Awesome Tools Every Student Could Use

Post on 10-Mar-2016

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Students, especially those in high school or college level courses, have many things to keep track of. By using a beaded lanyard, a student can show off their own personal style – something they love to do – while also securing necessary items safely.



C o l l e g e

B e a d e d

L a n y a r d s

B a d g e

H o l d e r

L a n y a r d s

S t u d e n t

Awesome Tools Every

Student Could Use

E x a m s

B a d g e R e e l

Awesome Tools Every

Student Could Use

Students, especially those in high

school or college level courses, have

many things to keep track of. Therefore,

this group of individuals is one that can

always benefit from handy tools to help

with organization. Some tools create

convenience, while others actually aid the

student in a successful school career.

Here are a few tools no student should be


Lanyards and badge holders are

small items that may seem completely

irrelevant in the life of a student.

However, these are tools that

bring plenty of benefit to those using

them. Lanyards and badge holders are

great for giving a student an extra hand –

or two. Through the use of lanyards and

badge holders, students can secure small

items such as keys or student identifica-


By using a beaded lanyard, a

student can show off their own personal

style – something they love to do – while

also securing necessary items safely.

More than just a way to carry items, the

beaded lanyard allows a student the

ability to stand out from the crowd.

Students who wear uniforms to school are

especially fond of the beaded lanyard, as

they are limited in their options to dress

just how they would like. In this way, the

students get the benefit of style and

function through their useful tools of

lanyards and badge holders.

Technology is a large part of most

people’s lives these days. Students,

especially, tend to be well versed in social

media sites and useful technologies that

allow them to gather and store important

information. For the student who has

many notes and data to handle at one

time, technology can be extremely useful.

One great application getting a lot of

attention is Evernote. Evernote is a free

website that allows students to “remember


With Evernote, students can Type

a text note, clip a web page, snap a

picture, grab a screenshot or make a voice

note. Evernote will keep it all safe in one

easy location. Oh, and everything stored

on this easy to use application is also

searchable. Everything captured and

placed into the application is automati-

cally processed, indexed, and made

searchable. To assist with organization,

students can add tags or organize notes

into different notebooks.

Once information is stored into

the Evernote application, students can

search for notes using keywords, titles,

and/or tags. The application even makes

printed and handwritten text inside

images searchable, too; so if the content

needed is from a picture taken from the

student’s phone, it too is easily located.

Students may not be the only

people making use of this smart applica-

tion. Evernote keeps track of any and all

important data. Individuals who have a

large collection of business cards could

make great use of this application by

simply taking pictures of the cards that

have been taking up room in their desk

and loading them online. A great way to

store important contacts and save space at

the same time!

With life as busy at is if for most

people, making use of tools such as those

mentioned here is a great way to set your-

self up for ongoing success at school, at

work and at home.

An Introduction to Lanyards -

How to Choose the Right

One for

Employees and Students

In years past, employees for com-

panies both large and small were known

by their faces alone. Today, as security

measures in most places of business have

increased; most professionals are required

to wear an employee identification badge

in a prominent way.

Some people choose to wear their

ID badge on the clip provided to them by

their HR department. While this is a

functional method, it certainly lacks in

style and does nothing for professional

image. To combat the utilitarian style of

the ID badge, the development of decora-

tive lanyards and ID clips has become

quite popular. Some of the most widely

used items today are BooJee Beads deco-

rative pieces such as beaded lanyards or

decorative ribbons.

Displaying identification on

lanyards is more about convenience than

style; but since BooJee Beads stylish

clips and ribbons are so appealing, it

makes perfect sense to use such items to

enhance appearance at work. What’s best

about lanyards, however, is the fact that

they provide a way to display identifica-

tion in a way that does not damage

clothing. Gone is the necessity to pin on a

badge and make tiny holes in that nice

new suit. With a lanyard, identification

is secured around the neck. With a deco-

rative lanyard, it looks more like jewelry

than a functional tool. For those who

carry electronic keys to access secured

areas, the lanyard featuring a retractable

reel is ideal.

The lanyard is typically associ-

ated with professionals who are required

to wear a name badge or other form of

identification; but this handy tool is not

only for the workplace. Today, you can

see wide usage of the lanyard in schools,

hotels and even at the gym. Students and

teachers alike can wear lanyards around

their necks to hold small items such as

keys; when in years past, the only person

on campus wearing anything around their

neck was the physical education teacher.

Due to the popularity of the

lanyard, a whole new market for this item

has emerged. Seen now as a fashionable

accessory for any situation, the lanyard

comes in decorative ribbons featuring

colorful designs or wire ropes strung with

elegant beads.

Ribbon lanyards are fun and

sturdy. They are suitable for men, women

and children and work wonders at holding

everything from keys to ID to an iPod

(with proper attachment). Designs range

from colorful screen-printed ribbons

featuring flowers or tribal tattoo print to

leather. Beaded lanyards can be end to

end beads, or can feature beads situated in


Choosing a lanyard is easy. All

you have to do is determine who will be

wearing it. For instance, an elementary

student using a lanyard to secure their

house key may not use a neck lanyard;

but a wrist lanyard instead. This can be

secured to a backpack so it does not get

lost. The professional may go for a more

sophisticated way to display their identifi-

cation. Any way you add it up, a

decorative lanyard is a useful tool for

any individual.

For more information

about lanyard


beaded lanyards,

please check out