Bags to School 2017 Primer

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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TOOL KIT A JCI Philippines’ guide to running the Bags to School Program.

© 2017 Junior Chamber International Philippines 14 Don A. Roces Avenue 1103 Quezon City

National Chairman’s Message

Dear Presidents, In your hands, you hold the new JCI Philippines’ Bags to School Program Primer. JCI

Philippines created this tool as an aid to assist you in participating in this worthy


We are including general instructions, tarp templates, marketing collaterals that your

local project chairperson can use. Take advantage of the project champions in your

area that can assist and guide you in planning and implementing.

We hope this kit will help you and we welcome your feedback on how we can improve it.

Also, we would love to hear about the benefits your Local Organization received from

offering this program.

Please send all comments and feedback to the JCIP Secretariat or

RAMIL J. MONTEALTO National Chairman, Bags To School

Overview and History

What is Bags to School?

Bags to School (BTS) is one of the flagship projects of Junior Chamber International

Philippines, Inc. This project aims to promote primary education nationwide in line with

UN-SDG’s Quality Education campaign, i.e., ensure inclusive and equitable quality

education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all, particularly children in

stressed areas.

BTS, a simple idea, can significantly impact the education of many children. Every local

organization (LO) in JCI Philippines is invited to provide impoverished Filipino students

with school bags and school supplies to assist them in their education needs and to

alleviate the cost of schooling.


The 2014 National Board of JCI Philippines under the leadership of JCI Senator Maria

Christine Garcia was inspired by the joint project of JCI San Juan Pinaglabanan led by

Nok Atienza and JCI Singapore Marina which started in 2010. BTS was proposed as a

National Flagship program during the 2014 NB Special planning in Iloilo (Oct 2013). It

was approved during the 1st NB of 2014 under the leadership of then National

President Christine Garcia.

Since the program’s beginning, the following members had served as National

Chairman for BTS:

2014 JuvyAbenAbion, JCIIriga

2015 Marilyn Manasala, JCI San Juan Pinaglabanan

2016 Merbee De la Torre, JCI Bai Lawanen

2017 Ramil Montealto, JCIMandaue

In 2016, exactly 10,096 school bags with supplies have been distributed. This was

accomplished by 82 JCIP LOs through 131 project implementations. JCIP LOs were

able to execute Bag to School even if we were not able to push through in partnering

with corporate sponsors for the national project. Every participating LO took charge of

fund raising and soliciting for their own sponsors in order to implement BTS for their

beneficiary communities.

What is even more notable is how many local organization shelled out their own

resources in terms of time and money just to reach out far flung communities that need

educational assistance most. These LOs and its members must be commended for

exemplifying service to humanity, beyond what is expected of them.

Another notable milestone for BTS is how it many implementations throughout the

Philippines were accomplished as inter-LO collaboration and Twinning projects. LOs

help each other to create lasting impact in the lives of Filipino students while creating a

lasting bond among JCI members from various LOs.

BTS program champions like JCI Senator Marilyn Manansala of JCI San Juan

Pinaglabanan, 2015 National Chairman, has been helpful in securing corporate

sponsors for the inter-organization project “Amara Love Bag to School Tour” which has

assisted various local organizations in implementing the BTS.

BTS continues to be a national project that promotes members to be active and stay

active, and brings hope and inspiration to the younger generation to be productive and

become the future active citizens.

General Guidelines

Suggested Activities: 1. To assist families with incoming preschooler of your community by providing a

bag with complete set of school learning needs such as pencil, paper, coloring

materials, ruler, eraser, etc.

2. To support and assist pre-school teachers of your community by providing them

a whole year supply of the following teaching aids:

- 12 boxes of white chalks \; 5 boxes of colored chalk

- 1 measuring stick ; Ruler

- 1 box of black pen ; 1 box of red pen

- 1 set of action stamp

- Scissors and Mechanical sharpener

- Measuring charts, Alphabet charts, Number charts, Animal charts, Vegetable

charts, and Fruit charts.

Project Banner Local Organizations should ensure that at least one (1) tarpaulin/banner for the project

highlighting JCI Philippines as project implementer, together with the logos of chapters

main sponsors/partners. (Please refer to the attachments in the Circular for the BTS

Banner Template)

Manpower It is highly recommended to implement this National Program in two waves:

• First run will serve as training and learning ground particularly for new members

to be done on 2nd quarter of the year (April to June 2017).

• Second run will provide collaboration opportunity for chapters to work together,

improve previous implementation and execute project at higher scale to be done

on 3rd quarter (July to September)

Logistics The Local Organization shall communicate with the Department of Education City or

Provincial Divisions within their area to discuss planned programs and assess the

needs of the possible beneficiaries.

Documentation The Local Organization are requested to take photos and or videos and share it to in the

Local Organization’s website or Facebook pages to inspire other chapters to activate

the program and to create awareness on impact of National Project.

When feasible, testimonies from the beneficiaries, partners and JCI members on their

experience about the project are also encouraged.

Furthermore, we request local organizations to publish project implementation to our

facebook page and use the hashtag

#JCIPBagsToSchool2017 for easy tracking.

Reporting The Local Organization are required to submit their project completion report by within

Fifteen (15) days after the National Project was implemented to the JCIP National

Secretariat, copy furnished the National Chairperson:

and Area Chairs, namely:

Area Area Chairperson Contact Number

Area 1 Glenda Lou R. Galo, JCI Santiago Diamond 0977 397 5947

Area 2 Jeamie Salvatierra, JCI Parañaque Asinderas 0917 853 2643

Area 3 Turkz Hussein, JCI Carmona 0935 537 3228

Area 4 TBC

Area 5 Hannah Hussein, JCI Iligan Dayang-dayang 0926 313 5233

LOs who will fail to submit or with incomplete reports such as lack of pictures and other

supporting documents will not be given JCIPEA points. (Please refer to the attachments

in the Circular for the PCR Form)




5 points for every BTS; Maximum of 2 BTSfor JCIPEA scoring

Distribute at least 50 bags

Implemented between April 1 to June 30, 2017 Project completion report submitted on or before July 15, 2017

3 points per chapterfor every BTS; Maximum of 2 BTSfor JCIPEA scoring

Distribute at least 100 bags

Implemented between July 1 to September 30, 2017 Project completion report submitted on or before October 4, 2017 Participated by at least two (2) chapters

5 points per chapter for Area, or; Regional Hostingmin. 2 to max 4 chapters co-hosting for Area or Regional Hosting,

Distribute at least 100 bags

Implemented between July 1 to September 30, 2017 Project completion report submitted on or before October 4, 2017 Participated by at least two chapter, maximum 4 chapters