Bangladesh – India Sundarban Region Cooperation Initiative...

Post on 16-Jul-2020

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Bangladesh – India SundarbanRegion Cooperation Initiative:

A Vision for Joint Platform

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- The Sundarbans is the world’s largest delta

- Sunderbans delta is the world’s largest mangrove eco-region

- Sunderbans landscape is one of the world’s most biodiverse ecosystems

Ecological Facts

Nearly 13 million people inhabit the Sunderbans

Poverty and vulnerability to natural hazards characterize the people in Sunderbans

Natural stresses are compounded by human-induced stresses

Human Facts

High risk of persistent cyclones, floods and embankment failures

Sea level rise

Salinization of soil and water

Increased Hazards

- Political boundaries lead to incoherent landscape planning

- Insufficient Govt. Programmes

- Governance disjointed

- Unintegrated decision-making


Thank you

Indo-Bangla Agreements Relevant to Sunderbans•Treaty of Peace and Friendship•Bilateral Trade Agreement•Protocol on Inland Water Transit and Trade (PIWTT)


•Ganges Water Treaty1996•Framework Agreement on Cooperation for Development•MoU on Cooperation in the Field of Fisheries•MoU on Conservation of the Sundarbans•Protocol on Conservation of Royal Bengal Tiger of the Sundarbans


•Agreement on Coastal Shipping Between Bangladesh and India

•MoU Between Coast Guards•MoU on Blue Economy and Maritime Cooperation in the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean


•MoU on establishing Border Haats Across the Border Between India and Bangladesh

•MoU Between Geological Survey of India (GSI) and Geological Survey of Bangladesh (GSB) on Mutual Scientific Cooperation in the Field of Earth Sciences for Research and Development

•MoU & SOPs on Passenger and Cruise Services on the Coastal and Protocol Route Between Bangladesh and India


Agreements include MoU on specific issues:-Management of Sunderban-Management of tigers-fisheries-exchange and sharing between national televisionsNone of these yet to be operationlised

2011 Non-binding Agreement

Facilitating joint, sustainable development of the shared Sundarbans Region with stress on realizing economic growth and enhancing climate resilience

Build the confidence, knowledge and capacity of national and local institutions to effectively implement the 2011 Bangladesh-India MoUfor joint sustainable management of the Sundarbans

Need for a Common Platform

In 2015 BISRCI began implementing the knowledge-based advocacy initiative to facilitate and support bilateral cooperation in the region

Partners in this initiative include: Institute of Defence Studies &Analyses, Policy Research InstituteInternational Water Association,Observer Research Foundation, World Bank, and WWF-India

Bangladesh – India SundarbansRegion Cooperation Initiative (SRCI)

Goals & Objectives

• Integrated /Joint Management of the SundarbanRegion leading to sustainable development and ecosystem management – Support and facilitate creation of a joint mechanism

that spearheads bilateral cooperation in the Sundarban Region.

– Help raise the global profile of Sundarban Region as a key test for meeting climate change challenges

– Help promote mutual community-oriented economic growth through creating evidence and advocacy on issues such as eco-tourism, sustainable fisheries and aquaculture management

Strategy Elements

• Showcasing cooperation in Sundarban Region within the current political and policy priorities and bilateral agreements– 2011 MoUs; 2015 Agreements; “Act East” & “Neighbourhood First” policies of

GoI; Climate change adaptation focus of GoB & GoI

• Formation of SRCI; national & international partners• Partners with complementary skill sets and strengths

Organization / Consortium Key focus area

IDSA & ORF in India; PRI, B’desh Strategic & diplomatic community

Int’l Water Association Water & environment community, Media

WWF-India & EnGIO Govt. of West Bengal, Media, local governments & communities

Strategic Approach• Simultaneous advocacy with demand-based evidence

generation and research – Identify & work with key decision-makers & influencers in GoB, GoI & GoWB– Work within existing policy framework & support priorities of governments– Create alignment among civil society, academia, media, local govts. &

communities with the objectives of SRCI– Key focus on: sustainable development, joint ecosystem management, climate

change adaptationKey Decision-Makers & Influencers

Offices of the Prime Ministers of Bangladesh & IndiaGovernment of West Bengal

Ministries: Environment, Forest & Climate Change; Water; Tourism; Shipping; Commerce

Local Governments Political & Environmental Media

Strategists, former diplomats, thinkers Civil society, academia, CBOs

Advocacy & outreach mechanisms

One-on-one meetings

Input to policymakers

Consultations sessions

Brainstorming sessions

Research papers, policy briefs, proposal for joint actions

Partnership with mass media

Social media outreach Workshops & conferences

Expected outcomesAgreement / Understanding on joint and/or coordinated management of Sundarbanecosystem by Bangladesh &


Governments begin action on joint activities in the

Sundarban Region

Agreement by Bangladesh and India on formation of a

bilateral mechanism on Sundarban Region

Timeline of activities & outputs

Key activities (till June 2016)• One-on-one meetings: continuous• Brainstorming sessions in Delhi & Dhaka:

continuous• Joint workshop in Delhi on bilateral

Sundarban platform or mechanism: Nov / Dec 2015

• Proposed bilateral event at Paris CoP: Dec 2016

• Int’l workshop, Dhaka: Jan 2016• Transboundary meeting on boat among

polity, media, civil society, academia: Early 2016

• Consultation sessions with local governments & communities in West Bengal: Sep – Dec 2016

• Joint meeting between officials and political leaders from GoB, GoI, and GoWB: May 2016

Outputs (till June 2016)• Report on Integration of Ecotourism

and Inland Waterways, including proposals for Joint Actions and Way Forward

• Proposal for transboundary eco-tourism in Sundarban Region

• Report on joint management and governance of the Sundarbanecosystem for sustainable development

• Report on the Economic Case for Bilateral Cooperation in the Sundarban Region

• Proposals for Joint Actions in the Sundarban Region to support poverty reduction and joint ecosystem management

Thank you