B3Seminar: You'll never build a natural link until you're worth talking about - Tim Grice

Post on 08-May-2015

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Businesses cannot ignore the changing Google landscape and the real need to add value. A website’s popularity can no longer be manipulated; you have to take an asset-led approach to link building that allows you to tap into online conversations. You will not be able to develop a natural link strategy until your business is worth talking about.



You’ll never build a natural link until you’re worth

talking about

Tim Grice – Head of Search


Keywords Rankings


Links Rankings







It worked


Google is stupid


Everybody does it


It was cheap


This categorically does not work anymore




Manual Reviews

Trigger Review



But also because….. • Disavow Data

• Devaluation of other signals

• Network Discovery

• Webmasters are more inclined to report


Unnatural Links

Bad Strategy Penguin 2.0




2009 - Vince

“An algorithm that seemed to favour big brands, as it was thought users could trust brands more”


2010 – May Day

“Sites with large-scale thin content were devalued, all in attempt to give users better results”


2010 – Google Instant

“Faster results for users”


2010 – Social Signals

“Google & Bing confirm the incorporation of social signals as part of the algorithm, leveraging user data

from Facebook & Twitter”


2011 – Panda

“Affected 12% of search results, devaluing thin content, content farms, and websites that offered little

value to the user”


2012 – Search + Your World

“Further moves towards personalisation and the incorporation of Google + user data”


2012 – Venice

“Provided users with more localised results”


2013 – Hummingbird

“Attempts to understand keyword associations and user intent.”





What Google think… Q:Want to use Google as a platform to sell?

A: Use Adwords, Shopping, Places.

Q:Want to add value, insight and contribute

to the conversation?

A: SEO is your friend.


“How do I get to the top of Google?” is the wrong question.


“How do I get so popular that Google has no choice but to rank

me?” is the right question.


On site guidelines will always be in place. • Canonical tags

• Schema

• Pagination

• Duplicate Content

• Site Architecture

• Etc……

…and will always be important.



But there is a reason Google doesn’t issue link strategy guidelines


Let’s talk


The current







Authority Relevance


is listening to…






Structure Quality


Tactics are fine but first address your thinking.


Some questions… • Who are your audience?

• What are they interested in?

• What online conversations are they having?

• What do they need answers to?


Become genuinely interested


• In your industry

• In your audience

• In your customers

• In problem solving

• In adding value

Interested in…


Focus on their interests



You begin asking the right questions. • What conversations are

people having?

• What are people missing?

• What do people find humorous?

• What would people find helpful?

• What do people find contentious

• What are people sharing?


Historic questions What links do our competitors have?

What anchor text is best for Google?

What is the ideal PageRank for a link?

Do Google prefer in content links?

Will Google penalise me for paid sidebar links?

Is a link at the top of the page better than the bottom?


Google want to know about



Let’s talk


Don’t pay for links….

Pay for a star



Oh, and did I mention Links?


Paid Media = Earned Links Use cheap paid media to kick start campaigns.

Contentious/Humorous content works best.


Have a sense of humour


Have an opinion

“If you don’t focus on people your link strategy will not stand the test of time”

Tim Grice Branded3

Link please



Focusing on your audience means you can forget about

your products.



Do your research and offer up your findings.



Feeds the


A strategy that meets multiple objectives • Activates conversation around your business

• Puts you in front of your target audience

• Encourages and increases brand search

• Generates shares and likes

• Allows you to truly engage people and build relationships

• Puts you in the ZMOT


Customers will use an average of 10 resources before making a decision to purchase


Summary • Put real effort into becoming the best result

• Take an interest in people

• Be worth talking about

• Talk in terms of your audience interests

• Add Value




Thank You


#B3Seminar @Branded_3