B2B & Digital Marketing Strategy fro Green Plains Renewable Energy

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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As a part of the B2B marketing course the team had to conduct a project which involved self-learning in Digital Marketing techniques, analysis of the chosen company's current B2B and digital marketing strategy, the online presence. Then we had to prepare a strategy and methods in which they can improve the current digital presence.


Green Plains Renewable Energy

Govind Menon

Vignesh Subramaniam

Ramkumar Ganesan

About GPRE

• Vertically-integrated ethanol producer

• Ethanol | Agribusiness |

Distiller Grains | Corn Oil


• Revenue - $3 million• EBITA - $1 million• Market Capitalization-

$229.4 Million

Ethanol Industry • Produced by fermentation of corn grains• Purchased mostly by relationships with the distributor• Major players:

Current Online Presence

• SEO • Website• Blogs• LinkedIn• Forums• Facebook

SEO• Must expand its presence in search engines like Bing, Yahoo, etc.

(apart from Google)

• Alexa ranker result - 2,826,348

• Using all possible keywords, the order of website listing in search engines like Yahoo.com, is 4.

• No ads on Google about Green Plains being Ethanol distributors



Social Networking

Social Networking (contd)

Social Networking (cont.)


Main competitor:

• Archer Daniel Midland

- Most Admired Company in the Food Production Industry, 2011Fortune Magazine

Their Website

Social Networking

Social Networking (cont.)

Area’s of Improvement


• Use of appropriate keywords in website

• Google Ads in the SERP

• Use tools like SEOMoz, Hubspot

Website – From Grader.com

• Create a blog for company• Setup a 301 direct• Create a mobile style-sheet for website

Website (cont.)

• Add a landing page with a conversation form

• Share links to landing pages with forms on Twitter

• Get more mentions on Twitter by being more conversational

• Landing page of the company’s website needs to be improved:

Slide Show showcasing products

Tilt-viewer – Elegant and Innovative

• Must Have: Customer account login.

This account must also have information about the product for ‘key’ customers.

Social Media

• More relevant news about products and industry

• Should represent Thought Leadership

• Tools to engage customers


• Influence distributor network to create online presence

• Create Ad space in important websites customers visit

• Membership in these forums to promote your product


Q & A?