Basic day, group one

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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Alex Hannah


Getting Ready for School Pictures

• Boys wake up and get dressed. They usually wear a t-shirt and shorts. Their breakfast consists of cereal, bagels, or waffles. Then they make their lunch, and they drive to school with their carpool.

• Girls wake up and get dressed. That includes doing there hair. Later they eat the same kind of breakfast as boys, make their lunch( which includes sandwich, chips, cookie, and fruit). Then they go to school with their carpool.

Getting Read for School Pictures

Beginning of School

• When boys get to school they get the right books out of our lockers for their first classes and go to the bathroom. Sometimes they talk about the previous nights sports.

• Girls prepare for the classes as well and then just talk.

The Beginning of School

First Half Of School

• Girls and boys have their first three classes, Social Studies, Language Arts, and Math. Then they have flex time which is where they read or work on homework, and then they have an hour for lunch and recess.

Last Part Of School

• After recess they have forth period an example is Science. Afterwards they pack up their backpacks and then wait in the gym for their carpool numbers to be called, and to then pick them up.

Carpool Car


• Then boys and girls sometimes have sports after school, but when they get home they do their homework, eat a snack, and then eat dinner at around 6:30pm.


• After eating boys and girls shower and get ready for bed. Boys and girls watch some TV. (example: American Idol). And then they read and go to bed.