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Learning objective: To learn and practice about countable and uncountable nous

Instructions:Activities must be presented with the following criteria.

-Document: Microsoft word

-Font: Arial 12


-Cover page with:


-Student’s full name

-Number list

-Grade and group

*Delivery deadline: Thursday March 26, at 12 am.

Activity 1

Countable nouns are things that we can count.I have a brother.

There are two glasses on the table.


Countable nouns have a plural and a singular form. Do you want a banana?

I like bananas.

I need and egg.

We need three eggs.

Uncountable nouns are things that we can´t count. We usually don’t have a plural form, and we can´t use a/ an with them.I don’t like cheese.

Do you like lemonade?

There is a lot of sugar.

Some / any We use some in affirmative statements with uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns. We use it when we don’t say exactly how much or how many.There is some juice in the fridge.

There are some apples in the bowl.

We use any in the negative statements and questions with uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns.There isn’t any milk.

We don’t have any oranges.

Do you have any money?

Are there any strawberries?

a) Look at the picture and separate food into countable and uncountable.

b) Write sentences using there is, a /an or some and there are some, with the picture's vocabulary. Number each sentence with the same number of the picture.

Activity 2 a) Make sentences and add a, an, some or any.1. There/ not/ cheese/ on this pizza.

2. You/ have/ tomatoes/?

3. There/ milk/ in the fridge.

4. We/ not have/ yogurt.

5. There/ mushrooms/ in the shopping bag.

6. There/ water /?

7. There / bread / on the table.

8. There/ not / sugar.

9. She / have/ flour/?

10. There / not / oranges.

b) Complete the conversation with a/ an, soma or any.-What is for lunch? Is there_________ pasta?

-No there isn’t _______pasta. But there is ________ rice in the cupboard.

-Good. And do we have ________ meat or fish?

-Yes, we have___________ chicken and _________ fish.

-there is __________ green pepper and __________ onion, too but there isn’t

__________ salad.

No problem we can buy _________ salad at the market.

Evaluation criteria: Criteria Score

Activity 1 Total 50%

Activity1 Order and presentation.


Activity1- content 25%

Activity1- activity turned on time.


Activity 2 50%

Activity 2 Order and presentation


Activity 2- Content and previous preparation.


Activity 2- fluency 10%

Activity 2- activity turned on time.


Total 100%