Back painalleviation

Post on 13-Jun-2015

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The American Chiropractic Association or ACA recently reported that as many as 31 million Americans are certain to suffer from lower back aches at any point in time. In fact, a number of experts go as far as saying that 80% of the population – at the most – may experience from back pains some time or another.



By: Tom Om




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Back Pain Alleviation

Table of Contents

Introduction ..............................................................................................................7

The Importance of the Human Back.................................................................... 8

Take Action Now................................................................................................... 9

Traditional versus Alternative Treatment .........................................................10

The Pain is “Back”................................................................................................... 12

What Causes Back Pain? ...................................................................................... 12

Acute versus Chronic Back Pain.......................................................................... 12

Top Causes of Back Pain...................................................................................... 13

Intervertebral Disc Degeneration.................................................................... 13

Injuries ............................................................................................................... 13

Strain.................................................................................................................. 13

Acquired or Pre-existing Condition ................................................................. 13

Skeletal Irregularities........................................................................................ 14

Other Mechanical Causes................................................................................. 14

Pregnancy and Obesity..................................................................................... 15




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Infections........................................................................................................... 15

Emotional and Psychological Causes...............................................................16

Sedentary or Desk Work ..................................................................................16

Smoking............................................................................................................. 16

Should You Consult a Doctor Immediately?....................................................... 17

Resting: Something or Nothing? ............................................................................19

Improving Sleep and Getting R&R to Reduce Back Pain ..................................19

The Correct Position for Resting .....................................................................19

Tips for Choosing the Right Bed ..................................................................... 20

How to Choose the Right Mattress ................................................................. 21

Choosing the Right Bed Base.......................................................................... 26

Choosing the Right Pillows ............................................................................. 28

Getting Your Old Weight Back............................................................................... 29

Fight Obesity to Defeat Back Pains ................................................................... 29

A Breakdown of the Ideal Diet........................................................................... 30

Tips for Sticking to Your Diet ..............................................................................32

Tips for Exercising Regularly ...............................................................................35

Do You Like It Hot or Cold?.................................................................................... 38

The Heat and Ice Treatment .............................................................................. 38

A Toast to a Healthy Back...................................................................................... 39

Herbs, Food, and Drinks for Back Pain Relief.................................................... 39




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Herbs and Greens for Back Pain Relief........................................................... 39

Foods and Drinks for Back Relief.....................................................................42

Are You Vitamin D Deficient? ............................................................................. 43

The Effects of Nicotine and Alcohol on Back Pain............................................ 44

The 3 P’s – Pins, Pricks, and Pain........................................................................... 45

Acupuncture for Relieving Back Pain ................................................................ 45

Diagnostic Methods in Acupuncture................................................................. 46

Types of Back Pain According to TCM................................................................47

How to Prepare for an Acupuncture Treatment .............................................. 48

Cheers to Chiropractors......................................................................................... 50

Chiropractic Manipulation for Back Pain Relief ................................................ 50

Key Facts about Chiropractic Adjustment ..................................................... 50

Possible Side Effects of Chiropractic Adjustment .......................................... 51

What to Expect from Chiropractic Treatment................................................ 51

The Need to Knead .................................................................................................53

Massaging Techniques for Back Pain Relief.......................................................53

Aromatherapy Massage ...................................................................................53

Deep Tissue Massage .......................................................................................53

Hot Stone Massage ......................................................................................... 54

Pregnancy Massage......................................................................................... 54

Shiatsu .............................................................................................................. 54




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Sports Massage................................................................................................ 54

Swedish Massage Therapy...............................................................................55

Thai Massage.....................................................................................................55

Meditating the Pain Away ..................................................................................... 56

Yoga for Dealing with Back Trouble .................................................................. 56

Types of Yoga...................................................................................................... 56

Ashtanga Yoga ................................................................................................. 56

Bikram Yoga ......................................................................................................57

Iyenar Yoga .......................................................................................................57

Viniyoga .............................................................................................................57

Pondering about Consulting ................................................................................. 58

Obtaining a Second Opinion from Your Doctor................................................ 58

Tips for Preparing for Your Medical Consultation ............................................ 58

More Questions to Think about......................................................................... 60

Diagnostic Tests and Procedures for Back Pain.................................................61

Conventional Medications for Back Pain........................................................... 62

Conventional Treatments for Back Pain Relief ................................................. 63

Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 65

Mother Nature’s Got Your Back!........................................................................ 65




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About The Author

My name is TOM and I am on a life-long search for true peace, happiness, health and contentment. These things, of course, we cannot purchase at a store but instead must find within and with a healthy lifestyle on the outside. On my journey through this life I have studied many different health and healing arts including different forms of Reiki, Reflexology, Crystal Healing, Chakra Therapy, Yoga, Acupressure, Herbology, Aromatherapy, Aura Clearing, Holistic Nutrition and more.

I AM a Chiropractor and Reiki Master who have been practicing for more than 20 years internationally in Germany, USA, Italy and in the Philippines.

So my intent is to give you the best advice on holistic living and personal peace & harmony which is our highest purpose.

To your health, TOM







7 Healing Back Pain


When you are young, you tend to imagine that people doddering past retirement age are the only ones that get to experience back pain. You believe that brittle bones are the only cause for back pain.

As you get a little older, you modify your thoughts a little. You now believe that only people who perform a huge amount of manual labor or physical activity regularly are also at risk of experiencing back pain.

Yet as early as your twenties or thirties, you realize that the truth is a lot more unpalatable.

People of all ages can suffer from back pain and for a variety of reasons.

The American Chiropractic Association or ACA recently reported that as many as 31 million Americans are certain to suffer from lower back aches at any point in time. In fact, a number of experts go as far as saying that 80% of the population – at the most – may experience from back pains some time or another. also reports that of the 80% which suffers from back pains, a small number of them will develop serious spinal conditions that put them at risk of being disabled or physically handicapped.

Consider the additional facts and figures provided by ACA and other sources as well.







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Every year, 50% of working Americans say they are suffering from symptoms of back pain.

Both genders are equally affected by lower back problems.

People generally suffer from back pain when they are 25 to 60 years old. It was reported, however, that 12 to 26% of minors and teenagers may suffer from back trouble as well.

Back pain is cited as the 2nd most common reason for consulting a doctor.

Verified costs for treating or curing back pain amount to a minimum of $50B annually for Americans.

Approximately 85% cases of back trouble have no specific pathological cause. (

Over 220 conditions diagnosed all over the world have been proven to directly or indirectly affect a person’s spine (

The Importance of the Human Back

It is easy to list a number of reasons why a person’s five senses are important or why it is critical for the brain or heart to continuously work.

You probably think that your back is not as important as your body’s major organs and dismiss the aches and pains that commonly trouble you. That, however, may be the biggest mistake you can commit against your health. Ultimately, you have to remember that anything







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which affects your back may eventually affect your spinal cord. Niggling back pain may be fine to ignore, but any problem with your spinal cord is automatically considered a serious condition.

The human spine is what connects your head to the rest of your body. Your spinal cord is also responsible for allowing you to perform all types of movement. If the spine is badly damaged, it is possible that you will end up completely paralyzed.

Severe or persisting back pain – even if it has not yet affected your spine – also has its own set of consequences, some of which can have a huge impact on your life. In most circumstances, back pain can cause you to suffer from the following:

Be absent from work or miss other important occasions

Be bedridden and completely dependent on another person’s care

Be unable to participate in your favorite sport or any recreational activity that is largely physical in nature

Spend much-needed money on medication and treatment

Take Action Now

The scenarios above are obviously far from ideal. Thankfully, you have the power to prevent any of them from taking place. All you have to do is to take action the moment you experience back pain.

Although a lot of reports also say that back pain typically goes away on its own, the same reports also say that it can easily take weeks for







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the pain to completely vanish. What if you can’t afford to wait that long?

Traditional (Conventional) versus Alternative (Complementary, Holistic, Natural) Treatment

It is a good thing that you are convinced of the need to urgently address your condition. You do, however, have one more important decision to make.

Should you opt for traditional treatment right away - which is typically provided by a licensed physician or a back specialist - or perhaps it is better to start with a natural remedy, which is typically quicker to implement and more affordable as well?

It is not a bad thing to have always trusted your doctor to do know what is right for you. What may be a bit excessive is not to explore other options you may have.

Contrary to popular belief, natural, holistic or alternative treatments are not synonymous to fake medications, placebos, or strange concoctions and witch brews that have the oddest of ingredients in it.

Not all types of alternative medication are based on hearsay alone. Many of them are based on facts and scientific research. More importantly, many of them have been used for thousands of years and proven effective for treating specific conditions.

In fact, according to the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, one of the research organizations founded by the federal





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government, it is best that individuals with lower back troubles start with conservative care first.

This is defined as any non-surgical procedure designed to treat any specific condition. It includes but isn’t limited to exercise, massage, therapy, and many other types of complementary treatments.

In any case, whatever you do, just remember that doing anything or something may be better than doing nothing at all to treat your condition.

According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, staying in bed for more than a day or two may

actually cause your back pain to worsen.





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The Pain is “Back”

What Causes Back Pain?

Back pain varies in terms of frequency and severity. A list of symptoms has been provided below to help you determine whether you are suffering from back pain or not.

Difficulty in standing straight

Limited movement

Muscle aches

Pain that shoots right down to your leg

Stabbing or shooting pain in the back area and especially when you move your back or perform a certain movement

Acute versus Chronic Back Pain

There may be times when you hear people describe their condition as acute or chronic back pain. The only difference between the two is the length in which your condition lasts.

Acute back pain may last anytime between several days to a number of weeks. Chronic back pain, on the other hand, is a condition that stays with you for at least three months.

While symptoms may be the same for both types of back pain, there are a few causes unique to each condition.





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Top Causes of Back Pain

Although most back trouble has undefined causes, there are also times when its cause is rather easy to identify.

Intervertebral Disc Degeneration

As mentioned earlier on, aging is commonly linked to back pains, and it is largely due to this condition. With intervertebral disc degeneration, the discs in your vertebrae are worsening or deteriorating as you age. This is considered as the top mechanical cause for back pain.


Any spine injury, fracture, or sprain that you suffer from and which is close enough to your back can lead to either acute or chronic back trouble. Injuries are often incurred in accidents or when playing sports.


Muscles in your back may be unnecessarily strained when you do sudden or a lot of heavy lifting. Moving awkwardly and suddenly can also lead to muscle strain and, eventually, back pain.

Acquired or Pre-existing Condition

The presence of another medical condition, disorder, or disease can lead to back pain as one of its complications or symptoms.

Arthritis is characterized by pain or inflammation of your joints. Rheumatoid and osteoarthritis are the most common types of arthritis that are associated with back trouble.





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Ankylosing spondylitis is another inflammatory disease which may cause some of your spine’s vertebrae to fuse together.

Cauda equine syndrome is a neurological disorder that not only leads to back pain but also causes you to lose control over your bladder and/or bowel as well as experience numbness in your groin area. It may also cause your legs to feel unnaturally weak.

Skeletal Irregularities

Irregularities in the curvature or formation of your spine may also lead to back pain.

Scoliosis refers to conditions wherein a person’s spine curves unnaturally toward one side.

Spinal stenosis occurs when the spinal causes spaces in a person’s spine to become compressed and narrow. It is most commonly a complication of arthritis.

Osteoporosis refers to a condition in which bones have become unnaturally brittle and porous, thus causing the spine’s vertebrae to suffer from compression fractures.

Other Mechanical Causes

Aside from intervertebral disc degeneration, muscle spasm as well as the other conditions listed below is a possible cause of back pain.

Ruptured disks are also referred to as herniated or bulging disks. This condition occurs when disks in your vertebrae are out of line and end up pressing on a nerve.





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Sciatica may occur as a complication of herniated disks. It cauess a person to experience a stabbing and sharp pain that emanates from the buttock and goes all the way down to the back of the person’s leg.

Pregnancy and Obesity

The unnatural weight caused by carrying an unborn child in the womb may cause a woman to suffer from back pain. Likewise, people suffering from obesity may also suffer from back pain because they are carrying an excess amount of weight in their bodies.


Infection may occur when certain parts of your body – such as your kidney stones - become infected.

Endometriosis occurs when endometrial tissue, which is supposed to grow only inside a woman’s womb or uterus, grows outside of it.

Fibromyalgia is a type of infection that causes a person to suffer from overall muscle pain and extreme fatigue.

Discitis refers to infections affecting the vertebrae’s discs.

Osteomyelitis refers to infections affecting the vertebrae itself.

Tumors are also considered as a type of infection and may lead to back reason as well for that reason.





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Emotional and Psychological Causes

Sometimes, there doesn’t have anything to be wrong with your body for you to suffer from back pain. Emotional or psychological factors may be to blame instead.


Anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders


Sedentary or Desk Work

If you sit behind a table all day and do not maintain proper posture, there is a good chance you will be suffering from back pain in time.


Various studies have revealed a strong correlation between smoking and back pain. The University of Michigan Health System in particular highlights the following discoveries about smoking and back pain.

People who smoke are 2.7 times more likely to suffer from lower back trouble.

People who smoke also have a greater potential to suffer from lower back trouble as they age.

Female smokers also have a higher risk of suffering from lower back trouble compared to male smokers.

Smoking has been cited as one of the possible reasons for spinal disk decay.





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Should You Consult a Doctor Immediately?

As mentioned early on, there is nothing wrong in consulting your doctor immediately for advice about your condition.

If you are the type, however, to prefer having a “valid” or critical reason to visit your doctor, then keep in mind that experts generally advise people to visit their doctor when over 72 hours of alternative treatment and self-care have passed and your condition shows no signs of improving.

More to the point, it is highly advisable that you consult your doctor if you are suffering from any of the situations below.

You have lost a significant amount of weight for no known reason.

You have suffered from a serious injury to your back.

Your back pain is accompanied by fever or a throbbing type of pain in your abdominal area.

You suddenly have a hard time controlling your bowel movement and/or bladder.

Your back pain becomes more intense when you lie on your back.

You are suffering from sciatica as well.

Your family has a history of osteoporosis or cancer.

You have suffered from substance abuse in the past.

You have previously used steroids.







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You are over fifty years old and are experiencing back trouble for the first time.

Finding out the cause of your back pain can greatly help in determining the ideal traditional and alternative treatment for your condition.

If, however, you have a hard time pinpointing the cause of your condition on own, there is no need to worry as long as none of the aforementioned instances apply in your case.

There should be no problem in trying any number of ways of healing your back pain naturally.







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Resting: Something or Nothing?

Improving Sleep and Getting R&R to Reduce Back Pain

If you recall, it has been mentioned earlier how doing nothing at all for an extended period of time may only cause you to suffer from greater back trouble.

Stress, depression, and anxiety and many other emotional factors may also contribute to your condition. All of these problems, however, may best be solved with much-needed R&R as well as taking the necessary steps to lengthen and improve your sleep.

The Correct Position for Resting

1. Lower yourself gently on the bed.

2. Rest your head on a pillow.

3. Bend your hips and knees a little. Have someone place a couple of pillows under them. This position will relieve the usual pressure and weight on your back.

You may also practice this position while lying on the floor and with your feet resting on a chair.







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Tips for Choosing the Right Bed

Back pain may be directly caused by sleeping on the wrong type of bed and mattress. Although beds are one of the most expensive furniture there is, it is also one of the most important and practical investments you will make. Beds can last a lifetime and typically come in timeless designs.

The bigger, the better! Size may not always matter but it definitely does when it comes to beds. Smaller beds can make you feel restrained in your movements even if you are sleeping alone. More space is even more important when you are sleeping next to someone.

o Ideally speaking, you and your partner should be able to sleep on your sides, arms behind the head, and elbows out but without coming into contact with each other.

o In terms of length, the bed should be at least four to six inches longer than the taller partner.

Shop together. If more than one person will be using the bed, then preferences and needs of both users should be taken into account.

o If the difference between your weight and your partner is more than 18 kilograms, it would be better if you purchase two single mattresses of varying tension. The huge disparity in your weight means that there is also a considerable difference when it comes to what kind of bed you will need.

Do not be in a rush when going bed shopping. One study reveals how people spend approximately 2 minutes when shopping for







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beds. That’s quite fast for something you are going to use every night of a good part of your life. Also, beds are quite expensive. You cannot really afford to make even one mistake when buying your bed.

Consider your weight. A person’s weight should be considered directly proportionate to the bed’s tension.

o Something that is too soft will cause your body to slouch and which may lead to problems with spinal alignment.

o When the bed or mattress is too hard, too much pressure may be placed on your back, which will not make a relaxing sleep.

Consider the “feel” of the bed. This is entirely subjective but nonetheless requires your attention as well. If possible, test the bed for ten minutes – minimum. It is critical that you get a good feel of the bed and experience for yourself if it is comfortable enough for you.

How to Choose the Right Mattress

If there is such a thing as the right bed for sleeping, then naturally there is also the right mattress for sleeping. You also have to consider both objective and subjective factors in order to make the best purchase.







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This refers to the cover of your mattress. Do not mind too much about the looks unless you are not planning to use a bed cover for your mattress.

If the mattress’ ticking will indeed be exposed to public viewing, then make sure that the fabric used is of good quality, tear-resistant, and preferably made of materials that have been sewn with cotton yarns or are knitted or woven in the finest of viscose yarns.

It will also be ideal if the ticking is anti-microbial and anti-bacterial, anti-dust mite, and breathable. Other features you may want to look for include the following:

Fire retardant


Water and stain resistant


Sometimes, mattresses are not only designed with ticking but with quilting or tufting as well. These are typically for ornamental purposes only although those that possess hand side stitching are considered to be longer lasting.

Mattresses With or Without Spring Interiors

Spring mattresses tend to be more expensive but they also offer more benefits for the user.







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The height and design of springs, the gauge or thickness of wires, and how many coils there are can all effect the mattress’ tension level as well as its weight distribution and overall feel.

Springs can also be installed right down the middle of the mattress to provide greater support to heavier users. If installed around the mattress’ edges, then the mattress will feel more rigid than usual.

Different sets of springs may be used for each side to provide varying tension levels. In any case, there are also beds that allow you to adjust the tension level of your mattress.

A spring mattress generally consists of 600 to 800 springs. Many commonly possess as many as 2,500 although a few may have as many as 4,000 springs.

There are basically three types of mattresses with spring interiors.

Open sprung or open coil – Also referred to as Bonnell springs, these are typically installed in rows and available in a selection of tension levels.

Continuous spring - These use typically smaller coils and softer wires compared to those used in open sprung mattresses. They also tend to be woven vertically.

Pocket spring – This type uses the softest and smallest springs of all and provide separate support for those with more than one user. It is the most expensive of all types of spring interior systems for mattresses.







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Spring mattresses also differ according to filling, which is what a mattress is basically made of. The right type of filling can make mattresses more compact, flexible, absorbent, durable and resilient. Certain types of fillings may also make a mattress more compact or thinner.

Cotton – This is typically chosen because of its breathable, moisture-absorbent and softer qualities.

Fiber – Coir fiber pads are fiber taken from coconuts and used for insulation as well as for preventing a user from feeling the springs on his back. Synthetic and compressed wool may also be used to serve the same purposes. Mohair, cashmere, silk, and other types of natural fiber may also be used for creating more luxurious mattresses.

Foam – There are many types of foams that can be used for spring mattresses. They are however more frequently linked with non-spring mattresses.

Hair – They are most prized for their resiliency and sold in either loose form or as pads.

Polyester – These are recommended mainly for their recoverable features.

Wool – It is well-favored because it contains breathable as well as fire retardant properties, together with a luxurious feel.

Non-spring mattresses may, on the other hand, be divided into three types.







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This type of mattress is best used with adjustable beds or those with slatted bases. A single foam mattress can have different levels of depth and density. If using a foam mattress, make sure that you choose one with the density and depth level that can offer your back sufficient support and comfort while sleeping.

Latex – This type of foam offers natural elasticity, allowing the mattress to recover its form upon the removal of any pressure or weighted object. This quality also ensures that there are no pressure points to worry about when you go to sleep. You can also rely on latex mattresses for independent support, anti-microbial protection, durability, and a uniquely resilient feel. Latex foams are made using rubber tree sap.

Polyurethane – This type of foam is one of the most widely used types of mattresses today. It is petroleum-based and synthetic.

Visco elastic – Some of you may probably have heard of this as memory foam. It is one of the newest innovations for foam mattresses and designed to respond to the user’s weight and body temperature. One of its best features is its ability to relieve pressure.

Flotation beds

You probably know this better as “water beds”. They are most admired for their ability to offer anti-bacterial and pressure-freesupport. Water inside the bed may be heated to keep you toasty warm at night.







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This type of mattress is best purchased if you are used to or like sleeping on the floor – the way many Japanese and Koreans are accustomed to. In Japan, a mat is placed underneath the futon before use and both are rolled and stored away from view during the day. In the Western world, futons are designed as sofa beds or those with convertible frames and slatted bases.

Choosing the Right Bed Base

If you think your bed or mattress is the only thing you have to consider to enjoy a good night’s sleep and be freed from back pains, think again. Your choice of base also affects your sleep so make sure to take as much time as needed when shopping for it.


These are designed either with legs if you want some sort of space underneath your bed or with castors if you think you will need to roll your bed in and out of the room.

These box-like bases also tend to have storage drawers underneath them.

Sprung edge divans are the most expensive and use either pocket or open coil springs. They relieve pressure from all parts of the bed and make it shock-absorbent as well as extra durable.







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Platform top or solid divans do not use springs and tend to be more affordable but firmer as well compared to sprung edge divans.

Firmer edge divans use fewer but larger and more durable springs.

Flexible slatted divans rely on a moderate number of springs to relieve pressure.


When choosing a bedstead, make sure that the slat spacing it uses can provide sufficient support for your mattresses. The bigger the gaps, the more vulnerable your mattress is to wear and tear.

Adjustable Beds

This type of bed need not be confined to hospitals and they certainly do not need to look as sterile.

There is a wide selection of designs you can choose from today, with some offering separate adjustment controls for each half of the bed. Other designs still come with side rails and side tables.

Bunk Beds

Bunk beds come with fairly standard designs and frames. As always, you just have to be extra sure that the upper frame is sturdy enough to hold the user’s weight.

Anything less than durable could put the person sleeping below at risk.







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Choosing the Right Pillows

Pillows are fairly affordable – even the ones that offer the finest quality and designs – so do try not to skimp too much when shopping for them. Pillows may be soft and cuddly, but that doesn’t mean that’s all there is to them. Pillows provide much-needed support for your head and neck. Take it away and the quality of your sleep could get a lot worse.

Here are a number of tips to keep in mind when shopping for pillows.

Choose the type of filling that makes your pillows as soft or as firm as you prefer. There are many to choose from, including but not limited to latex, fiber-filled, and goosedown.

An orthopedic pillow is uniquely shaped to support your head and neck.

The number of pillows you need as well as the required thickness will depend on your sleeping position. Never lie on your front and especially with the neck twisted to the side.

Replace pillows after two to three years of use. Anything older is likely to have lost its firmness, shape, and has probably become a nesting ground of dust mites.

Even if inadequate or uncomfortable sleep isn’t the culprit behind your back aches, improving your sleep can still go a long way in alleviating your discomfort. It is recommended that you do what you can to improve your sleep before moving on to the other methods listed here.








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Getting Your Old Weight Back

Fight Obesity to Defeat Back Pains

Obesity is also commonly cited as a reason for back pains, and it is clear to see why. Your BMI or body mass index will let you know just how much weight your body is ideally designed to carry.

When you go beyond the standard range of your BMI, you are more likely to experience back pains since the added weight places added strain or pressure on your back.

No matter how you look at it, battling obesity can only be achieved with a twofold strategy: proper nutrition and regular exercise.








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A Breakdown of the Ideal Diet

The breakdown below is based on a 1,300-calorie daily diet. You should adjust the figures according to the recommended daily calorie intake based on your BMI, body fat percentage, and weight loss goals.

Carbohydrates should make up approximately 45 to 65% of your total calorie intake for the day. Do your best to obtain your daily dose of carbs from whole grains, legumes and beans, and vegetables and fruits.

Protein helps build muscles and is thus essential to your diet as well. It should be equivalent to 10 to 35% of your calorie intake for the day. Contrary to popular belief, greens like lentils and beans as well as soy products can be excellent sources of protein. If you are a meat lover, make sure that you opt for lean and white meat and stay away from eating too much fat. Nuts –unsalted – can also offer protein. If you love seafood, limit your intake to twice a week.

Fats should make up 20 to 35% of your daily calorie intake. As much as possible, limit your intake to mono and polyunsaturated fats. These are the good fats and can help improve your immune system as well as your cellular membranes’ structure and functions. Sources of “good fat” include nut and vegetable-based oils, fish, and lean poultry. Conversely, try to avoid those with saturated and trans fats as much as possible. They increase your risk of incurring heart diseases and can make you gain even more weight.








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Like fats, there are two types of cholesterols: good and bad or LDL and HDL respectively. Naturally, you should opt for food with higher LDL levels than HDL. For that matter, it is best to significantly limit your intake of cholesterol. Aim to keep your daily intake at less than 200mg.

Fiber is considered good for dieting individuals because it keeps off hunger pangs for a longer period of time naturally. Soluble fiber can help lower your blood sugar and cholesterol levels. They may be obtained from dried beans, oats, and a number of fruits like oranges and apples. Insoluble fiber, on the other hand, can help prevent constipation and may be obtained from whole grains and vegetables. Men are advised to consume 28 to 34g per day while women should consume 22 to 28g daily.

Sodium should be limited to 2,300mg per day or no more than 1,500mg if you are hypertensive, diabetic or are suffering from any chronic kidney disease. Being black and over 51 years of age also requires you to limit your daily sodium intake to 1,500mg. A lot of today’s fast food and junk food are extremely rich in salt, making people more at risk to incurring heart disease. Eliminating sodium from your diet completely is not advised, though. When consumed moderately, sodium can help your muscles and nerves function more effectively.

Sugar is one type of carbohydrate you should limit your intake of as much as possible. A little bit of sugar now and then will not be harmful since it can increase your energy levels. Eating it regularly or daily can, however, cause you to gain more weight








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and make you prone to diabetes and many other serious conditions.

Tips for Sticking to Your Diet

Knowing what to eat is different from actually doing what you are supposed to do. Here are a number of ways to help you stick to your diet till the end. Here are a number of suggestions, some of which have been provided by Ladies’ Home Journal and Psychology Today.

Find a source of inspiration and motivation. Think of the most important reason why you should diet – aside from getting fit and freeing yourself from back pain. Will a fitter body make you feel better-looking and sexier? Will it make you perform better in your favorite sports? It does not matter if your reasons are far from important in other people’s eyes. What matters is what you think.

Keep a food diary. There is nothing as inspiring – and conversely, guilt-inducing – than having the entries of your food diary stare back at you in undeniable letters, reminding you of good and bad deeds in the past.

Choose the type of diet that satisfies your taste buds and will not be a hindrance to your lifestyle. Healthy meals do not have to taste bland if you are a creative and resourceful cook. Make sure that your meals also meet your lifestyle’s requirements, such as increasing protein intake if you tend to do a lot of physical work.








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Successful dieting starts with successful grocery shopping. Keep temptation away by cutting back on purchases of food that you know is neither healthy nor slimming.

Avoid amnesia eating. Diet experts believe that people have a tendency to gain more weight when they are multitasking while eating. Watching TV or doing just about anything else that takes up your concentration will make you unmindful of how much you are eating.

Keep to a schedule. Eventually, your system will be used to the routine and is less likely to be troubled by unexpected hunger pangs.

Savor every bite. Aside from allowing you to fully delight in your meal, this also gives your brain and stomach to catch up with each other. If you eat too much too fast, your body gets delayed in telling your brain that it is already full.

Use a smaller plate. Think of it as deceiving your brain into thinking you are eating a lot already when you fill up a small plate with food.

Do not skip breakfast. The old adage about breakfast being the most important meal of the day isn’t a myth. It’s a fact. Skip this meal, and you have a tendency to overeat for the rest of the day.

Always have nutritional snacks in handy. When you have an unexpected urge to indulge, these should hold you off from committing too great a sin against your diet.








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34 Healing Back Pain

Reward yourself once a week. Your hard work deserves more than a pat on the back. Freeing yourself from excess weight and back pain may be a form of reward already but in order to keep yourself motivated, it wouldn’t hurt to reward yourself with other things. Just make sure that your reward isn’t completely edible. Try limiting yourself to one forbidden snack or dish per week, such as a single scoop of your favorite ice cream, a small chocolate bar, or whatever takes your fancy.

Practice tough love. When the urge to indulge gets too hard to resist, remind yourself of the ultimatum. You can eat it and get fat or you can stick to your diet and slim down. It is all or nothing, so which is it going to be?








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35 Healing Back Pain

Tips for Exercising Regularly

For a lot of people, working out regularly is just as difficult as keeping to a daily diet. There are, however, a number of things you can do as well in order to maintain a regular exercise routine.

If you can afford it, go to a gym. Knowing that you are paying monthly dues may be motivation enough to get you to work out regularly or at least frequently. Going to a gym also allows you to enjoy occasionally free advice and workouts from professional trainers.

Burn calories anyway you can. Walk instead of driving – and that includes walking your child to school, exercising your dog, and buying newspaper down the corner instead of having it delivered. Clean your house instead of hiring someone else to do it. As long as an opportunity to burn calories comes up, grab it like there is no day left for you to work out!

Look for an activity that you enjoy. Some people are simply too sociable not to be bored with doing exercises on their own. If that is the case, look for any other activity that you are sure to have fun with and burn calories at the same time. Think dancing, rock climbing, and other types of sports.

Start on a Monday. This will give you the necessary mindset of having exercise as a part of your daily and weekly routine.

Start in the morning. The longer you delay it, the more excuses you are likely to come up with in order to delay it even further.








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36 Healing Back Pain

If you have no choice to skip exercise for today, make sure you do it tomorrow. Allowing yourself two days of laziness will ruin your momentum and upset your routine or mindset. Naturally, being extremely sick is that one exception to the rule.

Start easy. If you have been leading a sedentary life for some time, it is best to start with a simple and easy workout. Gradually increase the length, number of sets and repetitions,as well as the weights for your workout once you feel you are no longer expending any effort with your workout.

If you have just recovered from back pain, try not to place too much pressure on your back. For the first week or so following your recovery from pack pain, try to limit yourself to cardiovascular workouts and avoid strength or core training in the meantime. Lifting too much too soon can cause your back pain to return with a vengeance.

It is okay to multitask if that is what makes working out enjoyable. Listen to music, watch TV, or read a book while exercising on the treadmill or bike. Anything that makes exercise bearable or even fun is always a good thing.

Suit up! The proper clothes and footwear for exercising will lower your risk of incurring injury while working out. It also strengthens your mindset about exercising being an essential part of your routine.






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37 Healing Back Pain

Just as it is with sleeping, the right diet and exercise are things that should be constantly present in your life even if you have already gotten rid of back trouble.






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38 Healing Back Pain

Do You Like It Hot or Cold?

The Heat and Ice Treatment

Heat and ice treatments may be one of the simplest remedies for back pains, but they are also one of the most unquestionably effective among all natural treatments in relieving its symptoms.

This treatment should be done immediately upon experiencing back pain. The sooner it is implemented, the more effective it will be for healing your back pain.

1. Buy compresses of good quality. The must be insulated enough to keep affected areas sufficiently hot or cold instead of burning or freezing your skin when they come into contact.

2. Use a cold compress first. If a compress is not available, the usual pack of frozen peas or vegetables or ice bags may also do.

3. Apply the cold compress to the affected area for several times a day and for a maximum of twenty minutes per session.

4. Cold treatments should be applied for two to three days.

5. Aside from hot compresses, hot pads or heating lamps may also be used. Heat treatments improve blood flow and help back muscles relax. Do avoid sleeping with the hot pad resting on your back, though. This may only cause your condition to worsen with more tissue damage and burns even.

6. You can supplement the effects of a heat and cold treatment with a warm bath before you go to bed.





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39 Healing Back Pain

A Toast to a Healthy Back

Herbs, Food, and Drinks for Back Pain Relief

In the previous chapter, you have learned about the essentials of proper nutrition. In this chapter, you will learn more about the specific food, drinks, and herbs that you should take in order to relieve the symptoms of back pain.

Herbs and Greens for Back Pain Relief

Studies suggest that the list of herbs below may help assuage the discomfort caused by back pain.


This is one of the most easily sourced herbs, which is certain to be available in your local grocery. You have the option of including its sprouts in your next meal or simply taking it in capsule form. There are also alfalfa juices available if that is how you prefer to take it.

Alfalfa is considered to be effective for back pain because of its anti-inflammatory and, yes, anti-arthritic properties. The fact that it is rich in protein, vitamins, and essential minerals is just a bonus.


This herb is not just good at healing. It also helps that it smells great, too, and works effectively as a natural deodorant or air freshener. It has anti-spasmodic properties which will prove quite beneficial if your back pain is caused by muscle spasms. Chamomile can best be included in your diet as a flavor for your regular cup of tea.





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40 Healing Back Pain


Be sure to apply this the way you would with a topical plaster.

Devil’s claw

It may sound iffy, but it is actually helpful for relieving back pain when consumed orally.


As it is frequently used as curry seasoning, your best chances of shopping for fenugreek would be to look for it in Indian, Thai, or other ethnic markets. Use its seeds for seasoning your meals as well while you can also toss in its sprouts and greens to your salad.

Fenugreek has phyto-steroid properties that can help redress damage caused to back tissues. It is also believed to be effective in treating cancer symptoms.


If you are diabetic, flax can help control your blood sugar levels while easing back trouble. Flax can be consumed as tea, used as cooking oil, or be one of the ingredients for making sauces and dressings.


In the Eastern world, ginger is considered one of the most important herbs. That should be no surprise, considering its many healing properties. Having a distinctly lovely scent and flavor does not hurt either. You can use ginger to make sauces or season your food. You can also use it as a flavor for your tea.





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41 Healing Back Pain


This deliciously scented herb is frequently used to add flavor as well to meats, salads, soups and stews, and sauces. It is also used occasionally for flavoring tea. It is effective for relieving muscle tension and aches. It is considered an effective remedy for fever because of its high levels of salacin, a type of glycoside that aspirins are made of.


If you are experiencing back pains, then take out your Thanksgiving stock of sage and use it to flavor your meal. Sage is good for relieving muscle pain and clearing your mind. It is distinct for its minty flavor and can be used with tea. White sage is considered to have one of the strongest anti-inflammatory properties.

Willow bark

This is consumed orally and is one of the most effective types of herbs. It has been proven helpful for other conditions beside back pain.





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42 Healing Back Pain

Foods and Drinks for Back Relief

Modify your diet to make sure that it is not only healthy but effective as well for treating back pain.


A Michigan State University reveals that cherries contain anti-inflammatory properties which can help ease back pain. This property is also responsible for giving cherries its lovely purplish color.


Milk is rich in calcium, and this will help keep your bones healthy. Contrary to popular opinion, kids and the elderly are not the only ones to benefit from drinking milk. You can benefit from drinking a glass of milk each day no matter your age. Just make sure you are drinking milk that is fat free or formulated especially to raised your calcium levels and improve bone density and structure.


This is one of the healthier types of fish to consume because it has high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids. For that matter, other foods that are considered excellent sources for Omega-3 fatty acids include walnuts and sardines.

Shitake mushroom

This is considered effective for healing back pains due to its anti-arthritic properties and ability to heal other types of joint pain. It also has anti-viral properties, which may help if your back trouble is caused by cancer or other types of infections.





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43 Healing Back Pain

Are You Vitamin D Deficient?

Even if you eat lots of calcium-rich food, you will not able to maximize its benefits if you are Vitamin D deficient. This vitamin helps your body absorb calcium and without it, the calcium you consume just goes to waste. The best sources of vitamin D include the following:

Fortified soy products

Cod liver oil

Orange juice and milk





While it is a good thing to increase your intake of the food, drinks, and herbs listed above, do make sure that they will not cause you to consume beyond your daily calorie intake. Do not neglect to count calories as well for every item that you add to your meal plan for the day.





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44 Healing Back Pain

The Effects of Nicotine and Alcohol on Back Pain

Although nicotine is neither a type of food nor drink, it is nonetheless something you do consume, hence its inclusion in this chapter. You should know by now that nicotine and alcohol have the ability to contribute to back pains.

If you are a chain smoker or drinker, you may want to seriously consider cutting back on your intake not just to relieve yourself of back trouble but also of possible health complications in the future.




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45 Healing Back Pain

The 3 P’s – Pins, Pricks, and Pain

Acupuncture for Relieving Back Pain

Acupuncture is one of the forms of alternative treatment that the National Institute of Health suggests patients try if none of the modern methods for back pain relief proves to be effective.

Originating from China and in practice for thousands of years, acupuncture involves the use of hair-thin needles and inserting them in what practitioners believe are pressure or trigger points in your body.

Inserting the needles into specific pressure points is supposed to help alleviate pain in affected areas. Once a needle is inserted, chi, also spelled as qi – which means life force or energy – will be released and allowed to travel freely in the meridians or pathways of your body.

The World Health Organization considers acupuncture as being potentially effective for chronic and acute pain control. Moreover, the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture lists the following conditions as those which the treatment may also be effective for.


Muscle spasms*






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46 Healing Back Pain


Healing and pain relief for fractures

All the conditions above are potential causes of back pain.

*These conditions have also been acknowledged by WHO as potentially treatable with acupuncture.

Diagnostic Methods in Acupuncture

Before an acupuncturist proceeds with an actual treatment, he or she will conduct an interview of the patient first as well as perform diagnostic methods that adhere to those set by traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

Inspection is concentrated mainly on the facial area and the tongue and teeth.

In auscultation & olfaction, the acupuncturist would look for certain sounds (e.g. wheezing) and odors that may help him diagnose your condition more accurately.

The “Seven Inquiries” are designed to look for indicators of the following conditions:

o Fever and chills

o Perspiration

o Appetite

o Taste and thirst




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47 Healing Back Pain

o Urination and defecation

o Pain and sleep

o Menses as well as leucorrhea

Signs of palpitation are also searched for.

Types of Back Pain According to TCM

There are many types of pains that TCM has documented, but the following types are considered to be most common when it comes to back pain.

Blood Stagnation

This is also known as qi pain and refers to the pain that accompanies muscles that have not been used strongly or frequently enough. Ill-used muscles are believed to cause qi or energy to become congested instead of flowing freely around your body.

Cold & Damp Obstruction Pain

This is the kind of pain that you typically experience in the early hours of the morning and especially when the weather is unusually damp and cold. It is the kind of pain that is most frequently associated with arthritis as well as problems with the muscles in your back and other joints.




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48 Healing Back Pain

Deficiency-type Pain

This refers to a dull sensation of pain that you are likely to feel when you reach middle age and get older. Thankfully, a good amount of rest can go a long way in alleviating it.

How to Prepare for an Acupuncture Treatment

Limit yourself to a light meal two hours before your scheduled appointment. You cannot be treated with acupuncture if you are currently fasting as it will likely cause you to feel dizzy or nauseous during treatment.

Do not consume any amount of alcohol on the day of your appointment.

Do not participate in any kind of strenuous activity the day before, after and the day of your treatment.

Clear your day as much as possible so that you will not be in a hurry to get to your appointment. It is important that you arrive at the clinic relaxed.

Ask someone to accompany you. Acupuncture has a strongly calming effect on the body, and this may cause you to lack the necessary alertness to drive home safely.

Wear comfortable and loose tops and bottoms which can be rolled up easily to expose your arms and knees when needed.




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49 Healing Back Pain

Expect to experience a modicum of pain. It will be less painful than an injection since the needles used in acupuncture are typically thinner.

As the treatment progresses, you may feel an overall numbing sensation. This means the treatment is working.

Your acupuncturist will let you know how many sessions you may be required to complete in order for your condition to be treated effectively. Keep in mind that not all insurance policies will reimburse you for your cost. Majority of healthcare plans, however, include acupuncture and other forms of alternative treatment in their coverage.




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50 Healing Back Pain

Cheers to Chiropractors

Chiropractic Manipulation for Back Pain Relief

Also known as spinal manipulation, chiropractic adjustment involves the manipulation, movement, or adjustment of joints beyond its standard range of motion but not to the point that it is beyond what it is capable of doing. Think of it as being able to move joints the way gymnasts and dancers can without having to undergo years of training.

Key Facts about Chiropractic Adjustment

It is designed to improve physical functions of the body

It is designed to alleviate physical pain

It is most frequently used for relieving back and neck pains as well as headaches

The effectiveness of this treatment is based on the following principles:

o The natural, not to mention powerful, ability of the body to heal itself

o The strong correlation between the structure of your body and its capacity to perform certain healthy functions




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51 Healing Back Pain

Possible Side Effects of Chiropractic Adjustment

The chances of suffering from side effects are quite seldom when you are under the care of an expert and licensed chiropractor. Nevertheless, a few patients have reported experiencing fatigue, headache, and continuing pain caused by a past injury.

In very rare cases, a patient may suffer from severe complications but again, this is most likely caused by the inexperience and lack of expertise of the practitioner.

In any case, you are not a good candidate for chiropractic adjustment if any of the following situations holds true for you.

You are suffering from any kind of nerve damage or osteoporosis

You had undergone spinal surgery in the past Your back pain is accompanied by chills, fever, or weight loss Your back pain is caused by a tumor or infection

What to Expect from Chiropractic Treatment

As with all treatments, your chiropractor will begin with a diagnostic exam to better understand the nature and extent of your condition.

Interview and review of your medical history Basic physical exam Diagnostic tests like X-rays

Once results from the previous steps have been taken into account, your chiropractor will then discuss the treatment plan he has in mind for you.





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52 Healing Back Pain

If you agree, your treatment may follow right after.

1. You will be asked to lie face down on a custom designed chiropractic table that is made comfortable by padding and a specially built hole that allows you to breathe easily andnaturally even in this position.

2. You will also have to maintain different positions when the chiropractor has to treat other affected areas.

3. Your chiropractor will use his own hands to exert sudden but controlled pressure toward a specific joint, thus forcing it to move beyond its usual range.

4. You will often hear a cracking or popping sound whenever your chiropractor forces your joints to move.

After the treatment, your chiropractor will let you know if and when you need to come back for reassessment. You may also be encouraged to try other alternative treatments for your condition.





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53 Healing Back Pain

The Need to Knead

Massaging Techniques for Back Pain Relief

This is probably one of the most relaxing methods for back pain relief and something you can enjoy even if you are not having back trouble. The good thing about massages is that they are the kind of service which you can avail in the comfort of your home. You will, of course, have to pay extra for home service but that also means being able to look forward to a relaxing massage after a hard day at work.

There are many types of massage techniques today and one of them may prove to be more effective than the others depending on the cause and type of back trouble you are having.

Aromatherapy Massage

An aromatherapy massage may employ various techniques together with the use of essential oils. Depending on which essential oil is used, an aromatherapy massage may help lower your stress levels, relief tension in your muscles, or make you more energized. If you believe that psychological and emotional factors play a prominent role in your back trouble, this massage may help resolve them.

Deep Tissue Massage

It is characterized by friction techniques and slower strokes. Deep tissue massage is also ideal for those suffering from postural problems, repetitive strain, and chronic muscle problems. If you are recovering from a recent injury, this type of massage may also prove helpful. Expect to feel sore a day or two following treatment, though.





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54 Healing Back Pain

Hot Stone Massage

If you are used to heat treatments and you would like an extended version of the hot compress treatment you use at home, then a hot stone massage is definitely in order. This is typically offered in resort spas, but there are a few city-based spas that may include this in their services. Hot stone massages are particularly effective for treating back pain caused by muscle problems.

Pregnancy Massage

If your back pain is caused by pregnancy, then a pre-natal or pregnancy massage is definitely called for. This type of massage may even help improve your mood and relieve yourself from depression or anxiety. It is critical that you stick only with this type of massage during your delicate condition. Anything else may be too strenuous and thus potentially damaging to your baby.


This is a type of Japanese massage that combines acupuncture principles with massage techniques. Fingers are used to exert pressure in trigger points, with the position held for several seconds to improve the flow of chi. This may come as a surprise, but you will not feel sore following this treatment.

Sports Massage

If your back pains are caused by overexertion in sports or a sport-related injury, then naturally a sports massage would be quite effective. A variety of techniques is used in this type of massage but all of them have been carefully chosen to meet your needs as an athlete.





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55 Healing Back Pain

Swedish Massage Therapy

This enjoys the most widespread use in the country and involves the use of kneading muscles as well as long smooth strokes on the body. It is often accompanied with massage oil or lotion.

If it is the first time for you to try a massage to ease your back pain, it is highly recommended that you start with a Swedish massage since it is very relaxing and does not involve strong or painful exertions.

Thai Massage

Thai massages are similar to Shiatsu techniques in its adherence to acupuncture principles. Thai massages, however, also includes stretches and compressions.

Moreover, your massage therapist will often ask you to maintain specific body positions and perform a variety of stretches during treatment. This is effective for treating back pain caused by stress-related factors or ill-used muscles.

Rather than being relaxing, Thai massages are actually designed to make you feel more energized after treatment.





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56 Healing Back Pain

Meditating the Pain Away

Yoga for Dealing with Back Trouble

Yoga is a Hindu discipline formulated to offer both ascetic and spiritual benefits. It involves mediation, breathing exercises, and practicing a series of postures.

A study published in a 2009 issue of health journal Spine reveals suggests that yoga therapy can be effective for alleviating pain caused by back trouble as well as improving function or mobility.

It is even more effective when treating chronic back pain, which should be good news for a lot of people.

Similar to massages, yoga can be practiced in a different number of ways. You must, however, obtain permission from your physician first before attempting yoga.

Certain positions may only cause your condition to worsen. Medications you are currently on may also interfere with your ability to effectively practice yoga.

Types of Yoga

As always, learning about the various types of yoga will help you choose the one that is most suitable for your condition.

Ashtanga Yoga

Also known as power yoga, this type of yoga requires you to exert greater stamina and strength instead of flexibility. As such, it is more effective for treating back pains caused by a recently healed injury.





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57 Healing Back Pain

It is also especially helpful to athletes as it can improve their balance, focus, and flexibility in and out of the game.

Bikram Yoga

This is more commonly referred to as ‘hot yoga’ simply because it has to be performed in a room with a deliberately warm temperature. The increase in temperature is used to help your tissues stretch more effectively and thus make you more flexible in a shorter amount of time. You should avoid practicing bikram yoga if you are already at risk of incurring cardiovascular disease.

Iyenar Yoga

It is one of the most commonly practiced types of yoga in the country and primarily focuses on achieving precision in one’s movements as well as proper alignment of the body. You can use straps and blocks if you are not yet flexible enough to perform some of its postures or movements. A number of its postures is believed to be quite effective for relieving back pain.


This is also recommended especially for people with back and neck pains. It is considered effective for custom designing flowing exercises for each individual. Viniyoga typically involve a combination of movement and breathing exercises.


There are, of course, many other types of yoga and you are certainly free to explore any or all of them. Just make sure that you do not do anything which is potentially harmful to your condition. If in doubt, never hesitate to ask your doctor about it!





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58 Healing Back Pain

Pondering about Consulting

Obtaining a Second Opinion from Your Doctor

Even if one or several of the methods discussed here for healing back pain naturally have been effective, you may be the type of person who prefers to play it safe by obtaining a second opinion. If you want to know more about your condition from a physician’s standpoint, then there is no reason why you should not consult one and have your condition properly diagnosed.

Tips for Preparing for Your Medical Consultation

Here are several things you can do to make the most out of your consultation.

Have all your medical documents – including those for insurance –ready. Your doctor may ask to see them for a more accurate diagnosis or to schedule you for additional tests or treatments.

Get someone to accompany you, preferably someone who is living with you and has witnessed you suffering from your condition. Your companion may remember something critical about your condition and which you have forgotten. Your companion will also ensure that you remember everything which the doctor advises you to do during consultation.





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59 Healing Back Pain

List down everything you can remember about your condition. What are the symptoms? When did it start? What did you do that day and which could be the cause of your back trouble?

List all the treatments, medications, and remedies you have used or taken. Make a note as well of the dosage and the length of time you have been taking a particular medication or adhering to a particular treatment. Indicate as well if they are for your back trouble or for another condition. Include a list of vitamins and minerals that you are taking as well.

Make a list of possible questions you want to ask. Several examples have been listed below for your convenience.

o Why am I suffering from back pain?

o What tests should I take? How long would they take and how much would they cost? How long would I have to wait before I can complete the tests and obtain the results?

o Are the treatments or medications I have been using safe? Do you think it is effective?

o What are the possible side effects of the medications and/or treatments that you are recommending? How long should I take the medication or undergo treatment? (If applicable)

o What can I do to prevent recurrences when I am completely healed?





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60 Healing Back Pain

The important thing to remember here is not to hesitate in asking any question that is in your mind. Everything you discuss will remain confidential. Moreover, your doctor will not mind assuaging any concerns you may have since it is his job to provide medical care to all his patients.

More Questions to Think about

If you have questions to ask, rest assured that your doctor is likely to ask any or most of the questions listed below as well. Knowing them beforehand can ensure that you will be able to give your doctor as much information as possible regarding your condition.

How often do you experience back trouble? When does it typically occur?

Have you suffered recently from fever or unexplained weight loss?

Is there anything happening in your life that may be causing you stress, anxiety, or definition?

What recreational activities and sports are you frequently involved in?

What kind of job do you perform? What do you normally do?

Do you get to sleep regularly or are you suffering from any sleep-related problem?

Do you have any history of using recreational drugs?

Do you have a problem with excessive smoking or drinking?





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61 Healing Back Pain

Diagnostic Tests and Procedures for Back Pain

In most cases, your doctor will start with a basic physical examination and may perform the following actions:

Perform a visual and possibly tactile inspection of your back to see any signs of irregularities or deformities

Ask you to perform certain movements to find out which ones may be causing you back pain

Use a reflex hammer, typically made of rubber, to assess your reflexes

Most of the time, the actions above, combined with an interview of your medical history, are enough for your doctor to effectively diagnose your condition. Your doctor will only ask you to take additional tests if he considers your back pain as a potential symptom or complication caused by an underlying condition.

Blood tests show if you are suffering from infections that may cause back pain.

Bone scans are performed by injecting a tracer or a radioactive substance into your bloodstream. They reveal signs of osteoporosis or bone tumors once the tracer is retrieved and analyzed.

CT or computerized tomography scans may reveal problems with surrounding blood vessels, ligaments, nerves, tendons, tissues,





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62 Healing Back Pain

and muscles that could lead to back pain. The same goes for MRI or magnetic resonance imaging scans.

EMG or electromyography is a test that utilizes electrical impulses to detect signs indicating spinal stenosis or herniated disks. It is also referred to as nerve studies in general.

Thermography depends on infrared-sensing devices to detect temperature changes that may be linked to nerve root compression.

Ultrasound imaging or sonography depends on a specific frequency of sound waves in order to produce scanned and real-time images of internal body parts. These images may show problems in your back’s tissues, tendons, muscles or ligaments.

Urine tests may also reveal signs of infection.

X-rays can reveal signs of arthritis or problems with bone alignment. It is not, however, effective for inspecting the condition of your spine, the nerves and muscles in the back area, or the disks and other parts of your vertebrae.

Conventional Medications for Back Pain

Following a proper diagnosis of your condition, your doctor may prescribe certain medications. The following are considered effective for both acute and chronic back pain.

They may also be used together with alternative treatments in certain situations.





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63 Healing Back Pain

OTC analgesics are basically oral medication designed to relieve pa8in, swelling, and stiffness. Counter-irritants may also be prescribed in conjunction and which are designed for topical treatment either as a spray or cream. Counter-irritants can dull the pain by making the affected area feel extra warm or cold.

Anticonvulsants are prescribed if your back pain is related to nerve problems.

Antidepressants are prescribed when emotional and psychological factors come into play.

Opioids are rarely prescribed and only for the severest of back pain. They must only be taken under strict medical supervision since they tend to have strong side effects, which include the possibility of addiction.

Conventional Treatments for Back Pain Relief

Your doctor may also suggest the following treatments if medications prove to be ineffective in treating your condition.


Interventional therapy

TENS or Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation







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In some cases, minimally invasive treatments like kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty may be called for. These treatments are designed to seal fractures that may be causing you back pains or causing your osteoporosis to worsen.

In worst case scenario, surgery may be called for and usually only for those that are suffering from significant nerve damage. It may be months before a person can fully recover from any of the surgeries listed below.



DREZ or Dorsal Root Entry Zone Operation


IDET or IntraDiscal Electrothermal Therapy


Radiofrequency Lesioning


Spinal Decompression or Laminectomy

Spinal Fusion







65 Healing Back Pain


Mother Nature’s Got Your Back!

Do not wait for the worst to happen before doing something to eliminate back aches. The surgeries mentioned in the previous chapter are not just expensive but they also come with a considerable amount of risk. The smallest mistake can be life-threatening or may at least cause you to suffer from complete paralysis.

Start by using as many natural treatments and lifestyle changes that are applicable to your condition. The gifts of Mother Nature are abundant and powerful. There is no reason why you should not take advantage of it to heal your back pain. Even massages and yoga can be considered an extension of Mother Nature’s powers since they are both based on manipulating natural energies.







66 Healing Back Pain

In any case, do your best to live by the following mottos:

Live a healthy and vice-free life

Stick to a nutritious diet

Exercise frequently

Get lots of sleep

And above all things else, do not delay in administering self-care treatment to back pains!

Click Here And Receive Your Complete, All -Natural Back Pain Healing Solution Now!

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67 Healing Back Pain

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