Barnabas Aid September/October 2010

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  • 8/7/2019 Barnabas Aid September/October 2010


    September/OctOber 2010

    HOpe AND AID FOr tHe perSecUteD cHUrcH www.anaasfund.og

    Be on your guard: Preparing for PersecutionSuffering Church Sunday 2010 11

  • 8/7/2019 Barnabas Aid September/October 2010


    Aoding o the times, in Ail his

    ya h was a io in h Afghan

    own of Sisani, iggd y uous

    ha Aian ains had un a

    oy of h Quan. pa was sod

    y h ains sning a gif of n

    Quans and y hi showing o h

    owd a ain who had onvd o

    Isla and hangd his na o

    Adullah. th io und o laion.

    The following month a surge of public

    outrage against converts from Islam to

    Christianity convulsed Afghanistan. There

    were calls in parliament for all such

    apostates to be killed, in line with sharia

    (Islamic law). President Karzai expressed

    great concern about the existence of

    converts from Islam within his country.

    Neither Western governments nor their

    allies in Afghanistan have publiclycondemned these threats against people

    who have chosen to leave the faith they

    were born in and to follow Christ. There

    are no calls to spare the lives of converts,

    even though they are threatened not only

    in Afghanistan but also in Iran, Saudi

    Arabia and increasingly in other countries.

    The call of the prophet Amos to let justice

    roll on like a river, righteousness like a

    never-failing stream (Amos 5:24) goes

    largely unheeded.

    President Obama and his Secretary of

    State, Hillary Clinton, have recently

    changed their vocabulary about religious

    liberty. No longer do they call for freedom

    of religion but merely speak about

    freedom of worship. Under Islamic law

    and in most Muslim-majority countries,

    non-Muslims, such as Christians, may

    meet and worship according to their own

    beliefs, but sharing of their faith and

    conversion from Islam are outlawed. Is this

    limited freedom all that the US government

    is now prepared to promote?

    This disgraceful retreat from the defence of

    human rights seems to have been

    prompted by a desire to appease Muslim

    feelings for the sake of political and military

    expediency. But Western democracies

    cannot oppose the regimes in Iran or North

    Korea if we ourselves think freedom of

    conscience not worth defending.

    It was Benjamin Franklin who said, Theythat can give up essential liberty to obtain

    a little temporary safety deserve neither

    safety nor liberty. We are already seeing

    freedom of speech gradually sinking under

    the rising tide of self-censorship, caused

    mainly, I believe, by fear of Islam. What

    would Franklin have said about this or

    about sacrificing religious liberty in the

    hope of avoiding Islamic hostility?

    D paik Sookhdo

    International Director

    To guard the safety of Christians in hostileenvironments, names may have been changed oromitted. Thank you for your understanding.

    Unless otherwise stated, Scripture quotations aretaken from the New International Version.

    Every effort has been made to trace copyrightholders and obtain permission for stories andimages used in this publication. Barnabas Fundapologises for any errors or omissions and will begrateful for any further information regardingcopyright.

    Barnabas Fund 2010

    Welcome from the Director

    What price

    religious freedom?


    3Project News

    Relief for hungryChristians in Africa

    6 Be on your guardSuffering ChurchSunday 2010 11

    23 NewsroomConverts to Christ indanger in Afghanistan

    26 In TouchSend us yourcomments onBarnabas Aid

    6 Poster

    7 Introduction

    8 Persecution in theNew Testament

    11 Sermon outline

    12 Bible study

    13 Testimony

    14 Timeline

    16 What ispersecution?

    21 Resources


  • 8/7/2019 Barnabas Aid September/October 2010


    ths a h ags wh w o how you gifs a ansfoing h

    livs of chisians who suff disiinaion o suion aus of

    hi lov fo h Lod Jsus chis. Gifs hannlld hough banaas

    ing aid o individuals, failis, huhs and inisis, hanging livs

    and siuaions, giving ho fo h fuu. W hav sa o nion only

    a sall slion of any ojs w hav n al o suo

    aus of you gifs. thank you fo naling hs ojs o

    g h hl hy nd. plas ay as you ad.

    The continent of Africa is afflicted by many

    famines that are barely reported in Westernnews media. This year has seen a particularly

    severe drought in Niger, a West African state

    that is largely Sahara desert. Niger has a

    Muslim population of at least 97%. In Central

    Africa, Burundi is also struggling with an

    ongoing famine in certain parts, including

    some Muslim-majority areas where

    Christians are particularly vulnerable.

    Barnabas has been helping with food aid for

    Christians in Niger since 2005. Recent grants

    for Niger total 64,860 (US$98,960; 77,860)

    which provided 1,161 families with 100kg of

    maize or millet and 50kg of rice, which

    should last each family two to three months.

    The cost per family was 55 (US$84; 66).

    Famine Relief in Niger and BurundiIn Burundi we have been assisting hungry

    Christians in Muslim-majority areas since2007. Our most recent grant of 13,090

    (US$20,110; 15,640) provided 400

    families with beans, maize, cassava flour

    and powdered milk. The benefits were more

    than just filling empty stomachs. The project

    leader wrote to Barnabas Fund that 324

    children who had given up going to school

    are now back at their lessons. What is

    more, The number of people who used to

    go to Tanzania and Rwanda looking for food

    has decreased. They are now settled and

    working in their fields.


    Foodaid arrives ytrukforchristians inburundi...

    poj fn 38-568

    Fain lif in Nig

    Project News

    poj fn 67-681

    Fain lif in buundi

    ... and Nig

  • 8/7/2019 Barnabas Aid September/October 2010


    The Church in Cuba is growing rapidly despite

    severe poverty and increasing persecutionfrom the communist government. Barnabas is

    supporting 40 Cuban evangelists who are

    working to plant new churches. We provide

    62 (US$95; 74) per person per month, which

    covers family living costs and ministry costs.

    Some of the evangelists are in urban

    situations, but many are serving in the little

    villages in the centre of the island that up until

    now have lacked churches or sound Christian

    teaching. One evangelist has a ministry aimed

    particularly at the elderly; he is discipling a

    group of 26 older people who have recentlybecome Christians, and hopes to baptise a

    number of them soon. I appreciate the Lords

    Cuba: Bringing the Gospel to Oldand Young, Urban and Rural

    Project News

    poj fn


    poj fn

    00-345 Viis of

    Violn Fund

    Kyrgyzstan: In Times of Conflictand in Times of PeaceThis Central Asian country hit the

    international headlines in June when large-

    scale ethnic riots broke out in the south ofthe country and hundreds of thousands of

    Uzbeks fled from violence at the hands of

    Kyrgyz people. Christian pastors sprang into

    action, ignoring threats and hostility, trying

    to help the needy, especially their fellow-

    believers. As the crisis developed, Christians

    began to be targeted for their faith, as well

    as for trying to help across the ethnic divide.

    Barnabas Fund sent an emergency first

    grant of 2,140 (US$3,000; 2,360) and

    stands ready to channel more

    as required.

    Newelieversin cua

    calling on my life, he writes, and that,

    despite my age, He has allowed me toserve Him in ministry for the elderly,

    where 167 people attend: 63 men and

    104 women.

    By contrast, another evangelist writes,

    In these past three months I have been

    working with a great number of youth in

    sports through the Third Christian

    Evangelistic Football Cup Emmanuel... I

    also work in evangelising sports players

    through the Sports Ministry. Through

    this ministry the Lord has brought 40 people

    to faith, and four cell-groups have beenplanted including a special one for the sports

    players that have been saved.

    themselves. It is an area of high

    unemployment, and it is extra difficult for

    those who have left Islam to find jobs. Thefirst loan made was used for a cattle

    project employing three people. The

    business is thriving and has already begun

    to return money to the church, which has

    thus been able to give a second loan to

    another convert to start a small business

    with chickens and turkeys.

    poj fn 00-356

    Sall businss Sa-u Fund

    Kazakhstan: BringingPeace with God toLeprosy PatientsLast year Barnabas gave 8,120 (US$12,390;9,750) to print 5,000 copies each of three

    Christian books in the Kazakh language. Nowwe are receiving reports of how these titles arebeing effective for the Kingdom. A Christiannurse is using Billy Grahams Peace with Godtoshare the Gospel at theleprosy hospital where sheworks, and encouragesother Christians nearby todo the same. There is nochurch for 100km in anydirection.

    The same title was usedby a young Christianfamily, all converts fromIslam, who were visitingtheir Muslim relatives.The Muslims said the Christians had betrayedIslam and brought shame on the whole familyby deciding to follow Christ. But the Christianstestified about the Lord Jesus and their Muslimrelatives accepted a copy of Peace with God.

    Another Christian writes, We distribute thebookHow to Know Godin our little book store,in personal discussions and during Christianconferences. It is a great help to Bible study

    groups at home who are preparing theirsessions on the basis of this book.

    poj fn 00-360

    chisian Liau Fund


    this al oj ovids a livlihood foh chisians in Kygyzsan

    Kazakh chrisian

    lieraure srenghenschrisians andspreads he Gospel

    Kyrgyzstan is a country where

    Barnabas has already been

    involved for many years,

    assisting the Christians in a

    variety of ways. For example, a

    grant of 3,264 (US$; 4,060)

    was used by a church as a

    revolving loan fund to helpChristian converts from a

    Muslim background set up

    small businesses to support

  • 8/7/2019 Barnabas Aid September/October 2010


    thank you so uh fo all you ha

    and hl fo ou faily. Wods anno

    xss how gaful w a o you and o

    ou living God. evn hough w hav

    nohing and holss siuaion u hough

    you God has ovidd ou daily ad and

    h hous wh w say.


    Burma (Myanmar): Grateful to You and toOur Living God

    At the end of May, Afghan TV showed footage

    of Afghan Christians, including baptisms. The

    country was rocked by calls for the death ofconverts from Islam, some coming from

    student protestors, some even from

    legislators within parliament. Door-to-door

    searches began, and a number of Christians

    were arrested. Dozens of Afghan Christians

    fled their homeland.

    Barnabas has sent a grant of 5,780

    (US$8,820; 6,920) to help some of these

    Afghan refugees, who have had to seek

    safety in other countries. It will pay for rent,

    food, clothes, medical and other needs. AllAfghan Christians are converts from Islam.

    Emergency Aid forAfghan ChristianRefugees

    Project News

    poj fn


    poj fn


    Pakistan: Medical Help and Literacyfor Needy Christian WomenA grant of 5,000 (US$7,630; 6,000) willhelp support a church-run medical projectfor Christian women in Pakistan for oneyear. A further grant of 1,300 (US$2,380;1,560) has also been sent to purchase anultra-sound machine.

    The main focus of the project is healthawareness. Two female doctors visit eachChristian community weekly to discusswomens health issues, give check-upsand prescribe medication. The women whobenefit are mostly too poor to gethealthcare from any other source.

    A literacy programme has recently beenadded to the project. One woman said shehad never been to school, but after learningto read through the literacy classes she hasstarted to read her Bible. Another, who

    works as a tailor, said that now she couldwrite down all the measurements she madeduring her work, instead of having toremember them in her head.

    poj fn


    Halh duaion lass

    Ligh of h wold says h lu and whi sign on his fishing oa, ovidd o achisian fishan who los his oa in cylon Nagis

    Duk-rearing enables his faily o supporheselves, and a newhouse keeps he dry

    Barnabas continues to assist with relief and

    development projects for Christians in the

    wake of the devastation caused by CycloneNargis. Here we share some thank you letters

    from some of those who have been helped inthe Irrawaddy delta area.

    A fishing boat costs 62 (US$95; 75) and anet costs 16 (US$25; 19). Our most recentgrant provided 20 boats with nets.

    A gift of 100 ducks for one family costs 62(US$95; 75), and we have helped 70families in this way. Each 2-month-old duck

    costs 62 pence (95 US cents; 75 Euro cents).

    by h ga of God, H has ovidd us a

    oa and fishing n y using you. thank you

    so uh. may h good Lod lss you o

    and o.

  • 8/7/2019 Barnabas Aid September/October 2010




    SUNDAY 2010 2011

    Preparing for Persecution



  • 8/7/2019 Barnabas Aid September/October 2010


    Be on your guardSuffering Church Sunday 2010 11

    In any as of h non-Wsn wold, chisians find hasuion is a of hi gula xin. Whh hisaks h fo of ssu o disiinaion, haassn o

    violn, hy us always ad fo i. buchisians in h Ws ofn suos ha hy do no

    and will nv suff suion fo hi faih,and so hy do no nd o ady.

    Preparing forPersecutionbu now h Wsn huhs a faingsval sious hallngs: fo a llignand shill sulais, fo h gowh ofIslais (oliial Isla), and fo lgislaionha hans ou asi fdos. I is oand o vidn ha, lik ou ohs andsiss lswh, w us ady o sufffo ou faih.


    To order

    8Persecution in the New Testament

    11 Sermon outline on John1:18 16:4

    12 Bible study on John 1:18 16:4

    13 Testimony

    14Persecution timeline

    16 What is persecution?

    21 Resources for your service

    This years Suffering Church Sunday resources focus invarious ways on the need to prepare for persecution. Youmay like to choose a Sunday in November (or anothermonth in the next year if this is better for your churchcalendar) and use the material in the following pages for aspecial service or meeting on this theme. As you read,pray that the Lord will help you and your church to be onyour guard against the perils that confront us.

    What do the Lord and His apostles sayabout the sufferings of His followers?

    If the world hates you...

    For use in home groups or personalBible study

    We rejoiced in the Lord: faithstrengthened in Orissa in the face of hatred

    Key moments in the history of anti-Christianpersecution

    How and where do Christians suffer for theirfaith, and who is responsible?

    Tithing your tithe for the persecutedchurches

    The resources listed on pages 21 and 22 are availablefree of charge from your national Barnabas Fundoffice (addresses on back cover) or from our website,

  • 8/7/2019 Barnabas Aid September/October 2010



    Persecution in the New Testament

    chisians hav suffd fo hi faih

    fo h fis days of h chuh. th

    Nw tsan dsis h vaid and

    disssing suions ndud y

    any of Jsus aly disils. bu i

    dos uh o han ll hi soy. I

    also shows how h huhs affliionsa a ans of Gods lssing, and alls

    is ads o sond ighly o hi

    own suffing. In his way i ovids

    nouagn and guidan fo Gods

    sud ol in vy gnaion.

    The range of persecutionThe early Christians experience of

    persecution is described in many parts of

    the New Testament. Jesus Himself is

    persecuted: He is unjustly accused and

    convicted, suffers mockery and violence,

    and is executed by the agonising method of

    crucifixion (Mark 14:43 15:37). The first

    church, in Jerusalem, is scattered by a

    Blessed are those who are persecuted because ofrighteousness,

    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute youand falsely say all kinds of evil against you because ofme. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in

    heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophetswho were before you.(Matthew 5:10-12)

    The Gospel cannot be published without instantlydriving the world to rage. (John Calvin, commentingon John 15:18)

    As the love of God is inseparable from faith, so is the

    hatred of God from unbelief. (John Wesley, commentingon John 15:23)

    Shn, on of h lads of h fis huh in Jusal, was sond o dah


    Persecution in the New Testament

  • 8/7/2019 Barnabas Aid September/October 2010


    great persecution (Acts 8:1b-3), and two of

    its leaders are killed. (Acts 7:54 8:1;


    In Pauls list of his painful sufferings for

    Christ, he includes imprisonment, flogging,

    beating and stoning (2 Corinthians 11:23-

    25). Hebrews is written to Christians whose

    property has been seized (Hebrews 10:34),

    and the readers of 1 Peter have to bear

    slander and insults (1 Peter 2:12; 4:3-4).

    The churches of Revelation are enduring

    hardships that include being put in prison

    and even killed. (Revelation 2:9-10, 13; cf.


    The persecutions are inflicted by Jews and

    Gentiles (Acts 14:1-5), by angry mobs and

    hostile rulers (Acts 16:19-24), by former

    friends (Acts 9:20-30) and new enemies(Acts 19:23-27). Jesus predicts that even

    family members will deliver each other to

    death (Matthew 10:21). Persecution can

    take the form of unofficial social pressure,

    as in 1 Peter, or legal censure and

    punishment, as in Revelation.

    The reasons forpersecutionThe reasons for anti-Christian persecution

    are set out only briefly in the New

    Testament, and vary according to the

    victims and the agents. In the Gospels the

    Jewish leaders see Jesus as a threat to

    their nation (John 12:48), condemn Him for

    alleged blasphemy (Matthew 26:65-66),

    and accuse Him before Pilate of political

    subversion (Luke 23:1-2). In Acts, the

    successful mission of the Jerusalem church

    arouses the jealousy of the chief priests

    (Acts 5:12-18), and Stephen provokes the

    council to fury by accusing them of

    disobedience to God. (Acts 7:51-54)

    Paul is persecuted by other Jews because

    he does not require his Gentile converts to

    be circumcised (Galatians 5:11). In Acts,

    they accuse him of teaching against their

    people, law and temple (Acts 21:28), and

    the civil authorities in some of the cities

    where he preaches regard him and his

    friends as agents of disorder and perhaps

    rebellion, and treat them accordingly (Acts

    17:6-9). In Revelation the Roman state

    demands the worship and service that is

    due only to God, and ruthlessly attacks

    Christians for their refusal to give it.

    (Revelation 13)

    The meaning ofpersecutionSeveral of the New Testament writers look

    behind the human causes of persecution to

    draw out its significance for believers. The

    book of Revelation attributes the churchesafflictions to the devil (Revelation 2:10). But

    they happen only because God allows them

    to happen; He also sets a limit on them and

    uses them to work out His plans. (1

    Thessalonians 3:2-4; 1 Peter 5:10; Acts


    In the Gospels Jesus predicts persecution

    for His followers (Mark 13:9), and James

    seems to take for granted that his readers

    will encounter various trials (James 1:2).

    Second Timothy makes the bold claim thateveryone who wants to live a godly

    Christian life will be persecuted (2 Timothy

    3:12), and 1 Peter tells its readers not to be

    surprised at their fiery ordeal as though it

    were something strange (1 Peter 4:12).

    Paul sees suffering for Christ as part of the

    calling of believers. (Philippians 1:28-30)

    But although persecution is inevitable for

    Christians, it is also a means of blessing for

    those who suffer it. The persecution of

    Jesus disciples is linked in the Gospels

    with the labour pains of the age to come(Matthew 24:4-12), and those who are

    persecuted for the sake of righteousness

    are promised the Kingdom of heaven

    (Matthew 5:10). Paul affirms that those

    who suffer with Christ will also be glorified

    with Him. (Romans 8:17)

    Nor is such blessing only for the future:

    suffering produces perseverance, character

    and hope in the present, so that believers

    can even rejoice in it (Romans 5:3-4;

    James 1:2-3). And the blessing may passfrom those who are persecuted to their

    brothers and sisters in Christ: it enables

    Christians to comfort other believers with

    the comfort they have received from God (2

    Corinthians 1:3-7), and Pauls afflictions

    are presented as his sharing in Christs

    sufferings for the sake of the Church.

    (Colossians 1:24)

    The responses topersecutionVarious responses to persecution are found

    in the New Testament, including flight,

    appealing to the authorities for protection,




    Persecution in the New Testament

    th roan sa aakd h alychuh fo fusing o giv i hwoshi and svi du o God

    and faithful endurance. Different

    circumstances may call for different

    reactions, even from the same person.

    Thus in Acts Paul escapes from Damascuswhen his life is endangered (Acts 9:23-25;

    cp. 2 Corinthians 11:32-33), reflecting the

    Gospel instruction to Jesus disciples to

    flee when they encounter persecution

    (Matthew 10:23). But on another occasion

    he makes use of his right as a Roman

    citizen to appeal to the emperor to avoid

    being handed over to his enemies (Acts

    25:11). And he also bears witness to his

    endurance of persecution for the sake of

    Christ (2 Corinthians 4:8-12; 6:4-10;

    11:23-25), a response required elsewhere

    from all Gods people. (Revelation 13:10)

    However, disciples are not left alone to

    face their enemies; Jesus will provide

    them with words and wisdom to defend

    themselves (Luke 21:12-15). No-one can

    snatch them out of His or His Fathers hand

    (John 10:28-29), and provided they stand

    firm to the end they will be saved.

    (Matthew 24:13)

    Some would argue that in the Old

    Testament the physical defence of thecommunity by military means was

    permitted; they would go on to suggest

    that it could therefore be permitted in

    certain circumstances today.

  • 8/7/2019 Barnabas Aid September/October 2010




    Persecution in the New Testament

    Duing h id-2nd nuy bc, h naion of

    Isal was a of h Sluid ei. In h 160s

    bc h Sluid ul Aniohus IV eihans

    ad o uni his kingdo, inluding his

    Jwish sujs, y iosing Gk ulu on

    h all. H foad Jwish ais suh asiuision and dandd ha vyon off

    saifis o agan gods, on ain of dah fo


    So Jws hos o suff and di ah han

    ak Gods law. thy livd ha h shdding

    of hi lood would ing lssing o Isal, and

    ha hy would wadd y God in h ag o

    o. Ohs suid o h kings dis, u

    so of hs w u o dah y zalous Jws

    fo hi disodin o God. th kings aions

    vnually ld o a sussful vol agains hisauhoiy.

    th roan uls of Isal (fo 63 bc) w

    o olan of Jwish ligious ais. bu

    any of h dsisd h Jws fo hi sang

    usos, saaion fo ohs and on fo

    roan gods, and hy fad h ossiiliy of

    Jwish llion agains ro.

    Again, so Jws w willing o o-oa wih

    hi agan ass, and hi lads hadsaifis ad o God on h os half.

    Ohs, howv, fd o di ah han o

    all h o Lod, and hy ad o

    salish h naions indndn und h

    ul of God alon, sois y violn. So of

    h udd ollaoaos o ohs who hy

    onsidd w ooising Isalsdisinivnss as Gods ol.

    this akgound hls o illuina h aly

    chisians viw of hi own suions. Jwish

    livs in Jsus w also ausd y oh

    Jws of disloyaly o God and o His ol, and

    as a sul any of h had o ndu ssu

    o vn violn. th roan auhoiis

    susd ha chisians w disuiv and

    llious aus hi oon lif was so

    diffn and hy olaid anoh king, on

    alld Jsus. (As 17:7)

    many chisians fad h sa hfold hoi

    as hi Jwish foas and onoais:

    fis, o sui o hi agan uls a h os of

    disoying God; sondly, o is u agains h

    in violn sisan; o hidly, o a

    suion and (if nssay) vn dah a hi

    hands. th Nw tsan foids h fis wo

    oions and onds h hid, nouaging

    Gods ol o ndu suion in h

    knowldg ha hy will iv Gods lssing inun, in h sn and h fuu.

    Background to New Testamentteaching on persecution

    ConclusionThe range of anti-Christian persecution,

    and the reasons for it, are as varied today

    as in New Testament times, and many of

    the sufferings experienced by the first

    Christians find echoes in those of the 21stcentury Church. But the significance of

    persecution, and the response that is

    required from Gods people, are just the

    same. Human and demonic forces continue

    to wage war against the saints, and

    suffering is the unavoidable result. But for

    those who remain faithful to Christ,

    persecution becomes a channel of Gods

    rich blessing, both now and in eternity.

    An anin ga in h old iy of Daasus. paul fldfo suion hough a window in h iy wall

  • 8/7/2019 Barnabas Aid September/October 2010



    In todays world hatred of Christs disciples

    is widespread and severe. Discrimination,

    harassment and persecution blight the lives

    of our brothers and sisters in many parts of

    the world. Even in some

    Western countries, such as the

    UK, Christians face increasing

    hostility to their faith and find

    themselves under pressure.

    The hatred that Christians

    experience raises many issues,

    both for those who suffer it

    directly and for those whosupport and pray for them.

    Why does it happen? How

    should we respond to it? And

    does it call our faith into


    But anti-Christian hatred is

    nothing new. These same

    issues have confronted

    believers since New

    Testament times, and some sections of the

    Bible are specifically addressed to

    Christians facing persecution.

    This passage from Johns Gospel is part of

    Jesus farewell address to His first disciples,

    which is intended to prepare them for the

    challenges they will face after His departure.

    The purpose of these verses is to explain

    why the world hates them, to show them

    how to respond, and to protect them against

    falling away when persecution comes.

    tHe reASONS FOr HAtreD(15:18-25)

    1. the world haes Jesus (15:18-21).

    In the New Testament the word world

    sometimes refers to the whole created

    order, or to the human world in a neutral

    sense. Here, however, it means humanity in

    its fallenness and darkness, which areexpressed in an ideology and practice that





    Sermon outline

    If h Wold Has You...John 15:18 16:4

    th following son oulin an usd a a Suffing chuhSunday svi o ing. W suggs ha you follow h asi

    suu, and if nos a inludd o aid you sudy and

    aaion. Vaious sois of suion ay found on

    ags 16-20, and so hlful onais a

    ondd on h nx ag.

    exclude the true God. This world hates

    Jesus disciples because it has first hatedHim, and because they do not belong to it

    but to Him. The world will respond to them

    as it responded to Him, because they bear

    His Name, and because it does not know

    His Father.

    2. the world haes he Faher (15:22-25).

    Whoever hates Jesus also hates His Father.

    If Jesus had not spoken His word to the

    world or performed mighty works among

    them, their rejection of God would not put

    them in the wrong. But now their hostility toJesus and the Father are inexcusable; they

    have hated Them without reason, so

    fulfilling an Old Testament scripture. (Psalm


    Anti-christian hatredis aainful realityforanyofourrothers and sisters today

    tHe reSpONSe tO HAtreD(15:26-27)

    When Jesus sends the Spirit of truth to Hisdisciples from the Father, His role will be to

    bear witness to Jesus. And the disciples are

    to respond to the worlds hatred in the same

    way, by bearing witness to what they know

    about Jesus.

    tHe reADINeSS FOr HAtreD(16:1-4)

    Jesus is giving this teaching to the disciples

    so that they will not abandon their faith. The

    severe persecution that they suffer, at the

    hands of a world that knows neither Jesusnor the Father, may tempt them to do so.

    But when it happens, they can now

    remember that Jesus warned them in

    advance, and their faith in Him will be

    strengthened and not weakened.


    This passage assumes that Christians should

    not expect the world always to regard them

    kindly indeed, that they are to expect theworld to be their enemy. But for those

    Christians who do face hatred, this passage

    makes sense of their sufferings, in terms of

    the hostility of the world towards Jesus and

    His Father. It outlines the response requiredof them, to bear witness to Jesus with the

    help of the Spirit. And it provides a

    necessary preparation for them, by giving

    notice of what Jesus disciples can expect toundergo because of His Name. In all these

    ways it helps them not only to prepare for

    persecution, but also to endure it.

    Turn to page 13 to read the story of a youngChristian woman from India, Swaroopa, and

    her family, whose faith in the Lord was

    strengthened and not weakened by her

    experience of anti-Christian hatred.

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    Bible study


    1. Have you ever experienced hatred ordiscrimination because of your faith in

    Christ, and if so, how did it feel? How do you

    react to stories of anti-Christian hostility?

    2. When Christians suffer persecution, what

    questions does this raise for us? How might

    we want to respond to such hostility?

    reAD JOHN 15:18-21

    3. What do you think the world means in

    verse 18? What reasons are given in theseverses for its hatred of Jesus disciples?

    4. How should we live as those who do not

    belong to the world? What twofold response

    should we expect?

    reAD JOHN 15:22-25

    5. How do these verses further explain the

    hostility experienced by Christians? Why is

    the world to blame for its attitude to Jesus

    and the Father?

    6. Can you think of reasons why some

    people hate Jesus and the Father? (For

    ideas, look up Luke 6:22-23; 14:11-14;

    16:13; John 3:20; 7:7; 12:25.) How does it

    help us to know that the world hates us

    because it hates Them?

    reAD JOHN 15:26-27

    7. How are Jesus disciples to respond to theworlds hatred? What help will they have

    from Him in doing this?

    8. When might we have to testify about

    Jesus because of the worlds hostility? And

    in what ways could we do this?

    reAD JOHN 16:1-4

    9. According to these verses, why might the

    disciples go astray, and what do you think

    it might mean to do this? How will Jesusteaching help them not to do so?

    10. Can you think of any kinds of

    persecution today that resemble those

    described in verse 2? Who might be

    responsible for them? What might be their



    11. What forms of hostility do Christians

    suffer in your country? Do you think that you

    need to be preparing for persecution, and

    if so why?

    12. Share one new perspective that this

    passage has given you on facing hostility for

    Christ, or one action that you will now take

    in response.


    Faing Hosiliy fo chisJohn 15:18 16:4this sudy looks a h sa assag as h son oulin(11). I an usd fo o af haing h son, o

    saaly. If i is usd wihou h son, i ay hlful fo

    h gou lad o ad hough h son oulin fohand.

    th sion a h nd nild Digging d is inndd fo

    hos who would lik o xlo h assag in o dh and

    in is wid onx.

    DIGGING Deeper

    13. Look up some other references to

    the world in Johns Gospel (e.g. 1:9-

    10; 3:16-17; 12:25, 31; 17:6-19;

    18:36). How might these relate to the

    teaching of this passage about the

    worlds hatred for Jesus disciples?

    14. Consider how Jesus words andworks in this Gospel cause others to be

    hostile (see e.g. 5:1-18; 6:35-71; 9:13-

    34; 10:22-39). How do these passages

    illuminate verses 22-25 of chapter 15?

    15. What do you think are some of the

    key truths about Jesus to which His

    disciples are called to testify? See (e.g.)

    John 1:6-8, 34; 8:12-14; 18:37.

    16. Look at some of the ways in which

    Christians suffer persecution in theNew Testament. (See above, pp8-10.)

    What parallels to these are there in the

    contemporary world?

    FUrtHer reADING

    For further explanation of this passage, please see the following:

    C. K. Barrett, The Gospel according to St John, 2nd edition. London: SPCK, 1978, pp478-485

    George R. Beasley-Murray, John(Word Biblical Commentary), 2nd edition. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1999, pp275-278

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    A chisas 2007 Hindu xiss

    launhd a sis of violn and

    diad aaks on chisians in

    Oissa Sa, India. So 730 hos

    w dsoyd, and 95 huhs wazd o h gound. eigh onhs la

    h violn was nwd, lading o h

    dahs of a las 20 chisians.

    thousands w injud, and ns of

    housands w fod o fl hi

    hos. th chisians w old, co

    ak as Hindu o don o ak a all!

    One of the families caught up in the second

    outbreak of violence was that of Swaroopa

    Naik, whose story is told below.

    esa in h jungl

    Swaroopa was brought up in a Christian

    home with her brother and two sisters. Her

    father, Sunil, is a farmer. On Monday 25

    August 2008 the family was busy with the

    housework as usual while Swaroopa was

    having a bath. Suddenly she heard terrible

    noises outside, and running out of the house

    she saw her family rushing into the forest.

    Swaroopa ran too and was chased by the

    attackers, but she was quick enough to

    escape them.

    Swaroopa eventually found her parents in

    the jungle. Taking shelter under a tree, they

    heard the dreadful sound of homes being

    destroyed and saw a plume of smoke rising

    into the sky. But Swaroopa says, Both of

    my parents were consoled by the very

    thought that this tragic attack has been

    due to the fact that we believe in JesusChrist and are Christians. Blessed are

    those who are persecuted for righteousness

    sake for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.

    (Matthew 5:10)

    After a while the family heard the attackers

    coming along the path they themselves had

    taken, so they ran and hid themselves in the

    bush. The sunny weather changed to cloudy

    skies, and they prayed that the Lord would

    send rain. And then a heavy downpour!

    The pursuers called off the chase and wentback the way they came. Swaroopa and her

    parents praised God.

    th Lod who ovids

    When the rain stopped the family went back to

    their village. There they found that their house

    had been reduced to a pile of ashes and debris.

    No-one in the village would take them in for

    the night, so they returned to the jungle to

    shelter under the trees. Early next day they

    set off to escape the pursuing assailants.

    In the evening Swaroopa and her family

    reached Phulbani, a large township, where

    they felt safe enough to stay for two weeks.

    After this they moved on to Cuttack, the

    largest city in Orissa, where they stayed

    with a family member.

    After the anti-Christian violence had

    subsided, Swaroopas parents were able toreturn to their village to visit what was left of

    their house. They learned from their pastor

    about a ministry (supported by Barnabas

    Fund) that offers vocational training to young

    people displaced from Orissa by the violence.

    This is designed to equip them to return to

    the region later, not only to live there, but

    also to make a positive contribution to the

    community and to witness for Christ.

    Swaroopa obtained a college place to study

    nursing and midwifery and is about tocomplete her first year of training. She

    writes, We thanked and rejoiced in the

    Lord for having miraculously saved our lives

    and now for providing me with an

    opportunity to become a nurse. The Lord is

    really Jehovah Jirah [the LORD who


    This year Barnabas Fund has been

    supporting 27 girls on three different

    vocational courses. Swaroopa and the others

    training to be nurses and midwives will be

    continuing their studies for another threeyears, with continuing help from Barnabas.

    Swaooa (sond lf) and oh gils dislad fo Oissa yani-chisian violn u now aining o nuss and idwivs

    Consoled in Sufferingfor Christ

    poj fn


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    Timeline of Anti-C

    Nero launchespersecution ofChristians afterblaming them forthe Great Fire ofRome.

    The Decian Persecution beginning ofmass persecution of Christians initiatedby Emperor Deciusthroughout the RomanEmpire. All citizens hadto prove that they hadperformed pagansacrifices and facedpunishment of

    imprisonment orexecution if theyrefused.

    23 February The Great Persecution begins.Edicts call for church buildings to be destroyed,

    sacred writings burned, Christians to lose civilrights, clergy to be imprisoned and forced tosacrifice and (in 304) all to perform pagansacrifices on pain of death.

    Roman Emperors

    Constantine I and Liciniusissue the Edict of Milan thatlegalises Christianity acrossthe whole Empire.

    ZoroastrianShapur IIorders themassacre ofall Christiansin Persia.


    becomes thestate religion ofRome underTheodosius I

    Rise of Islam

    Birth ofMuhammad, whoby 631 rules mostof the ArabianPeninsula.

    Rise to power ofTimur (Timurlane)in Central Asia.Christianity in theregion is wipedout and millions ofChristians killed.

    Fall of

    Constantinopleand subjugationof Christians asdhimmisin theOttoman Empire.

    China: TheKangxi Emperor

    forbidsmissionariesfrom enteringChina.

    Early Christian History

    Stephenstoned todeath afterbeing triedby Jewishcourt. (Acts7:54-60)

    35 248

    ealy chisian syolsavd on a son






    391 1453



    tiu, ul of cnalAsia in h 14h nuy

    1715 1898

    AD 500 10

  • 8/7/2019 Barnabas Aid September/October 2010




    ristian Persecution

    apid Arab conquests: Damascus34), Jerusalem (638), Carthage97). These lead to the decline of

    hristianity in the Middle East andcomplete extinction in North

    rica, through soft and hardercion.

    pread of Christianity -

    ew challengesJapan: EmperorTokugawa Ieyasu expelsall Christian missionariesand orders the executionof converts.

    Indiansubcontinent:Huge growth inChristianitycauses angrybacklash fromMuslims andHindus.

    Queen Ranavalona I (reigned18281861) issued a royal edictprohibiting the practice ofChristianity in Madagascar.Anyone found possessing a Biblewas executed, often usingparticularly brutal and cruelmethods. Some estimates saythat up to 150,000 Madagascan

    Christians were murdered.

    hina: Start of the Boxer rebellion, aationalistic uprising against the perceived

    fluence of foreigners, leading to the murderthousands of Chinese converts to

    hristianity and the targeting of missionaries.

    Armenian Genocide:Massacre of up to1,500,000 Armenianand AssyrianChristians by OttomanTurks. This was thesingle worst year insome decades of anti-Christian violence inthe Ottoman Empire.

    Russian Revolution: Oppressive anti-Christian

    policies in the 1920s and 30s, as the militantlyatheist Soviet Union aims to wipe out any Christianpresence within its borders. Tens of thousands ofchurches destroyed, millions of Christiansimprisoned and killed, thousands of clergy executed.Restrictions on worship and aggressive churchclosures continue into the later 20th century,particularly under Khrushchev (1955-1964).

    Iranian revolution:Establishes strictIslamic state undersharia, oppressingChristians throughclosure of churchesand arrest, tortureand sometimesmurder of convertsfrom Islam.

    War in Southern Sudan: Attempts byIslamic Arab government in the North of

    Sudan to enforce sharia law on theSouth starts a war that leads to twomillion deaths in the mainly Christianand animist South of the country.





    Qun ranavalona Iof madagasa

    1800s 1915

    A fod laou a in h Sovi Union



    The Moder Era -

    rise of state persecution

    00 1500 2000

  • 8/7/2019 Barnabas Aid September/October 2010



    What is persecution?

    Fos of suion

    Ani-chisian suion aks any

    fos, and i is aially iossil o

    odu an xhausiv lis. bu h

    following a svn of h os oon

    and sious.

    Violn. Physical attacks on

    Christians and Christian property

    are all too common in manycountries. Homes and churches

    may be destroyed by angry mobs,

    and whole Christian communities

    driven by force from their villages.

    Individuals are raped or kidnapped, beaten

    up or thrown into prison, and some are

    murdered or even officially executed

    because of their faith. This violence is not

    only distressing and destructive at the time

    for those who suffer it; it also leaves a

    legacy of fear and insecurity that can

    undermine the assurance and threaten the

    ministry of local Christians.

    Inadqua duaion. Where Christians

    are very poor, parents may be unable to

    afford fees for their childrens schooling.

    Without an education the children, when

    they grow up, can get only very low-paid

    jobs, and so a vicious cycle of poverty

    and illiteracy continues through the

    generations. In Muslim-majority contexts

    Christian children may be able to attend

    government-run schools, but Islam is

    often strongly promoted in such schools

    and they are likely to face hostility from

    the teachers and other pupils. They

    may even be marked down in

    their exams or denied

    university places simply because

    they are Christians.


    persecuion. Is a wod os chisians know. W ad i in h bil, and in chisianooks and agazins. W ha i fo ahs, and fo chisian lads in hdia. W know i has o do wih ol ing ad o suff y ohs, and ha anychisians xin i.

    bu wha xaly is hissuion ha w haaou? Wha fos dos iak, who is sonsil foi, and in wha onxs

    dos i ak la?

    I is diffiul o lassify hany kinds of suion.Whav agois w us,any inidns will fi ino han on ox. buh hlful ways ofdividing h u a y

    fo, onx and sou.

    In hvrypoor chinrgionof bura

    (myanar), chrisians as youngas11ar

    lurdawayfro hirparnsyhoffr

    ofagood duaion.Insad, hyfind



    onks.Sonvr shirparns again.

    two woen survey he daagein he chrisianvillage of Dogo Nahawa in marh 2010

    In Nigia, hoifi violn and assas sukh own ofJos in Januay andmah 2010. Only h Lod knows howanyofHis ol w killd. In haly hous ofSunday 7mah, n fo h musli Fulani ib, ad wihswods and ahs, aivd in h ainly chisian villags souh of Jos.thvillags w wokn by h ifying sound ofgunshos; h nois was so loudhafighnd sidns an ouofhihouss on o h ss, wh haaks w waiing foh. All h huhs in Dogo Nahawa w bundand any hos wohd. th day afh aaks, dozns ofbodis wbuid in a ass gavas chisians lookdon, singing hyns o Jsus.


    extremely vulnerale

    in burma

    What is Persecution?

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  • 8/7/2019 Barnabas Aid September/October 2010



    What is persecution?

    out this sentence, it is normal for apostates

    from Islam to face serious harassment and

    aggression, sometimes ending in death.

    They are also cut off from their former

    friends and networks, leaving them isolated

    and without support.

    conxs of suion

    Alhough suion an ou in any

    sing, so fos a aiulaly likly

    in ain kinds of soiy. musli-

    ajoiy ounis, and hos wih

    aggssivly sula gis, a

    sially had las fo chisians o

    liv, woshi and winss, u Wsn

    and oh onxs ay ovid fil

    soil fo suion of oh sos.

    musli-ajoiy onxs. In traditional

    Islamic teaching Christians (and Jews) are

    known as dhimmi, a word that suggests

    inferiority and submission. In most Muslim

    countries today Christians are given a lower

    status than Muslims, either officially or

    unofficially. This is worked out in various

    ways according to the degree of control

    exercised by the Muslim majority. It

    ranges from discrimination in

    education, jobs and business, through

    restrictions on religious and other

    freedoms, to prohibition of any kind of

    Christian practice. The worldwide

    resurgence of Islam and its increased

    political power is intensifying the pressure

    on the churches in many places, notably the

    Middle East and Africa.

    Sula onxs. Governments that

    regard any religion as a threat to their

    authority seek to regulate it strictly, or even

    to ban it altogether. Meeting for worship,

    constructing or repairing church buildings,

    and printing or distributing Christianliterature may all be severely restricted.

    Many regimes require churches to

    register with them, control the

    activities of those that do register, and

    harass those that refuse. Some secular

    states, such as North Korea and Eritrea, are

    notorious for the brutal treatment meted

    out to Christians imprisoned for their faith.

    Wsn onxs. Although the intensity of

    persecution suffered by Christians in theWest is generally much less than in other

    parts of the world, the pressure on them has

    grown significantly in recent years.

    Aggressive secularism and radical Islam are

    both seeking to weaken the influence of

    Christianity, while a number of well

    intentioned but deeply flawed new laws are

    driving it out of public life into a purely

    personal sphere. (Please see the

    booklet enclosed with this edition

    of Barnabas Aidfor further

    information on the marginalising ofChristians in the UK in particular.)

    Oh onxs. In some Hindu- and

    Buddhist-majority countries, such as India

    and Sri Lanka, Christians suffer similar

    discrimination and harassment as in Muslim

    nations, as well as violent attacks. Secular

    regimes such as the military junta in Burma,

    may use the majority faith as an ally in the

    oppression of their Christian community.

    Other countries, for example Sudan

    and Nigeria, are divided between

    Christian- and Muslim-majority

    areas, leading to tensions andviolence, and sometimes civil war.

    And Christians are likely to be

    affected with everyone else by the

    Inh UK,IanulHousof

    Worshipchurh inWalhasow,

    nar London, rivdanois



    nighour, livingnxdoor oh

    hurh.Annvironnal halhnfornoffiroldhpaso



    nois downsoasnoooffnd


    thisisamusli orough; youhav

    orad arfully.Inmay2009, h



    InJuly2010,herewereallsfroAfghan edia andoliiiansforheexeuionofonversfroIsla, inlinewihIslaisharialaw, leavingAfghanelieversallonversfro Isla living infear.

    If asd, chisiansin eia a

    ofn hldin al shipping onains,

    whih an bobaking ho duing

    h dayand fzing olda nigh. On

    23 Apil 2010, a youngchisian woan

    who hadbn ipisondfo wo yas

    agially suubd o alaiaand

    sv anaia i is pod ha

    shwas offd fdoand dial

    ain xhang fo abandoning h

    chisian faih.


    ineritra inmtal shipping

    ontainrs similar to ths

    chisians in Laos fa haassn and

    In Januay 2010, 48 chisians,

    inluding won and hildn,

    w fod ou of hi hos

    in Kain villag in h Saavan

    ovin of Laos whn a gou

    of 100 offiials aidd a


  • 8/7/2019 Barnabas Aid September/October 2010




    What is persecution?


    ohr, Khainuroldhrhusand

    hash hadonvrdo

    chrisianiy.enragd,h iduphis


    had alsooachrisian,and

    rually ah infron of h


    opyof h bil,hraningogiv

    h siilarran.Arifa

    says,Wprayrgularly ha on

    dayyfahrigh findh lovof

    chris.I forgivhivnif ha


    destructive policies of corrupt governments,

    as in Zimbabwe, especially Christians who

    speak out for justice.

    Sous of suion

    In most countries anti-Christian persecutiondoes not arise from only one source. It is

    usually the result of a whole societys basic

    suspicion or hostility towards the Christian

    faith and those who practise it, and so it

    finds expression through all the fundamental

    structures of that society: family,

    community, religion and government.

    Faily. In cultures where family ties are

    fairly loose, persecution from relatives may

    amount only to criticism and mockery. But

    where such ties are much stronger, and

    loyalty to ones family is a major part of life,

    those who leave the familys religion

    to follow Christ will experience

    much more intense pressure.

    They are perceived to have

    shamed the family, and they may

    be exposed to emotional blackmail,threats and ostracism to persuade them to

    abandon their Christian faith. They may

    even be killed as a way of restoring the

    familys honour.

    couniy. A society that is hostile to

    Christianity will regard Christians as a

    harmful influence and will try to limit their

    participation in community life. For this

    reason Christians are treated as inferior

    and unfit for certain privileges and

    responsibilities, and are unjustly accusedby individuals or the media of crimes

    against society. Communities may take

    the law into their own hands, and

    punish Christian individuals or

    whole Christian

    communities, sometimes

    with extreme violence.

    ion fo h auhoiis

    unday oning woshi svi. Wih

    uns dawn, h offiials sizd all h

    hisians sonal longings and old

    ha hy would allowd o un

    hi villag only if hy aandond hi

    hisian lifs.

    In Novb2009, a musliob in egyaakd chisians andchisian oy in Fashoo and nighbouing villags, foingchisians o skfug indoos. chisian-ownd shos andbusinsss w lood, vandalisd and bun, as w aakdand so chisian failis w hown ouofhihos. Alassvn chisians w injud in h violn, inluding on chisianladwho wno hosial wih a faud skull. On 6 Januay 2010,h hosiliy ba vn o violn, sading o h nighbouingown ofNag Haadi. Six chisian woshi

    s and a suiy guadw killd whn h gunn sod a woshi svi on hvofh easn chisas Day, on 7 Januay.

    chrisianbusinesses were looed and burned in Farshoo in Noveber2009 (Soure: AINA,

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    What is persecution?

    In the Greek New Testament the wordused most often for persecution isdioko. This can be a neutral term,referring simply to running or seekingafter someone or something. Mostly,however, it denotes the ill-treatment ofChristians by others. In many verses the

    exact nature of the harm is notspecified, and the Greek term could beused for various English words andphrases, such as hostile pursuit andharassment, as well as persecution.

    English dictionaries also give widedefinitions to the word persecution.The Compact Oxford English Dictionarydefines to persecute as to subject toprolonged hostility and ill-treatment, to

    persistently harass or annoy. The FreeDictionarysays, To oppress or harasswith ill-treatment To annoypersistently; bother. The term is

    especially associated with the houndingof people on the grounds of their religion,beliefs etc.

    These broad definitions are accurate andhelpful, but they can also be misleading.When the term persecution is used in a

    very general way, it can blur the majordistinctions between the different kindsof mistreatment endured by Christians.As a result it can trivialise the acutesuffering endured at the hands of othersby at least one in ten of our brothers andsisters across the world, by seeming toput this on the same level as the verymild pressure experienced by Christiansin the West.

    So some Christians prefer to work with amuch narrower definition, using the wordpersecution to refer to only the moresevere forms of ill-treatment, such as

    violence or legal punishment. But thetrouble with this is that when theWestern Church experiences variousforms of discrimination andmarginalisation, we may fail torecognise these as persecution, andeven deny that we are persecuted for

    our faith at all. And if we do notunderstand what is happening to us,we will struggle to respond to it as weshould. Narrowing the meaning ofpersecution thus creates as manyproblems as it resolves.

    We do need a general term to cover allkinds of hurt that are inflicted onChristians because of their loyalty toChrist, and persecution is the most

    suitable word that we have. But weneed also to distinguish between thedifferent types of persecution as clearlyas we can.

    Wha dos suion an?

    rligion. Where a non-Christian religion is

    dominant and largely defines the identity of

    a particular society, Christians are often

    perceived as divisive, anti-social and

    disloyal. In these contexts public expressions

    of the Christian faith, such as corporate

    worship or evangelistic outreach, may be

    restricted or completely forbidden. Christians

    may be offered material or

    financial inducements to

    convert to the majority faith,

    or be forced to do so by

    threats of violence.

    thepuliSeuriybureau(pSb)rouinelyharassand raidhurhesinchina.Forexale, LiangrenchurhinGuangzhou ciyhas eenreeaedlyargeed yhe pSb,asreoredy

    chinaAid. Onanyoasionshehurhhas eensuressed andeven illegallyannedyheauhoriiesand,sineheeginning of2010, heongregaionhavehad oove loaionover10ies.On4marhheseniorasor, WangDao,wasviolenlyarresed as heae wihoherchrisiansina resauran. HehadalreadyeeninerrogaedanyiesypSboffiers,whowere aarenlyseeking odisredihiand hechrisian faih.

    A poinn russian huh

    inis was udd in his

    huh in mosow in Novb

    2009. Danil, 34, was appoahd

    on h nighof 19Novb bya


    hisna andhnsho hi in

    h hadand hs. Danil had

    bn aiv in vanglisi

    ouaho muslisand any

    poplhinkha h ay hav

    bnkilld baus ofhis

    inisyo muslis.

    Sa. Institutional injustice

    against Christians is endemic

    in many societies. When Christians

    suffer at others hands the police and courts

    will often not take action against their

    persecutors or will even arrest the victims.

    Some countries have laws that specifically

    discriminate against Christians, but even

    where there are no such laws, police may

    find pretexts to punish Christians anyway.

    Converts are especially vulnerable. In some

    countries there are laws or a constitution

    that seem to guarantee equality and freedom

    for all faiths. But these may be ignored by

    local officials on the ground.

    pastorWangDao and hiswifeHaiingSun(Soure:Voie ofthemartyrs)


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  • 8/7/2019 Barnabas Aid September/October 2010




    order your free Suffering

    ChurCh SundAy reSourCeS

    th following sous a availal f of hag fo you naional

    banaas Fund offi (addsss on ak ov) o fo ou wsi

    (www.anaasfund.og/ss), o las us h fo low o od.


    I would lik o od h following f sous: (las india quaniis in oxs)

    A3 poster Be on your Guard CD and PowerPoint presentation

    Prayer-and-response cards Copies of the Suffering Church Sunday issue ofBarnabas Aid(Sept/Oct 2010)

    Name: (Mr, Mrs, Miss, M




    Name of church:

    Send this form to your nearest Barnabas Fund office. Addresses on back cover. Resources can also be ordered or downloaded from

    Suffering ChurCh

    SundAy offeringOur Christian brothers and sisters are our

    family. Did you know that 1 in 10 Christianslive with persecution? We are the other

    nine, living with the right to own a Bible

    and to worship our Lord Jesus freely.

    The Bible calls us to give generously (2

    Chronicles 31:5 and 2 Corinthians 9: 6-8).

    Many churches today give a tenth of their

    income to support mission and relief of

    poverty around the world. If your church

    does this, why no ask h o onsid

    giving a nh of ha nh o h

    sud chuh?

    Barnabas Fund supports a range ofprojects around the world to help our

    persecuted brothers and sisters. Please

    consider giving a tithe of your churchs

    tithe or taking up a Suffering Church

    Sunday offering for one of the followingfunds:

    00-345 Viis of Violn Fund:

    helping individuals, families or

    communities who have been singled out and

    victimised because of their Christian faith.

    00-356 Sall businss Sa-U

    Fund: helping poor Christian families

    to support themselves by setting up their

    own small businesses.

    00-477 paso Suo Fund and

    00-478 evanglis Suo Fund:supporting pastors ministering in Christian-

    minority contexts and evangelists and

    church-planters ministering to other faiths in

    a number of different countries. Many of

    them face hostility and violence becauseof the nature of their work.

    00-636 Fding Fund: providing

    food for Christian families in the

    Middle East, Asia and Africa who live in

    desperate poverty, struggling even to have

    enough to eat.

    00-794 chisian Shooling fo

    chisian childn: enabling

    children of the poorest Christian families

    to get an education in a Christian


    Please turn to pages 3-5 to see recent

    examples of projects supported by

    Barnabas Fund.




    n A3 version (approx. 300x420 mm) of the poster (see page6), to advertise your Suffering Church Sunday service.

    n Prayer-and-response cards (see page 21), including thePrayer for Suffering Church Sunday and a responseform.

    n SCS 2010-2011 CD containing music for Andrew Fleetssong, Broken Bones for Jesus, and recorded versionsof the song, with and without accompanying vocals.

    n PowerPoint presentation to accompany the sermonoutline on John 15:18 16:4 (see page 11). This is also

    available on the CD (listed above) and to download from our website.

    We very much appreciate the

    comments and suggestions that our

    supporters give in relation to the

    material we produce. We have

    responded to your comments on last

    years Suffering Church Sunday

    literature by making some changes in

    the resources this year.

    We would be grateful for your

    comments about the 2010-2011

    material and have prepared a feedback

    form that can be found on our website

    (, or

    alternatively you can email or write to

    us (address details on the back cover).


    SUFFERING CHURCHSUNDAY20102011PreparingforPersecution



  • 8/7/2019 Barnabas Aid September/October 2010


    On 3 July, in Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia,

    a banner showing a Christian man with a

    noose around his neck was hung outside a

    mosque with the following words: Thisman deserves the death penalty!

    Andreas Sanau, 29 (the man on the

    banner), and Henry Sutanto have been

    accused by the Islamic Defender Front

    (FPI) of organising mass baptisms. The

    accusations came after 14 buses full of

    people arrived on 30 June at the home of

    Sutanto, the President of the Mahanaim

    Foundation, a Christian organisation that

    helps the poor.

    INDONeSIA: cHrIStIAN mAN tHreAteNeD WItH DeAtHThe Foundation stated that they had no

    intention of carrying out baptisms. But

    according to Murhali Barda, the local

    leader of the FPI (a radical Islamic groupknown for violence against religious

    minorities, especially Christians), Sutanto

    must be killed; he wants a mass baptism.

    Nine members of different Islamic

    organisations in Bekasi, including Barda,

    have joined together to plan a roadshow

    that aims to persuade mosques in the city

    to prepare for the possibility of war

    against Christianisation. The group,

    which was formed on 27 June, the last

    day of the Bekasi Islamic Congress, is

    recommending that each mosque should

    have its own armed militia and that the

    Bekasi municipality should introducesome sharia-compliant policies.

    The Regional Leader of the Indonesian

    Muslim Forum, Bernard Abdul Jabbar,

    said, They will guard the Islamic faith

    and preach the right path to the people.

    According to Barda, We are doing this

    because we want to strike fear in the

    hearts of Christians who behave in such a

    way. If they refuse to stop what theyre

    doing, were ready to fight.


    Christian convert Maher el-Gohary hassurvived an attempted murder after two

    unknown men on a motorbike attacked

    him outside his home on Sunday 5 July.

    El-Gohary says that during the attack one

    of the men shouted the Islamic cry of

    Allah is Great while stabbing him with a

    dagger. The attackers called him an

    infidel, and cursed his Christian faith. He

    says, They were aiming at my neck to

    behead me. El-Gohary fell to the ground

    covered in blood, and he maintains that,

    had it not been for the action of passers-by, he would probably have succumbed to

    his injuries.

    El-Gohary had been a Christian for 36

    years but his conversion was first

    brought to public attention in May 2009

    when he tried to have the religion on his

    ID card changed to reflect his faith.

    Shortly after his conversion from Islam

    became public, El-Gohary and his 15-

    year-old daughter Dina, who is also a

    Christian, were forced into hiding,

    moving home as often as once or twice amonth to avoid being discovered. This is

    not the first attempt on his life, since his

    conversion became public.

    eGYpt: mUSLImS Attempt tO

    beHeAD cHrIStIAN cONVert

    On 13 June 2009, an Egyptian court ruledagainst el-Goharys request to have his

    religious status changed on his ID card.

    After losing the court case, the father and

    daughter tried to leave Egypt, but they

    were stopped at the airport by the

    authorities, who also took their passports,

    without any legal reasons. In April 2010,

    Dina, who had appealed to President

    Obama by letter in December 2009 about

    their plight, was subject to an acid attack;

    fortunately she escaped unharmed.

    maherandDinahaveeenlivinginhidingeause oftheirfaith

    eGYpt: YOUNG



    AbDUctION ANDAttempteD FOrceD


    Christian teenager Zeenahom NadyAdly, 19, was stopped by two Muslim

    men as she walked to the shops in hersmall village near Samalut on 12 June.The men sprayed a substance in her

    face to make her lose consciousness.When she awoke two hours later she

    found herself at the Islamic ShariaAssociation, facing a Muslim leaderwho tried to intimidate her and force

    her to convert to Islam.

    Zeenahoms father sent telegrams to theauthorities, and her family demonstratedoutside the police headquarters

    demanding her return, compelling thesecurity forces to intervene and return

    the girl to her family. The girls father

    requested protection for his family,after he was told by the man in charge

    of the abduction that they will bepursued until we all convert to Islam.

  • 8/7/2019 Barnabas Aid September/October 2010


    A new constitution that was overwhelmingly

    approved by the people of Kyrgyzstan offers

    hope for greater religious freedom following

    the repressive Religion Law passed last year.

    The document gained the backing of more

    than 90 per cent of the vote in a referendum

    held on 27 June, where the turnout was

    nearly 70 per cent. It was held just two

    weeks after violent ethnic clashes between

    Kyrgyz and Uzbeks in southern Kyrgyzstan

    that left hundreds dead. Kyrgyz Christians

    became targets in the conflict as they

    sought to help their Uzbek brothers and

    sisters flee the violence. The referendum

    went ahead even though many of the

    400,000 people, mainly ethnic Uzbeks, who

    had been forced to leave, had not returned.

    There were no major reports of violence or

    voter fraud.

    The Constitution, which creates a mandate

    for Central Asias first parliamentary

    KYrGYZStAN: VOte brINGS HOpe FOr

    reLIGIOUS FreeDOmdemocracy, paves the way for greater

    freedom of religion in Kyrgyzstan under

    interim president Roza Otunbayeva. She

    established a provisional government after

    an uprising in April that led to the

    overthrow of President Kurmanbek

    Bakiyev. Article 32 of the new constitution

    guarantees freedom of conscience and

    religion, including the right freely to

    choose and profess any religion or none;

    Article 16 states that no one shall be

    discriminated against on the grounds of

    religion; and Article 7 underlines the

    separation of religion and state.

    Though it remains to be seen if the

    government will uphold these rights in

    practice, the new constitution offers hope

    for Kyrgyz Christians after the previous

    parliament unanimously approved a

    restrictive Religion Law in January 2009.

    This required any religious organisation to

    have at least 200 members in order to

    register, making it virtually impossible for

    most churches to gain the protection of a

    legal status. The restrictive law also

    banned the distribution of religious

    literature in public places and activities

    directed at the conversion of others.

    There have been encouraging signals from

    the interim government that the Religion

    Law will be reformed. On 15 April this year

    government spokesman Kanybek

    Imanaliyev told Forum 18 News Service:

    We want to establish freedom of speech

    and freedom of religion. We will reform the

    Constitution, the laws as necessary and

    the Religion Law.

    Before the 2009 Religion Law was passed,

    Kyrgyzstan was one of the least restrictive

    of the Central Asian countries for Christians

    and there is now reason to hope that they

    may enjoy greater freedom again.



    A govnn uilding un ou in h ios in Kygyzsanin Jun (Sou bokv03 (Wikidia coons))

  • 8/7/2019 Barnabas Aid September/October 2010




    Christian leader Artur Suleimanov (49)

    has died after being shot in the head as

    he was leaving his church in Dagestan,

    a strongly Islamic republic of Russia.

    A gunman approached and opened fire

    as Mr Suleimanov, a convert from

    Islam, got into a car outside Hosanna

    House of Prayer in Makhachkala on

    15 July. He was taken to hospital but

    died from his wounds an hour later.

    He leaves behind a wife, Zina, and

    five children, the youngest of whom

    is twelve.

    Mr Suleimanovs church is one of the

    largest Protestant churches in

    Dagestan. Barnabas Funds co-ordinator

    for the Former Soviet Union met Pastor

    Suleimanov a number of times and says

    he was a wonderful Christian brother

    and his shocking death is a devastating

    loss for the Dagestan church ... We see

    his murder as an attempt to put further

    pressure on Christian converts in


    The population of Dagestan is 98%

    Muslim, and the Church facesharassment and intimidation from

    various groups in a very lawless and

    violent context.







    A TV report on 27 May apparently showingAfghan converts from Islam to Christianityengaged in various Christian activitiessparked a frenzied anti-Christian responsewith public demonstrations and threatsfrom within parliament.

    The two-year-old footage, which included

    scenes of baptisms, triggered a protest bya group of Kabul University students, whoshouted death threats against the converts(in line with sharia law) and demanded theexpulsion of foreigners accused of trying toconvert Afghans from Islam.

    Two of the Afghan Christians whoappeared in the broadcast were arrestedand shown on national TV again three dayslater. One was pressurised to return toIslam, while the other was shownrepeating the Islamic creed and asking

    forgiveness for having converted. The TVpresenters urged viewers to find moreAfghans who had left Islam and reportthem to the police. The following day a callwas made in Parliament by the DeputySecretary of the Afghan Lower House forthe public execution of the AfghanChristians shown in the TV programme.

    The activities of foreign organisationsallegedly involved in preaching Christianityin Afghanistan were strongly condemned,with members of parliament calling for

    groups seeking the conversion of Muslimsto be expelled from the country. That sameday two Western NGOs with the wordchurch in their name were suspended,accused of promoting Christianity, while


    prOVOKeS ANtI-cHrIStIAN FUrOreother groups were put on a list for furtherinvestigation.

    On 1 June, President Hamid Karzaisspokesman said the president was taking apersonal interest in the situation and hadordered immediate and serious action toprevent any more conversions. It was later

    announced in Parliament by Interior MinisterHanif Atmar that the Government had a listof 23 people, Afghans and foreigners, whomthey were seeking to arrest. Subsequentreports indicate that more Afghan Christianshave been arrested. Many homes in Kabulhave been searched, prompting dozens ofAfghan Christians to flee their towns andeven leave the country.

    On 9 June Afghan Christians in exile in NewDelhi, India, responded to the unfoldingcrisis with an urgent appeal to believersworldwide to help stop the AfghanGovernment from arresting and seeking toexecute Afghan Christians. Execution ispossible under Afghan law, though noChristians are yet known to have sufferedthat fate.

    The letter said: We do not know how thewhole world and especially the GlobalChurch is silent and closing their eyes whilethousands of their brothers and sisters are inpain, facing life danger and death penaltyand are tortured, persecuted and calledcriminals...

    Lets tell the Afghan Government that weare not pagans and infidels; we are notcriminal because of our Christian faith, andlets tell them not to sentence us to death.

    LebANON: tHreAteNING LeAFLetS AIm tO

    FOrce cHrIStIANS OUtIn June, threatening leaflets were

    distributed around Christian villages near

    the southern port city of Sidon. Theleaflets stated, Lebanese Christians, you

    have one week to leave the areas ofSharq-Sidon and the Sidon suburbs.

    Everyone must tell his brothers in order forthem to preserve their lives ... There is noGod but Allah and Muhammad is His


    Christians and Muslims, including GrandMufti Sheikh Mohammad Rashid Qabbani,

    condemned the leaflets. Qabbani said they

    were distributed to incite friction and

    create more tension in an already volatile

    area. The deadline for Christians to leavethe area has now passed, and it seems

    there have been no repercussions. On 30June, it was reported that a man had

    been arrested in connection with the case.

    In a separate incident, on 19 June, abomb exploded in the predominantlyChristian city of Zahle; it is believed that

    the bomb was intended to coincide withthe visit of a Christian denominational

    head the next day.

  • 8/7/2019 Barnabas Aid September/October 2010
