Bali 2009

Post on 17-May-2015

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After a grueling 24 hour flight we landed in Denpensar and headed straight to the hotel. You can see Tanah Lot, a 15th century Hindu

temple in the background.

We arrived in the midst of the annual Galungan celebration (and just missing Nyepi - the day of silence - where, we were told, talking or walking about can

earn you a day of detention in the community center and public shame). The Balinese were preoccupied with preparing

pigs for sacrifice, decorating bamboo poles and making sweet rice cakes.

We took a wonderful tour of Bali’s interior, where we visited a stone

quarry, the bamboo forest rice fields and remote villages in the shadow of

Mount Batukaru.

We stopped in a village to have coffee with our fellow tourists and new

friends, Nicolas and Benoit. They are from the Dijon region of France. We had a blast practicing our high school French and discovering a mutual love

of music, good food and television dramas!

We had a bit of trouble with the Land Rover, but the guys gave it a good

shove and we continued on…

After a short hike we all enjoyed a lovely meal among the Bamboo trees.

The day was, to borrow a French phrase, incroyable.

We spent a lot of time simply enjoying the beauty of Bali.

Dinner on Jimbaran Beach