Awaaz May 2012 issue

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Established 1982 No.352 May 2012


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ELECTION FRAUD ALLEGATIONSBy Ismail Mulla Political Correspondent

WEST Yorkshire police have launched an investigation into claims of postal vote fraud in this year’s local elections.

Kirklees council was alerted to potential irregularities in the electoral process by Conservative Cllr Khizar Iqbal. Concerns were raised after there was a significant hike in the number of residents registering for postal votes in Thornhill Lees and Savile Town.

Both areas fall into Cllr Iqbal’s Dewsbury South seat where he is up for re-election on the 3rd of May.

A police spokesman said: “We have received an allegation of election fraud taking place in the Dewsbury South ward and are currently investigating the report.

“No arrests have been made and enquiries are ongoing.”

Cllr Iqbal is up against Abdul Patel (Lab), Bernard Disken (Lib Dems), Adrian Cruden (Greens), Paul Wheelhouse (TUSC) and Shaun Maddox (English Demo-crats) for his Dewsbury South seat, where he has been a councillor for the past 14 years.

The news comes hot on the heels of allegations of electoral fraud in London. Six Labour councillors in Tower Hamlets wrote to the Electoral Commission on 23rd ofApril.

The letter reads, “We write to you as a matter of urgency to demand action be taken about what we believe to be serious abuses of the electoral register and gross voting malpractice in Tower Hamlets.

“In particular we are concerned at the unprecedented number of households that have recently

signed up for postal votes in the borough.”

The letter which has been passed onto Scotland Yard by the Electoral Commission continues, “We are aware of instances wherepeople who no longer live at an address are still being sent postal votes and their votes have been cast. We are also aware of

instances where postal votes have been collected from voters.

Signed by Labour councillors Helal Abbas, Khales Uddin Ahmed, Bill Turner, Rachael Saunders, Zenith Rahman and Anwar Khan it also warns of similar activities in another ward where there is a by-election due to be held.

DEMOCRACY: Voters can now vote by post instead of heading down to the polling station

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risk surveyBy Mohamed Ansar

An estimated 20,000 homes in Kirklees could well be at risk of

as experienced in other parts of the country. As a result and with change in legislation Kirklees council are asking for the views of residents to highlight possible hot spots to better manage future

Kirklees have to develop and publish a Local Flood Risk strategy

exist, the measures to be used to manage it and how the measures will be paid for.

As a result the council are imple-menting a gathering exercise on what the general public under-

they think the council’s priorities should be.

We asked Tom Ghee from Kirklees Flood Management Team what

into account, he told us:

“Absolutely everything, from

water, absolutely every source.

“Before there was limited respon

sibility but new legislation(passed in 2010) means we legally have to take responsibility now and that’s why we are asking the public to undertake this survey”.

responsible new legislation makes the council now responsible to

region. The survey will take views from residents across Kirklees about areas of priority, manage-ment and previous personal

resident from Batley, Mr Shabir,

told us:

out who was responsible to deal with it so now its just the council,

it should be easier.” But he had reservations as to what the council would be able to do,

“With all the cut backs I don’t think there is much Kirklees will be able to do is there? I mean have they got the money to do anything? We put his question to Ghee who told us:

“The new legislation passed in 2010 was passed by central Government so the funding will come directly from central government.

“Funds are limited so it doesn’t mean every problem will be resolved, we will have more than before but still limited”.

The survey will take place between 23 April to 18 June 2012 with the strategy published next Spring and will set out a three to

The survey is available on the council’s website at

survey. Alternatively, the Flood Management team can be contacted on 01484225377 to request a form.

Drug gang hit wrong houseThieves posing as pizza delivery men barged their way into a house and threw a 47-yearold woman to the ground before asking where are the drugs?

The robbery happened at a house on Miller’s Croft, Birstall, when the 47 year-old women answered a knock at the door. When she opened it an Asian man in his early thirties told her he had come to deliver a pizza. The victim told him they hadn’t ordered any food when a man described as six foot tall and black appeared forcing the door open and threw the 47 year-old to the ground.

Three more black men ran into the house and began rummaging through the home, searching from room to room and asking the occupants for the location of the drugs.

At the time four adults and four children aged between 4 and 13 were in the house and they told the thieves they didn’t know what they were talking about.

Realising they had hit the wrong house, the thieves changed their objective and left after stealing jewellery and cash.

As well as the 47 year-old woman, two men aged 31 and 48 were also assaulted during the robbery.

Dewsbury CID are asking for help from the public describing the suspects as one Asian and four balck men.

The Asian man posing as a pizza delivery man is described as being in his early thirties, around 5'5" tall and of slim build. The man who forced the door was black, around 6" tall, slim, in his early twenties and wore a grey hooded top. The three other suspects were also black, all in their early twenties, of medium build and over 6" tall.

Any witnesses to the robbery, or anyone with information is asked to contact DC Adrian Lever at Dewsbury CID via 101 or Crimestoppers, anony-mously, on 0800 555 111

A 19 year-old man in

the ground and assaulted by three men before having his mobile phone stolen from his trouser pocket.

The victim was walking along Whitegate Road in Newsome at around 7:45pm on 19 April when he noticed three men ahead of him. The men approached him and asked for a cigarette , when the 19 year-old said no one of the men pushed him in the chest causing the victim to fall.

The suspects then assaulted him taking his mobile phone from his trouser pocket before leaving towards Newsome Road.

released an appeal asking for witnesses to come forward.

Suspects are described as three white men in their early twenties One was around 6" tall, slim and had short, light blonde hair. He was wearing grey jogging bottoms and a grey hooded top.

A second suspect was shorter and chunkier than

and was wearing blue jogging bottoms and a black hooded top.

The third suspect was of similar height and build to the second suspect, had brown hair and was wearing grey jogging bottoms and a blue hooded top.

Any witnesses, or anyone with information should contact DC Mick Cummings

Hudds man assaulted in theft

Elect yourMayorOn 3 May residents in Bradford, Leeds and

decide on how their council is to be run as well as voting for their local councillors. Voters will have the opportunity to choose whether or not they would like a directly elected mayor.

The vote is being held after the Secretary of State ordered 10 of the largest cities in England to conduct the referendum, with the 3 West Yorkshire cities featuring.

Voters will be asked as to whether they would like their council to be run by a leader who is an elected councillor chosen by the other councillors or a mayor elected by voters.

With the recent by-election in Bradford West won by George Galloway, causing sirens to blare amongst the main parties, this will be another opportunity to gage the feelings and

from the opinions held by the coalition Government.

According to a poll conducted by the Guardian/ICM it suggest that the majority of people in the north are against introducing new mayors, and is consistent across age groups, social classes and supporters of

In Bradford a special public meeting has been planned to explain the pro’s and cons with leaders and representatives from the main political parties in Bradford presenting a case both for and against an elected mayor.

The programme has been organised by Bradford Cathedral on behalf of the Common Good Network, JUST West Yorkshire, Bradford Muslim Women’s Council and the University of Bradford Student’s Union in an attempt to help residents decide.

The programme will take place on Monday 30 April at the Midland Hotel in ForsterSquare from 7pm. For more information about the event you can go to or call 01274 54222.

A BLAST at a local factory in Birstall is said to have shook the building according to early reports from people in the area.

The explosion happened at the Mars Pet Care plant on Oakwell Way Birstall.

West Yorkshire Fire service said the blast occurred in a boiler room but no one received any serious injuries.

One man was treated at the scene according to West Yorkshire Fire servicebut not life threatening.

Blast at Birstall pet food May 2012 3

Six arrests in £150,000 drugs conspiracy

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Batley, Dewsbury,

with Kirklees, died April 2012 following ill-health. He was well known by Madressahs and supplementary schools and much respected for his advice and training. Aziz Daji, Chair of Indian Muslim Welfare Society (IMWS) said, "I worked with Paul for many years. He was a caring man of true character. My condolences to his family and his colleagues."Shakeel Hafez (Batley)

There are serious issues of anti-social behav-iour within our communities. I just wish the local organisations or someone would take a stand and stop it. People are feeling intimi-dated by these yobs particularly the elderly. Isn’t it time we did something?Ismail (Mount Pleasant)

Nice to see our local cop in last months Awaaz climbing the Uni building for charity, now can he go and catch some criminals!...only joking he’s a good guy, nice

What do our councillors do for us? I don’t see my councillor until its election time. I’ve seen

where for young people to go, theres no jobs, and more cuts! And then they come for my vote! Raisah Patel (somewhere in Dewsbury)

What happened to the petrol strike? My car got a full tank and then nothing, how incon-siderate!Sammy (Bradford)

Readers Views

By Mohamed Ansar

A 32 year-old Bradford man and a 27 year-old man from Keighley are amongst six men arrested in connection to supplying Class A drugs on a national level.

The arrests come after a joint investigation into a drug bust last year by West Yorkshire Police Organised Crime Group and Thames Valley police.A total of 3Kg of cocaine with a street value of £150,000 was seized, leading to the prosecution of two men.

Majid Mahmood, 32, from

was found in possession of 996g of cocaine in Birmingham, and a Peruvian national Gustavo Llerena was arrested at Leeds train station as he arrived from

London with 1.9Kg of cocaine. Both were convicted in August

and a half years sentence and Llerena eight years.

Detective Inspector Noel Devine

of West Yorkshire Police’s Crime Division, said: “These arrests form part of a wider investigation, in conjunc-tion with Thames Valley Police, into the supply of controlled drugs up and down the country.

was found coming into West Yorkshire believed to have originated from the south of England and we are working hard to trace those responsible for bringing these drugs into our local communities.”

All six are being held at a police station in West Yorkshire and under going questioning.

SEIZED: £150,000 of class A substances

Leeds Council have approved the purchase of 13 refuse collection vehicles including 8 powered by biomethane gas. The new vehicles will in total cost the council £1.85 million and is said to be a replace-ment for older vehicles.

With the cost of biomethane

powered bin wagons that would collect recycling from homes across the city, would look to protect the council from increasing fuel prices.

Gas powered vehicles are not only good for the pocket but also for the environment reducing harmful carbon emissions by 60%

compared to traditional vehicles. Councillor Mark Dobson, executive member for environmental services said:

"While we have undoubtedly come a long way in recent years, it is absolutely vital that as a service we do not stand still and continue to pursue ways in which bin collec-tions can be made even better in the future for residents”.

“Investing in these new greener,

we will be able to ensure that we

and reliable collection service, whilst also driving up our recycling rates."

Gas powered bin collectionsuggest crime prevention techniques have helped to reduce crime in the area by 29 percent, amounting to 740 less victims over the past twelve months.

and March 2012 have led the police to further encourage residents in Bradford to battle against the burglar by launching a campaign called ‘It Only Takes A Minute’.

The campaign is aimed at people improving their home security and warns people of the conse-quences of leaving doors and windows unlocked.

Bradford South Detective Chief Inspector Mark McManus said there are some simple ways to reduce the potential of becoming

a victim:

"One of the best methods of

snap prooflocks in your doors. UPVC doors in particular may not already containthese and it is always worth having them checked by a reputa-ble locksmith.

"We are undertaking a consider-able amount of work with our partners such as Bradford Council,

local housing associations and Community Action and Support Against Crime or CASAC to give people the best possible defence.

"We are also doing everything we can to catch those responsible for thesecrimes and proactive opera-tions take place on a daily basis to disrupt and arrest.”

It only takes a minute

SIGHT: For sore eyes



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Humanitarian aid convoy sets out for GazaBy Mohamed Ansar

FROM toys to a dental chair, the latest truck heading out from Batley to Gaza in a humanitarian quest certainly seems to have it all. The sixth

with the generous donations received from the people of Batley and Dewsbury and run by local charity IMWS in association with Viva Palestina Arabia.

Yusuf Patel of Batley was amongst those on the very

and is now heading out on his

“Toys, medical supplies, a dental chair and this full truck all donated by local people”.

Donations were over whelm-ing as Yusuf told us about a leading force behind this convoy, Al-Mubarak Radio of Batley:

“In the time between Magreb and Isha (sunset and night prayers)last Ramadhaan, Al Mubarak Radio raised an amazing £60,000 Alhamdulil-lah, they made this possible”. Al Mubarak Radio have been active with aiding a number of charities through pledge-a-thons via its online radio station including a recent

Mogodishu in Somalia.

What’s more the truck was supplied by Batley bed factory Europa Beds and even the signs on the truck were donated by local design printers Data Signs andGraph-ics.

Local generosity showed no

bounds as even during my interview a lady came up to us and donated £10.

We asked Yusuf what changes if any had been seen by him over hisvisits to the siege in Gaza:

“I’ve not seen any change

before, but this time with the Egyptian announcement I’m hopeful”. Gaza has been in the grip of a severe power crises, and the recent announcement by Egypt to connect the electricity supply to its own

grid will go a long way to solve this problem.

He added “Palestinian Welfare House , where these supplies are heading for, has only about 4 hours of electricity each day, but with the Egyptian announcement I’m hoping to see


Yusuf will join a convoy of around 60 vehicles leaving from the UK and a further 50 vehicles will join them in Turkey to take much needed.

By Ismail Mulla

BRADFORD MP David Ward has rounded on the Interna-tional Criminal Courts (ICC) for abandoning an investi-gation into the Gaza war in 2008/09. He joins Amnesty International who are also calling for the ICC to recon-sider its position.

Ward who was elected as MP for Bradford East in 2010 said: “So many tensions across the world can be traced back to the Palestin-ian issue.

“This simply cannot be considered a fair or humane decision to take. I have written to the Foreign Secre-tary on the matter. It is not right that the Prosecutor has

taken this route of action.”

The Palestinian Authority had been hoping since 2009 that the ICC would carry out an investigation into Israel’s Operation Cast Lead which left 1,200 Palestinians dead.

The decision to abandon the investigation was taken on the grounds that Palestine is

state. Luis Moreno-Ocampo, Chief Prosecutor for the ICC said: “It’s only the states with full membership at the UN

complaint with the court.”

But Head of Amnesty International’s International Justice Campaign, Marek Marczyński said that the prosecutor had “erroneously

dodged the question.”

Palestine doesn’t have full UN membership only holding observer status, although the Palestinian Authority did apply for membership to the UN last September.

Bradford MP criticises ICC over Gaza

The European Commission has published a list of 82 EU-funded projects in Palestine that have been destroyed as a result of Israeli action since 2001. Stefan Fule, the European Commissioner for Enlarge-ment and Neighbourhood Policy, says that the total cost

armed forces on development projects amounted to €49.14 million. The estimated EU-funded share of the loss was €29.37 million. Responding to a parliamen-tary question from Chris Davies, a British Liberal Demo-crat MEP, the Commissioner says that Israel has paid nothing by way of compensa-tion for the damage, but claims that it would not be appropriate to divulge the content of discussions with Israel about such matters. However, Davies claims that the European Commission has admitted in answers to his previous questions that the Israeli authorities do not even reply to letters from EU

of projects they have funded. He said: "The EU is a close partner of Israel and although we condemn its illegal occupation of Palestinian land we should be able to expect more courteous treatment”.

One of the EU projects was the

near Beit Ula close to Hebron in the southern West Bank. Israeli forces uprooted these trees in January 2008 and at the same time destroyed water cisterns as well as stone terraces at the same location. The EU had invested some EUR 64,000 to have these trees planted and become a means of livelihood for the local

villagers. Following the destruction, the EU repeatedly asked the Isreali Government for answers but received no reply, with the commission

“Despite raising the incident on a number of occasions with the Israeli authorities since the destruction of the project in January 2008, it has so far not received a written reply”.

Davies went on to say:"But Israel respects strength and the EU shows none. So long as we refuse to back up our words of condemnation with any sanctions we must expect to be treated with disregard and contempt."

Israel destroyed 82 EU projects


n the 3rd of May key local elections take place across the country including here in Kirklees. We talk to some of the movers and shakers in this year’s elections about the key issues on which this election will be fought and what local people think.


LEADER of Kirklees council Mehboob Khan is up for re-election in the Greenhead ward. Cllr Khan

budget being passed by Labour led Kirklees council but the Labour leader has reasons to be optimistic, with Labour expected to make widespread gains.

Cllr Khan was elected in 1996 at the age of 27 he

article Awaaz ran on me in 1996 was to say Mr Khan Councillor 110% because in that article I said I want to give it 110% in my role as an elected member.”

Since then Cllr Khan has made his way to the top as council leader but is still guarding against complacency, “I don’t take anything for granted, I’m working very hard to put forward my own knowledge and experience and also my track record to voters in Greenhead ward and asking them to vote for me on the basis that I’m the best candidate.”

He will be going up against Conservative candi-date 19-year-old Katie Frank. On his opponents Cllr Khan said: “My opponents are decent candi-

“I’m a bit worried that the Conservatives are taking my voters for granted because their candi-date has applied for a place at Liverpool Univer-sity.

“I hope she’s successful, I hope she goes onto have an excellent academic career but it is a bit tongue in cheek when the Tories put up a 19 year-old candidate knowing that later in the year

party’s prospects both locally and nationally Cllr Khan told Awaaz, “We’ve got to ensure that Labour is giving people an opportunity to be able to engage with our candidates and we’re listening and acting on people’s concerns.

“We have a far greater responsibility than the other parties because we are more than likely to be running the council after 3rd of May.”

His opposite number Cllr Kath Pinnock leader of the Kirklees Lib Dems is also up for re-election

the local elections including here in Kirklees. But

this time.

She said: “Last year’s campaign was much more of a national voting pattern rather than it will be this year. This year the themes in the election are all local and so I think we will have a very

Cllr Pinnock did however admit that none of the

the month pointing to the Bradford West by-election as an example.


POPULAR Lib Dem councillor and former mayor Cllr Karam Hussain is stepping down from his Dewsbury West seat. In his place the Lib Dems have put up Waheed Anwar.

On stepping into Cllr Hussain’s shoes Mr Anwar said: “It’s a challenge but on the other hand I am proud as well, hopefully I will try my best to follow in his footsteps, in serving the people of Dewsbury West.”

Mr Anwar and the Lib Dems will be hoping the unpopularity of the party on a national level

doesn’t get any easier for them as Mr Anwar will be going up against former Liberal Democrat councillor for Dewsbury West Naz Hussain.

Mr Hussain was ousted last year as the Lib Dems

took a drubbing. It prompted Mr Hussain to write a scathing letter in a local newspaper criticising the central party and leader Nick Clegg for its actions in central government as part of the current coalition.

On his opponent Mr Anwar said: “Well to be honest with you, who knew Mr Naz Hussain before seven, eight years ago? Nobody.

“He was councillor because of the Lib Dems. If you lost does this mean you lost because of party decision? He always relied on Karam Hussain, when you’re a councillor you have to put your

responding to the people.”


ONE of the big issues in recent months has been the LDF proposals which will see greenbelt land in Chidswell and Thornhill being developed on. Despite 70% of Kirklees being classed as green-belt, the council’s plans have drawn criticism

The Chidswell campaign is urging people to vote for the Tories, who opposed building on green-belt land. Dewsbury South Cllr Khizar Iqbal who is up for re-election for the Conservatives, called the decision to build on greenbelt land conten-tious and is opposed to plans to develop on greenbelt land in Dewsbury South for more housing.


BUT greenbelt isn’t the only issue with Kirklees council having passed its budget in February. Cllr Iqbal told Awaaz, “On a local level I think we have to accept that currently because of the national

believe the way that Kirklees council sets its budget was completely free to decide and choose how they want to spend their money.

“I think Kirklees is good at spending money on project and scheme which are not important and they apply cuts on key frontline services. It is they who choose to apply these cuts.”

Cllr Khan at the setting for the budget said there was pain in the budget as the council announced that it would cut 600 council jobs. The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Against Cuts oppose all cuts to council jobs and services. The

Crosland Moor and Netherton as well as Dews-bury South.

However Labour feel that cuts at a national level have left Labour controlled Kirklees with no choice, saying that they have to make cuts of £57 for every resident living in the borough.


IN February the Kirklees Conservatives announced proposals to split the council, becoming a bit of a pet project for the party and a key campaign policy for them. They propose separating Dewsbury, Spen and Batley from


Dewsbury council sharing services with Calderd-ale.


By Ismail Mulla & Jameel Bottomley Political Correspondent & Sub editor

@IsmailMulla & @OriginalJammer

“I’m a bit worried that

the Con-servatives are taking my voters

for granted”

LEADING THE WAY: Council leader Mehboob Khan is up for re-election


“This year the themes in the

election are all local”

BIG SHOES TO FILL: Waheed Anwar looking to follow in Karam Hussain’s footsteps

“It’s a challenge but on the other hand I am proud

as well”

GOING GREEN: Ongoing campaign against LDF proposals

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Patel of Labour

“I believe the way

forward for people of Dewsbury now is to

break up the Kirklees council.”

“The more people that

vote the more

democratic it feels”

Cllr Iqbal said: “Dewsbury was one of the most thriving successful towns in Yorkshire and ever since the inception of the Kirklees council in 1974

“I believe the way forward for people of Dews-bury now is to break up the Kirklees council. Kirklees council is too big, it’s a failed project.”

Not surprisingly though the Lib Dems and Labour have opposed the plans with Cllr Kath Pinnock saying, “If we read what the Tories are actually proposing, they’re talking about split Kirklees North and South and then the bit they don’t tell you but is on their website is merge it with Calderdale, so what we actually have is this mega council.”

Another sticking point for the Tories is the cost of spli- tting the council, “The director of resources says it will cost £40 million,” said Cllr Pinnock,

a referendum on the proposals.

Instead the Lib Dems prefer the idea of smaller councils within an existing Kirklees council. “If we’re interested in getting decisions made

locally in Dewsbury for Dewsbury people we need to do what the Liberal Democrats have proposed last May and got the council to investigate the idea is to have like a Dewsbury council, just for Dewsbury, one for Batley, one for the Spen Valley and so on across Kirklees,” Cllr Pinnock told Awaaz.


A LOT of candidates have spoken of their surprise at the Respect party not putting up any candi-dates in Kirklees following George Galloway’s victory in the Bradford West by-election. Respect

Dewsbury but nothing materialised.

Cllr Hanif Mayet, Lab, Batley East said: “I’m some-what surprised because of the publicity that George Galloway has created in the past few months. I’m surprised that there has not been many candidates for the Respect party, I am surprised that they haven’t got somebody


ELECTION time usually sees tribal jousting

provides a refreshing break from the pre-election tribalism. Mark will be running as an independ-ent in Batley East and is campaigning on a ticket to get the voter turnout, which he admits is as much a tactical ploy as it is an attempt to get people to participate in the democratic process, “The more people that vote the more democratic it feels,” he says.

On why he’s running as an Independent Mark told Awaaz, “I’ve never been a member of a political party, my view is I wanted to see if we could link community issues with politics which I feel the two things should go together and don’t always do.”

Having managed to gain 295 votes in last year’s election, when asked if he felt he could win he

replied, “Of course not. In terms of beating Hanif, I wish him all the best in the elections as I do all the other candidates, but if we can get to a stage where we are getting 500, 700 votes I would see that as a triumph this year.”

COUNCIL CONTROLNO party has overall control but Labour does hold the most seats, 27. But still some-way short of gaining the majority it needs for overall control.

The Lib Dems will be hoping to avoid the haemorrhaging

year, losing six seats and slipping from second place to third.

The Tories gained two seats last year, regaining its place as the second largest party on the council.

GO online to to see the video interviews with

councillors Mehboob Khan, Kath Pinnock, Hanif Mayet, Khizar

Iqbal, Waheed Anwar and Mark

from local residents

Your council needsYOU

to vote on Thursday 3rd


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A LEEDS woman has become

be prosecuted for abusing the Blue Badge scheme that allows disabled people to park for free.

Charlotte Rank of Morley pleaded guilty under Section

Regulation Act 1984 (Wrongful Use of a Disabled Persons Badge) at Leeds Magistrates Court.

She was ordered to pay £140 plus a £15 surcharge and £85 in costs.

Ms Rank was initially seen using a Blue Badge, issued to a disabled relative, while in the car on her own last year to avoid paying parking charges. Blue Badges can only be used when the person it has been issued to is driving or is a passenger in the vehicle.

chose not to give Ms Rank a parking ticket on this occasion, instead advising her of when and how the badge should be used.

Despite assurances that she

wouldn’t misuse the badge again, Ms Rank failed to listen to the guidance and warnings of the council’s parking

subsequently issued with three parking tickets for exploiting the badge; twice for illegally using the badge to park for free and once for not displaying the badge or proper permit while parked in a resident’s only parking area.

The cost of parking tickets takes the total price of abusing the badge to £325.

Cllr Mark Dobson, executive board member for environ-mental services, said:

“The system helps disabled

people get to where they need to be easily. It’s our role to ensure that the system is being used properly and fairly otherwise tax payers foot the bill for fraud committed by other people and disabled people can end up being disadvantaged.

“If you have a genuine need for and are using the badge appropriately then you need not worry. But, if you take the abuse of Blue Badges lightly you really need to consider if


Ms Rank is just one of over 650 people caught abusing the Blue Badge scheme since October 2010.

Persistent abuser pays

Consultations for new HealthWatchBy Mohamed Ansar

KIRKLEES council are asking local people what they want from a new health and social care service due to go live in 2013.

HealthWatch Kirklees is being introduced as part of the changes to the NHS currently going through parliament. It will help give people their say about health and social care services around the region.

The Council will conduct

public consultation and a survey across venues in Kirklees before making any decisions as to what the service will provide.

Although Councils have to set up and fund HealthWatch, the service will be independent with a voice of its own and can take decisions in the best interests of patients and the public.

Naseem Saeed from the Kirklees Local Involvement Network (LINk) said:

“HealthWatch will work with and listen to local people and capture their views and experiences of using health and social care services.

“Although HealthWatch is a new idea, it will take over the work of Kirklees LINk, but it will also get more people involved with planning and checking health and social care services, and it will provide information to patients, service users and carers to help them choose services.”

Landlord struggling to-let to tenants By Mohamed Ansar

MORE than half of private landlords can no longer

according to research conducted by the National Landlords Association.

The survey showed 53% of landlords believe the local housing allowance (LHA) cuts

The LHA cuts have seen

payments reduced and the age at which a tenant on

more than a single room in a shared house raised from 25 to 35, forcing many more people into shared accommo-dation.

David Salusbury, Chairman, National Landlords Associa-tion, commented: “In view of the pressures on housing, the private-rented sector will inevitably play an increasingly important role in

providing housing to LHA tenants, particularly those aged under 35, who aren’t able to access other housing.

“It is vital that local authorities work with landlords to provide the support services needed to help this demo-graphic, as many are forced to move into shared accommo-dation.”

Nearly half of landlords (46.9%) believe tenants aged under 35 will be hit hardest by the changes and almost 69% of landlords say they can’t see themselves letting to LHA tenants in 2015.

Salusbury added:“It’s concerning that so many landlords appear to be planning to withdraw from the LHA market within just three years, as they can no

properties to tenants at the

Previously, the change in local authorities paying the tenant

instead of directly paying the landlord has also left many landlords out of pocket.

departments have paid the landlord directly once the problem has been brought to them, it still meant many were victims of renting out property and never receiving the payment.

likely to rent long term accommodation, these changes could lead to more empty properties. May 2012 9

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‘TELL MAMA’ project in action By Sana Abubacar

NUMEROUS attacks against Muslims have been recorded by TELL MAMA to better help British Muslims across England.

The TELL MAMA campaign was launched in February this year by Faith Matters and has supported a number of individuals who have

The attacks reported vary from verbal abuse, threats, anti Muslim literature and attacks against mosques, which have been consist-ent and violent.

Fiyaz Mughal, founder and director of Faith Matters said “We have received reports ranged from young people aged 12 who have been verbally abused, through to mosque executive committee members who made contact with us on a series of sustained attacks against their mosque,attacks that have caused damage and distress to the mosque and congregants”

According to TELL MAMA, the initial

anti-Muslim incidents are low-level. However the percentages of the incidents involving attacks against mosques are surprising.

Although they are hard to prosecute since many mosques do not employ CCTV for security and protection,

and the existing ones are usually focused on crime hotspots in areas where there is high footfall.

TELL MAMA has also found that

anti-Muslim incidents are Muslim women who visibly wear hijab and that attacks are clustered between 7-9am in the morning and 3pm - 9pm in the evening.

Tell MAMA believes thatthis may well relate to when people are going

children at school and when people are generallyactive on the streets.

A BBC report revealed that, last year 2,000 hate crimes were recorded against

England, Wales and Northern Ireland, where Police said it was unclearhow many were against Muslims as separate

“Since we started this work we did not realisethat our work would draw in such interest from Far Right groups in the US, as well as in the UK. We should not be

complacent against the threat of any group which wants to promote division, discrimination and hostility against communities.

We all deserve to live without fear and with dignity and that is what our project ultimately tries to support,” said Fiyaz Mughal.

Easy target: Women wearing hijab are the ones frequently attacked

Sheikhen and stungA MAN from West Yorkshire has been jailed over his involvement in a fake sheikh scam.

Jonathan Flynn a 38-year-old mortgage broker from Pudsey was jailed for four and a half years. He was also banned for seven years from being the director of a company.

The conmen used two fake sheikhs to pose as wealthy Arabs. But we’re caught in a sting operation by

undercover police in a West End hotel.

Flynn was said to have played an important part in the scam by the judge.

Detective Constable Lizzie Roberts, for City of London Police, said: "The gang used forged documents, a fake property valuation and dressed as sheikhs to try and disguise their true intentions, which was to commit a major fraud

THE quietest place in the world is said to be unbearable with the longest anyone has been able to spend in the

minutes. It is also said to bring on hallucinations.

The 99.99% silence has given the Anechoic Chamber at

South Minneapolis a place in the Guiness book of records as the quietest room in the world. Its said to be so silent that one can hear their own heart beat and even hear their lungs.

The experience is said to be so disconcerting that sitting down is a must.

But the room does have practical

uses. Companies use it to check the sound products make ranging from heart valves to displays on mobile phones and even switches for a car.Though it does also prove the age old fact, as much as we would at times love silence, to live with it would send us crazy.

Chamber of silence

Daunting silence: The Anechoic Chamber


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Tackling obesity in a green wayBy Sana Abubacar

Kirklees Council has made plans to build more green gyms as a better way to

reduce the growing problem of obesity.

Green gyms across Kirklees are free of charge and can be used at any time. There are green gyms at Leeds Road Sport Complex in

Recreation Ground, Crow Nest Park, Saviletown and Earlsheaton in Dewsbury, Wilton Park in Batley and Norman Park in Birkby, and there is one coming soon at

Naomi Goddard, parks

Kirklees said, “Currently we have approximately eight outdoor gyms in the borough. The approximate cost of each one including a d d i t i o n a l paths/landscaping etc, as necessary is approximately £35,000. Over the next year we plan to put in six more at a cost of approximately £22,000 each.”

She also added, “We are at this time moving towards putting in less expensive equipment without moving parts (i.e. metal based trim trail equipment), as although the original gyms have proved popular they are prone to vandalism in some areas, particularly if they have moving parts.”

Each of these green gyms

equipment and they are not

these include rowing, cycling, and weight resistance machines. All of them include clear instruc-tions for each operator so people know the appropri-ate way of using them.

“I really like to come here, as I have a child and while I exercise I don’t need to worry about him, because there is also a space where he can play too. Also green gyms are easy to use and we can always have a lovely walk after exercising,” said Haleemah Saiyad, a green gyms user. A new NHS report reveals that, the number of weight-loss stomach operations has risen 12 per cent in one year as fatter people try to reverse the rising tide of obesity. There were about 8 000 operations in England’s hospitals in 2011, up from about 7 000 the previous year.

Green gyms are part of the Council’s commitment to increase local opportunities and physical activity partici-pation. They are part of a pathway to improve people’s health and well

step to activity or an additional session.

Sessions that particularly develop someone’s activity levels in this area are Jog Kirklees, Parkrun, Athletic and running clubs.

This idea seems to inspire other areas, as conservation charity BTCV and mental health charity Leeds Mind have teamed up to launch a new ‘green gym’ project at the Leeds Mind Inkwell site in Chapel Allerton, to help

their emotional wellbeing through gardening.

So if you need to loose weight or just keep yourself

pay for it or simply dislike

time to join green gyms!

Going green: The green gym at Crow Nest Park ,Dewsbury

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Arts & Culture

East, West and Underground

Arts & Culture

Outlandish In Bradford

Nicki Releases Second AlbumNICKI Minaj scores her second No. 1 album on the Billboard 200 as ‘Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded’ debuts atopthe list with 253,000 copies sold in the

slightly better-than-

as industry sources had suggested last week that the album was on course for a launch somewhere in the range of 215,000to 235,000. Despite its title, ‘Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded’ is not a rerelease of the original Pink Friday

has already sailed to No. 5 on the Billboard Hot 100.

By Mohsin Mulla

The Pebble Watch has raised more than $6 million dollars (and still rising) in Kickstarter funding in less than a week, breaking Kickstarter’s most funded project record. For those wondering, Kickstarter is a popular place to pitch ideas to gain some aware-ness, and raise money from people in order to make that idea into a reality. Originally, they pitched their idea to some venture capitalists who denied funding because they didn’t want to deal with the trouble that often comes with producing manufactured goods, as well as betting on a hardware startup to be successful, so decided to use Kickstarter to see how much money they could raise. The company raised a staggering $1 million dollars in 28 hours, and at the time of writing is at $6 million dollars.

You may be asking yourself, what is so special about this smart watch? The Pebble watch sports an e-paper display (144*168 black and white) similar to the display that is found on the Amazon Kindle,

connects to an iPhone or Android smartphone via Bluetooth, a 3 axis accelerometer with gesture detection, 7+ days battery life and an ARM micro-processor.

Once connected via Bluetooth, the Pebble vibrates

emails, alarms, calendar alerts, weather alerts,

It also allows for control of current songs you are listening to, etc. Because the Pebble is a smart watch, it allows for the development of apps, so developers can create apps to sell or users can download apps directly from the Pebble watch appstore using their iPhone or Android smart-phone. So you can get apps that give you statistics on your cycle runs, or track your current golf session, and many more.

The watch is set to launch in September of this year, with prices starting from $130 (including the $15 shipping fee) which is equal to approximately £80. Colours available will be arctic white, jet black and cherry red.

Pebble Watch breaks records

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No its Bill GatesA COMIC book depicting the major events in the life of Microsoft co-founder Bill gates has taken to the shelfs in America.

Blue water comics, who also made a similar comic about the life of Apple’s Steve Jobs, have put together ‘Bill Gates- co-founder of Microsoft’ which will illustrate events such as the founding moment of software giant Microsoft as well as Gates marriage to Malinda.

Illustrated in a traditional comic book layout, the novel will act as a biography to the important aspects of Gates life, though

Titanic Bandleader Plays On at Leeds Art Gallery

By Bill Smith Jr

33-year-old Wallace Hartley, a Dewsbury resident who was born in Colne in Lancashire, was the leader of an eight-piece band who famously played hymns

their own hopes of survival. According to reports, Hartley led the band in playing the hymn, ‘Nearer My God To Thee’.

Coinciding with the 100th anniversary of the Titanic disaster, a painting created to honour one of its

'The Outward Bound' by Frederick Caley Robinson, 1912, now on show at Leeds Art Gallery

THE multi award winning hip hop group Outlandish who are based in Denmark were recently on tour in the UK with Islamic Relief. The Danish band took Bradford city by storm earlier this month giving their fans a worldwide exclusive of their new single ‘Warrior//Worrier’ set to be released later on this month. The single was taken from their forthcoming 6th album. Mixing it up by performing some old classics like ‘Aicha’ & ‘Walou’ and some more recent songs such as ‘I Only Ask of God’ the boys took the stage and left more than a mark on the city.

East, West and UndergroundBy Rabab Hussain

Nicki Releases Second Album

‘Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded’ is not a rerelease of the original Pink Friday

has already sailed to No. 5 on the Billboard Hot 100.

Tru Skool & Pavitar Singh hit the charts with a number 1

IMMORTAL Productions proudly presents 'Beant Satwant Da Badla', the

the forthcoming album, 'Jago' releasing this year. Set to release on 5th April, the single 'Beant Satwant Da Badla' once again features the vocals of Pavitar Singh Pasla & music produced by Tru-Skool; the same duo who collaborated on the very powerful

Chaurasi 84 album. 'Beant Satwant Da Badla' will be available to purchase from iTunes & Amazon. While the full album 'Jago', featuring Tru-Skool, Tigerstyle, Moneypinner, Jelly Manjitpuri, Jagowale and many more artists will also be available on iTunes & Amazon.

Titanic Bandleader Plays On at Leeds Art Gallery

their own hopes of survival. According to reports, Hartley led the band in playing the hymn, ‘Nearer

Coinciding with the 100th anniversary of the Titanic

heroes, violinist Wallace Henry Hartley, went on display once again at Leeds Art Gallery.

The ‘unsinkable ship’ sank to the bottom of the

Newfoundland, in the early hours of Monday 15April 1912. Over 1,500 lives were lost after the condemned liner hit an iceberg on its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York.

The tale of Hartley and his band captured the public mood after the tragedy, and they were considered heroes for remaining at their posts to the end. An estimated 40,000 people lined the streets of Colne for Hartley’s funeral.

After the sinking The Leeds Professional Musicians, of which Hartley was a member, commissioned noted British symbolist artist Frederick Caley Robinson (1862-1927) to produce an oil painting honouring him.

The canvas image produced, ‘The Outward Bound’,

aboard a small boat watching the largest and luxurious ship at the time, the Titanic, in the distance leaving the harbour shrouded in a ghostly mist.

Leeds in December 1912, becoming a part of Leeds City Council’s museums and galleries ever since.

It was on display in 2005, just before Leeds Art Gallery had a major refurbishment and it is back on display to mark the 100th anniversary of the Titanic’s sinking.

Leeds Art Gallery’s curator of contemporary art

Nigel Walsh said, “Widely reported at the time, the Titanic disaster caught the public imagination and continues to do so. The story of Wallace Hartley and his bandmates is one of the iconic elements of the tragedy, and we are delighted to have ‘The Outward Bound’ in the collection in Leeds and now back on public display again at the gallery.”

You can view ‘The Outward Bound’ by Frederick

Headrow in Leeds City Centre. Admission is free to the gallery.

Played to the last:Bandleader Wallace Hartley

By Bill Smith Jr

THE Wrap Up Leeds team had to take extra care as they installed free cavitywall insulation in a property in Beeston earlier this year, because they were being photographed by non-other than world renowned photographer Peter DiCampo.

The award winning documentary photographer joined up with the Wrap Up Leeds team to take a few shots for the next part of his ‘Life Without Lights’ project that looks at the issue of fuel poverty and energy security in the UK.

Whilst Peter was in Ghana he lived for two years without electricity himself and after seeing the impact of the lack of energy on his neighbours, as well as himself, he started to take images, which have contributed to the on-going debate of where our energy will come from in the future. This was where his Life Without Lights project really came to life. He has also been looking

‘energy poverty’.

He heard about Wrap Up Leeds when he was in London earlier this year and he asked to take some images of an installation.

insulation installation, helping an estimated 1,000 people out of fuel poverty in Leeds.

Peter DiCampo said, “I began photographing in the night, to create images that revealed the economic implications of life without light, while also showing the haunting, vibrant

beauty of rural African nightlife. Since then, I have explored similar themes in Kurdistan and

cost of energy for the every-day person.

“I'm grateful to Wrap Up Leeds for assisting me in viewing the process of supplying cavity wall insulation to a home in Leeds. It's wonderful to see solutions like these in action, as a service to people who are in need of it. While the issue of fuel poverty in the UK is increasingly severe, it seems that help is available for many people if

For more on Peter’s Life Without Lights exhibition visit

It’s A Wrap: The Wrap Up Leeds Team installing insulation

Peter DiCampo Helps Wrap Up

More About Peter DiCampoORIGINALLY from Massachusetts, Peter DiCampo started his freelance photogra-phy career whilst working as a Peace Corps Volunteer in rural Ghana.

It was here his main project, Life Without Lights took root.

Since then it has been exhibited in London, New York and Vienna, earning DiCampo the top prize in the British Journal of Photography’s 2010 International Photog-raphy Awards. He also earned awards in the 2011 PDN Photo Annual, the 2011 Anthro-pographia Awards for human rights and he was named one of PDN’s Emerging Photog-raphers to Watch in 2012.

His photography and multimedia work has been published worldwide by National Geographic, TIME, Newsweek, Vanity Fair, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Le Monde, GEO, Wired, Good Magazine, Businessweek,, and The Boston Globe, as well as many more.

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Smiles for AfricaBy Mohamed Ansar

A YORKSHIRE dental corpo-rate has announced it will be donating considerable support to children in Africa in association with UK based movement ‘Lionsraw’ which harnesses the passion of football fans, taking them to World Cup events and European championships whilst doing charitable work during their stay. Genix Healthcare, which is based in Leeds and has ten dental clinics in Yorkshire,

Durban in a bid to assess the dental hygiene situation at two schools and an orphan-age. It will subsequently provide the necessary tools to allow them to begin a long term dental care programme.

Lionsraw took over 150 fans to the World Cup in South Africa and at the same time built an orphanage, sports

changing rooms, a pre school, toilet blocks with over 50 toilets and ran football schooling for thousands of African children. Since then it has continued the legacy to maintain these facilities and provide critical help for the long term.

Sian Nelson-Jones, Clinical Director at Genix Healthcare said, “Genix Healthcare is very committed to support the

It is extremely humbling to learn what these children have to endure, just to have basic schooling and even running water. Genix has a long standing commitment to support education through football so when we were approached by Lionsraw it was a very appropriate exten-sion to our existing corporate social responsibility agenda.

We look forward to learning about Roberto’s (one of the dentists) trip and how we can

formulate a successful support plan for the long term.”

Jon Burns, Founder of Lionsraw, said, “This support from Genix Healthcare is truly fantastic and an essential building block in our mission to support a healthy and sustainable community.

These children have no

understanding about oral hygiene whatsoever and have never even seen a tooth-brush. This incredible gener-osity will start to address vital problems with gum disease in many children who are still growing teeth. Life threaten-ing disease in these areas is very common and so the provision of simple items such as individual holders will help to minimise infection.”

Bringing back the smile: Genix and Lionsraw hope to provide dental care to deprived areas in Africa.

FAST food giant Kentucky Fried Chicken were found guilty of leaving an Austral-ian girl paralysed after food poisoning was found to be the cause of severe brain damage.Monika Samaan from Sydney was seven

-nella encephalopathy – a brain injury linked to food poisoning that also left her with a blood infection and septic shock.The incident in 2005 left other members of her family also ill and claimed

Samaan’s injuries were caused by the KFC Chicken Twister Wrap, leaving her paralysed with severe cognitive, motor and speech impairment and spastic quadriplegia.Justice Stephen Rothman said the chicken became contaminated “because of the failure of one or more employees of KFC” to follow proper preparation rules, which he described as “negligent”.Compensation will be decided by the Supreme Court at a later date.

KFC paralyse girls of 7 AUSTRALIAN airline Quantas have undertaken

and conventional fuel and reduced the carbon emissions by about 60%.

due to the fuel having to be shipped from

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By Mohamed Ansar

BRITON’S consider a debt of £14,416 as a milestone to be worried, a drop from £15,837 last year, according to a survey conducted by Bright Grey.

The lowered bench mark is attributed to a rise in fears primarily in job security with 40% stating their greatest


Bright Grey’s report titled ‘Financial safety net’ went on to say people were reluctant to take out protection policies as they were far too expensive, and the rise of the cost of living

Roger Edwards, proposition director at Bright Grey said:

“Over the past 12 months, Britons are sitting up and taking greater notice of the wider economic environment. People are more wary about

getting themselves into serious levels of personal debt, yet over £14,000 is still clearly a cause for concern. As a result, Britons need to keep control of

-gency plans in place to be able to continue to pay for their essential monthly outgoings.

“With the cost of the weekly shop increasing dramatically alongside costs at the petrol pumps, energy bills and seemingly everything else, it’s no wonder there’s a perception that protection insurance is too expensive.”

After job security, factors that

2012 included serious illness,

increase in interest rates.

Debt line drawnThe newborn donkey which became an overnight sensation in Leeds earlier this year will be one of the star attrac-tions as Leeds City Council’s parks and countryside service holds it annual open day at Red Hall this weekend.

The Red Hall nursery near Shadwell will be open free to visitors of all ages to showcase every aspect of the work carried out by the team looking after all parks and green spaces in the city.

One of the highlights of the day is sure to be a special appearance by ‘Snowdrop’, the distinctive female white foal who attracted thousands of visitors to Temple Newsam’s Home Farm after becoming the

the popular visitor attrac-tion in February.

Snowdrop, who was named after a competition open to visitors to the farm, will be joined by her mother Maria at the open day, which will also feature guided tours of the nursery site as well as demonstrations of seed sowing and maintaining hanging baskets.

Snowdrop set to be the star

By Manuel De Sousa

Node4 the UK Company will generate more jobs and increasing customer services for British call centres bottom line. Node4 have an investment in the smarter technology through the UK companies call centres, it will support more

which will facilitate a high productivity and reducing excessive costs. Andrew Gilbert, Managing

Director of Node4, said: “We witnessed a period of seeing far too many companies outsource their contact centres overseas in a bid to save costs.” The comments follow a speech from the Employment Minister Chris Grayling to the Policy Exchange. He argued

their overseas call centres to boost the number of jobs available in the UK at a time when vacancies are scarce“Making an investment in the

right technology and imple-menting it in the UK centres, companies can add value. At the time when there is for improved costumers service and a need for a jobs in the UK, this presents a fantastic oppor-tunity to take action.” “They expect their experience to be smoother and to have their queries handled by the right person without being passed from pillar to post.”“Over the last few years customers’ demands have changed drastically and so

must the way they contact customer service depart-ments. Many customers have when speaking with customer

their expectations,” said, Andrew Gilbert.Node4 is a specialist company in data centre and communi-cation as a based in Leeds which helps businesses to

deal with customers more

UK Firms Should Repatriate Their Overseas Call Centres

Phillips have launched a new light bulb in the US that is said to last 20years.

with LED’s for a long life but at a heavy cost to the pocket.

cost in the region of $60 but the elctronics giant have agreed a discount with department stores and could be available for $20 (£12) to some customers.

The bulb triumphed in the Bright Tomorrow competi-tion run by the US Depart-ment of Energy that aimed to

alternative to the 60-watt incandescent light bulb.

develop a design that gave out a warm light similar to that from an incandescent bulb but was much more

Philips was the only entrant for the competition and its design underwent 18 months of testing before being declared a winner.

version of the LED bulb is already sold byPhilips in the US and Europe.

Lighting the way ahead

Visit out website at

Arts & CultureHousefull 2 Akshay’s Biggest Opener

HOUSEFULL 2: The Dirty Dozen has become Bollywood superstar

-ated just under £500,000 at the

release on April 5. Kumar’s performance has been

audiences alike.

expressed his excitement at the time of the movies release. He tweeted: “All screens are going Housefull. I attribute a major part of its success to Akshay. He has been a superstar for the last eight years or so and will be one for many more years to go." Housefull 2 – The Dirty Dozen

comedy. The sequel to Housefull -

thing to entertain all ages. With its blend of quirky comedy, hilarious mix-ups and some seriously hardcore action sequences.

Housefull 2 sees Akshay Kumar alongside a medley of stars

including his leading lady in the

the sultry Jacqueline Fernandez, comedy king-pin Riteish Deshmukh, and John

Abraha. Bollywood item queen Malaika Arora Khan brings the house down with a smoldering song performance – ‘Anarkali Disco

features a bevy of uber famous names of yesteryear, including legendary brothers Rishi and Randhir Kapoor, Boman Irani, Johnny Lever and the dancing genius of ace groover Mithun Chakraborty. 2012 will be the year of the Kumar, as celluloid superstar

ratings once again with a string of

and other starrers such as Rowdy Rathore, Joker, Khiladi 786, Special Chabbis and Once Upon A Time in Mumbaai.

RDB ready to rock Pakistan By Madiha Tabbasam

INTERNATIONAL Bhangra group RDB is ready to go rock Pakistan. The original pioneers of the genre are back, as they plan their next series of headline gigs in the new music hotspot of the world, Pakistan.

Surj, from RDB said: "We are so excited and thrilled to include Pakistan in our next series of perform-ances. We love the country and the fans there are so pumped up whenever they hear our songs - it's great." The three brothers, Surj, Manj and Kully, originally from Bradford emerged on the scene over a decade ago and led a trail of Urban-fusion Bhangra music.

Singh is King, Speedy Singhs and chart-buster Aloo Chaat are few of many hit movies RDB have created lyrics, music and production for. They have also worked with Grammy Award winner Ludacris, for "Shera Di Kaum". As well as collaborating with music heavyweights Snoop Dogg, Elephant Man and Public Enemy.

Despite many pretenders to their crown of Bhangra kings, RDB remain the Asian music world's true

originators of the genre, both in the UK and interna-tionally, with a worldwide fan base.

Their eagerly awaited new album ‘Worldwide’ providing a pure feel-good collection of dance and Bhangra hits, about to drop and a series of sold-out gigs in Pakistan to follow, RDB are set to seal their position at the very top of the music summit.

Nothin’ like the real thing: Despite pretenders RDB remain the Asian music world's true originators of

the genre,

Bollywood diva Kareena Kapoor’s star is set to soar in 2012 with the actress taking on the role of Queen Arund hati and Jejamma in a Hindi remake of Telugu hit Arund hati. At the time of its release in 2009, Arundhati’s complex themes of rape and the role of women captivated audiences and went on to become a major blockbuster.

born in her family since her great grandmother. One day

learns of her grandmother’s Jejamma dark past.

Saif Ali Khan’s daughter Sara has been approached by

her Bollywood debut. Such

Sara appeared with her mother Amrita Singh on the pages of Indian Hello Maga-zine.However, having worked in Bollywood since she was a teenager, Singh is not so keen on the idea of her daughter

the industry and is encourag-ing Sara to concentrate her attentions on studying medicine.

Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika

scenes as a loved up couple in Ayaan Mukherjee’s ‘Yeh Jaawani Hai Deewani’. However, news on the grapevine suggests that Mukherjee’s scrapped intimate scenes of the couple kissing to avoid any tensions, even though both Kapoor and Padukone did not object. According to sources, Mukherjee was concerned with how comfortable the pair would be to enact such scenes considering their acrimonious split. Padukone and Kapoor split up in 2009 after meeting in 2008. At the time of the split, Padukone implied that the couple separated due to Kapoor’s playboy ways.T




y M




for DevSTAR of award winning ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ Dev Patel has landed another role on Indian soil.

Following the success of Slumdog and 'The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel' the 22 year-old

based in India as the lead role

of double honour killings in India and tells the story of two

backgrounds, religion and cast. The pair, fearful of their parents, run away only to be chasedby their families.

An Emmy-winning journalist, played by Toni Colette, follows them for a story but ends up risking her life to save the young lovers.

Set to be a gripping tale of taboo issues all the more so as it tells a true story, Dev’s role as one of the lovers could bring back the intense drama the world has come to love from him.

Bill Bennett will direct the movie and co-produce it with Australian based Anupam Sharma and shooting is sched-uled to begin in late October.


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Hard Kaur On Circus Animals

Kaur launched a campaign with animal rights group PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) to highlight the cruelty conducted on circus performing animals.

"Animals are not born to ride bicycles or do other stupid things for human entertainment; it distresses them", said Kaur in an exclusive PETA interview.

The singer and actress in the eye catching ad hopes to engage the opinion of the Indian public by highlighting that circuses force animals to perform unnatural and often painful tricks through fear of punishment. Animals in circuses are subjected

abuse and psychological torment. Whips and other tools – including ankuses, which are heavy, sharp steel-tipped rods – are often used

them into submission. Animals perform confusing, unnatural tricks – such as riding bicycles,

standing on their heads or

because they want to, but out of fear of violent punishment.

Kaur in 2008 won the Best Female Act award at the UK Asian Music Awards and recentlycollaborated with US rapper Eminem's group, D12, for her album. Kaur also

House, directed by Nikhil Advani.

The Indian government has already banned the use of bears, monkeys, tigers, panthers and lions in performances. PETA India now calls on the government to follow the lead of Bolivia and Greece by banning the use of all animals in circuses.

She added:"Animals are meant to be loved and respected just like we are.

"I think circus animal trainers

were the ones being whipped, caged and chained every day."

RDB ready to rock Pakistan

Pakistani actress Veena Malik is willing to pose nude for UK Playboy for $1 million,

has been made to the item girl.This is a turn of the tables considering that in the past Malik has supposedly been a victim of Lad’s mags’s love of barely clad women. Malik made headlines when she denied appearing nude on the cover of Indian FHM. Malik claims she was just topless for the shoot and the images were airbrushed to make her appear fully nude. On posing for Playboy she said: “It’s a

that. That is my job. I am a model and I would consider every single opportunity that comes my way.”

Sindhi singer Master Manzoor committed suicide on Saturday, according to family members. The 42-year-old ‘Lago ta hik

in the head at his home in Qasimabad Phase II. The star was reported to have been upset a few days before his death- reasons why have not been revealed. His family refused a post mortem and buried him the following day at Wadi-e-Hussain Graveyard in Karachi.

and shot to fame during his childhood. In total he produced several albums includ-ing Dilber Ayo and Sehra.

Death defying stunts have made Akshay Kumar one of Bollywoods greatest actors and loved by men and women across the world.

However taking risks has also

taking out a whopping Rs 50 Crore (over £700,000) insurance policy out on the star.

'Rowdy Rathore', Akshay’s latest

could be fatal if gone wrong and with Akshay insisting on continuing to do his own stunts the producers felt they had little choice but to insure thestar.

star to be insured. In the past Yash Raj Films have insured their stars and this trend is said to be on the rise

with heavy costs on the horizon

goes wrong.

Bollywood seems to have made a similar leap as their Hollywood counterparts, its all

buildings without a care.

Daredevil Akshay Insured



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Moroccanoil Luminous Hairspray

Add a new hair style to your collection.This spring pony tails are back in but with a twist! Looped up, bump- ed pony’s look unfussy and yet eleg- ant but to keep them in place you need a hairspray up for the job.

Moroccanoil Luminous Hairspray is soft

controlling to the hair. Made with argan oil combined with sophisticated ingredients, brings us a

hold without stickiness or build and is resistant to humidity leaving just a gorgeous shine.

Smokey eyes are always in and with Nars Dark Rite Soft Touch it becomes soo much better. With a smooth, long wear-ing, creamy formula and jumbo sized pencil its ideal for lining, highlighting or

covering the eye lid. The easy blend pencils can be layered for a more intense colour and leaves the lids with a smooth

By Tammy Chopra@AwaazMultimedia

With the days getting longer, the sun making an appearance and colour spring-ing all around, this season is all about vibrant vivid colour and the beauty world is out in force.

We all know the British weather is unpre-dictable and so we need beauty products that are resilient to it and these are the

perfect products to do the job.Strong powerful colours used in an elegant format and mixture to enhance anatural but striking look is the key this season, with that natural unfussy but smooth appearance. Its all about the glam without going over the top. But don’t worry, these products are anything but boring.

So apply and enjoy!

Smashbox Creamin Cheek Trio Turn the other cheek with the Smashbox Cream in Cheek trio. Wear one colour or blend them together, these unforgettable colours will give you an insult glow others will envy.

Essie red and orangeEndulge your nails with Essie’s vibrant red and orange nail polish. Colour is this seasons love and the mix of red and vivid orange hues are all embracing. This hard wearing nail

that ever important glossy nail statement.

CoverGirl LipPerfection in Tempt, Hot, or Flame May 2012 19

Kaya’s Kitchen

Send us your recipes!

Chai Corner

Mojo’s Spaghetti Bolognese



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RAZAN ALTOURK is enjoying the lighter side of life after losing 1.5st since joining Slimming World in February.

The 28-year-old, mother of 2 from Dewsbury decided to join her local Slimming World group in Thornhill Lees after gaining weight through pregnancy.

Razan says: "I feel like a new woman since losing weight – in fact, people I haven’t seen for a while say they don’t recognise me – I look so di�erent and much younger! I feel happier and healthier, I’ve got more energy and I’m more con�dent in general. Razan says "The club’s Food Optimising healthy eating plan was a surprise too: "People think slimming means going hungry, eating nothing but salad and weighing and measuring every

thing, but it’s not like that at all. It never once felt like I was on ‘a diet’. I can still enjoy all my favourite Asian meals but now I cook them very di�erently. It �ts in really well with the rest of my family too – whatever we’re doing. It’s a lifestyle change for us all." Slimming World's healthy

eating plan consists of unlimited fruit, veg, pasta, rice, pulses, meat and �sh so there is never any reason to be hungry. Razan still wants to lose more weight and every week gets support from her consultant Sarah and the group at Thornhill Lees Community Centre, which runs every Tuesday at 7pm. Sarah say "Razan is a wonderful member who has really embraced Food Optimising and regularly loses 3lbs a week, she always has a di�erent recipe to try every week."

Razan adds "I want to tell as many people in my community how fantastic Slimming World is and how easy it is to lose weight with them, I would encourage them to come along to any of the local Slimming World groups to �nd out more, it could just change your life, it has mine."

Razan Altourk from Dewsbury

Razan’s a winner at the losing game!

(Serves 6)

1 tblspn vegetable oil1 tspn cumin seeds1 medium-large onion, diced3 scotch bonnet peppers, �nely cut1 tblspn pureed ginger3 cloves of garlic, �nely crushed1½ tspn cumin powder1½ tspn coriander powder198g (small tin) sweetcorn1 large green pepper, diced1 jar of Bolognese sauce200mls of pasata 750g mince meat

1. In a hot pan add oil and cumin seeds. When seeds become a darker shade add onions and sauté for a few minutes to soften them. 2. Add scotch bonnet peppers, ginger, garlic, cumin powder and coriander powder and cook for a further 5 minutes, stirring regularly to prevent onions from browning.3. Add sweetcorn and green pepper and cook for a couple of minutes to soften the peppers.4. Add Bolognese sauce and pasata, mixing into ingredients thoroughly.5. Add mince meat and cook on a medium heat for approximately 20 minutes, or until mince is cooked.6. Meanwhile, boil some water in a large pan and cook spaghetti as directed on packet.7. Mix the mince sauce with the spaghetti.8. Serve with garlic bread and coleslaw.

This spaghetti Bolognese recipe was �rst cooked by a friend of mine. This recipe is a slight adaptation with my own twist on it but none-the-less it tastes just as good.

Be warned scotch bonnet peppers are extremely hot. If spice is not your thing do adjust to suit your taste.

Tried and Tasted...

Ingredients :

Method :

Historically, White Tea has been enjoyed in China for centuries for its naturally clean taste. It's also perfect to be enjoyed as a lighter tasting alternative to green tea and as a source of antio-xidants - which may help protect the body from damage caused by free radicals.

This tea is made from only the unopened bud and young leaves of Camellia sinesis from the Fujian province of China. The smell of the tea upon opening the packet there is a very subtle fruity smell which becomes stronger and much more pleasant when water is added. The tea should only be brewed for a minute; any longer makes the tea bitter.

Once brewed the tea has a very soft golden hue, almost clear. The tea doesn’t taste as fruity as it smells, though it the pomegranate lingers long after you’ve swallowed the tea. Although there is a slight bitter taste it’s not unpleasant and quite refreshing. This tea is not for all but those that enjoy the bitterness of green tea with a hint of fruit should de�nitely try.

White tea with a hint of pomegranate

Quick Kid KebobsIngredients1/2 pound lean round or stew beef, cut into 1-inch cubesSalt to tasteCherry tomatoes (20 or so)1/4 cup soy sauce1/4 cup honey

Instructions1.Combine the beef cubes, cherry tomatoes, soy sauce, and honey in a medium bowl and toss to coat.2.Skewer the beef cubes and tomatoes, alternating or separating them onto di�erent skewers (whatever makes your kids happy). If you're using wooden skewers, soak them in water for 20 minutes or so beforehand.

3.Place the kebobs on a small baking sheet and keep them covered with plastic wrap in the refrigerator until you're ready to cook them. The kebobs can be broiled for 10 to 14 minutes (turn once) or grilled. Serves two adults and two kids, with leftovers.

20 May 2012

Fun Facts!

pictures. Can you spot them all?


Sand CastleOcean

Beach ballSeaweed



Deck chairBlue sky


W O R D S E A R C H !

Go from LEAD to SAND by changing



The Funny‛s

On September 13, 1922, the temperature in the shade in the Libyan Desert reached 136 degrees Fahrenheit. This is hot enough to fry an egg on a rock!

Sharks have been aroundfor more than 400 million years. The sharks that livedin the dino-age were up to 80 feet long. Today’s largest shark, the Great White, grows to lengths of only 25 feet.

Zebras cannot see the colour orange!So if you’re being chased by a zebra... ... turn orange!

Kids Page CompetitionComplete the wordsearch and send it into us to win a prize!

name, age and address to:Awaaz Kids Competition, 144 Bradford Road, Dewsbury, WF13 2HA May 2012 21

GamingBy Simmi SeghalEntertainment Correspondent

Review: Devil May Cry HD

WHEN Devil May Cry blasted onto the PS2 back in 2001, it was received with critical acclaim, with reviewers praising the fast-paced action, the smooth frame-rate, the gothic level design and the variety of enemies. Even now, the series is best known for being the Pioneer of the Hack n' Slash genre that is still so popular.

With the release of this HD collec-tion, those who never had a PS2

the series with updated graphics.

Or so they say.

I'm not disputing the fact that High

games look, but Devil May Cry as a

from having updated graphics, due

Gothic greys and browns.

Concrete can only look so nice, and given that the setting was already quite bare and spartan to begin with, there isn't much that needed improving upon anyway. The

might as well be playing the game on the original PS2.

Thankfully though, the series' main

The collection runs at a very smooth rate, so there is no lag between executing one combo, only to seamlessly merge into another combo at the last second.

The speed, if anything, seems even faster and more lucid than in the original, which can only be a good thing.

Devil May Cry and Devil May Cry 3 stand up to the test of time, even when comparing them to modern games in the same genre, such as Bayonetta or even God of War 3.

sense of accomplishment. Sadly, the same can't be said for Devil May Cry 2, the black sheep of the series, which was made infamous for its lack of personality, charm and barren levels.

With an HD Collection, you expect

to be given some extras.

Unfortunately, Capcom have failed

bonuses, an art gallery which even features Capcom picked fan-art and a music gallery so you can rock out to the best of this collection's jams. While there are trophies added, there really isn't much else. The main selling point of this Collection is convenience.

The Bottom Line: If you haven't had the joy of playing Devil May Cry and Devil May Cry 3,

picking up if you don't have a PS2 laying around somewhere because even now, these games are great and have aged well. Those who have a PS2 and have played the original versions should probably spend their money elsewhere. The extras just aren't worth it.


Review: Closure- Artsy to its core It's been a frustrating few days. Whether it's trying to bend light to

my death, Closure has been pushing my skills as a gamer to the limit. I can't be mad. I can't rubbish the game because I keep coming back for more.

And if that isn't the sign of a great puzzle game, then I don't know what is.

Artsy to its core, Closure is not entirely unlike Limbo and A Shadow's Tale, which I reviewed in 2011. Closure's puzzle-solving antics revolve around darkness and illumination and how you can manipulate these elements to move forward.

Its stylish black and white graphics are most reminiscent of the likes of Limbo, though Closure has been touring Internet Browsers a full year and a half before Limbo released onto Xbox Live Arcade, making such comparisons unfair.

As soon as you start Closure, you're greeted with a thoughtful tutorial

that did two things; it told me exactly what I needed to know, such as controls and basic puzzle mechanics, but without actually holding my hand.

The game has three worlds, each with 24 puzzles to solve as well, meaning that this is a long and satisfying experience that will leave you scratching your head for hours.

Working through each puzzle

essence of bending light into dark. Often, the character will carry a light orb with him that lights up the area immediately surrounding him. Sometimes, you'll have to set your orb of light down into a pedestal

spotlight to spotlight without falling into the voids of darkness.

As Eyebrow Interactive piles more and more on for the gamer to study and understand, puzzles get more complicated in turn, but never overwhelmingly so.

the darkness, and how does this

puzzle? In premise, whatever light doesn't touch during each puzzle turns into black nothingness, regardless of what's actually there in reality.

That means that, if lit in certain ways, barriers can become platforms and pillars standing in your way can turn into voids. It's not so much that actual reality is impor-tant in Closure so much as what your visual reality is at any given time.

The Bottom Line:

gaming experience, where the focus is not on points or time, but on thinking outside the box. It helps that it has an unforgettable style, controlling smoothly and hitting the right balance; untalented puzzlers won't feel frustrated while those

who are particularly gifted can still feel challenged.


Amazon Instant Video For PS3

Amazon revealed its Instant Video application for PlayStation 3, which can be downloaded right this very moment on the PlayStation Network. To do so, go to the TV/Video Services bar on the XMB, head to My Channels, and download the Amazon Instant Video software.

Amazon Instant Video comes with

full functionality, including the ability to rent and purchase movies and television shows directly to your PS3. Amazon Prime members will also get all of their freebies and perks carried over to PlayStation 3.

It's worth noting that Amazon Instant Video is a streaming

require full downloads of movies and television shows, essentially freeing up drive space.

Students of the prestigious Massa-chusetts Institute of Technology have applied their smarts to bring the classic strategy game Tetris to the side of a building.

Several MIT students "hacked" the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Science building on the college's campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts, to play a massive game of Tetris.

Described as "The Holy Grail of hacks" by the MIT Gallery of Hacks group, the game of Tetris was played using a console on the ground, which allowed the students to move, rotate, and drop multicolored pieces.

been played on the side of a building. Back in 2000, CNET reported that students of Brown University accomplished the feat

using a Linux computer and 10,000 light bulbs.

What would you do for a game of Tetris? May 2012 23


leading BMW dealers was

MINI in India.

MINI cars in style – MINI, MINI Convertible and MINI Countryman-

Linking Road, Mumbai’s fashion high street.

Car enthusiasts also had the oppor-tunity to experience the iconic

foot, two-storey facility in Mumbai is the home to Mini's entire line-up for India.

The showroom with its uber cool vibe will soon have an international cuisine all day dining restaurant, giving it a contemporary lifestyle

experience for its patrons. With this

hope to bring life's great passions for cars, food and music together in a unique environment unseen in Mumbai.

The dealership is run by the dynamic and versatile entrepre-neur Mrs. Pooja Choudary, Manag-

also wife of Mr. Lalit Choudary, MD, Performance Cars, the exclusive Aston Martin dealership in India. In speaking about the launch, Pooja Choudary commented:

“It brings me great pleasure to announce the arrival of MINI into

-ship in India.” She further adds “When we think Mumbai we think ‘Unstoppable’, ‘Iconic’, ‘Standout’. MINI is meant for Mumbai.”

Pieterson : Tendulkar greatest ever to have played cricketEngland’s batsman Kevin Pieterson addressed a group of students

-cent player. He is the greatest player ever to play the game”.

The comments were made at the Amity University campus where Pieterson came to give tips to young budding stars. His comments could well be spot on as Tendulkar has passed the milestone of hitting 100 international centuries, becoming

to do so.

The 38 year old also holds the record for most runs scored.

Pieterson is presently in India playing in the IPL 20Twenty for the Delhi Dare Devils.

Gujarati net’s catch of a lifetimeBhayya netted a catch to retire on as he hawled in an amazing 546 Ghol

‘Gold Fish’, and has earned him an amazing Rs 1 crore (just over £14,000.

found the pot of gold on his very

needed assistance from his cousin’s boats to bring in his catch in.

Ghol (Protonibea diacanthus), is a type of croaker and is one of the most expensive varieties of marine catch with a big market in Malaysia and Singapore due to its medicinal

properties. According to local sources Bhayya said “It was a sheer luck,” Female Ghol fetch around Rs 800 per kg and male as much as Rs 1,900 and weighs between 30 kg and 45 kg.

Osama’s family deported from PakistanThe three wives and nine children of Osama Bin Laden have been deported from Pakistan back to Saudi Arabia according to news sources in Pakistan.

The deportation takes place 11 months after the death of the Al Qaeeda leader on a raid in Abottabad by US forces.

A special chartered plane arrived to collect the 12 family members on Thursday 26 April and documents were exchanged between Pakistani and

Earlier in march the three women we imprisoned by the Pakistani courts for 45days for illegally staying in the coun-try.

The court ordered their deportation

after the prison sentence started on 3 March.

Imran Khan demands Pm’s resignationImran Khan has demanded for Prime Minister Yousaf Gilani to immediately resign his position after his conviction in the Supreme Court.

Addressing a news conference in Islamabad the chairman of the Pakistan Tehril-i-insaaf said that if the PM will not respect the judiciary how could it be expected from the nation.

Imran Khan said Gilani has no moral authority to keep his portfolio as he has lost his credibility. He said accompanying of allied parties with the prime minister was a sorrowful act, adding that they had not gone to court in the national interest but to avert themselves from account-ability.He further said that allies of the government know that if the

accountability process was begun, all the accussed would be nabbed in corruption cases. He termed the coalition parties in government as a union of corruption to accumulate money.

“The PPP is mocking the Supreme Court,” he added. The PTI chief said it was a historic day in the history of judiciary when a powerful person was brought before justice.