Back to School First Grade Presentation · Shurley Grammar –grammar support using jingles and...

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Back to School First Grade Presentation






Behavior Management

Infinite Campus

General Information


• E-mail

Ms. Friesen:

Ms. Brossard :

Ms. Lehti:

Ms. Meara:

Ms. Izzi:

Ms. Olson:

Please be sure to check the first grade website and

read the news tab thoroughly before e-mailing

teachers. All important upcoming events and

information will be featured on our website!


• We are so excited to partner with you this year, and

want to make it a successful year for your child. Since

we see you as a valuable member of our team, please

come to us if you have an issue, or if your child comes

home and says something that alarms you. Per our

communication policy we ask that you come to the

teacher first, because most of the time it is a

misunderstanding that we can talk through. After that if

you still can’t resolve the issue with us, you are

welcome to bring Ms. Norton or Ms. Miller into the



Homeroom – 8:05-8:10

Math – 8:10-9:08

Science/History– 9:11-9:55

Literacy Block 1 – 9:57- 10:42

Lunch/Recess– 10:45-11:29

Literacy Block 2 – 11:30-1:05

Specials – 1:08-1:53

Science/History – 1:56-2:36

Snack/Recess – 2:37-3:05

Homeroom (AA Character/Leader in Me) – 3:00-3:30

Curriculum Overview

• Math: Saxon

• Literacy: Spalding, Step Up to Writing, Shurley


• History: Core Knowledge

• Science: New Generation Science Standards

• Character Building: Leader in Me and AA Character

Math: Saxon

• Spiraling curriculum

• Starts out “easy”

• Morning Meeting

• Math Facts

• New Concept Every Day

• Daily Review of Concepts

• Assessments every 5 Lessons

Daily Homework- homework will come home in student’s

RED folder every night. Students will typically only have

one piece of homework Mon-Thurs. Studies have shown

that play and family time are crucial to children’s

development, so we are lightening the load of homework

this year! We also encourage you to read with your child

every night!

Please sign your child’s homework each night

Math: Saxon

Please turn homework in on time

• -10% one day late

• -50% two days late

• 0 credit if 3 or more days late

Literacy: Spalding, Step Up to Writing, and Shurley Grammar

Spalding – a multi-sensory, standards based literacy program that supports students in spelling, reading and writing.

Step Up to Writing – standards based writing curriculum to support students in the areas of vocabulary, language, listening, reading and writing

Shurley Grammar – grammar support using jingles and daily grammar practice

Core Knowledge – poems, sayings, and literature

Ability Grouping


• Math is leveled (Ex: Saxon 2 = 2nd grade math)

• We are working on grading math placement tests to do tentative placements

before MAPS are finished. We are hoping to start groupings for math mid-late

week next week!


• We ability group for literacy. We will have intervention, supported, standard,

and advanced-standard classes.

• Placements are based on multiple points of data, and a percentage of each

test to calculate a composite percentage. We use writing benchmarks,

Morrison McCall, Dibels, MAPS Reading, and istation.

• Placements are flexible. Teams meet with AG teachers and Ms. Norton to go

over data and possible movements

• Literacy placements will take longer as it involves inputting data and

calculating formulas. We are hoping for end of September or early October,

but it will depend on how quickly our data specialist can input data for 630

after testing is completed. Thank you for your patience!

Ability Grouping

You will receive a letter with your child’s placement and data

once placements are completed.

We are currently doing math and literacy in our homerooms to

build a strong foundation and can’t wait to dive deeper once

we begin ability grouping!

History: Core Knowledge

• Spiraling Curriculum

• First Grade Units include:

• Geography (7 continents, 4 oceans, countries of North America)

• Early Civilizations (Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, World Religions)

• Modern Civilizations and Culture (Mexico)

• Early People and Civilizations (Maya, Inca, Aztec)

• Early Exploration and Settlement of the Americas

• American Revolution

Science: Next Generation Science Standards & STEM

Hands on curriculum that teaches the scientific process

First Grade Units Include:

• Light, Sound, and Electricity

• Universe

• Hereditary

• Growth and Development of Organisms

STEM Units Include:

• Chemical Engineering

• Marine Biology

•Teachers – Introduction of Specials teachers and content.


•Classroom resources and tools


•Extra Curricular opportunities

Specials: Art, Music, Technology, and Physical Education

Character Building: AA Manners

Students are taught 10 essential manners• Make eye contact when communicating

• Listen without interrupting

• Wait your turn

• Greet people in a friendly manner

• Say “please” and “thank you”

• Use “ma’am” and “sir” when responding

• Take a break when you are angry

• Use bun-burger-bun to communicate

• Hold the door for others

• Take responsibility for your actions

These manners are taught and reinforced in every classroom at American


Character Building: AA Character and Leader in Me

Students learn a new character trait every month

• Courage, Humility, Compassion, Generosity, Respect,

Responsibility, Perseverance, Self-Control, and Citizenship

Leader in Me program teaches 7 habits of highly

effective students

• Habits 1-3 teach initiative, self-motivation, self-confidence,

planning skills, goal setting skills, organization/time management.

• Habits 4-6 teach conflict management skills, communication skills

(both listening and presentation skills), honesty, fairness,

openness to suggestions, teamwork, problem solving, decision

making, and creativity.

• Habit 7 teaches technical skills, good health and hygiene,

emotional stability, analytical skills, and involvement in

meaningful work.

Warm Fuzzy Jars

• Each class has a warm fuzzy jar that they are working towards filling as a group

to earn a special class treat like a movie afternoon or stuffed animal day!

Cards of Awesomeness

• Each student is working towards showing our different AA character traits.

Teachers will sign their card when they see them demonstrating these

character traits. After five signatures they get their name announced on Friday

announcements and receive a character bracelet from Ms. Norton or Mrs. Miller

Kudos Cards

• Students are also working to receive “kudos” cards in the classroom for all-star

behavior and work. They will get treasure box when they receive one!

Behavior Management

Behavior Management

Shout Outs

• Teachers can also nominate students to receive shout outs on Friday

for showing awesome character! If they are nominated Ms. Norton will

read their name over the morning announcements on Friday and they’ll

get to go to the office to receive their shout-out card and a special prize

from Ms. Norton!

Leadership Awards

• Once a trimester two students from each grade receive leadership

awards. A special assembly is held in which the recipients are given

their award by Ms. Norton and Ms. Lane-Cline!

Logical Consequences

• Students will receive logical consequences when their behavior needs redirection. For example if they

say something unkind to a friend they will need to write them an apology note and tell them something

they love about them.

Behavior Think Sheet

• When a student is having a hard time turning around their behavior they will receive a behavior think

sheet as outlined in the First Grade Behavior Agreement. These will be sent home in their red folder,

and you will receive an e-mail to know it is going home. Please review what happened with your child,

how they can improve and grow from the situation and return it signed in their red folder the next day.


• If a student is having an especially hard time with their behavior they will receive a write-up as outlined

in the First Grade Behavior Agreement. This means your student will speak with our dean of students,

Mrs. Miller, and receive a consequence from her. You will receive both an e-mail from the teacher and

Mrs. Miller.

Behavior Management

Infinite Campus

Please check infinite campus for upcoming assignments

and to be certain your student’s work has been turned


• Student’s assignments will be marked as “missing” if they were

absent, did not turn in work, or the teacher does not have the


• Teacher will leave a comment in IC as to why the assignment was

marked missing.

General Information


• Please contact your child’s homeroom teacher for information on how

they celebrate birthdays. As a school policy we do not allow any food

treats for birthdays.


• Please send your child with 1 healthy nut-free snack every day.

Water Bottles:

• Students should be bringing a LABELED water bottle to class.

Yellow Folders:

• Students will be bringing home graded work, and other important

information in their yellow folder on Fridays. You may KEEP all work that

comes home in the yellow folder. Please have your child return their

yellow folder every Monday.

General Information


• Please refer to the uniform policy in the parent handbook.

• You will start receiving phone calls for uniform infractions starting

next week, and you will be asked to bring your child proper attire.


• Please make sure ALL your student’s belongings (clothes,

backpack, lunch box, water bottle, snow boots, etc.) are all labeled

with first and last names.


• We love toys! However, they need to stay at home, because we are

heartbroken when they are lost or broken. This includes sports


Field Trips & Upcoming Events

Field Trips:

• Please look in our newsletters for upcoming field trips throughout

the year

Upcoming Events:

• Harvest Party – Oct 27

• Winter Party – Dec 21

• Valentine’s Day Party – Feb 9

Thank you for coming!