Ayurvedic Pharmacology of Shorea robusta & its Pharmacognocy

Post on 21-Nov-2014

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Classical categorization :- Bednasthapan, kasaya-skandh, aasavyoni briksh(c.) salsaradi, rodhradi.(su.)

Latin Name:- Shorea robusta. Family Name:- Dipterocarpaceae- zfn s'n

_ Sanskrit Name:- Shaal, saalsaar,

dhupbriksha, surubhi, sarj, sarj ras.etc. Nepali Name:- ;fn, ;v'jf English Name:- Sal tree.

Shorea robusta-zfn_

A large evergreen tree, 18-30 mt. tall with dark brown bark. Leaves simple, alternate, stalked, ovate-oblong, 6-22 cm long, 4-16 cm broad, entire, acuminate, glabrous. Flowers cream colored , in axillary or terminal cymes. Fruit 1.2 cm long, winged, brownish yellow. Seeds ovoid, fleshy.

Flowering in march & Fruiting in may-june.

Botanical description:-

Raj nighantukar has mentioned sarjyugma;1) Shaal-Shorea robusta.2) Sarj- Vateria indica.


150-1500mt , east to west.

Major chemical constituents:-Bark contains tannins, oleanolic acid,

benzofuranshoreaphenal.etc Saal resin contains essential oil ,

dipterocarpol, dammarenolic acid, asiatic acid, A-amyrin.etc

Distribution in Nepal:-

Guna: ruksha. Rasa: kasaya (bark), kasaya, madhur (resin).

Vipak: katu. Virya: sitt. Pravab: Bednasthapan.

Ayurvedic Pharmacology of Saal(Guna):-

Effect on Doshas : - pitt-kaph samak. Systemic: External: Resin is vransodhan, vranropan, sandhaniya,

jantughna. Internal: NS: Bednasthapan. DS: Stamvan. CS: Rakt-stamvan. RS: Bark is kaphaghna, resin is kaph nihsarak, kaph durgandh

har. US: Bark is mutrasangrahniya, resin is anti-bacterial. Res.S: Garvasya sothhar, yonisrav har. Skin: kusthghna, swedapanayan. Tem. Jwarghna . Suitability: Sandhaniya, med soshak.

Actions (Karma)

External application of resin and bark are useful in vran, bedna, soth. Resin in agnidagdh, twak rog, kusth,kandu,etc.

Its internal use is effective in atisar, raktarsh, raktpravahika, rakt-pitt, prameh, pradar, yonirog, kusth, visarog, kandavagna, etc.


Galganda:- Resin along with gomutra to be administered orally.(Su.Ci-18)

Pandu:- saalsaradi gan churna and amalaki churna with honey is taken orally.(su.ut.-44)

Prameha:- saal, saptparna, kampillak, brikshak, bibhitak, kapitha, rohitak, and arjun are to be powdred and given with honey and amalaki juice as anupan.(A.H.Ci-12)

Hikka & swash: The fumes of resin is useful.(S.Ut.-50)

Classical therapeutic uses:-

Dosage:- Resin Powder 1-3gm.

Bark Decoction 50-100 ml.

Important preparation:- Saalsaradi kwath, sarjrasadi malhar, atasyadi lep.

Parts used:- Bark & Resin.