BakeryWorld Vol6 Issue 9-10

Post on 28-Jan-2015

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Bakery World is the source for successful baking technique and innovative ideas. Each issue focuses on the achievements of innovative volume bakers and examines successful baking ideas. This course, in effect, champions your products and services as volume bakers turn to your expertise for product research and development. Bakery world is a bi-monthly newsletter from the Institute of Baking & Cake Art, Bangalore. Bakery world is the only newsletter from a professional training school that caters to bakers, machinery manufacturers, millers, students, channel partners, home bakers & general public.


VOLUME 6, ISSUE 9-10MAG(2)/PP/71/2007-08 RUPEES: 35/- PER COPYKARENG/2004/13842


BakeryWorldion ta & c Pil rb inuP t

29 Volume 6, Issue 9-10

Ibcablr-Gurukul for baking

Baking is not just making cakes, cookies, pastries or

breads, its abt learning the different methods and

right process of blending ingredients and different

forms of cooking mediums. The ingredient role plays an

important part, where in we offer a wide variety of both

finished (premix) and unfinished materials for

purchase. Creativity enhancement can be achieved with

easy to use decorations, readily available with us like

sugar flowers, themes n characters.

Wanting to achieve more is everyone's needs and we

offer spaces like costing of food formula, books and

magazine, photos n video n learning through these

spaces has reached more than lakhs of people.

Institute of Baking & Cake Art46/3, Mission road, Bangalore - 560027, India

Telephone: +91-80-22106619, 32021185Manish: +919886305404M.K.Gaur: +919342825279Indira: +919986088025email: ibcablr@yahoo.comWeb;





OLIVE OILThe essential elements of olive oil production have barely changed over thousands of years, though the methods themselves and the equipment have been improved, cleaned up, streamlined, and in some cases computerized. The olives are picked, mostly by hand, they are crushed, the resultant oil and watery juice drained off, separated, and the oil filtered to a greater or lesser extent. That is about it, and what you end up with is first cold – pressed Virgin Olive Oil. Virgin is a denomination which raises eyebrows amongst the uninitiated, but it is eminently logical. This oil is “virgin” because it is unadulterated, untampered with, and incontrovertibly pure. It has not been heated or chemically processed.

Virgin oil varies dramatically in quality and is graded according to its acidity level the lower the acidity the better the oil. The international Olive Oil Council, which lays down the law in these matters, defines the grades as:Extra Virgin Olive Oil: virgin olive oil with an acidity of up to 1%;Fine Virgin Olive Oil: virgin olive oil with an acidity of up to 1%;Semi-Fine Virgin Olive Oil: virgin olive oil with an acidity of up to 3%.

In addition to this, the oils must have a fine flavor and smell to pass the test. Even so, the variation in precise taste is dramatic. Some oils are distinctly peppery and catch the back of the throat on the way down, while others may be thick with the aroma of new-mown hay. The big brand name oils, are carefully blended to give a constant unvarying taste that is unique to that olive oil house. Oil from single groves will vary from year to year, just as wines do.

Oils that do not make it through to the top three grades will probably be refined, i.e. stripped of flavor, by chemical processes. The left-over pulp from the first pressing will also go through one to two more extraction processes to yield up the very last drops of oil. Most of this will need to be cleaned up, too. Oils that have gone through these processes can no longer be labeled “virgin”. Some will have a modicum of flavor restored by the addition of a tot of virgin oil. These were once known as “pure olive oil” but are now simply labeled “olive oil”. The logic behind the terminology is less clear here. Sufficient to understand that they are oils that are lighter in flavor, and cheaper, and hence suitable for sloshing around in a carefree way.

Well, that is the theory, anyway, and it is one I used to stick to fairly rigidly. But then, a few years ago, I started to cut down on the quantity of animal fat I used in cooking, and simultaneously began to discover the sheer delight of olive oil. After a while I noticed that I was no longer using the “pure olive oil”. I now use a blended extra virgin olive oil as my everyday cooking oil, because I love the taste, and find that there is little it does not go with. I use totally bland oil such as safflower when I positively do not want the taste of olive oil or any other oil around.

And I use my special bottle of mind- numbingly expensive single-grove oil in small quantity, because that is all it takes, as a final condiment. The one exception I make to this rule is in mayonnaise. All olive oil, even pure olive oil, is just too much for me. I reckon that one-quarter to one-third extra virgin to plain oil is just about right. Suffice it to say that one cannot lay down exact rules on these matters. In the end, it comes down to personal preference.

Olive oil and crusty bread are made for each other. An open tomato sandwich, Made with bread, oil, sweet tomatoes, salt and pepper is one of life's small joys, and you can elaborate on the basic theme with thin sliced onions, olives, basil and the rest, to your heart's content. Toast the bread, then rub with garlic and drizzle on the olive oil and you have the Italian bruschetta. Rub the bruschetta with a halved tomato, and it is better still. Nicest of all is bread, coated in olive oil and baked in a moderate-to-hot oven until crisp and golden brown through and through.

Dress hot pasta with the same kind of mixture and eat it straight away with freshly grated cheese, or sharpen with lemon, or wine vinegar and let it cool to make a salad. Just as quick and simple is to turn the pasta with olive oil and freshly coarsely crushed black peppercorns.

Concept of food & baking

ABlending different natured ingredients together & processing to get a defined shape is scratch mix process. ABlended ingredients together along with few added ingredients to get specific products is a premixABlended specialty ingredients processed & frozen at a certain defined temperature & then finished is frozen conceptABlended ingredient processed, partially cooked & frozen to store & finally cooked again before serving is par bake

Microwave ovens are made in compliance with strict government safety standards: A seal around the door keeps the microwaves inside, and a special system stops the generation of microwaves the instant the door is opened. You should, however, examine a new oven for any signs of shipping damage.

Never operate the oven if the door does not close properly, or if the door. Its latch, hinge, or sealing surfaces have been damaged in any way. Never block the vents of your oven because they keep the microwave-producing magnetron tube cool and cut down on moisture build-up, enabling you to get the best results from your oven.

Microwave ovens are cooking appliances, designed to defrost, heat, and cook food. You may have heard of other uses for the oven – don't try them; they can be dangerous, possibly lead to a fire, and, at the very least, damage your oven. Use the microwave oven only as intended. Always use microwave-safe cookware and utensils and do not turn the oven on when the cavity is empty. If you have young children, it is a good idea to leave a bowl of water in your microwave when the oven is not in use. This way, if the oven is accidentally turned on, the water attracts the microwaves and prevents damage to the oven.

If you are concerned about the safety of your oven, have it tested by a qualified service person – don't try using “leakage detectors” which are inaccurate and unreliable.


It is possible to convert many recipes for quick cooking in the microwave oven – for instance, a family favorite like a long-simmering beef stew – but not all. For example, don't try to duplicate crisply fried items.

First: Look for a microwave recipe that is similar to the conventional one you're trying to convert and use it as a guide. Recipes that serve up to eight people – no more – work best; small quantities cook more quickly and evenly in the microwave.

Second: Reduce or omit fats, liquids, and seasonings.

Third: Use microwave-safe cookware and suitable utensils.

Fourth: Cut back cooking time to a quarter to a half of the conventional recipe time. Remember, microwave ovens do not need any preheating, which also saves time.

Fifth: Remember, most microwave-cooked food usually needs standing time to finish cooking and even out the internal temperature after being removed from the



Bread is made from dough which is a mixture of flour, water, Yeast, fat and salt. These have to be kneaded together thoroughly to mix the ingredients.

In a bakery, bread dough has to be mixed in a machine called a dough mixer, as it would take far too long to mix by hand. The dough mixer has a very large bowl with a special tool, called a dough hook, in the centre. The hook is spiral shaped, which can mix the ingredients and cut through the thick dough at the same time. An ordinary beater would at the same time. An ordinary beater would get stuck in the thick, sticky dough.


To make a milkshake, two different ingredients are mixed together in the glass – a powder and a liquid. The design of a fork is good for mixing liquids because it has metal prongs. When you move the fork around the glass, the prongs agitate the liquid until the powder is completely mixed. A spoon is also a good tool for making a mixture, such as coleslaw. This is a food made from salad cream and plain yoghurt with fresh, raw vegetables, such as grated carrots and shredded cabbage.

The salad cream and yoghurt are smooth and the vegetable pieces are rough, but the stirring action of the spoon helps to turn the different ingredients into one mixture.

WHISKING FOODWhen you make up a packet of instant dessert mix, the dessert powder and the milk should be whisked together. Whisking blends the two ingredients together and air is trapped into the mixture. The air makes the dessert light and fluffy.

A balloon whisk is a good tool for this job. As the whisk scrapes the bowl and is lifted in a circular movement, the mixture is agitated by the metal loops of the whisk. When this action is repeated, air bubbles are trapped in the mixture.

Pancake mixture is made by beating milk, flour and eggs together. Rotary whisks use gears to mix ingredients faster than a balloon whisk. The handle turns the crown wheel, the large wheel with double-sided teeth along its edge. These interlock with the teeth of the bevel gears rotate and turn the beaters.

ELECTRIC FOOD MIXERA hand-held electric food mixer does the same job as a rotary whisk, but it works faster and takes less human effort. This is because it is worked by a small electric motor. The motor drives a worm gear, which is a rod with a screw thread round its length. The worm gear rotates two bevel gears and these turn two beaters at high speed. The beaters can break down lumps quickly and mix ingredients together into one mixture.


The mixture to make a fruit cake has lots of ingredients. Sometimes it is too difficult to use a hand-held electric mixer for a job like this, so a more powerful mixing machine, called a food processor, is needed.

Food processors have different tools for doing different jobs. For mixing, they have a single beater that fits on to a central spindle. The mixing beater turns round inside the bowl at high speed until the ingredients are mixed together. The beater is driven by an electric motor, which is connected to the spindle by a toothed belt.

In a hotel kitchen a food processor is used to mix bulky ingredients, such as sliced vegetables for soup. Because it is used so often the processor's bowl is made of hard-wearing stainless steel.



Good bread is a beautiful thing. It is a joy to look at and always a pleasure to eat. Good bread never cloys and we never grow bored with it. Bread is as honest and basic as it is emblematic and significant. Just as rice symbolizes life in the East and no meal is considered complete without it, so bread is at the very heart of Western civilization. Give us this day our daily bread.

The smell of freshly baked bread, its crackling-crisp crust, its texture when it is broken or sliced and the consistency of its interior crumb, make it an immensely satisfying and complex culinary assembly. Yet its constituent parts are no more than flour, water and yeast tempered with a small amount of salt. As you bite into a piece of good baguette you experience all these elements in a taste that combines an underlying sweetness from the wheat, an almost imperceptible balancing sourness from the yeast and a stronger, contrasting slightly bitter note from the caramelized crust, the whole drawn together and given depth by the salt.

A sourdough brings different and much stronger flavours, its defining characteristic the acid tang that comes from its lengthy, natural leavening with wild yeasts, the texture altogether denser, more robust and substantial. This is the darker-coloured country bread of ancient tradition, moister, more chewy and longer lasting, a description that in contemporary usage implies chemical additives but here means the product of its entirely natural dev elopement. Such rustic loaves were originally baked in 4 kilo ovals, family bread to last a week, changing in taste and texture with progressive cutting and ageing, yet taking days before staling. Even when too tough to chew, it may be eaten in soups or crumbed to add texture or to thicken a variety of dishes. This is indeed bread as the staff of life.

Baking great bread does have a kind of alchemy, for in its artisanal production there are always elements that are beyond technique, though not beyond technical comprehension. Ambient factors play important roles but are not beyond the wit of any competent cook to understand and harness. Even when the same recipe is used, the resulting bread will vary from place to place as different flours, the water used, temperature, humidity and even air pressure impact in different ways. Individual technique also plays a part, all these things contribution to the unique quality of the finished loaf.

Excellent bread is not only baked by master bakers. It can b e made successfully at home and in standard domestic ovens. The specialist's oven frequently incorporates controllable steam injection and it is this steam that helps to form a perfect crust while preventing that crust from being impossibly hard. Most of the breads that we tend to regard as the exclusive preserve of the professional, such as baguettes and sourdoughs, or loaves baked in direct contact with the stone floor of a cavernous bread oven, can in fact be produced in any oven capable of high heat and using a baking stone, steam being generated by spraying water from a bottle.

As with any area of cooking expertise. Great bakers have a vocation, and part of it is the ability to communicate how to achieve good and consistent results and to help others find pleasure in the processes of bread's creation. This book is about how to bake good bread at home. With practice, it can become great bread that changes the quality of any and every meal for the better.



FOCACCIAFocaccia is described as Italian flat bread, a rather confusing description since it is leavened using active yeast. However, it is spread out and baked on trays or in t ins, which g ives i t a characteristic rectangular shape, the top marked with regular depressions. It turns a beautiful golden brown from the liberal dressing with olive oil it receives just before going in the oven. A common mistake is to incorporate too much olive oil into the dough itself, leading to a poor rise and an oily finish. Focaccia is always well salted on the surface and often includes rosemary.

FLAT BREADSMany flat breads, such as tortillas, do not contain yeast. The flat breads here, while raised with active yeast, are distinguished from the majority of leavened breads in that the height or th ickness of the bread is deliberately restricted, with the loaves having a much larger surface area in proportion to their depth.


Correct food combinations are regarded by nutritionists as the simplest and most effective way to prevent many common ailments. For instance, they are particularly beneficial to people with sensitive digestion as correct food combining has been found to prevent stomach acidity, heartburn, bloating, indigestion, constipation and headaches. It can also alleviate allergies, calm nervousness and contribute to weight loss without dieting.

The principle behind food combination is that different groups of foods require different enzymes and chemical environments for proper digestion and absorption. If, at the same meal, the body is presented with a range of ingredients each with differing requirements, it becomes confused and is not fully able to supply all the enzymes and secretions at the right time. The result can be fermentation, with all its associated discomforts.

For correct digestion, protein foods require an acid medium and proteolytic enzyme, as supplied by the stomach, while starches require an alkaline medium with starch splitting enzymes, as supplied by the intestines. Fats and oils are digested slowly, mostly in the intestines. Fats and oils are digested slowly, mostly in the intestines, and do not interfere much with either protein or starch digestion.Sugars are the quickest to digest; some are even absorbed in the stomach, while most are absorbed through the intestines.

All this means that proteins and starches make a poor combination and should not be eaten together at the same meal as they require different chemical environments and digestive processes. On the other hand, proteins and fats, or starches and fats, may be eaten together, since their digestion does not interfere with one another, but proteins should only be eaten with acid fruits, such as oranges and grape-fruits. Sweet fruits are best eaten with starches, and although sugars can be eaten with starches, they are best eaten on their own, as they are absorbed very quickly. Green vegetables and non-starchy vegetables, such as avocado, aborigine and squashes, are neutral and can be eaten with both protein and starch meals.

People with sensitive digestions may find that eating simple meals, with as few foods as possible, will alleviate their discomforts and contribute most to their well – being.


Shortbread BAR CookiesShort Crust pastry – also called the basic biscuit dough, is made with rubbing of fat with flour which gives the dough a short effect, i.e. makes the final product short in height as there is no need for the protein development. Short crust pastry was traditionally made for covering a food, so as to keep the flavors and juices intact, but today it provides creativity and endless product range from both sweet and savory snack and a food.

Sheeted cookie – after creaming or rub-in method of dough preparation the dough should be given a rest for 30 minutes. Then they are sheeted on a floured surface or in-between a butter paper (this helps to eliminate or reduce the excess flour dusting on the surface of the cookie dough). Sheeted cookie can be cut or divided with the help of a sharp knife, giving shapes like square, rectangle or diamond shapes, but if they are cut with cutters they are called Cut-Out Cookies. Cut-Out Cookies can be made in various shapes with the help of a cutter. The cutters are shaped round, heart, flower, animals and many others.

Cheese bar CookiesIngredients required: Maida-180gm, Cornflour-20gm, Baking Powder-1gm or ¼ tsp, Butter-100gm, Salt-5gm or 1tsp, Water-30ml or 2Tbsp, Cheddar Cheese-60gm, Pepper Powder-½ tsp, Chilly Flakes-½ tsp, Oregano-¼ tsp, Tomato Sauce-1 Tbsp.


Sieve Maida, Cornflour, and baking powder until well mixed. Chop the hard chilled butter into small cubes and rub along with the flour till it resembles bread crumb consistency. Mix the salt in water till it dilutes well. Grate the cheese and add 40gm to the flour along with all the salt water and mix till you get smooth dough. Caution: don't knead the dough. Rest the dough for 30 minutes. After the rest roll

ththe dough over dusted flour about 1/8 inch thickness, cut as desired. Mix the pepper, chilly flakes and tomato sauce and apply over the cut pieces of the dough. Sprinkle the grated cheese over it and arrange on a baking sheet, while giving some space for the spread. Bake at 200oC for 20-25 minutes or till its light brown color and the cheese melted.

Sugar themes for Sweet Creationcontact Indira: 9986088025, to get price and details


Chocolate & Molding

How to Temper ChocolateTempered chocolate is the secret to professional chocolate products. Chocolate that has been tempered is smooth, with a shiny finish and a satisfying snap. If you're planning on making dipped chocolates or molded chocolates, the chocolate will need to be tempered so that it behaves properly and produces candies that are both tasty and beautiful.

Double boil methodChop the chocolate into small chunks, place it in the top of a double boiler, set over simmering water. Stir gently but steadily as the chocolate melts and heats up. Use a rubber spatula, not a wooden or metal spoon. Bring the chocolate to 11 degrees (for dark chocolate) or 110 degrees (for milk or white chocolate). Do not allow the chocolate to exceed its recommended temperature. When it is at the right temperature, remove it from the heat. You must keep it warm but not hot, ideally in the 85-88 degree range. You can either keep it over a pan of warm, stirring occasionally.

Microwave methodChop chocolate into coarse chunks and pour into a microwavable bowl. Microwave it at 50% power for 3 minutes, stopping every 30-45 seconds to stir the chocolate until the remaining chunks are fully melted. If the chunks do not melt, warm the chocolate again very briefly. Remember to do a spot test to make sure, by spreading a spoonful of melted chocolate thinly over an area of waxed paper and allow it to cool. If it is tempered, the chocolate will harden within 5 minutes and look shiny and smooth. If it is dull or streaky, it has lost its temper, and you should temper the chocolate again.

One is fun

Birthday MessagesY


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You're finally legal

Roses are Red

Violets are Blue

ow tN tha you're legal


The first rou d is on y

Life begins at forty

Have a happy-go

lucky day With each year I love you more

and moreWis


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Here's to anotheryear of friendship

So many candles...

so little cake


There was questions, double & the why & how of Basic Baked product making along with the need to learn the right methods of Baking different classification of products. 24 sales personal attended this workshop, especially designed for their learning & enhancement.

Pillsbury India is known for its specialized Quality premix's and along with IBCA designed a 2 day training to cover topic of Raw material role played in Baking, different process of Bakery classification, costing of Bakery product, New product development & New trends of Selling Bakery mixes to their present clientele & capture new markets. The trading also related to intensive practice with use of how easy a premix can perform &what variation to be made while creating new products. We related to the best Chocó cake premix called celebration chocolate cake to create varlets & gateau, which not only was exciting but also tasted out of the world when we made Quick Lave Cake.

Some of the interesting learning was how the usage of silicon moulds reached with baking great looking products, unlike the conventional Aluminum Moulds. Also how the Bread mixes could be used to make croissants & Bread stick with additional health benefits but ease of process. Microwave Breads & Baking was also a small format of learning that we underwent.

IBCA & its puff enjoyed this learning experience with Pillsbury sales team & offered certificate of training complication which every one took back along with the confidence of knowledge based on Baking.

Recipe of

G a sess

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2-day training for Pillsbury

Mount caramel college (MCC) girls attended a specific designed credit program of 10 days offered by IBCA, although we have conducted 5 such training in the last 3years.Gaining Confidence to bake a cake is on part of the program but to used it beyond raining and benefit them to be an entrepreneur is the additional outlook that we have gathered in our programs. The excitement of the training is that the girls not only learn how to process Breads, Cakes, Cookies on making of pastries & Dessert but also learn how to be as a team in producing as a group, pricing it & presenting it with packaging & Branding.

Credit program & Entrepreneurship in Baking

SouffléA soufflé is a light, fluffy, dessert made with egg yolks and beaten egg whites combined with various other ingredients and served as a dessert. The word soufflé is the past participle of the French verb souffler which means "to blow up" or more loosely "puff up" — an apt description of what happens to this combination of custard and egg whites.

Every soufflé is made from 2 basic components:• a base of flavored cream sauce or purée• Beaten egg whites.

The base provides the flavor and the whites provide the "lift".

Ingredients for preparation: Milk-225gm, Sugar-25gm, Gelatin-7.5gm, Water-20ml, Egg Yolk-2no., Pineapple essence-2.5ml, Pineapple paste-25gm, Milk-25ml, Whipped cream-25ml, Egg White-2 no., Sugar-25gm, Pineapple chopped-50gm

Method1. Boil milk with sugar. Soak the gelatin with water and set for 10mins. 2. Cook the gelatin and add to the boiling milk. 3. Allow to cool a little and add the egg yolks to it. 4. Whip the mixture a little and leave to cool. 5. Add the paste of milk and Pineapple and mix evenly. 6. Fold the whipped cream to the milk mixture. 7. Finally make a meringue of the egg whites and sugar. 8. Fold the meringue to the Pineapple mixture. 9. Pour into soufflé cups and sprinkle Pineapple piece. 10.Leave to set in the refrigerator. Serve cold.

Tips & TricksEgg is one main ingredient for making soufflé; it helps in whipping and incorporating air and emulsification by thickening the yolk while cooking. Therefore a good soufflé can't be made without egg, The only closest dessert is a mousse, which can be made without egg, as the cream percentage is high and also helps in whipping.

Pineapple Cold Soufflé

Our organic breads use over 95% organic ingredients (the other 5% is the yeast and salt, of which only "all-natural" is available). The main difference between organic ingredients and non-organic ingredients is the way in which they are grown. Organic ingredients may at no time come into contact with chemicals , genetical ly modified organisms (GMO's) or other non-organic varieties. By purchasing organic products you are buying products made with the most natural and earth friendly ingredients possible.

Whole-wheat breads are made from the whole kernel of wheat ground up into whole-wheat flour. This process neither adds nor removes anything from the wheat. Sprouted wheat is where the wheat is first sprouted, or let to grow, before it is ground up and put into the bread. This process adds s ignif icantly to the overal l nutritional value of the bread, not to mention that it adds greatly to the flavor and texture of our bread.


Focaccia is flat oven-baked Italian bread, which may be topped with onions, herbs or other foodstuffs. It related very closely to pizza, but the only difference is the filling is generally something dry, like dried tomato, or vegetables which go dry while baking. There is no sauce or cheese used unlike for pizza. Focaccia is good base bread for making sandwiches or served as a bread on dinner table.

Ingredients for preparation: Flour-250gm, Yeast-10gm, Salt-2.5gm, Sugar-5gm, Milk Powder-5gm, Water-150gm, Olive-15ml, Olive oil-15ml, Rosemary dry herb-3gm, Garlic fine chopped-5gm, Crushed Rock salt-3gm

Method:1. Make yeast ferment, salt and sugar solution. 2. Sieve flour and add the solutions and make soft and smooth dough by

kneading.3. Rest the dough for one hour then give a knock back and rest again for 15

minutes. Weigh the dough to 100gms to make a round loaf, flatten the dough taking out excess gas, and fold the sides of the dough and roll from one side, so that there are no air blocks in the dough. Brush the dough with olive oil, and sprinkle crushed rosemary, fine chopped garlic and rock salt.

o4. Leave it to prove till double in size in a greased tray. Bake at 220 C for 20-

25minutes or till golden brown in color.5. Cool the bread for minimum 2 hours before you slice, fill and serve.

Serving suggestions:This great tasting bread is served with filled vegetable, meat or sauces as sandwich. As its low in fat and sugar it's also good to serve with your meals and just about any age group will like its taste.

Focaccia bread

Quick Focaccia sandwichFocaccia-2 slices, Salad leaves-small bunch, Mayonnaise-2 Tbsp, Raw Salad vegetables-80gm (cucumber, cabbage, onion, tomato skin DICES), Salt-to taste, Pepper-to taste, Cheese slices-2 nos.

Mix the raw salad vegetable dices in a bowl and add Mayo, salt and pepper. Mix these such that it coats the salad vegetables. Slice the Focaccia horizontally to make a split in the centre. Arrange the salad leaves and pour half the quantity of Mayo coated salad vegetables. Arrange a cheese slice over it and cover with the top part of the Focaccia sliced bread. If you want to further portion it the slice it into two triangle wedges for serving.

Bread and rolls are produced in all shapes and sizes, which are determined by a number of factors including:

· The type of flour used for making the bread

· Whether or not the bread is leavened

· How the bread is used

· Local or regional tradition

· How the dough is cooked, such as baked, steamed, deep-fat fried, etc.

· The symbolic significance of the bread shape for a particular holiday or festive occasion

Bread Shapes

Baguette, a term used for "stick" or "little rod," is a long rounded shape that has become a popular name for a number of breads with a similar shape. A French baguette can be up to 2 feet in length, 2 to 4 inches in diameter, and weigh 9 ounces or more.

Bloomer refers to a bread shape that is cylindrical, but flat on the bottom with several diagonal slashes across the top. The term most often describes a bread shape popular throughout Britain. Bloomers are made with many types of flour, although various types of wheat flour are the most popular.

Braided bread is made of strands of dough woven together to form a braided shape. Three to six strands of dough are common for several varieties of braided bread and some may incorporate as many as twelve strands.

Custard is a traditional dessert in Europe. It differs from pudding in that it is thickened with eggs. It also may be used as a thin sauce. Custard is typically cooked over a double boiler. It may be additionally thickened with cornstarch. Once the milk is thoroughly heated, the eggs are added in a very tricky process. They must be added one at a time so they do not “cook” in the hot milk mixture. If this process is done properly, the custard will have a smooth texture. Depending upon the amount of eggs added and additional thickening agents, the custard may be fairly firm or it can be thin. A vanilla custard sauce makes a delicious and rich topping for desserts.

One can also buy instant custards, however the below recipe will inform the recipe and process of Instant custard. Write to us on, or call 91-80-22106619 to buy this product

Creamy CustardInstant Custard Powder (ICP) – Baked version

Usage & Application of ICPEasy to use in powder formHelp creates versatile products for desserts and fillingsGood bake stabilityEven and constituent textureIncorporated newer ingredients

Basic RecipeInstant Custard Powder – 200gmCold Water (10oC) – 400ml

Method:Pour Instant Custard powder in a deep bowl and add Ice cold measured water, with the help of hand whisk or blender, mix to form even smooth consistency of custard. This will be slightly grainy initially. Use the custard filling immediately or keep it in air-tight container for maximum a day.

Usage: Apply a thick coat of paste on final sheeting of puff pastry dough or Danish pastry dough. Shape them to your choice and keep it to bake at high temperature. After bake remove and cool completely before serve.

Note: the filling has a good holding capacity and will not spread while baking, unlike chocolate or fresh milk based custard.

Caramel custard IngredientsCaramelized sugarVanilla custard powderCold water(7degC)EggFresh creamSugar powderVanilla essence

Egg based100gm50gm50ml1nos50gm25gm½ tsp

Egg-free based100gm50gm50ml

—75gm25gm½ tsp

Method: Burn Grain sugar in a non-stick pan and apply a coat to the mould or pan which has to be keep for baking. Pour Instant Custard powder in a deep bowl, along with the other ingredients and add Ice cold measured water, with the help of hand whisk or blender, mix to form even smooth consistency of custard. Pour ¾ of caramelized mould and arrange these in deep water bath. Bake at 160oC for 35-40 minutes, remove from oven and cool completely before de-molding. Serve cool.


Refrigerator StorageThe refrigerator provides short –term storage for foods that are perishable, which means they spoil easily. Perishable foods include meat, poultry, fish, milk, eggs, butter, and leftovers. Many fresh fruits and vegetables are also stored in the refrigerator to keep them fresh and crisp. The temperature inside the refrigerator should be between

0 0 0 0 32 F and 40 F (0 C and 5 C). This degree of coldness helps prevent the growth of bacteria and texture of the food. Check the temperature regularly to be sure it stays in this range.Some parts of the refrigerator may be colder than others. You can check with a thermometer. Shelves on the door are not as cold as the inside shelves.Cover refrigerated food so it does not dry out. Perishable foods will keep in the refrigerator from a day to a few weeks, depending on the food. For longer storage, many foods can be frozen.

Freezer StorageFreezing allows many foods to be stored for a longer time. However, keeping food safe and its quality high depends on proper freezing.

0 0 Check the temperature of the freezer. It should be 0 F (-18 C) or below. Foods you buy already frozen should be stored in their original packages. To freeze other foods, wrap in airtight wrapping such as freezer paper, heavy-duty aluminum foil, or freezer-quality plastic bags. You can also use plastic freezer containers. Avoid lightweight plastic tubs from foods such as cottage cheese, margarine, and yogurt. They do not provide enough protection in the freezer. Not all foods freeze well. Avoid freezing cooked egg whites, foods made with mayonnaise or salad dressing, gelatin, and raw vegetables you don't plan to cook.

Dry StorageFoods that do not need refrigeration or freezing or freezing, such as unopened cans and many packaged foods are stored in a dry storage area. This area can be a cabinet or shelves. It should be cool, dry, and clean.Don't store food in cabinets above the refrigerator or range or near a radiator or furnace outlet. The temperatures will be too warm.Once packages are opened, close them tightly before storing to keep out insects. You may also put the food in containers with tight-fitting covers.

Storing GroceriesWhen you return from grocery shopping, store food right away. First put frozen foods in the freezer so they will not thaw. Next, refrigerate perishables such as milk, eggs, cheese, meat, poultry, and fish. Then store fruits and vegetables. Finally, store foods that belong in the dry storage area. When you put away your groceries, put new packages behind older ones of the same kind. By using up the older packages first, you will save food and money.

Food Storage plays an important part Fridges use a thermostat to control the temperature. When the temperature inside the fridge becomes too warm the cooling mechanism is switched on until the temperature is l o w e r e d a n d t h e thermostat switches the c o o l i n g s y s t e m o f f . Throughout the day the fridge constantly cycles on & off to maintain the temperature.


Icing ColorsUse a paste or powder icing color. Paste or powder icing color is designed for coloring icing. They are concentrated, giving vivid or deep colors without changing the consistency of your icing. Using food colors not only will thin your icing, but will limit your color options. If your icing consistency changes, you may have difficulty in piping some decorations.

Mixing Color In IcingIf you are using an icing color paste, insert a toothpick through the foil cover, then swirl the toothpick into the icing. Leaving the foil cover on the jar will extend the life of your paste. Add small amounts of color at a time, using a fresh toothpick each time, until you have the desired color. If you are using red, royal blue, black, brown, or orange, you can remove the foil cover and use the tip of a knife to add the paste to your icing. Clean the knife blade before inserting into the jar to add more color. Use a spatula to blend the color, making sure the color is evenly distributed. Royal icing requires more color than buttercream icing to achieve the same color intensity.

To keep the color consistent on the cake, mix enough of any one icing color for the entire cake. It is difficult to match the same shade of color again.

Color ChangesColors deepen in buttercream icing after setting or exposure to light. Color your icing 1-2 hours before decorating. Colors might fade slightly in royal, boiled or Color Flow icing after they have set. Lemon juice or cream of tartar can cause colors to change, for example, violet will become blue. If the recipe has one of these ingredients in it, omit it. In addition, water can cause color changes depending upon your geographical area. If buttercream icing is made with water, replace some of the water with milk or milk powder.

Marble EffectsBy stacking different shades of tinted icing in your bag, you can achieve a marble effect to your decorations.

StainingPaste colors can stain teeth, skin and clothing. Washing the area with soap and warm water will remove color from skin and clothing. Bleach can be used on counter tops to remove stains.

Coloring your icing

Gold color can be achieved by adding 10 Lemon Yellow + 3 Orange + 1 Red

Turquoise color can be achieved by adding 6 Sky Blue + 1 Lemon Yellow

Maroon color can be achieved by adding 4 Red Red + 2 Burgundy

Lavender color can be achieved by adding 5 Pink + 1 Violet

Burgundy color can be achieved by adding 5 Rose Pink + 1 Violet

Piping gel has various uses that range from doing design work (writing on your cake, stained glass effect, a lake etc.), to preparing your cake to be iced or to decoratively glaze fruit and baked goods.Piping gel readily takes icing color, so add color (gel or paste colors) a little at a time until desired shade is achieved or, you can purchase pre-colored piping gel. You can flavor piping gel with a little concentrated flavoring oil. You can even make Chocolate Piping Gel: You can use either white or dark chocolate. Melt 1 part chocolate in a double boiler and then cool to room temperature. Add melted chocolate to piping gel. You can use it as “stained glass lead” on a cake design or for writing the message.Stir Piping gel before using, but be careful not to create too many bubbles. Use a disposable decorating bag fitted with a small round tip or a plastic squeeze bottle when decorating with piping gel. Fill bags or squeeze bottle only half full.

Writing Messages: Piping gel is great for writing messages on cakes, cookies and candies. Either use clear gel and then tint with your desired shade of paste or gel color or use pre-colored decorative gel when writing your message on a frosted cake or cookie. Or, make your letters on a piece of waxed paper and remove them to put on the cake. If you want your writing to have a 3D effect then pipe your message first with icing and then re-write on top of the icing message with gel.

Piping GelNeutral Glaze















































Students have completed Bakery Training at INSTITUTE OF BAKING & CAKE ART

In the last few years Institute of Baking & Cake Art (IBCA) has gained strength in all its programs and so have the students from various walks of life and different professional needs has been supported with its growth by attending one or many different programs offered. The school also can be know for the gurukul format where the student intake is fewer in each batch, but is personalized by interaction from teacher to student. Students like to spend more time here as the learning experience is enormous and supports practical approach towards wonderful varieties of baked products. The training approach relates to both domestic and commercial needs of learning.



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