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B R _ main1. Fable. Adam Smith and The Wealth of Nations. U.C.L.A. B R _ Fable. Fable. A Brief Introduction to Fable. Two Famous Fables. Some Famous English Sayings from Fables. B R _ Adam. Adam Smith and The Wealth of Nations. Adam Smith. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Two Famous Fables
2. Chronology of Adam Smith
Adam Smith and The Wealth of Nations
Adam Smith
A Brief Introduction to Fable
The term fable refers to a short story in which animals or inanimate objects speak and behave like humans, usually to give a moral point. The term comes from the Latin fabula, “a telling.”
B R _ A Brief Introduction to Fable 2
Some of their best-known fables are The Lion and the Mouse, The Hare and the Tortoise, The Fox and the Grapes, The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf, The Fox and the Crow, The Dove and the Ant, and The Fox and the Stork.
In the Chinese language, some idioms come from fables such as The Frog in the Shallow Well (), His Spear against His Shield (), Making His Mark (), Ostrich Logic () and Blessing or Bane ().
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A Brief Introduction to Fable
Jean de La Fontaine
Two Famous Fables
Here are some pictures about two famous fables. One is an Aesop’s fable; the other is a Chinese one. In small groups, students are required to talk about the pictures and think of the following questions.
1. What are the names of the fables?
2. What lessons can we draw from the fables?
Fable 1
Fable 2
The Fox and the Grapes
One day a fox passed under a vine.
From the vine a lot of grapes were hanging.
B R _ Two Famous Fables 3
The color of the grapes was green. The grapes were very big. And the grapes were so big and beautiful that the fox wanted to eat them.
The fox said, “I am thirsty and hungry. I want to eat the grapes now.”
The fox jumped. The grapes were too high. He tried everything to get the grapes. But it was in vain.
Making His Mark
B R _ Two Famous Fables 5
A man from the state of Chu was crossing a river. In the boat, his sword fell into the water. Immediately he made a mark on the boat.
“This is where my sword fell off,” he said.
When the boat stopped moving, he went into the water to look for his sword at the place where he had marked the boat.
The boat had moved but the sword had not. Is this not a very foolish way to look for a sword?
Making His Mark
Some Famous English Sayings from Fables
Here are some famous sayings in English. You are required to answer the following questions and then tell each fable as briefly as possible.
1. What are the Chinese equivalents of these sayings?
2. From which fable does each saying come?
Sour grapes.
One good turn deserves another.
Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched.
Click the sayings to see the details!
Sour grapes.
B R _ Killing the goose that lays the golden eggs
Killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.
One good turn deserves another.
It means “” in Chinese. This saying comes from the fable The
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B R _ Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched.
Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched.
It means “” in Chinese. This saying comes from the fable The Maid and the Pail of Milk. In it a girl carries a pail of milk on her head. She dreams about the eggs she will buy when she sells the milk. The
A Brief Introduction to Adam Smith
Adam Smith (1723~1790): British philosopher and economist
B R _ A Brief Introduction to Adam Smith 2
Chronology of Adam Smith
() in
University of Glasgow.
— 1759
of Buccleuch and met Turgot and Necker in Paris and
discussed their economic ideas.
— 1778
live in Edinburgh.
— July 17, 1790
The Wealth of Nations
U. C. L. A.
Further Understanding
Further Understanding
Part Division of the Text
Teenagers’ idleness and ignorance will produce serious effects on all concerned and for society as a whole.
Kevin 1990 comes to realize in his dream how much lack of education costs his forebears, and may cost himself, his children and the society they live in, and how important it is to study hard.
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1. the happening in the drugstore — the reason why the author went there; a dialogue between the salesgirl and him
2. the author’s feeling to the happening — the problems American teenagers are facing such as ignorance, poor ability of calculations and other things
3. something about the son of the author’s friend
4. the author’s purpose of offering a fable
G R _ Interview 1
Questions and Answers
1. Why did the author go to the drugstore one day?
He wanted to buy some file folders.
2. How old was the salesgirl?
3. What was the salesgirl’s reaction to the author’s
mental arithmetic ()?
He was a teacher at a college.
4. Did the salesgirl believe that the author did calculations
by magic? Why or why not?
Yes. Maybe she believed it because she could
never do that.
of world history and geography.
G R _ Questions and Answers3
7. In the author’s opinion, what was the most serious
problem for American teenagers?
8. Why did the author give us the example of his friend’s
9. According to the author, what would happen if there
was an idle, ignorant labor force in a modern industrial
He just intended to show the seriousness of the problem.
There would be many problems in society such as
plane crashes, computer jams and breakdowns of cars.
G R _ Questions and Answers4
10. What was the author’s purpose of offering a fable?
He just wanted to make American teenagers understand
the danger of their ignorance and intellectual laziness.
G R _ Rearrange the Order of the Pictures 1
Each of the following pictures stands for a Kevin Hanley in a certain year. Match the picture with the description and then tell the class how this Kevin lives.
– Kevin 1835, a poor peasant in Ireland
– Kevin 1928, a steel-mill worker in Pittsburgh, U.S.A.
– Kevin 1945, a soldier fighting the Japanese army
– Kevin 1966, a student who studies all the time so as to
get into college and law school
– Kevin 1990, a cleaner in a Japanese-owned factory
– Kevin 2020, a porter in a hotel for wealthy Europeans
and Asians
– Kevin 2050, living in a slum and searching through trash
piles for food
D R _ Text 1
One day last fall, I ran out of file folders and went to the drugstore to buy more. I put a handful of folders on the counter and asked a teenage salesgirl how much they cost. “I don’t know,” she answered. “But it’s 12 cents each.”
I counted the folders. “Twenty-three at 12 cents each, that makes $2.76 before tax,” I said.
“You did that in your head?” she asked in amazement.
“How can you do that?”
Fable of the Lazy Teenager
Benjamin Stein
“Really?” she asked.
to be upset by such an experience. While our
children seem better-natured than ever, they are so ignorant — and so ignorant of their ignorance — that they frighten me. In a class of 60 seniors at a private college where I recently taught, not one student could write a short paper without misspellings. Not one.
D R _ Text 3
Moreover, there is a chilling indifference about all this ignorance. The attitude was summed up by a friend’s bright, lazy 16-year-old son, who explained why he preferred not to go to U.C.L.A. “I don’t want to have to compete with Asians,” he said. “They work hard and know everything.”
D R _ Text 4
To drive this message home to such young Americans, I have a humble suggestion: a movie, or TV series, dramatizing just how difficult it was for this country to get where it is — and how easily it could all be lost. I offer the following fable.
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able to feed himself and help his family. But Hanley’s poverty allows no leisure for such luxuries as going to school. Without education and money, he is powerless.
His only hope lies in his children. If they are educated, they will have a better life.
D R _ Text 5
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Our fable fast-forwards and Kevin Hanley 1990 is now his own great-grandfather, Kevin Hanley, 1928. He, too, is 17 years old, and he works in a steel mill in Pittsburgh. His father came to America from Ireland and helped build the New York City subway.
D R _ Text 6
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Next Kevin Hanley 1990 dreams that he is Kevin Hanley 1945, his own grandfather, fighting on Iwo Jima against a most determined foe, the Japanese army. He is
D R _ Text 7
D R _ Text 8
Then Kevin Hanley 1990 is his own father, Kevin Hanley 1966, who studies all the time so he can get into college and law school. He lives in a fine house. He has never seen anything but peace and plenty. He tells his girl friend that when he has a son, he won’t make him study all the time, as his father makes him.
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Kevin 2020’s father, who is of course Kevin 1990 himself, works as a cleaner in a factory owned by the
D R _ Text 9
Japanese. Kevin 2020 is a porter in a hotel for wealthy Europeans and Asians. Public education stops at the sixth grade. Americans have long since stopped demanding good education for their children.
D R _ Text 10
The last person Kevin 1990 sees in his dream is his own grandson. Kevin 2050 has no useful skills. Machines built in
D R _ Text 11
D R _ Text 12
D R _ Text 13
When Kevin 1990 wakes up, next to him is his copy of The Wealth of Nations. He opens it and the first sentence to catch his eye is this: “A man without the proper use of the intellectual faculties of a man is, if possible, more
contemptible than even a coward.”
Kevin’s father walks in. “All right, son,” he says. “Let’s go look at those headphones.”
“Sorry, Pop,” Kevin 1990 says. “I have to study.”
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Supplementary Reading
1. What does the word “that” refer to?
It refers to “the author’s doing mental arithmetic.”
“You did that in your head?” she asked in amazement.
2. What can we infer from this sentence?
D R _ No modestly t2
1. What is the meaning of the phrase “such an experience”?
The phrase “such an experience” means “the salesgirl’s ignorance.”
No modestly educated adult can fail to be upset by such an experience.
2. Paraphrase the sentence.
Translate the sentence into Chinese.

Paraphrase the sentence.
Translate the sentence into Chinese.
What is his hope?
His hope is that his children will get good education and live a better life.
His only hope lies in his children.
1. What is the meaning of this sentence?
It means that he is much richer than both his father and grandfather.
Kevin Hanley 1928 is far better off than either his father or his grandfather.
2. Why is he far better off than them?
D R _ Kevin 2020’s t9

2. Do you agree with that man’s opinion? Why or why not?
What can we infer from the sentence?
… they work and study and learn and discipline themselves.
There are three words of “discipline” in this text (Para. 19, Para.20, Para. 21). Tell the different meanings of them in Chinese.
1. Why does the boy say so?
Because his dream makes him know the importance of education and he has made up his mind to study hard.
2. Can you imagine his father’s reaction to the boy’s
run out of:
use up or finish a supply of (sth.)
To our disappointment, our car ran out of gas halfway home.
in amazement:
with a feeling of great surprise or disbelief
Aunt Sophia gazed at her picture in amazement: she looked like a teenage girl in it.

upset: vt.
They are terribly upset by the break-up of their parents’ marriage.
1) make (sb.) worry or feel unhappy.
be upset by / about

He was upset about the argument he had with his wife.
2) make ill in the stomach
The foreign food upset me / my stomach.
3) knock over, causing confusion
The boy upset the glass of milk.
knowing little or nothing
She was ignorant of her husband’s illegal activities. Otherwise she would have done everything possible to stop him.
ignorant about / of …
Some people are ignorant of the facts about global warming.

ability: n.

He lost the ability to walk after a car accident.
ability “” infor of + doing
He shows considerable ability in / for organization.

He has found a job more suited to his abilities.

capability of capability for capability ability
The essay is a proof of the writer’s capability of using the right word in the right place.
He acquired in eight hours the ability to drive a car.

capability ability “” of + doing for (doing) sth.
He has a capacity for mathematics.

He acquired in eight hours the ability to drive a car.

sum up:
give a brief summary (of sth.)
My teacher would sum up the main points of the lesson before he ended the class.
D R _ word _ t3 compete
John competed for a place at the school, but he didn’t get it.
The young tennis player has often competed against famous players, but so far he has always been beaten.
compete: vi.
compete with / against
China is now competing with other countries for world market.

accumulate: v.
collect, or gather together, esp. over a period of time; make or become greater in quantity or size
I have accumulated many books over the last few years.
Dust quickly accumulates if we don’t sweep our room.

D R _ word _ t3 accumulate 2
Through the years he accumulated sufficient money to buy a farm when he retired.
He soon amassed sufficient evidence to support his case.

accumulate & amass
affect: vt.
More than seven million people have been affected by the drought.
1) have an influence on
2) cause feelings of sorrow, anger, love, etc, in (sb.)
· ·
Nothing you say will affect my decision.

affect “”1“…”2“…”
affect , effect & influence

The small amount of rain last year affected the growth of crops.

The new hairdo effected a startling change in her appearance.
effect “”“”“”

Athens () functioned as a center of trade in the thirteenth century.
1. vi. operate; act

The machine won’t function well if you don’t oil it.
The function of an adjective is to describe or add to the meaning of a noun.
2. n. a usual purpose (of a thing) or
special duty (of a person)
D R _ word _ t3 idle
The boy is really idle; he just sits around the house all day.
idle: adj.
1) lazy
3) of no use
His words were just idle threats; he can’t harm us.
break down:
The elevators in this building are always breaking down.
Talks between the two countries broke down when the two sides failed to reach an agreement.
1) stop working
They broke the door down.
break up
drive home:
We must drive home to him where the difficulties lie.

Frank strikes me as a very humble person.

The doctor was humble about his work, although he cured many people.
humble: adj.
Many famous historical figures came from a humble background.
2) low in rank or position; unimportant
Michael started his career as a humble fisherman.
suggestion: n.
sth. suggested
I have lots of suggestions for the park’s future.
They didn’t like my suggestion that she share the room with her classmate.
by / for that-clause that-clause
This is merely a suggestion.

suggestion “”“”“”
suggestion, advice & opinion
opinion “”
He showed me a poem he had written and asked my opinion about it.

You should follow the doctor’s advice and give up smoking.


D R _ word _ t5 search for
Many planes and ships were sent to search the South Sea for the missing Chinese pilot.

The police were searching the house for a hidden weapon.
search for:
look for
Champagne is a luxury they can no longer afford.
We can’t afford to spend money on luxuries.

luxury: n.
a pleasant thing that is expensive, but not necessary (used as a countable noun)
2) great comfort, as provided by wealth (used as an
uncountable noun)
They wallowed in luxury.

He took over his father’s company and led a life of luxury.

better off:
richer than you were before; more comfortable
It’s obvious that those who work hard are better off than those who don’t.

scared: adj.
The lady has always been scared of snakes.
I’m scared to fly in a plane. I’m scared that it might crash.
They’re scared of making a fool of themselves.

complex: adj.
Her political ideas were too complex to get support from ordinary people.
The problem was so complex that there would be no easy solution.
1) difficult to understand or explain
2) consisting of many closely connected parts
adequate: adj.
enough (often followed by infinitive to or for)
Is the transport system adequate to deliver the food to remote areas?


Fill in the blanks with the adequate, enough or sufficient.
1) We haven’t got ________ information from which to
draw a conclusion.
3) There is _________food for six people.
4) I hope you will prove _________ to the job.
there will be a great decline in the stock market.
Class attendance is in decline recently.
1. n. a gradual decrease in the quality, quantity, or
importance of sth. (followed by in)
D R _ word _ t11 decline 2
Her power has begun to decline now that she is old.

2. v.
move from a better to a worse position, or from higher to lower
D R _ word _ t11 decline 3
We had to decline their invitation because we had made other plans.
2) (fml) refuse, usu. politely
When he asked me to dance, I declined politely.
D R _ word _ t11 acquire
acquire: vt.
gain or come to possess by one’s own work, skill, action, etc.

astonish: vt.
surprise very much; amaze
They were greatly astonished at the extraordinary beauty of the picture.
We were astonished to hear that he had passed his driving test.
astonish astonish surprise
They were astonished at / by the news of his escape.


D R _ word _ t12 make a living by
Many farmers in this area make a good living by growing flowers.
He makes a living by writing.
make a living by:
miracle: n.
an amazing or wonderful event, esp. sth. that happens unexpectedly
There was a severe earthquake in that area, but by a miracle, no one was killed in it.
The teacher told me that it’d be a miracle if I passed the examination.
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D R _ word _ t12 faculty
For a woman of 85, she still has all her faculties.
2) all the teachers of a university or college
It is a myth that the faculty of hearing is greatly increased in blind people.
faculty: n.
1) mental and physical abilities
Useful Expressions
6. …
at some point soon
You will listen to the fable titled The Hare and the Tortoise. Then you are required to dub this fable with the help of the words in the box below. After that you can discuss with your partner and tell the class as to what lesson we can draw from this fable.
jeer at
plod on

The Hare and the Tortoise
A Hare jeered at a Tortoise for the slowness of his pace. But he laughed, and said that he would run against her and beat her any day she would name.
“Come on,” said the Hare, “you will soon see what my feet are made of.” So it was agreed that they should start at once. The Tortoise went off jogging along, without a moment’s stopping, at his usual steady pace. The Hare, treating the whole matter very lightly, said she would first take a little nap, and that she should soon overtake the Tortoise. Meanwhile, the Tortoise plodded on and the Hare, oversleeping herself, arrived at the goal, only to see that the Tortoise had got in before her.
Slow and steady wins the race.
Text Analysis
A R _ Text Analysis 4
Finally, let’s see the ending. The last paragraph of both Unit 3 and Unit 7 presents a conclusion. The final part of Unit 8 does not.
A R _ Reading and Speaking
You are required to read a famous Aesop’s fable titled The Lion and the Mouse. And then look at the three pictures and retell the fable in small groups.
Reading and Speaking
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A R _ Reading and Speaking 1-Click here to see the pictures--pop
The Lion and the Mouse
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A R _ Reading and Speaking 1-Click here to read the fable --pop
Once when a Lion was asleep, a little Mouse began running up and down upon him; this soon wakened the Lion, who placed his huge paw () upon him, and opened his big jaws to swallow him.
“Pardon, O King,” cried the little Mouse, “forgive me this time, I shall never forget it. Who knows but I may be able to do you a turn some of these days?”
The Lion was so tickled () at the idea of the Mouse being able to help him that he lifted up his paw and let him go.
Now it happened no long time after that some hunters, who desired to carry the Lion alive to the King, tied him to
The Lion and the Mouse
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A R _ Reading and Speaking 1-Click here to read the fable --pop
a tree while they went in search of a wagon to carry him on. Just then the little Mouse happened to pass by and saw the Lion was in trouble. He went up to the Lion and soon gnawed () away the ropes that bound the King of the Beasts. “Was I not right?” said the little Mouse.
Little friends may prove great friends.
A R _ Writing Practice 1.1
Cause and Effect Essay Writing
A R _ Writing Practice 1.2
Distinguish between cause and effect. To determine causes, ask, “Why did this happen?” To identify effects, ask, “What happened because of this?”
Develop your thesis statement. State clearly whether you are discussing causes, effects, or both. Introduce your main idea, using the terms “cause” and/or “effect” .
Find and organize supporting details. Back up your thesis with relevant and sufficient details that are organized.
A Sample
Some Common Connectors
is responsible for
occurs from
results from
follows from
________________________________________ .
a good knowledge of English will help students get a better job when they graduate from the university.
A R _ Writing Practice 4
You are required to complete the following paragraph.
Students study English for different reasons.
The first reason is that
students may need English to read articles and textbooks about their subjects in English.
The second reason is that
many students study English because they have to! English is part of school curriculum.
Another reason is that
As a consequence,
A R _ Sentence Translation 1
1. No modestly educated adult can fail to be upset by such an experience.

Sentence Translation
2. Moreover, there is a chilling indifference about all this ignorance.

The man explains to Kevin that when a man has no money, education can supply the human capital necessary to start to acquire financial capital.
3. To drive this message home to such young Americans, I have a humble suggestion: a movie, or TV series, dramatizing just how difficult it was for this country to get where it is — and how easily it could all be lost.
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A man without the proper use of the intellectual faculties of a man is, if possible, more contemptible than even a coward.
These skills are something that math and science teach and are essential for adolescents to become thinking, intelligent members of society.
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Calculators do have their place in the world outside school and, to a limited extent, in higher-level math classes, but they are hardly education tools.
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Proverbs and Quotations
1. A body without knowledge is like a house without
a foundation.

3. Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.

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A R _ Proverbs and Quotations 2
4. The more a man learns, the more he sees his ignorance.

5. The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.
— Aristotle, Ancient Greek philosopher
S R _ Culture Notes 1.1
Directions: Listen to several short passages about SAT and then tell the class what you have got about the exam.
1) Definition
2) Development
The first form of the SAT was administered in , when the College Board tested just . The College Board continues to manage the SAT today, along with an assortment of other tests used in
; the test itself is designed and published by the Educational Testing Service (ETS). Since 1901, the SAT has undergone a number of changes which were designed to
the testing process and to shifts in the education system. As of 2007, the last major
SAT was in 2005, when the ETS retooled the SAT
harsh criticism from the University of California system, which considered dropping the test from their admission requirements.
S R _ Culture Notes 1.3
- Mathematics:
It is divided into three sub-sections. Most of the questions have multiple choice answers, although several questions require test-takers to fill in their numerical answers on an answer sheet.
- Critical reading:
It requires test-takers to read short passages and fill out
the correct responses to multiple choice questions.
- Writing:
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The current SAT includes three sections, each of which can earn a of 800 and a minimum score of . For the test-taker’s final score, the College Board adds the three scores together; typically, a percentile is included with the score, calculated scores from students who took comparable tests. Traditionally,
universities such as the have demanded very high SAT scores from their .
4) Score
maximum score
5) A Table About the SAT
1. What is the ACT mainly for?
Directions: Listen to a passage about ACT, then answer the following questions:
In 1959.
For high school achievement and college admissions in the U.S.
Five. They are English, Math, Reading, Science reasoning and an optional Writing test.
2. When did the ACT come into being?
No. They will place emphases on different factors.
4. Do all colleges and universities in U.S. regard the result
of ACT as the only way to accept students?
S R _ Culture Notes 2.2-pop
same year. All four-year colleges and universities in the
S R _ Culture Notes 3.1
The differences between the ACT and SAT are as follows:
1) The ACT is an test, measuring what a student has learned in school. The SAT is more of an
test, testing reasoning and verbal abilities.
2) The ACT has up to components: English,
Mathematics, Reading, Science, and an optional
Writing Test. The SAT has only components: Critical Reading, Mathematics, and a required Writing Test.
S R _ Culture Notes 3.3
3) The College Board introduced a new version of the SAT in 2005, with a () writing test. ACT continues to offer its well-established test, plus an
() writing test. You take the ACT Writing Test only if required by the college(s) you’re applying to.
4) The SAT has a . That is, they take off for wrong answers. The ACT is scored based on the number of correct answers with () .
5) The full score of ACT is 36 while SAT 2400.
Ditch the Calculator
I sigh inwardly as I watch yet another student, this one a ninth grader, struggle with an advanced math problem that requires simple multiplication. He mentally battles with 5×6, looks longingly at the off-limits calculator on the corner of my desk and finally guesses the answer: “35.”
The growth in the use of calculators in the classroom amazes me. The students I tutor tell me regularly that their teachers allow unlimited access to this tool. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics actively encourages its use.
Diane Hunsaker
S R _ Reading _ text 2
S R _ Reading _ text 3
Educators have many arguments in defense of calculators, but each one ignores the reason that we teach math in the first place. Math trains the mind. By this I mean that students learn to think logically and rationally, to proceed from known information to desired information and to become competent with both numbers and ideas. These skills are something that math and science teach and are essential for adolescents to become thinking, intelligent members of society.
S R _ Reading _ text 4
Rather, it only encourages him to try every combination of addition, subtraction, multiplication or division without any thought about which would be more appropriate. Some of my elementary-school children look at a word problem and instantly guess that adding is the correct approach. When I suggest that they solve the problem this way without a calculator, they usually pause and think before continuing. A student is much more likely to cut down his work by reflecting on the problem first if he doesn’t have a calculator in his hand. Learning effective methods for approaching confusing problems is essential, not just for math but for life.
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S R _ Reading _ text 5
A middle-school teacher once said to me, “So what if a student can’t do long division? Give him a calculator, and he’ll be fine.” I doubt it. I don’t know when learning by heart and repetitious problem solving fell to such a low priority in education circles. How could we possibly communicate with each other, much less create new ideas, without the immense store of information in our brains?
Math is as much about knowing why the rules work as knowing what the rules are. A student who cannot do long division obviously does not comprehend the principles on which it is based. A true understanding of why often makes learning by rote unnecessary, because
the student can figure out the rules himself.
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S R _ Reading _ text 6
My students who view the multiplication tables as a list of unrelated numbers have much more difficulty in math than those who know that multiplication is simply repeated addition. Calculators prevent students from seeing this kind of natural structure and beauty in math.
A student who learns to handle numbers mentally can focus on how to attack a problem and then complete the actual calculations easily. He will also have a much better idea of what the answer should be, since experience has taught him “number sense”, or the relationship between numbers.
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S R _ Reading _ text 7
A student who has grown up with a calculator will struggle with both strategies and computations. When youngsters used a calculator to solve 9×4 in third grade, they are still using one to solve the same problem in high school. By then they are also battling with algebra.
Because they never felt comfortable working with numbers as children, they are seriously disadvantaged when they attempt the generalized math of algebra. Permitting extensive use of calculators invites a child’s mind to stand still. If we don’t require students to do the simple problems that calculators can do, how can we expect them to solve the more complex problems that calculators cannot do?
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S R _ Reading _ text 8
Students learn far more when they do the math themselves. I’ve tutored youngsters on practice SAT exams where they immediately reach for their calculators. If they’d take a few seconds to understand the problem at hand, they most likely would find a simpler solution without needing a stick to lean on. I have also watched students incorrectly enter a problem like 12+32 into their calculators as 112+32 and not bat an eye at the obviously incorrect answer. After all, they used a calculator, so it must be right.
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S R _ Reading _ text 9
Educators also claim that calculators are so inexpensive and commonplace that students must become competent in using them. New math texts contain whole sections on solving problems with a calculator. Most people, including young children, can learn its basic functions in about five minutes. Calculators do have their place in the world outside school and, to a limited extent, in higher-level math classes, but they are hardly education tools.
Many teachers as well as students insist, “Why shouldn’t we use calculators? They will always be around, and we’ll never do long division in real life.”
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S R _ Reading _ text 10
This may be true. It’s true of most math. Not many of us need to figure the circumference of a circle or factor a quadratic equation for any practical reason. But that’s not the sole purpose of teaching math. We teach it for thinking and discipline, both of which expand the mind and increase the student’s ability to function as a contributing individual in society: the ultimate goals of education.
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off-limits: adj.
Footpaths are, of course, off-limits to bikers.
Downing Street has been off-limits to the general public since 1982.
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access: n.
the right to enter a place, use sth., see sb. etc. (followed by to)
The facilities have been adapted to give access to wheelchair users.
The system has been designed to give the user quick and easy access to the required information.

1. n. advantage; profit; good effect
They didn’t realize the safety benefits of wearing bicycle helmets.

We’re just beginning to reap the benefits of all our hard work.
2. v. have a good or useful effect (on)
Users can benefit in several ways from this product.
New regulations will greatly benefit the region’s poorest residents.
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call for:
require, demand
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discourage: vt.
take away courage, confidence or hope from (used in pattern: discourage sb. from doing sth.)

My father was an athlete, and he discouraged me from entering the field.
Girls are sometimes discouraged from studying subjects like engineering and physics.
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in the first place:

In the first place you are professionally qualified for the job. And in the second place you know the city pretty well: it is your hometown.
In the first place you are not old and in the second place you are a very attractive man.
I’m not joining the health club because in the first place, I don’t like their hours, and in the second place, I can’t afford the dues.
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In a short time, I proceeded to move my family here from Italy.
S R _ Reading _ word _3 proceed
proceed: vi.
go to a further or the next stage; begin a course of action
Let your companion enter first, and then proceed to follow her.

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competent: adj.

It was not until he learned to think, to value knowledge and to apply it with competent skill that he began to dominate his environment.
How do I know if my lawyer is competent?
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essential: adj.
Play is an essential part of a child’s development.
Writing the essential questions is the first part of the research process. They will be the focus of your research.
It is essential that … that It is essential that a student should know something about a computer . It is essential that he get up early.
concentrate on:

China is currently concentrating on developing into a well-off society.
His company concentrates on working with teachers, pupils and parents to develop and design products that assist primary school children to learn.
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solve: vt.
come to an answer, explanation, or way of dealing with sth.
A DNA-based computer has solved a logic problem that no person could complete by hand.
A team of researchers from Purdue University solved the structure of the West Nile virus.
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appropriate: adj.

We will take appropriate action once the investigation is over.
Considering what he did, I think the punishment was appropriate.
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effective: adj.
Her book offered 13 tips for more effective personal time management.
This workshop will help you create an effective business plan to guide your business through the start-up or growth phase.
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cut down his work:
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confuse: vt.

I understand the text but the diagrams are confusing me.
The twins liked to confuse their teachers by switching seats.
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what if:
“” “”
“What if it rains tomorrow?” “We’ll just have to postpone it.”
What if I’m pregnant? I don’t know if I’m ready to have a baby yet.
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S R _ Reading _ word _ 5… fell to such a low priority
… fell to such a low priority:
Paraphrase the phrase.
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communicate: vi.
share opinions, feelings, information, etc. (used in pattern: communicate with)

Many parents find it difficult to communicate with their teenage sons or daughters.
They communicate with each other in sign language.
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multiplication table:

at hand:

Recent economic performance suggests that a major crisis is at hand.
Is peace at hand in the Middle East?
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S R _ Reading _ word _ 8 without needing a stick to lean on
without needing a stick to lean on:
Paraphrase the phrase.
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claim: vt.
say that (sth.) is true or is a fact without having any proof

She claimed that she had been attacked early one morning on her way to school.
The man claimed to be a bookkeeper of a certain store in the downtown area.
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1. vt. include sth. when you are doing a calculation, or when you are trying to understand sth.

The age of the patients and their overall health must be factored into the results.
You’d better consider the interest rate and factor it into your decision-making.
2. n. fact, circumstance, etc. that help to produce a result
The weather was almost a deciding factor in the final stage of the war.
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contribute: v.
1) vt. give money , help, etc. to sth. that a lot of other people are also involved in

The volunteers contributed huge amounts of their own time to the project.
The Song Dynasty contributed three great inventions to world civilization.
2) vi. help to cause sth. (usu. used in pattern: contribute to)
The Internet contributes to the rise of identity theft.

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ultimate: adj.
What are the purpose and the ultimate goal of marriage?
The ultimate purpose of employee research is to bring about improvements in working conditions.
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S R _ Reading _ t2 Sentence 1 The more…
The more I hear from the education establishment about the benefits of these devices in schools, the less surprised I am when middle- and high-school students who have difficulty with arithmetic call for tutoring in algebra and geometry.
Translate the sentence into Chinese.

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S R _ Reading _ t3 Sentence 2 Having a calculator
Having a calculator doesn’t make it any easier for a student to decide how to attack a math problem.
Translate the sentence into Chinese.

S R _ Reading _ t3 Sentence 2 Rather
Rather, it only encourages him to try every combination of addition, subtraction, multiplication or division without any thought about which would be more appropriate.
Translate the sentence into Chinese.

S R _ Reading _ t7 Sentence 3 Because they
Because they never felt comfortable working with numbers as children, they are seriously disadvantaged when they attempt the generalized math of algebra.
Translate the sentence into Chinese.

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S R _ Reading _ t10 Sentence 4 We teach …
We teach it for thinking and discipline, both of which expand the mind and increase the student’s ability to function as a contributing individual in society: the ultimate goals of education.
Translate the sentence into Chinese.

1. Listening Comprehension
You are going to listen to a passage about the use of calculator in SAT. After you listen to it, you are required to judge whether the following statements are true or false.
2) Students only prefer using calculator for geometry problem.
( )
1) The use of calculator is allowed in the math section of SAT recently.
S R _ Comprehension Tasks 2
3) The finding of the research shows that the more frequently students use calculator in the test the higher scores they can get.
( )
4) The attitude of this passage’s author towards students using calculator in the test is negative.
( )
S R _ Comprehension Tasks 3-1
With the recent changes to the content of the SAT math section, the need to save time while maintaining accuracy of calculations has led some to use calculator programs during the test. These programs allow students to complete problems faster than would normally be possible when making calculations manually.
S R _ Comprehension Tasks 3-2
2. Debate
Now you have learned something about the use of calculators in SAT. You are required to have a debate on the following question:
Is it good for students to use calculators in math lessons and exams?