BAS Bulletin, September 2011

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BAS Bulletin, September 2011








September, 2011 Vol. 9 1 Elul – 29 Elul Published Monthly



1545 BUSHKILL STREET • EASTON, PA 18042-3118 (610) 258-5343 • Fax: (610) 330-9100 • email:

DISTRIBUTION NOTICE If you would like family members or others to receive a copy of the bulletin, please send name, address and $15 payment to Bnai Abraham.

If you have not sent your email address to Bnai Abraham office staff, please do so as soon as possible. We will be notifying congregants of emergencies and special events through email.

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS The deadline for submitting items is September 17th. Please have all items to BAS office no later than September 17th. Any items received after that date will be published in the next month’s bulletin.


Aron Hochhauser President Howard Nathanson Director Religious School Shelly Blumenthal USY Advisor & Gift Shop Chair Nanette Neadle USY Chair Howard Nathanson Kadima Advisor Scott Levin Programming Committee Chair Sara Levin Kadima Advisor Irwin Lewis, M.D. Men’s Club President &

Chair Ritual Committee Elaine Morrow Sisterhood President Ellen Lifschutz Choir Director Aliette and Marc Abo, MD Theatre Club Gerald Weisberger House Chair Marna Simon Membership Chair Lothar Gumberich Memorials & Torah

Restoration Committee

O F F I C E H O U R S:

Closed on Mondays and Fridays. Hours open: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.

Services/Minyan Schedule

Thursday: 7:25 AM Friday Night Services – 8:00 PM Saturday: 9:30, AM Kiddush follows

If you require a special minyan, please notify the office at 610-258-5343.

A MESSAGE FROM RABBI DANIEL STEIN Before I begin my column, a few special “Thank Yous” are in order. First, congratulations to Julie Hochhauser for the amazing job she did leading Camptown and making the week such a success. Also, a huge Thank You to Stan and Judy Walker for chairing the triumphant return of the 180 Club. The evening was delightful and I know the entire community is grateful for your efforts.

Some of you may recall that last year on Kol Nidre I made an appeal for mitzvot--I asked that, in addition to the traditional Kol Nidre pledge, members of our community think about one new mitzvah to incorporate into their lives for the coming year. I mentioned that I would be working on the mitzvah of shmirat ha-guf--respecting and caring for my body that our tradition regards as belonging to God. After a year of challenges, this summer I discovered an exercise program that worked for me, and felt like I was on the right track. Like most changes, I know that it will take time for it to become a full part of my life, but I am confident that I am on my way. So, when the new month of Elul began at the end of August, I started to think about what mitzvah I would focus on in the coming year.

As fate would have it, the beginning of Elul also brought a rather unwelcome temporary resident to the Stein household, a 4.5 mm obstructing kidney stone which our rabbinic friends kindly named Evan--Hebrew for stone, and, well, I’ve been laid up for a few days. And while I have spent a good deal of time thinking about prescriptions and making sure to drink appropriate amounts of fluids, I have also thought a lot about a particular prayer in our liturgy which seems especially appropriate to my situation. The Babylonian Talmud, in Brachot 60b, suggests the following ritual:

“On entering a privy one should say: 'Be honoured, ye honoured and holy ones that minister to the Most High. Give honour to the God of Israel. Wait for me till I enter and do my needs, and return to you’…When he comes out he says: 'Blessed is He who has formed man in wisdom and created in him many orifices and many cavities.

It is fully known before the throne of Thy glory that if one of them should be [improperly] opened or one of them closed it would be impossible for a man to stand before Thee'. How does the blessing conclude? R. Papa said: 'Who healest all flesh and doest wonderfully'.”

For most of my life, I had little interest in this ritual--the idea that my religion commands prayer even at using the restroom struck me as comical. If I took any interest, it was only in the form of a kind curiosity, inspired by the writing of Yiddishist Michael Wex in Born to Kvetch. Wex writes: “People unfamiliar with traditional Judaism are often surprised to learn that observant Jews recite a blessing called asher yotser after going to the toilet, but there isn’t a Yiddish speaker alive who can make do without the phrase asher yotser papir, the paper of ‘He Who has created,’ the usual Yiddish term for toilet paper.” (I encourage you to read the rest of Wex’s brilliant analysis; it is smart, witty, and compelling, but a tad too course for this column).

Until my recent, and thank God, relatively benign health scare, I seldom thought of this prayer, and only occasionally, if ever, recited it in my morning worship. But as I listened to my diagnosis, I thanked God that I was born at this time in history. My treatment involved medicines, x-rays, and expert care within in minutes of the problem; if my friend Evan does not exit voluntarily, plans are in place to hasten his departure. But even a century ago, before antibiotics, a stone like mine could have caused serious infection and even death. The words of the Talmud echoed in my ears, and I began to reevaluate the role of the asher yatzar prayer in my religious practice.

Rabbi Dan Ornstein of Albany suggests a few key points for understanding the prayer: if we return to the text from the Talmud, we see that it begins with a plea to “the holy ones.” These, according to Jewish lore, are the two angels that guard a person as they travel in life. Semetic religions believe that while God’s presence fills the world, holy things cannot share a space with the impure.


It is for that reason that Moses removed his shoes at the burning bush, and why devout Muslims remove their shoes before prayer. Similarly, these accompanying angels must wait outside the “privy,” leaving humanity unprotected. This spiritual danger parallels the psychological fear expressed in the prayer upon exiting the restroom: Thank God I survived death, for even that trivial moment could, in fact, be one of great danger.

My experiences this month reminded me that even seemingly insignificant events can be ones of great importance. The asher yatzar prayer is one of many rituals in Judaism designed to help us uncover the deeper meaning of the events in our life, and, in that spirit, I will try to do a better job this year of incorporating it into my religious practice. As we approach the High Holidays, I hope that you, too, will think about a ritual or mitzvah that might be significant to you in the coming year. This practice, I think, can help to contribute to a year of meaning and growth.

Dena and I extend our best wishes for a sweet and fulfilling new year, and look forward to seeing many of you over the holidays.

L’Shana Tova,

Rabbi Daniel Stein

Y a h r z e i t L i s t I n t h e B o n d o f L i f e

September, 2011

Contact Irwin Lewis, Ritual Chairman

September 2 Leonard Koplin, father of Ruth Reiter

September 3 Esther Bragin, mother of A. Brett Bragin

September 7 Barbara Cooperman, sister of Herbert Litvin

September 8 Blanche Berman, mother of Ilona Marmer

September 8 Leo Middleman, father of Wendy Williams

September 8 Louis Shapiro, father of Selma Jacowitz

September 10 Allen Levin, father of Sara Levin

September 10 Max Rosenblum, father of Doris Asteak

September 11 Benjamin Asteak, father-in-law of Doris Asteak

September 12 S. Maxwell Flitter, father of Merle Grollman

September 13 William Sigal, husband of Helaine Sigal

September 14 Edith Stavitsky Bussell, mother of Les Bussell

September 15 Ann Protass, sister-in-law of Bernice Merbaum

September 16 Aaron Ytkin, father of Herman Ytkin

September 17 Don Zuckerman, father of Anne Zuckerman

September 19 Sidney Yonkelowitz, husband of Frances Yonkelowitz

September 21 Dorothy Weiner, mother of Alisa Summers

September 24 Bernice Brooks, mother of Lori Lesser

September 27 Dorothy Feuerman, mother of Helene Kaplan

September 28 Jack Perzley, father of Ellen Busby

September 28 Samuel David Zeidman, father of Judy Cohen

BNAI ABRAHAM SYNAGOGUE General operating expenses

BEATRICE & LEON FRIEDMAN FUND 1. Support organizations that benefit minor children whose parents are unable to provide for their health, maintenance, support and education 2. Needy, elderly 3. Shelter for the homeless

BUILDING FUND Extraordinary maintenance and repair of the buildings and property of the synagogue and parsonage

GENERAL ENDOWMENT FUND Interest (only) used to subsidize Bnai Abraham’s operating expenses




DR. JOEL LEWIS SCHOLARSHIP FUND Bar/Bat Mitzvah tutoring stipends

JULIUS COHEN MEMORIAL FUND 1. Religious School Scholarships 2. Assisting needy congregational youth in Jewish oriented education, programming and activities (Yeshiva or Jewish Day School, trips, USY)



SHEILA GOLDBERG FUND To pay High Holiday fees for anyone who cannot afford to attend

SILVERMAN RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND Religious School Scholarships, Shofars

SUE SIEGEL FUND 1. Shabbat programming, including kiddush lunches 2. Bagels and Books


THEATER FUND Supports a wide variety of synagogue projects and functions

Bnai Abraham Synagogue Sally and Dexter Neadle in memory of Laurie Shainker, sister of Linda Lewis Merle and Joe Grollman in memory of Laurie Shainker, sister of Linda Lewis Alan and Sandy Abeshaus in memory of Marion Ziev, mother of Joel Ziev Robert Wechsler in memory of his uncle, Stanley Cohen Phil and Ellen Hof in memory of Lauri Shainker, sister of Linda Lewis Matthew and Denise Pollack in memory of Laurie Shainker, sister of Linda Lewis

Dr. Joel Lewis Fund Lothar and Wendy Gumberich in memory of Laurie Shainker, sister of Linda Lewis Sally and Dexter Neadle with Get Well wishes to Linda Lewis Susie Aufrecht in memory of Laurie Shainker, sister of Linda Lewis

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Generous donation made by Eloise Stampoulos Herman and Jessica Ytkin wishing Ruth Reiter happiness and good health in her new apartment

Theatre Fund Aliette Abo in honor of Elena Cohen’s graduation Aliette and Marc Abo in memory of Laurie Shainker, sister of Linda Lewis Sandy and Robert Weiner in memory of Gert Abo, step-mother to Marc Abo Herman and Jessica Ytkin in memory of Marc Abo’s uncle, Harry Rosen

Yahrzeit Donation Eloise Stampoulos in memory of her mother, Claire Goldstine Georgine Fontaine in memory of her father, George Sabolick Herbert Litvin in memory of his mother, Anna Litvin Robert Lyons in memory of his mother, Sarah Groh Lyons Bernice Merbaum in memory of her sister-in-law, Ann Protass Herman Ytkin in memory of his father, Aaron Ytkin Herbert Litvin in memory of his sister, Barbara Cooperman

Todah Rabah

Congratulations to Julie Hochhauser and her committee for developing and providing an outstanding and memorable camp experience for the children of our synagogue.

Thank you to Sara Levin and Bob Schaffer for the donations of coffee and office products.

Thank you to Eloise Stampoulos for sponsoring a Kiddush in memory of her parents, Clare and Mel Goldshine.

Thank you to Bernice Merbaum for sponsoring a Kiddush.

A Kiddush is a perfect way to celebrate a special birthday or anniversary, and it allows you the opportunity to celebrate with our community. To sponsor a Kiddush for $36, please contact the synagogue office.

R e f u a h S h ’ l e m a (A Full and Complete Healing) To all who were sick or hospitalized, we wish a return to good health.

Jan Panto Phoebe Altman

Roz Smolow Joe Grollman

I n m e m o r i a m May God in His Kindness Grant Comfort and Solace to the Mourners

Bnai Abraham Synagogue extends its condolences to Linda Lewis on the passing of her sister, Laurie Shainker.

May God comfort Linda along with all who mourn.

Bnai Abraham Synagogue also extends its condolences to Marc Abo on the passing of his uncle, Harry Rosen.

May God comfort Marc and his family.

T h e R i t u a l C o r n e r Especially dedicated to those going on trips to Israel

What to eat in Jerusalem? The STARTERS (salatim in Hebrew or meze in Arabic) are laid out on the table to be shared by all.

The food is usually scooped up with hot fresh bread.

TABULEH is a mixture of bulgur wheat with finely chopped mint, parsley, spring onion, tomato and cucumber seasoned with oil and lemon.

PICKLED VEGETABLES such as carrot, peppers, cabbage, beet root and chillies – a tangy cold dish

MOROCCAN CIGARS minced meat with lots of blackpepper rolled in thin pastry and fried.

AUBERGINES (stuff eggplant) COURGETTES (stuffed zucchini) or other stuffed dishes like fine leaves, pumpkins, carrots or cabbage stuffed with minced meat or rice and baked

TAHINI sesame seed paste with parsley, oil, lemon and garlic

KIBBE croquettes made of bulgur or cracked wheat with meat, onions, and pine nuts and HUMMUS and KIBBE SOUP and BEAN SOUP.

S i s t e r h o o d N e w s

Source: Jerusalem and the Holy Land – Eyewitness Travel DK Publishing, Inc.

Submitted by Irwin Lewis

Join the Sisterhood Board

Making the Sisterhood a vibrant part of the synagogue takes a strong team. Please consider assuming a Sisterhood Board position.

Time to Renew Your Membership

Please send your check for $20 made out to The Sisterhood of Bnai Abraham to the office. Last year Sisterhood dues and past fund-raising efforts contributed $5000 toward the Parsonage renovation, $2000 toward Rabbi Stein’s installation, as well as contributions toward the USY weekend, Dena’s Welcome Luncheon, and our Break-the-Fast Dinner. Let’s work together so we can continue to support the synagogue in this way.

Elaine Morrow, Sisterhood President 610-588-1561


Banana Factory 25 W. Third Street

South Bethlehem, PA Join us for a splendid afternoon of music and a sweet and savory reception afterwards

The Chaleureux Trio (Three Clarinets!)

Clarinetists Debra Andrus, John Schwartz, and Steve Reisteter, who make up the clarinet section of the Allentown Symphony Orchestra, will play music from classical favorites to contemporary, a piece

composed by Reisteter, and a little klezmer!

General announcements…

MINDFUL FITNESS Happily Presented by Bnai Abraham Sisterhood

Cost: $5.00 Come join Sharon Trinker on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 AM for sculpting, toning, pilates and yoga. No prior workout experience necessary. Bring hand weights, a mat or towel, water and a smile.

Please call with any questions @ 610-253-3069

BRUNCH AND LEARN With Rabbi Daniel Stein

Yiddish Poetry Wednesday September 21st, 2011 at 9:45 am

Jewish Family Service 2004 Allen Street

Allentown, PA To make a reservation, Call 610-821-8722 by September 19th, 2011

Members of Bnai Abraham are open to participate in community choir for this year's Slichot service. Rehearsals will be each Sunday

between now and September 24th (except Labor Day Weekend), 7-9p.m. at Temple Beth El, and one additional rehearsal still to be determined during the week of September 19.

Selichot Program and Service is Saturday evening, September 24th. Please contact Shari Spark at, as soon as possible so that appropriate numbers of

music can be made available for rehearsals.

General announcements continued…


Summer Schedule Wednesday mornings at 10:30 a.m.

September 14 at the home of Liz Cartine 2260 Sheffield Dr., Easton, 18040

Phone: 484 373-0990 Please call the hostess if you have any questions and to let her know that you will attend.

TALENT SHOW Bnai Abraham Synagogue

Saturday, October 15 at 3pm Tell stories, sing, play instruments, dance, act,

entertain, magic, or read poetry

To participate call Synagogue at (610) 258-5343 or Ellen/Boris at (610) 559-9073 or


The Jahna Haldeman-Foland Memorial Lecture Series Presents: Ira Byrock, M.D.,

Director of Palliative Medicine at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, New Hampshire, and

Professor at Dartmouth Medical School

“The Four Things That Matter Most” Monday October 3, 2011

5:00 pm – 8:00 pm Lehigh Valley Health Network, Cedar Crest – Employee Auditorium

For more information please call 610-402-8564

SAVE THE DATE Double Chai Plus JFS Anniversary Celebration

November 5th, 2011 at the Barrister’s Club

In Honor of Tama Fogelman and JFS past presidents Food catered by Boscov’s. Music by the Trio Fuzed.

For more information and to make reservations, call 610-821-8722

COFFEE WITH RABBI STEIN Enjoy coffee with the Rabbi at 1:00 pm on Tuesdays at Wegmans on Rt. 248.

Look for the Martin Guitar on the back right corner of the room.

HIGH HOLY DAY Rabbi Stein will be leading Kever Avot services--the traditional memorial services of

the High Holidays-- at both the South Side and Forks cemeteries on Sunday, October 2, 2011. Services at South Side will be at 12:30 and at Forks at 1:15.

BNAI ABRAHAM HEBREW SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Sunday September 11th 9:30 am – 11:00

School begins September 18th 9:30 am – 12:00 pm

General announcements continued…


Please notify the Bnai Abraham Synagogue office of any address changes to avoid charges for returned and undeliverable mail and to insure that you receive all mail being sent to you from the synagogue.


We are asking every member of our congregation to help us locate prospective new members. They may be your neighbors, friends, vet, or whoever. Please relay the name and any pertinent information to the Membership Chair, Marna Simon or to Elaine Morrow. You may also call and give the information to the synagogue office staff.


Click on the Amazon search link on the “Donations” page on the BAS website, and for any purchases made during your visit on, Amazon will contribute 4% to 15% of the purchase price to Bnai Abraham!

How it works:

Navigate to the BAS Donations webpage at and type any item keyword in the Amazon search box, and you will be transferred to (You must use this link or purchases will not be traced to BAS). If you place items in your shopping cart and complete a purchase during your visit, Amazon will pay us a portion of the purchase price (not including shipping), that portion to range from 4% to 15% depending on the item category.

Rates for categories are posted on our website.

We encourage all of our members to shop on – but remember to only access through the BAS link at the below url or we will not get the purchase credit:

Thank you for your continued support of BAS and HAPPY SHOPPING!


Bnai Abraham has been signed up at Al’s Cleaners, 1132 Northampton Street, to enable the synagogue to collect 10% of all sales of dry cleaning and laundry services that our congregants spend there. It’s easy. Just mention that you are a member of Bnai Abraham Synagogue, and they will credit the synagogue and send the proceeds periodically. Al’s is only about seven blocks from the synagogue, has very convenient hours, and does excellent work.

ADULT EDUCATION Our successful Torah Study group will continue to meet Thursday mornings, 10:15 to 11:15. No prior experience is necessary. We are charging a low materials fee of $10 per semester to defray the cost of copying and coffee.

Bnai Abraham Synagogue 1545 Bushkill Street, Easton, PA 18042

L E A G R A M S Dear Member:

Below you will find the Leagram list for the fourth quarter of 2011. Leagrams costs $2.00 each. Indicate those people to who you want card sent. We would also appreciate if you would complete the form below.

Please mail the entire sheet with your check payable to BNAI ABRAHAM SYNAGOGUE to the office

TOTAL NUMBER OF CARDS _______ AT $2.00 EACH = __________

TOTAL AMOUNT = ___________


_____________________________________________________________________________________ To bring the Leagram list up-to-date, please fill in the following with your anniversary, other anniversaries, you notice missing from the list, or scheduled Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, and please return these changes/additions to us.


ADDRESS: ______________________________________________

PHONE: ________________________________________________

WEDDING ANNIVERSARY: ________________________________

If you would like to be added to the Leagram listing, please complete the form with your name and wedding anniversary date and return to Bnai Abraham office.

a n n i v e r s a r y C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S

October 9 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Bader 542 Trails End Easton, PA 18040 October 21 Mr. & Mrs. David Kaplan 103 S. 17 Street Easton, PA 18042 November 9 Mr. & Mrs. Alan Abeshaus 9100 Beach Apt. 1908 Margate, NJ 08402 November 16 Mr. & Mrs. John Crescenzi 3412 Jones Blvd. Easton, PA 18045 December 13 Mr. & Mrs. Lothar Gumberich 3730 Timberlane Drive Easton, PA 18045 December 19 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Goldman 63 Canterbury Road Phillipsburg, NJ 08865 December 20 Mr. & Mrs. William Rider 3015 Windsor Street Easton, PA 18045 December 22 Dr. & Mrs. Joel Brooks 251 Cobblestone Lane Bethlehem, PA 18020 December 26 Mr. & Mrs. Dexter Neadle 8 Hartung Way Belvidere, NJ 07823

Saturday, September 24th 8:30 PM - COMMUNITY SELICHOT and PROGRAM - at Temple Beth El (see page 10)

Wednesday, September 28th , EREV ROSH HASHANAH 6:32 PM – Candle lighting (at home) 7:00 PM – Services

Thursday, September 29th , 1st Day of ROSH HASHANAH 9:00 AM – Services 11:00 AM – Shofar Sounded 11:30 AM – Family Service 4:00 PM – Tashlich, meet at Rabbi’s

home 7:32 PM - Candle lighting at home 8:00 PM – Services

Friday, September 30th , 2nd Day of ROSH HASHANAH 9:00 AM – Services 11:00 AM – Shofar Sounded 11:30 AM – Family Service 7:00 PM – Services

Sunday, October 2nd Congregational Memorial Services at the Cemeteries 12:30 PM – South Side 1:15 PM – Forks

Friday, October 7th, KOL NIDRE 6:17 PM – Candle lighting (at home), fast begins 6:30 PM sharp– Kol Nidre

Saturday, October 8th, YOM KIPPUR 9:00 AM – Yom Kippur Services 11:00 AM JFamily Congregation 11:45: Yizkor (Memorial Services) 4:30 PM Study Session on the Book of Jonah 5:00 PM Minha 6:00 PM Ne’ilah 7:00 PM Ma’ariv 7:15 PM Break-the-Fast

Wednesday, October 12th, EREV SUKKOT 6:09 PM – Candle lighting (at home) 8:00 PM – Services

Thursday, October 13th, 1st DAY SUKKOT 9:30 AM – Services Kiddush in the Sukkah 7:10 PM – Candle lighting (at home)

Friday, October 14th, 2nd DAY SUKKOT 9:30 AM – Services Kiddush in the Sukkah

Wednesday, October 19th, EREV SHEMINI ATZERET 5:58 PM – Candle lighting (at home) 8:00 PM – Services

Thursday, October 20th, SHEMINI ATZERET 9:30 AM – Services Yizkor Memorial Service 6:00 PM – Candle lighting (at home) 6:00 PM – Family dinner details in October’s bulletin 7:30 PM – Simhat Torah Family Service

Friday, October 21st, SIMHAT TORAH SERVICE 9:30 AM


SUKKOT 2011 Etrog and Lulov orders

Each set consists of an Israeli Etrog, Lulov (palm branch) with its palm holder, Hadassim (mrytle branches), and Arovoth (willow branches).

We have various levels of sets – they are however equal in kashruth.

REGULAR $29.00 Includes shipping and handling

PRIME $33.00 Includes shipping and handling

DELUXE $37.00 Includes shipping and handling

Each set is already assembled together in a holder with the Lulov, Hadassim and Arovoth as one unit. In addition, each set is separately

wrapped and sealed to reduce your workload, thereby saving you precious time.

Along with each set you will receive a basic guide as a complimentary gift to express our appreciation to you. It will contain a list of all the Brochoth

(blessings) and Halochoth (laws) of the four species.

PLEASE MAIL YOUR ORDER WITH YOUR CHECK TO THE SYNAGOGUE BY SEPT. 15th. No order will be accepted after the 15th.

NAME: _____________________________________

Price per set Qty of Sets Price

Regular - $29.00 _____ $___________

Prime - $33.00 _____ $___________

Deluxe - $37.00 _____ $___________


When: October 30th, 2011 at 3pm Where: Bnai Abraham Synagogue

Why: To share your talent What for: To enjoy

Who: Yourself, your relatives, your friends How: show your talent

Prerequisite: Pride in what you do

To be considered you must be able to do one of the following talents:

Tell stories, sing, play instruments, dance, act, entertain, make tricks or magic, read poetry or

prose and much much more.

To participate call Synagogue at (610) 258-5343 or Ellen/Boris at (610) 559-9073 or


The 69th Broadway Extravaganza!! Join the Bnai Abraham’s Theater Group!!

Sunday, November 13th, 2011 The 2011 Tony Award winning Broadway Musical

A hilarious story line following a pair of mismatched Mormon boys sent on a mission to a place that’s about as far from Salt Lake City as you can get!!!

Curtain Time: 3:00 PM Departure: 9:15 AM, SHARP

Eugene O’Neill Theater, 230 W. 49th Price: $195.00

Checks payable to: Bnai Abraham Synagogue

Dr. Marc and Aliette Abo 936 Wedgewood Road Bethlehem, PA 18017

“Book of Mormon”

Name: Address: City: Phone: Email: # of Tickets requested:

Join Rabbi Daniel and Dena Stein on Bnai Abraham Synagogue’s

I’m Joining Rabbi Daniel and Dena Stein on Bnai Abraham Synagogue’s

Israel Multi-Generational; Family Tour Dec. 25, 2011 – Jan. 5, 2012

Optional Eilat Petra extension Jan. 4 – 8, 2012


180 Club

The evening was an amazing success both socially and financially. This was only possible through the hard work of the following committee members: Rabbi Stein, Aron Hochhauser, Danny Cohen, Shirley Falk, Becky Goldenberg, Elaine Morrow, Nan Ronis, and Stan Walker. I offer them my sincere gratitude.

I also wish to thank the many other volunteers who donated their time and talents to the set up and coordination of the event. To every one who purchased tickets and attended, I hope you had an enjoyable time. Your participation was the key to our success.

Lastly I wish to thank our sponsors and benefactors who so generously contributed to our financial success. Please remember to thank them personally and patronize the businesses that support our congregation. They are listed below.

Thanks again to everyone. Shalom, Judy Walker, Fundraising Chair

Platinum Benefactor : Bennett Automotive

Group Benefactor Level: Coordinated Health Development Corporation Martin Cohen Family Foundation Bloomies Flower Shop Becky Goldenberg and Hans Lauten The Walker Family

Sponsor Level: Beverly Palm Jewelers Aliette and Marc Abo Nancy and Danny Cohen Rabbi Daniel and Dena Stein

Jewish Family Services of the Lehigh Valley

F o o d P a n t r y help keep our kosher food pantry stocked…

Every time you attend a meeting for a Jewish 0rganization, please bring a non-perishable kosher item with you. Call for your collection box and pick up. Call Becky Goldenberg at 610-892-1250 or Email: or Jewish Family Services of The Lehigh Valley at 610-821-8722.

Jewish Family Services of the Lehigh Valley will provide a collection box and will pick up the items.

T r e e o f L i f e

Permanently commemorate your simcha or celebrate a person!

The “Tree of Life” sculpture is on display in the BAS Main lobby known as Founders Hall.

It is used to honor and remember special events such as: Bar/Bat Mitzvahs







and any other special milestone or celebration!

Leaf: $140 Apple: $800

Or memorialize your loved one:

Stone at base of tree: $1,100

Dedicate a memorial plaque to be located on the

walls of the Sanctuary: $300

To honor your friends on the Walk of Life: $350

Lothar Gumberich, Chairman: 610-253-5263 BAS office: 610-258-5343

ProJeCt of Easton has been helping people help themselves for 42 years, ever since a group of clergy and everyday people of goodwill saw the need in their community and acted. Today, ProJeCt offers relief to people struggling to meet their basic needs, helps lift them out of emergencies, and supports their move to self-sufficiency through top-ranked adult and family education programs. ProJeCt also works for you as we work to build a strong community. With your support, we serve over 3,600 families and individuals annually. It’s our ProJeCt. It’s your ProJeCt.

Donations Needed for Food Pantry

(Food Pantry menus change monthly; therefore, items will change accordingly.)

Canned potatoes

Canned soup


Saltine crackers

Hygiene products (deodorant, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, etc.)

Brown paper bags (grocery store size)

Food items can be delivered directly to ProJeCt’s Food Pantry, located at the rear of St. John’s Lutheran Church parking lot, 330 Ferry St. Easton. Donations accepted Mon - Fri, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm, and 1:00 - 4:00 pm. (For large donations of food, please schedule drop-off in advance)

Other: Gift cards for pharmacy, clothes and food, children’s backpacks, school supplies - notebooks, binders, filler paper, pens and pencils, flash-drive memory sticks, new or gently-used strollers, new or gently-used locking file cabinets, new or gently-used brochure display racks, room dividers or partitions.

BAS is going green

We will email the bulletin to all those who have

provided a current e-mail address. Everyone will

continue to receive the bulletin by mail.

Please send your email address to

You will receive your bulletin quicker

and in full color. Please note...

We will be notifying congregants of emergencies

and special events through e-mail.

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. These three words are applicable to a wide variety of things and situations Paper is a precious commodity and comes from trees, one of our dwindling natural resources. Stay conscious of the need to conserve paper, and rethink some of your work or school printing practices. This will cut down on wasted paper and will decrease the amount of new paper that needs to be purchased. Don't print things out unless absolutely necessary. Try not to print emails. Back up files on your computer using multiple electronic methods and locations. If you still have old one-sided sheets of paper around, use them for printing, copying, or as a notepad for taking notes. And always recycle paper rather than throwing it in the trash.

Our Advertisers… we thank you for your patronage

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