Background processes and tasks in an async world

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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atx node.js

August Meetup

background jobsin an async world

Cody Stoltman@particlebanana


who are you?

Cody Stoltman@particlebanana

co-founder of Treeline

Sails.js core team

maintainer of Waterline ORM

what’s a background job?

browser /foo/bar

does some stuff

normal request/response lifecycle

browser /foo/bar

does some stuff

slow function

long running process lifecycle

browser /foo/bar

does some stuff

slow function

this isn’t rubynode is async

we have callbacks

what does blocking mean?

browser 1


browser 2


do something

browser 1

with node.js

browser 2


do something

browser 3

browser /foo/bar

does some stuff

slow fuction

how can we handle that function?

• callbacks• just ignore the callback

• over engineer something related to process spawning

why this isn’t ideal

we aren’t blocking so the server can keep responding

but we have to wait until the process is done before responding to the client’s request

how can we handle that function?

• callbacks• just ignore the callback

• over engineer something related to process spawning

browser /foo/bar

does some stuff

slow function

why this isn’t ideal

the client get’s data back but we have no clue as to the success/failure of the task.

we could add logs but we have no way to give the client feedback or to re-try.

how can we handle that function?

• callbacks• just ignore the callback

• over engineer something related to process spawning

let’s learn from our synchronous, threaded brothers and sisters

whats the answer then?

how can we handle that function?

• remote queues

remote queue

queue worker

slow function


does some stuff




why this is better

We can observe our queue

We can scale out horizontally and add capacity as needed

Our queue can be preserved so no jobs are abandoned

scalable remote queue

server server server server

worker worker worker worker

load balancer


back to that event loop thing

call stack libuv api

callback queue

event loop



handler ()

lets see what blocking actually means

call stack libuv api

callback queue

event loop



handler ()

delayFn ()

handler handler handler

handler ()

so synchronous code blocks the event loop, don’t do that

what happens if we don’t block it?

call stack libuv api

callback queue

event loop




sendEmail() queue

cbhandler handler


sendEmail() queue


remote queues are good because they let you do more, faster

so more work in the event loop means less concurrency

when should you move a function into a background job?

if for any reason it will block the event loop

it will prevent the response from returning in a timely manner

node modules

most queues are built on redis


you could also build on a traditional message queue


remote queues in node same as anywhere else

actually better because you can do more on a single cpu simultaneously(example: sending emails)

scheduled tasks

you need a database backed scheduler

someone should write one

agenda (mongo only)

until then



Phillip Roberts (@latentflip)

Evan Tahler (@evantahler)

atx node.js

August Meetup