Basic: Food: Grocery Shopping – week 17 – (3 of...

Post on 07-May-2018

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Basic: Food: Grocery Shopping – week 17 – (3 of 4)

Unit Objective: Students will be able to navigate a supermarket, correctly write and give money for a price, write there is/there are food sentences and checkout at a supermarket.

Lesson Objectives: Materials

Students will be able to ask where things are in a supermarket

Students will be able to listen for price

Story, TOTB Shopping SV “Hill Street Fish Market” pg. 39

Aisle pictures (see below)

Mini white boards (ask coordinator)

Aisle worksheet (see below)

Activity Ideas:

Price – Ss have white boards. Teacher says a price; students write the stated price. Discuss the two ways to write cents (99c, $0.99)

Aisles: Introduce aisles with pictures on ELMO. Discuss sections: produce, bakery, meat, dairy – what do you buy in each? Write the four aisles on the board. As a class, students match food pictures with the aisles.

Aisle worksheet


Lesson Objectives: Materials

Review Monday’s objectives

Students will be able to ask where things are in a supermarket.

Students will be able to use the correct monetary amounts for stated price

Fake money (ask coordinator)

English for Success (book 2), pg 15

Activity Ideas:

Money practice – Ss get $$. T says a food with a price, “The apples are $1.25.” Ss show how much with their money.

Price listening worksheet: English for Success (Book 2), pg 15. T guides students.

Speaking – T and Ss create dialogue on board to ask about where food is located. Practice with different foods which highlight the 4 aisles (bakery, dairy, produce and meat)

A: Excuse me, where is the milk? B: In the dairy aisle. A: Thank you.


Lesson Objectives: Materials

Review Monday and Tuesdays objectives

Students will be able to perform a check out dialogue

CASAS price worksheet (see below)

Activity Ideas:

Checkout dialogue: T and Ss create checkout dialogue: o A: Hello. Paper or plastic?

B: Paper please. A: Your total is $45. Cash or credit? B: Cash, please. A: Thank you. Have a good day. T/Ss practice in various ways. Ss write dialogue.

CASAS price worksheet: T-made Dictation – shop, meat, bakery. Where are the eggs?


Lesson Objectives: Materials

Review objectives from week

Write about foods using there is/there are

Food pictures (see below – some students will have the same ones)

Activity Ideas:

Food Writing - T models writing There is/There are sentences about a picture. Ss get different pictures are write sentences. Fast finishers can use a picture dictionary to write many sentences. Ss read what they’ve written in pairs.