Avatar 2045

Post on 10-Jan-2017

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AVATAR 2045 Avatar 2045 is a project

of making humanoid robot, this project is under taken by Russian government, with the help of

Initiative 2045 organization, this project was started at may 2015


The Avatar 2045 initiative is an

organization, started “To create

technologies enabling immortality of non-

biological carrier, and extending life of it”,

It was developed by Dmitry Itskov in

the year 2011

PROJECT AVATAR Some of the main concepts involved in project

Avatar are,CYBERNETICS: It is the science of communication

and automatic control system in both machines and living things

IMMORTALITY: It means being alive

AIM OF THE PROJECT One of the featured life-extension projects is

to design an artificial humanoid body and an advanced brain–computer interface system.

On the biological side, a life support system will be developed for hosting a human brain inside the avatar and maintaining it alive and functional.

STEPS INVOLVED IN AVATAR The Project Avatar is an on going process

which has 4 major areas, as follows,

Part A (2015 – 2020) Part B (2020 – 2025) Part C (2025 – 2030) Part D (2030 – 2045)

* (Part A process is currently going on)

PART - A A robotic copy of a

human body remotely capable of interpreting commands directly from the mind, and sending information back to the mind in a form that can be interpreted via brain–computer interface. It is estimated to be popularized in or before 2020.

PART - B An avatar in which a

artificial brain is transplanted at the end of one's life. Avatar B has an autonomous system providing life support for the brain and allowing it interaction with the environment, possibly mounted into an existing Avatar A Chassis. Deadline of this phase is year 2025.

PART - C An avatar with an

artificial brain to which a human personality is transferred for emulation at the end of one's life. The first successful attempt to upload one's personality to a computer is estimated to happen around 2035.

PART D A hologram- or diagram-like avatar. This

is the ultimate goal of this project but is optional since, assuming either the upload is involuntary or all humans chose to upload, biological diseases are prevented in the previous phase, and it is far away from current technological achievement and our understanding on physics.