Avenir HR Database – Instructions for...

Post on 21-Jun-2018

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AV-WIN-HR001 Page 1 of 11 Version - 1 Effective: 03.01.2018

Avenir HR Database – Instructions for Specialists Purpose The purpose of this document is to guide the specialist step by step through the registration process on the Avenir database.

1. Registration To gain access to the database, first create an account. To do this, please complete all the fields highlighted in red in figure 1.1 below.

Figure 1.1

You will be required to create a password for your account, this password should consist of a minimum of 8 characters and should include uppercase, lowercase, numbers and symbols. When you have completed all the requested fields and clicked submit, you will receive an automated Account Creation Verification email asking you to click on the word “here” in order to verify your account. When you do this, the below page will appear, please see figure 1.2 below:

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Figure 1.2

You will receive an email advising you that your account has been created successfully. In the body of that email there will be a link to the database, where you can complete the registration process. When you click on the link, you will be taken to the following page where you will enter your email address and chosen password, please see figure 1.3 below: Figure 1.3

If you have any issues with this registration process, please click on “Get Help” highlighted below and you will be directed to Lisa at Avenir Analytics for further assistance. Please note that this is an email function and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

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After entering your credentials, you will be taken to the following page where you can enter your details and complete the registration process, to do this, select the green edit icon highlighted below in figure 1.4: Figure 1.4

2. Profile details When you have selected the edit icon, you will be brought to the below screen, please see figure 1.5 below. In this section, you will be asked to complete all sections under the headings of General, References, Emergency contacts, Education, Training, Experience and Other skills. To move through the different sections, you just select the tabs at the top of the page. Any fields highlighted in red are mandatory, you will not be able to submit your profile until all mandatory fields have been completed. As you are completing the sections, the colour of the progress bar will change. You can complete this process in parts; you can log out at any stage by saving your data and return to it later to complete the process. Please note that all information provided will only be used for Avenir project purposes.

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Figure 1.5

It is worth noting that when completing the passport fields, you will have the option to record up to three passport countries but you will only have the option to enter one option within the nationality field. Please make sure to scroll down this page so that you can complete the CV and availability sections highlighted in figure 1.6 below: Figure 1.6

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You will know that your documents have uploaded successfully to the database when you see little green icons under each field as highlighted in figure 1.7 below. When uploading your CV and writing sample, the “Current CV Date” and “Writing Sample” fields will automatically update; you do not have to enter information in these fields, highlighted in figure 1.8 below. Figure 1.7

Figure 1.8

In the Availability section, please enter any known dates where you are unavailable to work on projects for Avenir as highlighted in figure 1.8 above. When you have completed each page, please select the “save” button and move onto the next tab.

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You will also see on this page that there is a tick box for “no update required”, please see figure 1.9 below. Please note that this is only required when you are already set up on the system and we ask you to update your details on a quarterly basis, if your details have not changed, you can just tick the “no update required” checkbox but this is not required during the registration process. Figure 1.9

On the reference tab highlighted in figure 1.10 below, please add in at least one referee, then click on save and move onto the next tab: Figure 1.10

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The next section to complete is the emergency contacts tab as highlighted in figure 1.11 below. Please enter at least one entry, then click save and move onto the next tab: Figure 1.11

On the Education tab highlighted in figure 1.12 below, please complete all relevant information (at least one entry), click save and move onto the next tab: Figure 1.12

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The training section highlighted in figure 1.13 below is not mandatory but we kindly ask that you input any relevant training you have had: Figure 1.13

In the experience section highlighted in figure 1.14 below, please enter at least one entry with a maximum of ten entries. Here you will also be able to advise of your current position (if applicable). With regard to recording the location of each position, please select either the country or the region you worked in, depending on whether your work focus was mainly national or regional. For HQ roles with a global focus, please specify the country that that HQ office was based. Figure 1.14

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In the section “other skills” highlighted in figure 1.15 below, you are kindly requested to enter the languages you speak as well as the associated levels, the levels available are as follows: Functional ability: At the functional level, learners have a basic command of the language needed in a limited range of simple, routine, and familiar tasks and situations Intermediate ability: At the intermediate level, learners are able to refashion and combine learned material to meet their immediate communication and learning needs. They comprehend information on familiar topics in contextualised settings and produce sustained conversation with others on an expanding variety of general topics Upper intermediate ability: At the upper intermediate level, learners have assimilated the essentials of the language. They communicate competently and comfortably in many professional and personal contexts, and find different way of formulating what they want to express Advanced ability: At the advances level, learners communicate effectively and appropriately even in demanding oral tasks and situations, like conducting a meeting. They participate easily in social and professional conversations, and deal comfortably with most subjects over the telephone Professional ability: At the professional level, learners have full command of the language. They understand and can use virtually all linguistic structures; as well as a range of vocabulary items as broad and deep as that of most educated native speakers. Communication is fluent, appropriate and well organised – they develop ideas in speech clearly and coherently. You can obtain more information on the above at the following link: https://www.berlitz.be/berlitz-levels Figure 1.15

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You can also scroll down this page to enter any other skills which you deem relevant, highlighted in figure 1.16 below. An example of this could be IT skills etc. Figure 1.16

When you have completed all the sections, select “submit for review”. Once you click on this, you will not be able to make any further changes until the Avenir team has reviewed the submitted information. The following message will be displayed as per figure 1.17 below: Figure 1.17

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You will then receive an automatic “registration confirmation” email advising you that your registration will be reviewed and we will get back to you within a week. 3. Further information Please contact Lisa Sheil should you have any challenges with the registration process, lisa@aveniranalytics.com