Autoweek 1988 Getaway Drivers

Post on 14-Apr-2018

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  • 7/30/2019 Autoweek 1988 Getaway Drivers




    Thegetaway driver of yore, connokseur of finem,isno moreBy #78904

    Wbf r Note: ThevJd-time getaway)hwr,&sArmoon-xhi*a-*fnlr.W a certain.$are@tim. Coollydvd#ln# cops and* cdrrtriwr.86 "wYrc.lman" is' p r i d forkloremg at cenmmmarew. mhqs t isnot too much of a'wmC4long* m ha clifvn * a specla1*n 7 f d l p . a .prefessfpaally in -pacrtsdbrrhenlarivrmerits of varioush a c k c r p m p kr o h i 8 d l r r d r .r w s p*.b*cmal*bnm* t k n ~ ( ~ ~ E n d cd *nbIin8 or thec-ter wha mind-

    ~ l u n h e d r rmr . kw . a ~ ; d ~ i e d u p t i t l l criapof8Mbw.glaymdMAY 9. 1988

    "git"arsallhialife.Hcbegasikisis c l r r o r o i o f d l o d e r a t o k bd u x ' b a c k i n l ~ b y d r s v -y c ~ m d d r i H o f f a i t b ~ a r t a getaway on a Minneapolis saloon m the runningboard$.ThisWlgy hptkbho ldnp .Thev e$ i c l ~ . ~h c r ru l l e d i t .w~ o l i c e h o m d o i q s n y ~ ~ . I t.o18%StinwaSh.y.hsllcaediagycm, b l i m i t e d y o n r l p & d d ~ 8 l a i -hs g d u a d to a Prkrd. a Brush ad, n ws cornuing problem. No one worried1916, ma LaambkgoabDUmdnsr. much rbout &at, mougb, rina it wasn'tBy the time Prohibition blew its add nearly saditX& tooummcolmnmlcrtionrbmththmughtk laod,Areb*hdbui l ta intll0Sed.y~.solidrcptatioaasadrivcr.BefaelaDghe Areb*bhdPaoagflingsrboutwh a d a j o b w i m t h c ~ ~ m dnulictmnmwmm. . H . ~ c b c a a a acustody of a 1924 Lowmabile taginB car pgaolul dfhmt & adwmdy rsfuvd lotha~bastcdwclloverLSOhp. H c i e g d g d t h e w l d o f m y a ~ & ( B I d l d a ' tWiUlLoeomobileslmtilhehdmeRdisla h r v e a f l m s M l t . ' m ~ ~shoroutofoocinl%henhepvdcldfy d n ' t n & n d , " & m s d * ~ W l p e . ~ A e m .switchedto an air-cooledFkdlin. should b v e a #tick .hi& Ute dBbd IO. 1 .-Even in his dotage. Archie had few k d d . " Imvw qdbbldwith bimowrhequals when it came to driving. But he pdm. kn E m adlmr (iid I ghrc h b&iInntxdmmeqnaintmt ionaabwtun.Fa ~ m * I a y ~ r 1 9 3 6 Tinatana, he never c d o lament the din- k'd lrept mayfw30p n . I1pppcaraocc of the mnning b o d , o n a a Like any o(ha itpto-dme w W m m fvcry useful .ppurtcnme. An early tsb- drmp

    . - 5 . 35

  • 7/30/2019 Autoweek 1988 Getaway Drivers


    Radar detectors: IWho's tellingthe truth?(andwh8s not)These days every m a k e r s he~radardetector is bestWho's telling the truth?I r a Ilk.mamk.You've seen how movie ads use ashort pnrase from a review to "prore" memoue s "THE YEAR'S BESTI"Well. someradardetectormakersday the same game"

    But WB don't olav names. Below are,". ~ . . . ~~the ranklngs, first to last, fromthe most recent Independent tests. (Ifyou'd lhke c o m p l e t e , ~ c o p i e s o fhetests.just call toll free.)

    For ten years we've been designingand bulldlng the world's best radar detec-tors and backlngthem with the best swv-Ice. in fact. In 1987Carand DriverealledUS "The leader of the radar detector in.dustry:' But don't take the11word for it.n y c k . bw t amd r

    YOU can try Escort or Paasport at norisk.Just callUS toll free. If youcallby 5PMeastern time we'll ship the same day, andUPS shlpplng is free. Overnight FederalExpressdelivery is onlySM xtra.If w ' r e notcomdetebwhWwrthtn30dw,mtumywrpurchase.We'll refund@your money, Includingyour postage.If you trulywant the bestcall us today.

    The experts were unanimous: Escort &&a&-and Passportare clear wlnners. As for the WPIplYVIM117=5()other detector makers, you can find the QM-moneswho make the biggestclaims at the -w4s-bonom of the ranklngsi

    Take advantageofAutoWeeKs specialcollectionadvertisingopportunities.Mao*- bswm- Spddmclmk n 3 July4 rurodVnanb&su8pmmmbll.ctbnJuly 1 AuOudl calo@lmColl.cnonJuly 29 ~ C o l M o nt . p km k r 2 odobu3 Hobby&Mod.lColbcnonodob.r6 Oc(obn 24 HolW C d c l l ~olkctlon

    tn maffic and would get me at least a fewblocks away in a huny so I ould swttch toone lhal wasn't hot. I've used just h teverything in that category' Co~a i r a .Fire-b~rds.Musmgs. Camaros and the rest. I tmight interest autornakcrs, incidentally, toknow W many pop ie tn my llne show amarked preference for m-eng tne can: thetheory being that th e motor might kap oufrom beinn shot in the seat.The id& getaway car would probsbly besomething l i Porsche-fast, plenty ofpickup and easy lo handle in Wffic. A cinchlo ouhun anything lhe law has. Unfcatuna-tely. a Pmsche isMI the idealgetaway car. Iusedone once on a savings and loan ob. andif you have never tried making i t through th cdoor o f a &he at a dead IUII wilh a sawed-off shoigun and a sack o f money clu lchd toyour bomm, you just don't know lhe mun-ing of limited hcsdroom.Still, the prospect o f making agetaway in a spons car holds a cer-tain fascination. I new some guysin San Quentin who figured a Jaguarwas the only git car on thc road. Thefust time they put i t to a test, h t co f them Died to am through the doorall at the same time. When thc dudfinally settled. two were sprawled onthe curb-one in such a high dud-geon that he emptied his gun at therapidly d i iappa rhg Jag. This canmake for very hard fa l ings withina gang.In the long run, though, i t a ll boilsdown to the driver. The good onesaw specialists, capable o f coaxingtotal performance out o f middlingmachines. Often wh ik being shot eti n heavy traffic. Some we retiredrace drivers w Hdlywood stuntmen.Many ore somewhat f l a k y off-beat a collectiono f characters as YOUcould ever h o p o get arrested with. 80here was a whalman in Miami 4who twitched. 1 nuan al l th c time.

    who developed sympathetic tics.

    !Ie had nerve spasms in his fwgcrs and hisleft eyelid fluttered like the shutter of a16mm Bell & Howell. I t didn't seem tohang him up on his driving. but he had hadto get out o f the s w t driving business wheni t began to interfere with othcr shmt driversOthers are outright paranoid, which canbe an asset. I h e best wheelman in St. Louisright now is a guy who quit racing when hebecame convinced that lhe rest o f the driv-ers on the cirruit were conspiring to mn himlhmugh a fence. On a heist. he i s alwaysd n hat every stop slgn and wf f i c 1ight.athere just to trap hun He ~maguwsquad carsl&ng in each alley, and h i has h is nuttyidea that all women drivers are police molls.

    Working with this guy is harder on chem e sthan a three-month stretch in solitary., is he ever cnrcful.It's a sorry thing, but thc business todayis becoming overrun wilh amateurs whoAUTOWEEKMAY 9. 1988

  • 7/30/2019 Autoweek 1988 Getaway Drivers


    ' $@ndmm time dmmscIvs ioto st lhe wheel. He wm good. I checked him Thia ompmkabie clod had we fa l l y-i#1unai&ll~ltbeItstblathsgspend a n i a b e ~ v y ~ , m d e x c q t f m h i r r i d e - ~ m ~ i o t a a p a c k i n16*rhrgihsba&of$WyingadofpiWI1. bm a cm d r t a D d c r r y t o . t a k l i k c H ~~ .Haanm" t e v t a b s h i a d i h swbo a l , h