B2C SEO Tactics for B2B e-Commerce Stores

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B2B e-Commerce SEO Solutions

Name · Title · Dunn Solutions07/20/2016Dirk Lester · SEO Consultant · Dunn Solutions

Today’s Agenda

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Today’s Agenda

The Challenge of B2B e-Commerce SEO

Here are the two things B2B e-commerce companies need to understand. First, Organic Search dominates

the B2B products and services buying cycle even more than it dominates B2C consumer journeys … 82% of

B2B purchases begin with Search and 87% of B2B buyers say online content has a “major impact” on their

vendor preference. Even so, 30% of B2B vendors don’t engage in Organic Marketing and that disparity is an

opportunity. Second, it’s impossible to just “Improve Your Organic Search Rankings” because there isn’t just

one Organic Search Rankings Algorithm. There are several discrete Algorithms that work together to

produce Results Pages. Higher rankings can be achieved simply by attacking your issues head on, you have to

mimic the wayGoogle ranks and deploy seemingly discrete tactics that work together to achieve your goals.

You Should be Applying B2C SEO Tactics to B2B

B2C SEO Tactics Emphasize…

Search Results Crowding

3rd Party Offers of Proof

"Products" over "Brands"

Conversion Path Optimization

Leveraging Tactical Multipliers

B2M Marketing tends to ignore all of the above

Using DAO, SMO and Structured Markup

Fortunately there are a trio of SEO tactics ideally suited to

addressing each of those concerns that also happen to be

underused in the B2B market space and that therefore are

especially representative of the opportunities I mentioned.

• Digital Asset Optimization

• Social Media Optimization

• Rich Snippet and Structured Data Markup

Each tactic impacts one or more of the highlighted pieces

of the search result on the right. DAO becomes that

image result, SMO becomes the social media activity

result, Structured Markup allows for that wiki pages result.

You may not have heard those acronyms before but each

can become an essential piece of your marketing strategy.

What is Digital Asset Optimization

Let’s start this explanation with the takeaway: Your site

content ≠ the text on your landing pages. Until there’s

significant leap in Google’s ability to understand, assess

and thereby give your website credit for non-text digital

content (images, videos, audio and documents in .PDF

form), you won’t get a rankings boost out of the work you

put into creating the aforementioned content on your site.

Unless, of course, you’ve taken advantage of Digital Asset

Optimization to ensure that your content’s enriched with

embedded and surrounded by Search Friendly Metadata.

Digital Asset Optimization means leveraging Google’s ability

to read and return search results based on the metadata

contained in images, videos or documents as well as the

full set of web development tools that allow us to feed

friendly descriptions to search engines and social media


PDF Optimization

One of the Internet’s best kept secrets is that

Google can read and rank a PDF in basically

the same way the search engine can read and

rank your website. It even returns embedded

images and content snippets in search results.

Google announced that the above was the

case back in the early aughts, but content

managers are still treating PDF documents as if

they were adobe flash videos … i.e. invisible to

search engines and only for human consumption.

Fortunately, they aren’t. We can embed SEO

Titles, Descriptions, Keywords, Author Info and

Backlinks to PDF docs so that they can both

boost your website’s rankings and be ranked


Image Optimization

Just as we can with documents, we can drop a lot of

search friendly info into an image’s properties, but

because that information’s fragile – because it won’t

follow an image wherever it’s uploaded – it isn’t quite as

valuable as the metadata embedded in documents.

Luckily embeddedmetadata isn’t the only tool in our kit:

• Optimized Image Details

• SEO Friendly Alt Text Info

• Structured Data for ImageObjects

• Customized Image XML Sitemaps

In addition to dropping search friendly Meta into your

images, we can also attach images on your site to SEO

friendly Alt Text Information, wrap them in structured

data for ImageObjects to fully contextualize them and

even feed Google thorough descriptions of all the

images on your site in one go with a custom Image XML


Video Optimization

Optimized Video Details

SEO Friendly Transcripts

HTML 5 Video Players

Structured Data for VideoObjects

Customized Video XML Sitemaps

Most of the tactics we use to optimize PDFs and Images

we use for videos but the SEO opportunities videos

provide are almost unique. We can drop metadata into

the file itself, but since videos are embedded as often as

hosted doing so isn’t always an option. Even when

dealing with embedded videos, we have an effective set

of optimization options, we can attach a full transcript

that site visitors will never see but that Google will rank

based upon, either host or embed using a search friendly

HTML5 container, enrich the ways they’ll display in results

by wrapping them in structured data for VideoObjects

and actually feed Google more information than we can

for any other content format using a Video XML Sitemap.

What Successful DAO Will Look Like

The image on the right is the Google Results Page

for a pretty basic B2B search: CRM for Midsized

Business. The search results in yellow are articles.

The unmarked results are from two firms you have

probably heard of, Oracle and Salesforce and the

results in red are digital assets created by firms you

probably have not heard of. Not HubSpot. Not Zoho.

Just three CRM companies with relevant digital assets.

Optimizing yours will:

• Bolster your site’s page quality scores

• Build content-based backlinks

• Expand the your online visibility both in terms of

getting you ranked for a wider set of terms and

getting you ranked multiple times on a single


What is Social Media Optimization

Here’s your second takeaway, your online brand ≠ your

website. Chasing organic domain rankings can be a fool’s

errand because regardless of how well optimized your

site is, it might not be the kind of site Google wants to

return for a given query. In short, if Google wants to

return “news” articles that’s what it’s going to return and

there’s nothing you can do about that. Well, almost

nothing. You can optimize your social channels and your

posts to bolster their chance of appearing in a search result.

SMO can be described a lot of ways but when you boil it down, it’s the process

applying the targeting tactics from your SEO campaign to your social media presence.

Social Profile Optimization

Typically, B2B e-commerce firms make a serious mistake in their approach social media. They often treat social

channels as walled gardens, as disconnected from one another and even their other digital marketing efforts. The

mistake plays out in variety of ways. It leads to Twitter and Facebook and Pinterest accounts that Google can’t

identify as belonging to the same brand and missed search visibility opportunities in the form of websites that’ve

been optimized for “Target Keyword” surrounded by social channels that haven’t been optimized for #TargetKeyword.

By optimizing Social Profiles we target both issues, we cross connect channels and ensure they’re search friendly.

Social Content Optimization

Why is it a mistake to approach social media channels as if they

were walled gardens? Because what you post can show up in the

same organic search results that you’re targeting on your website.

• Keywords you’ve already researched, that you may even be

running paid ads on have corresponding hashtags that you

could be using to both expand your on channel visibility and

anchor posts in ways that bolster their impact on search results

• Digital assets you’ve already spent time and effort optimizing

can not only become posts, they can become self-replicating

backlink snowballs. if you post a linked image on Pinterest

and 49 people re-pin it, that isn’t one backlink that will

improve your rankings, its 50 backlinks that will improve your


Social Channel Optimization

There’sMore to Social Than You Think …

If you’re up on YouTube, you need to be up on Vimeo and Daily Motion

If you have video, you probably have audio to put up on Soundcloud

If you’re up on Instagram, you need to be up on Flickr and Pinterest

If you’re blogging on your site, those blogs should be up on Medium and LinkedIn

If you have PDFs on your website, you need to put them up on Scribd, SlideShare

and Issuu

Good SMO Will Look Like This

Once again we have a Google Results Page for a pretty

common B2B search on the right, this time it’s: Liferay e-

Commerce. And as you can see the three search results in

red are all posts from social media—from Quora, YouTube

and Tumblr right ranked alongside the KonaKart home page.

Optimizing Your Social Channels will:

• Build more and more effective backlinks

• Improve your branded search results

• Open up additional traffic channels

• Speed up how quickly your content is indexed

• It’s also another tactic that will expand the your online

visibility both by improving your rankings by building the

aforementioned backlinks and earning you social signals

and by getting your posts ranked in results like the one’s

on the right

Rich Snippets and Structured Markup

Here’s another takeaway: Regardless of ranking, all search results aren’t created equal. You see, snippets are

the black text beneath search results. Rich Snippets are additional pieces of information that Google

highlights in results after identifying corresponding Structured Data markup on a landing page. Let me say

that again, we can use specialized HTML called structured data to get Google to give you extra space on

Search Engine Results Pages. And we can do that for products, review, events and even your site’sblog posts.

Structured Mark up for Products and Reviews

If you’ve seen stars in a Search Result, you’ve seen Structured Data for Reviews at work. It’s an underused

but increasingly popular tactic in the B2C space. B2B organizations on the other hand rarely employ it and

that’s actually pretty good news. It means that you’llbe able to take full advantage of the benefits of using it.

Lower your site’s bounce rates by giving visitorsqualifying information in search results

Improve the quality of your results and clarify your position in confused results

Boost your results your click through rates by making your appearances in search eye catching in

comparison to your competitor’s

Structured Mark up for Your Events

Events markup pulls info on happenings like this

Webinar off of your landing pages and into search

• It’s more common than product markup but

using it will still help you stand out in results

• Marked up Events are time sensitive and Google

treats them that way

• Google will display your Events beneath page

results and within your brand Knowledge Box

Structured Mark up for News, Articles and Answers

These three content types might not seem related.

They would be applied to three separate sections of

your website—your blog, your press releases and your

FAQ—but they have a few important things in common:

• Helps search engines return more relevant results

• It’smore accurate to say that Google displays News

or Answers results than to say that it ranks them.

• It is not uncommon to see an answer from the

tenth result displayed above the first ranked result

• Google gives content marked up as News, Articles

or Answers more on page prominence than you

could buy.

How You’ll Benefit from Structured Markup

One problem endemic to the B2B space is results confusion.

Google often doesn’t know how to interpret the intent of

popular B2B search terms and tries to cover as many bases

as it can in results. That means that it’s not uncommon to

find products/services returned alongside news articles,

forum threads and rich answer boxes. But Structured Markup

was literally designed to combat that effect, to clearly and

completely identify the nature of your Site Content to Google.

DAO, SMO and Markup Will Work to Together

Now we’re back to this image and we’re back for a simple

reason. Because this a perfect brand result page and every

tactic we’ve just gone over went into creating it. If you take a

closer look at it, you’ll find optimized digital assets in the

mega image block, optimized social content/channels in

couple of places and Rich Snippets for Events in the Brand

Knowledge Box.

Now you might think that was easy because I chose a place

as famous as the Royal Opera House, but here’s something

you may not know. This is not the only “Royal Opera House,”

there are Royal Opera Houses in Stockholm, in Edinburgh, in

Oman and in Sydney Australia. But this the one with the best

optimized online presence so this is the one Google gives us.

- Adam Audette

“The days of SEO being a game

outsmarting algorithms are over.

Today content strategy and valuable,

sustainable strategies are essential,

not just tricks and links.”

Dirk Lester · SEO Consultant · Dunn Solutions dlester@dunnsolutions.com

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