Avoiding Self Distraction

Post on 10-Apr-2018

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8/8/2019 Avoiding Self Distraction

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8/8/2019 Avoiding Self Distraction

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When you look into the mirror, what doyou see? A friend or a foe? Are you

thankful for God·s creation or critical ofhis handiwork? How much time andenergy do you spend critiquing andcriticizing your facial features? Your hair?

Your body? Do you compare yourself tomagazine cover models or to your girlfriends, getting discourage that youdon·t measure up to everyone else?

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What you see in the mirror has so muchto do w/ what you feel in your heart.

Perhaps you look into the mirror oftenb/c you do like what you see. Maybeyou believe that others don·t measureup to you. Perhaps vanity and pride aremore of an issue for you than a poor body image. Don·t let your beauty go toyour head.

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Painting a new picture of perfect beautyis picturing us w/ thin, brunet or blond

hair, popular, beautiful, athletic, has bigbreasts, w/ a boyfriend, confident,straight white teeth, no braces, has her 

own car, doesn·t have zits, and has her own phone. But the only one I know whofits this description is Barbie. No body isperfect and it is amazing how a

childhood toy can model a young girl·sideas about where beauty come from.

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Many young women grow up w/unrealistic expectations about their 

bodies. Its not just Barbie dolls thatcreate these false ideas of beauty. So doTV celebrities, movie stars, magazinecover models, fashion designer, & manyother aspects of today·s culture.

Charm is deceptive, and beauty isfleeting, but a women who fears

{respects and serves} the Lord id to bepraised. (Proverbs 31:30)

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Lauren a friend of mine is very beautiful but isoverweight and feels like no one loves her, shehas ´a friendµ who likes her very much and tellsher she is beautiful but as time goes by all those

magical moments all become just a memory.He starts calling her ugly and tells her she is fat.He mistreated her and took her to her lowestpoint but b/c she loved him b/c he was w/ her she didn·t leave him b/c she was so afraid that

no one would ever lover b/c of the way shelooked« don·t let a guy tell you your notbeautiful because he did not make you. Youare a creation of God and God saweverything he had made, and it was verygood.

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To be beautiful is being beautiful insideand out feeling secured about yourselfb/c God made you in his own image to

be beautiful is to be you, who Godmade you to be« not someone wholoses weight the wrong way« thechoice is yours. To be beautiful is tofollow in God·s footprints and representhim, our creator our lord and savior, our Father.

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Song of songs 4:7 says, all beautiful youare my darling there is no flaw in you.God thinks we·re beautiful! The creator 

of the sun moon and stars calls usbeautiful and he says we are then weare and that makes it true« if God thinkswe·re beautiful then I guess what other ppl have to say really doesn·t matter 

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For you created my inmost being youknit me together in my womb. I praise

you b/c I am fearfully and wonderfullymade; your works are wonderful, I knowthat full well. My frame was not hiddenfrom you when I was made in the secretplace. When I was woven together in thedepths of the earth, your eyes saw myunformed body. All the days ordained

for me were written in your book beforeone of them came to be. Psalms 139: 13-16.

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We have renounced secret shamefulways; we do not use deception, nor do

we distort the word of God. On thecontrary, by setting forth the truth plainlywe commend ourselves to every man·sconscience in the sight of god.

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How many of us know or have friendsthat in church there one person @ home

another and @ school a totally differentperson?

Point is that sometimes being different

ppl, can get us in so much trouble« How many of yall know or have friends

that have been raped?

Sometimes what causes them to getraped is, playing different roles.

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My point is that going into chat roomsflirting being someone who God hasn·t

called you to be can be a seriousconsecuence« we all have seen thenews and what do they talk about? Pplkilling ppl murdering ppl etc..

Acting like a different person will get youin trouble..

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I want you to do a reality check whatare some things that you do that makes

you attract the opposite sex ?what areyou doing to stop it? Are you going intochat rooms to find your perfect match?Are you using your myspace to fall inlove? Think about it many girls aredestroyed by being different ppl.

I want to use this time just to talk what do

yall think how do yall feel about this andwhat are yall learning from all this,

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Why look for romance on the web?What makes these virtual relationships so

alluring? Virtual relationship: based on fantasy,

require little effort, involve noaccountability, involve false mystique

and pretense, give a one dimensionalview of the person

Real relationship: built on reality, requirerelational work, lived out in the presenceof others, require integrity and mutualtrust, give a three dimensional view ofthe person.