spaghetti. We’ll start with testing after the rewrite.

The development speed

Where is the hidden waste?

✓ No skipping execution

✓ Allows testers to focus on usability

✓ Design documentation

But the BE is not ready yet…

… no worries, lets mock it

…hold on, lets add the validation

✓ Independence

New members in team

✓ Quick productivity

✓ Usable documentation

Refactor or not to refactor?

✓ Enables refactoring

Make it flexible or make it simple?

✓ No overengineering

✓ Ability to respond

Version of platform?

Versions of libraries?

✓ Community support

✓ Documentation

✓ Useful features

At the time of writing - it kind of makes sense

After 2 months - why did I write it like that?

After 6 months - who wrote that?

Is your code readable?

✓ Modular design

✓ Explicit purpose

✓ Documented intention

Here is our hidden waste:

Non-readable code

Skipping execution

QA team too busy with checking spec

New team members’ productivity

Skipping refactoring & dependency upgrades






How to implement?

Unit tests – for documentation

Component tests – for refactoring

End-to-end tests – for stability

Code review – for verifying readability


Code is readable

Change impact is controlled

What does the speed depend on?