Banking the Future

Post on 27-Aug-2014

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Firms need to learn to manage the downturn, listen to customers, incorporate them to the innovation process and become their partners. Branding is changing fundamentally and the impact of this change is being demolising over the last five years: some companies keep up, while other are clarly lagging. Traditional PR and marketing policies change in light of web2.0 conversations. This presentation was specially prepared for a postgraduate course at University of Cantabria in 2008. The opinions are those of the author and not those of Banesto.


  • + OlgaGil [email_address] Banking the Future Curso master de Banca Universidad de Cantabria Santander, El Solaruco, 28 de Noviembre 2008
  • + OlgaGil Future, what is Future? Definitions and translation
  • + OlgaGil Future? Tools to consider with notable brand examples 1. Blogs ( Johnson & Johnson , Delta Air Lines ) 2. Bookmarking/Tagging ( Adobe , Kodak ) 3. Brand monitoring ( Dell , MINI ) 4. Content aggregation ( Alltop , EMC ) 5. Crowdsourcing/Voting ( Oracle , Starbucks ) 6. Discussion boards and forums ( IBM , Mountain Dew ) 7. Events and meetups ( Molson , Pampers ) 8. Mashups ( Fidelity Investments , Nike ) 9. Microblogging ( method , Whole Foods ) 10. Online video ( Eukanuba , Home Depot ) 11. Organization and staffing ( Ford , Pepsi ) 12. Outreach programs ( Nokia , Yum Brands ) 13. Photosharing ( Rubbermaid , UK Government ) 14. Podcasting ( Ericsson , McDonalds ) 15. Presentation sharing ( CapGemini , Daimler AG ) 16. Public Relations - social media releases ( Avon , Intel ) 17. Ratings and reviews ( Loblaws , TurboTax ) 18. Social networks: applications, fan pages, groups, and personalities ( British Airways , Saturn ) 19. Sponsorships ( Coca-Cola , Whirlpool ) 20. Virtual worlds ( National Geographic , Toyota ) 21. Widgets ( Southwest Airlines , Target ) 22. Wikis ( Second Life , T-Mobile Sidekick ) Peter Kim
  • + OlgaGil How do I get to know the customer using 2.0 tools? 1
  • + OlgaGil How do I get to know the consumer using 2.0 tools? 1 Bret Taylor: CEO Friendfeed
  • + OlgaGil How do I get to know the consumer using 2.0 tools? 1
  • + OlgaGil How do I get to know the consumer using 2.0 tools? 1
  • + OlgaGil How do I get to know the consumer using 2.0 tools? 1
  • + OlgaGil How do I get to know the consumer using 2.0 tools? 1
  • + OlgaGil How do I get to know the consumer using 2.0 tools? 1
  • + OlgaGil How do I get to know the consumer using 2.0 tools? 1 Semantic web En breu soon
  • + OlgaGil How do I get to know the consumer using 2.0 tools? 1 Eduardo Arcos
  • + OlgaGil What about companies, how do they know what the consumer thinks ? 2
  • + OlgaGil 2
  • + OlgaGil How do I get to focus better on the customer, given that I know the customer ? 3
  • + OlgaGil Focus better on the customer using 2.0 tools? 3 Bernardo Hernndez
  • + OlgaGil Focus better on the customer using 2.0 tools? 3 Bernardo Hernndez
  • + OlgaGil Focus better on the customer using 2.0 tools? 3 Bernardo Hernndez
  • + OlgaGil How one goes over changing behaviour, and start to do grand planning ? 4
  • + OlgaGil Grand Planning using 2.0 tools? 4 Tom Raftery
  • + OlgaGil Grand Planning using 2.0 tools? 4 Tom Raftery
  • + OlgaGil Grand Planning using 2.0 tools? 4 Tom Raftery
  • + OlgaGil Future? what are the conclusions? Today Oportunities Just tools Please, your turn
  • + OlgaGil Banking the Future Thank you